• Title/Summary/Keyword: geological survey

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Variation of Gold Content in Rocks and Minerals from the Seongsan and Ogmaesan Clay Deposits in the Haenam Area, Korea (해남지역 성산 및 옥매산 점토광산에서와 금함량 변화)

  • Yoon, Chung-Han
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.571-577
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    • 1995
  • Several acid-sulfate clay deposits associated with silicic magmas occur in the Haenam area of the southwestern part of Korea. Geology of the studied area consists of tuffs, granitic rocks, quartz porphyry, rhyolite, andesite and sedimentary rocks. The granitic rocks and quartz porphyry intruded tuffs and sedimentary rocks. The rhyolite and tuffs around the mines have undergone hydrothermally weak or strong alteration. Gold contents with major and trace elements have been determined for a total of sixty-seven specimens of fresh igneous rocks, wall rocks and minerals such as dickite and alunite by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer and inductively coupled plasma. Gold is enriched in the alunite vein and the silicified zone, but is depleted in dickites and hydrothermally altered rocks with dickite of the Seongsan deposit. Gold is especially concentrated near the faults or conjunction area of two faults. High content of gold is shown in the mineral assemblages of alunitequartz- pyrite in the alunite vein and silicic zone of the Seongsan deposit compared with that of minerals and rocks from another deposits distributed in the studied area. Gold content in tuffs and dickites with pyrite is generally low. Gold content in silicified tuff tends to show positive correlations with content of As, Hg and Sb. Variation trends of Cd, Hg and Sb are similar to those of gold content. From the result of gold content variations, gold may be transported and concentrated by mineralizing solutions ascending along the cracks like fault. Therefore, it is important to survey alunite vein and silicified zone at the conjunction of faults, and to analyze pathfinder elements such as As, Hg and Sb for geological and geochemical exploration of gold in the studied deposits.

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Error Analysis of Satellite Imagery for Sea Surface Temperature in the High School Science Textbooks and Responses of Pre-service Teachers (고등학교 과학 교과서 인공위성 해수면온도 영상 오류 분석과 예비교사들의 반응)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Choi, Won-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.809-831
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    • 2011
  • Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is one of the most important oceanic variables to understand rapidly-changing climate, so that accurate and error-free SST images should be presented in school science textbooks. However, satelliteobserved SST images in the high-school textbooks presented some errors caused by various reasons. This study analyzed 36 satellite images for SST presented in 24 kinds of high-school textbooks (earth science I and II textbooks on the basis of the 7th National Curriculum) for 17 items. This study investigated errors in image processing such as cloud removal, land masking, color bar, geological and time information, and some erroneous expressions related to the fundamental information of satellites. Twenty five pre-service teachers filled out a survey about several problematic satellite images, and their responses were analyzed. As a result, most of the pre-service teachers did not recognize the errors associated with image processing and tended to comprehend the SST errors as real oceanographic phenomena such as sea ice, river outflow, or cold current. Therefore, satellite SST images in the textbooks should be accurately presented by including detailed items suggested in this study.

Insects Diversity by Habitat Types in Middle Inland of DMZ, Korea (DMZ 중부지역의 서식유형에 따른 곤충다양성)

  • Park, Soeng-Joon;Lee, Jung-Hyo;Oh, Seung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.682-693
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    • 2012
  • This study was intented to understand the insects diversity and forest in DMZ, and provide data and information required to preserve living creatures and geological management, and basic information for the management and preservation policies. This study has surveyed insects diversity by habitat types in Middle Inland of DMZ, Korea from 15 to 19 September, 2009. Totally there were 128 species belonging to 53 families of 10 orders, among them, 7 endermic species, 3 management of exotic species and 25 designated species were showed. The highest was 26 species of Hemiptera(20.31%) and then next turn are 22 species of Coleoptera(17.19%) and 20 species of Hymenoptera(15.63%) respectively. Dominant species are Ceracris nigricornislaeta (Bolivar)(0.152) in S1, Menida violacea Motschulsky(0.218) in S2, Stomorhina obsoleta (Wiedemann)(0.171) in S3, Ducetia japonica (Thunberg)(0.212) in S4, Oedaleus infernalis Saussure(0.178) in S5, Sepedon aenescens Wiedemann(0.268) in S6, Adelphocoris triannulatus (Stal)(0.257) in S7 and Ricania taeniata Stal(0.150) in S8 site. The diversity(H') and richness(RI) of insects at survey area as S2(H'=3.461, RI=9.64), S3(H'=3.457, RI=9.18) and S1(H'=3.447, RI=8.88) were higher than in the others and the lowest in S8(H'=2.790, RI=5.341). But the highest species evenness index(EI) occurred in S8(0.985).

Classification of Transport Vehicle Noise Events in Magnetotelluric Time Series Data in an Urban area Using Random Forest Techniques (Random Forest 기법을 이용한 도심지 MT 시계열 자료의 차량 잡음 분류)

  • Kwon, Hyoung-Seok;Ryu, Kyeongho;Sim, Ickhyeon;Lee, Choon-Ki;Oh, Seokhoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.230-242
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    • 2020
  • We performed a magnetotelluric (MT) survey to delineate the geological structures below the depth of 20 km in the Gyeongju area where an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 occurred in September 2016. The measured MT data were severely distorted by electrical noise caused by subways, power lines, factories, houses, and farmlands, and by vehicle noise from passing trains and large trucks. Using machine-learning methods, we classified the MT time series data obtained near the railway and highway into two groups according to the inclusion of traffic noise. We applied three schemes, stochastic gradient descent, support vector machine, and random forest, to the time series data for the highspeed train noise. We formulated three datasets, Hx, Hy, and Hx & Hy, for the time series data of the large truck noise and applied the random forest method to each dataset. To evaluate the effect of removing the traffic noise, we compared the time series data, amplitude spectra, and apparent resistivity curves before and after removing the traffic noise from the time series data. We also examined the frequency range affected by traffic noise and whether artifact noise occurred during the traffic noise removal process as a result of the residual difference.

A Study on the Talent Development of Geoscience and Mineral Resources in IS-Geo of KIGAM: Focusing on the Training Needs Analysis and Training Performance Assessment (국제지질자원인재개발센터의 지질자원 인재개발 발전방안 고찰: 교육요구분석 및 교육훈련 과정 성과평가를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chan;Jung, Bo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.230-242
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    • 2016
  • IS-Geo (International School for Geoscience Resources) was established with a purpose of developing domestic and international human resources within the field of geological resources, andit has been achieving its training goals well since its inception. This study conducted training needs analysis and training performance assessment to assure the objectivity of the performance outcome of IS-Geo. For the training needs analysis, Borich's equation and Locus for Focus method were used. A survey was utilized for the training performance assessment to analyze the satisfaction and the transfer of training based on gender, age, education, and attendance of the trainees. The results of this study showed that training needs of training course in the fields of geology, mineral resources, petroleum and marine, and geologic environment have been deducted, and the urgent need of training course development has been determined by locus for focus. As a result of performance assessment of training course, the fields of mineral resources and geologic environment's course showed a higher satisfaction with the learning achievement than the course of geology fields.

Analysis of Landslide locations using Spectral Reflectance of Clay Mineral and ASTER Satellite Image (점토광물의 분광반사율 및 ASTER 위성영상을 이용한 산사태 발생지역 분석)

  • Nam, Koung-Hoon;Lee, Hong-Jin;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the key factors that contribute to landslide causes through swelling clay minerals and terrain analysis in landslide sites taken place of in Yongin city, Gyeonggi-do, 2011. The study was conducted based on field survey by XRD (X-ray Diffraction), XRF (X-ray fluorescence), spectroscopic analysis on soil samples obtained from landslide sites and ASTER satellite image. Illite shows absorption features; $Fe^{2+}$ and $Fe^{3+}$ at 0.9 and $1.0{\mu}m$, broad water absorption features near 1.4 and $1.9{\mu}m$, and additional Al-hydroxyl features at 2.2, 2.3 and $2.4{\mu}m$, respectively. These absorption features are consistent with the bands 5, 6, and 7 of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) satellite image. Illite image was extracted using band math of $SWIR_{Illite}$. From these results, we confirmed the applicability of ASTER satellite image using identification of swelling clay minerals to landslide study.

Relations between Physical and Mechanical Properties of Core Samples from the Bukpyeong and Pohang Basins (북평분지와 포항분지 시추코어의 물리적 성질과 역학적 성질간의 관계)

  • Kim, Hyunjin;Song, Insun;Chang, Chandong;Lee, Hikweon;Kim, Taehee
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.329-340
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    • 2013
  • A geologic survey of the Bukpyeong and Pohang basins, as candidate basins for the geological storage of $CO_2$, was performed to evaluate storage capacity and security. To analyze the mechanical stability of the storage reservoir and cap rocks, we measured the porosity, seismic velocity, uniaxial strength, internal frictional angle, and Young's modulus of core samples recovered from the two basins. It is costly and sometimes impossible to conduct tests over the entire range of drill holes, and continuous logging data do not yield the mechanical parameters directly. In this study, to derive the mechanical properties of geologic formations from the geophysical logging data, we determined the empirical relations between the physical properties (seismic velocity, porosity, and dynamic modulus) and the mechanical properties (uniaxial strength, internal friction angle) of the core samples. From the comparison with our core test data, the best fits to the two basins were selected from the relations suggested in previous studies. The relations between uniaxial strength, Young's modulus, and porosity of samples from the Bukpyeong and Pohang basins are more consistent with certain rock types than with the locality of the basins. The relations between the physical and mechanical properties were used to estimate the mechanical rock properties of geologic formations from seismic logging data. We expect that the mechanical properties could also be used as input data for a modeling study to understand the mechanical instability of rock formations prior to $CO_2$ injection.

Concentrations of VOCs in Groundwater Associated with Land Uses in Ulsan Area (토지이용에 따른 울산지역 지하수의 VOCs 함량 특성)

  • Yun Uk;Cho Byong-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.6 s.169
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    • pp.613-629
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    • 2004
  • Contamination of groundwater by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was investigated for 168 groundwater wells in Ulsan area to study the natural attenuation of organic compounds in the aquifers. As groundwater contamination by VOCs is closely related to land use, 168 groundwater samples were classified into 4 different groups; agricultural, forestry, industrial, and residential & business. From analysis 65 out of 168 groundwater samples contained more than one VOC. Analysis of samples were performed fir 36 halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons and 25 petroleum hydrocarbons set up by NAWQA of US geological survey. Twelve petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in 26 groundwater wells, but their concentrations were less than 1.5 g/L except for MTBE. Twenty three chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, composed of 11 methanes, 6 ethanes and 6 ethenes, were detected in 63 groundwater samples. The range of methanes concentration was $ND\~330\;/gL,\;ethanes\;ND\~84\;gL$, and PCE and their derivatives $ND\~62\;g/L$. As the study area was comprised of the aerobic/denitrification zones and $Fe^{+3}$ redox condition, most of petroleum hydrocarbons were degraded well, while halogenated hydrocarbons were slowly biodegradation.

Geochemical Exploration for the Stream Sediments of the Tumbang Mirih in the Middle Kalimantan, Indonesia (인도네시아 중부 칼리만탄 뚬방미리지역의 하상퇴적물에 대한 지화학탐사)

  • Kim In-Joon;Lee Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.3 s.178
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    • pp.301-328
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    • 2006
  • The geology of the Tumbang Mirih area in the Middle Kalimantan, Indonesia comprises Permian to Carboniferous Pinoh Metamorphic Rocks and Cretaceous Sepauk Plutonics of the Sunda Shield, late Eocene Tanjung Formation, Oligocene Malasan Volcanics, Oligocene to early Miocene Sintang Intrusives and Quaternary alluvium. Results of geochemical exploration and geological mapping exposed obviously that large amounts of gold-bearing quartz veins were found in the whole Tumbang Mirih areas. In many places, gold grains were megascopically detectable from panning products of stream sediments and conglomerate as Quaternary sediments. Even though no remnants of quartz veins are revealed in the most of survey area except Taran region, association of fold grains with layers of quartz pebbles and clays which correspond to the horizon of unconformity or previous river bottom indicates that the gold grains were separated from quartz veins. Along rivers often pebbles and clay layers just over or 10 to 20cm above the current waterlevel are recognized. The occurrence of gold in the conglomeratic layer was frequently confirmed during geochemical exploration. Since the conglomeratic layer was old stream sediments of Quaternary, it can be assumed that deposition of golds was controlled by shape of river floor, speed and shape of river flow, and distance from the source rock. Taran area and northern Takaoi area based on the all data are recommended as the promising areas.

Occurrence and Mineral Characteristics of Au-Ag-Cu-Bi Bearing Quartz Veins in the Estancia de la Virgen area, Guatemala (과테말라 Estancia de la Virgen 지역 금-은-동-비스무스 광화대의 산상과 광물특성)

  • Shin, Eui-Cheol;Kim, Soo-Young;Hong, Sei-Sun;Kim, In-Joon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.463-472
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    • 1998
  • The survey was carried out in order to delineate the occurrence of ore deposits and the mineralized characteristics in the Estancia de la Virgen area through the 1:2,000 scaled geological mapping and topographic measuring surveys. Gold-silver mineralization is in the fault block developed between the San Agustin Fault and Cabanas Fault. It is associated with ore bearing quartz veins controlled by the fault structure. The contents of Au and Ag range from traces up to 72 g/t and 180 g/t respectively. According to traversing the outcrops, the quartz veins are traced by 0.5 Km trended to north and south. In those extended part, they continue for 1,000 m intermittently. Gold-silver mineralization could be divided into three stages. In the first stage, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite were formed with the primary silver and gold associated with galena and copper sulfides respectively. In the second stage, Cu-Bi-Au-Ag bearing sulfides such as chalcocite, covellite, and linarite are formed and usually deposited on the cataclastic fractures of galena and/or chalcopyrite. In the third stage, both the carbonation of galena and sphalerite and the sulphatization of galena, took place in the surface environment. And then primary silver was carried away off and was deposited on galena and/or copper sulfides during oxidation near the water table. Low partitionings of Fe in sphalerite assist that the minerals were formed at the relatively low temperature, which is coincided with previously reported homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions.

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