• Title/Summary/Keyword: geological maps

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GIS-based Subsidence Hazard Map in Urban Area (GIS 기반의 도심지 지반침하지도 작성 사례)

  • Choi, Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Sung-Wook;Cho, Jin-Woo;Lee, Ju-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2017
  • The hazard maps for predicting collapse on natural slopes consist of a combination of topographic, hydrological, and geological factors. Topographic factors are extracted from DEM, including aspect, slope, curvature, and topographic index. Hydrological factors, such as soil drainage, stream-power index, and wetness index are most important factors for slope instability. However, most of the urban areas are located on the plains and it is difficult to apply the hazard map using the topography and hydrological factors. In order to evaluate the risk of subsidence of flat and low slope areas, soil depth and groundwater level data were collected and used as a factor for interpretation. In addition, the reliability of the hazard map was compared with the disaster history of the study area (Gangnam-gu and Yeouido district). In the disaster map of the disaster prevention agency, the urban area was mostly classified as the stable area and did not reflect the collapse history. Soil depth, drainage conditions and groundwater level obtained from boreholes were added as input data of hazard map, and disaster vulnerability increased at the location where the actual subsidence points. In the study area where damage occurred, the moderate and low grades of the vulnerability of previous hazard map were 12% and 88%, respectively. While, the improved map showed 2% high grade, moderate grade 29%, low grade 66% and very low grade 2%. These results were similar to actual damage.

Analysis of Tidal Channel Variations Using High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Satellite Image in Sihwa Reclaimed Land, South Korea (고해상도 다분광 인공위성영상자료 기반 시화 간척지 갯골 변화 양상 분석)

  • Jeong, Yongsik;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Yu, Jaehyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1605-1613
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    • 2020
  • The tidal channel is a coastal sedimentary terrain that plays the most important role in the formation and development of tidal flats, and is considered a very important index for understanding and distribution of tidal flat sedimentation/erosion terrain. The purpose of this study is to understand the changes in tidal channels by a period after the opening of the floodgate of the seawall in the reclaimed land of Sihwa Lake using KOMPSAT high-resolution multispectral satellite image data and to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of high-resolution satellite images. KOMPSAT 2 and 3 images were used for extraction of the tidal channels' lineaments in 2009, 2014, and 2019 and were applied to supervised classification method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Net (ANN), Matched Filtering (MF), and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and band ratio techniques using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and MF/SAM. For verification, a numerical map of the National Geographic Information Service and Landsat 7 ETM+ image data were utilized. As a result, KOMPSAT data showed great agreement with the verification data compared to the Landsat 7 images for detecting a direction and distribution pattern of the tidal channels. However, it has been confirmed that there will be limitations in identifying the distribution of tidal channels' density and providing meaningful information related to the development of the sedimentary process. This research is expected to present the possibility of utilizing KOMPSAT image-based high-resolution remote exploration as a way of responding to domestic intertidal environmental issues, and to be used as basic research for providing multi-platform-image-based convergent thematic maps and topics.

MLP-based 3D Geotechnical Layer Mapping Using Borehole Database in Seoul, South Korea (MLP 기반의 서울시 3차원 지반공간모델링 연구)

  • Ji, Yoonsoo;Kim, Han-Saem;Lee, Moon-Gyo;Cho, Hyung-Ik;Sun, Chang-Guk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the demand for three-dimensional (3D) underground maps from the perspective of digital twins and the demand for linkage utilization are increasing. However, the vastness of national geotechnical survey data and the uncertainty in applying geostatistical techniques pose challenges in modeling underground regional geotechnical characteristics. In this study, an optimal learning model based on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) was constructed for 3D subsurface lithological and geotechnical classification in Seoul, South Korea. First, the geotechnical layer and 3D spatial coordinates of each borehole dataset in the Seoul area were constructed as a geotechnical database according to a standardized format, and data pre-processing such as correction and normalization of missing values for machine learning was performed. An optimal fitting model was designed through hyperparameter optimization of the MLP model and model performance evaluation, such as precision and accuracy tests. Then, a 3D grid network locally assigning geotechnical layer classification was constructed by applying an MLP-based bet-fitting model for each unit lattice. The constructed 3D geotechnical layer map was evaluated by comparing the results of a geostatistical interpolation technique and the topsoil properties of the geological map.

Simulation of Vessel Movement in Ancient Port of Hwaseong Coast Using Marine Physics Model (해양물리모델을 이용한 화성 연안 고대포구의 선박 이동 모의)

  • Lee, Seungtae;Han, Min;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Cho, Yang-Ki;Park, Chanhyeok;Yu, Jaehyung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2022
  • In this study, ship movement simulation was performed based on a marine physics model for the ancient port presumed under the past environmental conditions in the coastal area of Hwaseong, which played an important role as a center of trade in the Three Kingdoms and Unified Silla periods. The paleo topographical surface was reconstructed through the analysis of borehole sediments, and the paleo coastline was extracted through the geomorphological maps published during before independence. Based on the established paleo environmental conditions of the Hwaseong coast, the marine physics model (FVCOM) was used to simulate the flow of surface currents and the route of floating materials assumed to be ancient ships. As a result, the processes of moving ships from the port to the open sea in the Eunsupo area, which is estimated location of the ancient port related to Dangseong, was well simulated, and thus the reliability of the location of the ancient port estimated by the scientific method was secured. This study is significant as a result of convergence research that encompasses archeology, history, geomorpology, geology, and oceanography.

3-D petroleum system modeling of the Jeju Basin, offshore southern Korea (남해 대륙붕 제주분지의 3-D 석유시스템 모델링)

  • Son, Byeong-Kook;Lee, Ho-Young
    • Journal of the Geological Society of Korea
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.587-603
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    • 2018
  • 3-D petroleum system modeling was performed on the Jeju Basin, offshore southern Korea to analyze the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation as well as the generation and expulsion of the hydrocarbon, based on subsurface structure maps of respective sedimentary formations. The lowermost formation deposited in Eocene time was assigned as a source rock, for which a mixed kerogen of type II and III was input in the modeling of oil and gas generation in consideration of the sedimentary environment of fluvio-lacustrine condition. Initial TOC was 4% as an input, based on the analysis of the well data and sedimentary environment. The modeling results show that a considerable amount of hydrocarbons was generated and expelled from the source rocks at the western Joint Development Zone (JDZ) sub-block 4, where the hydrocarbons was migrated to the above reservoir rocks at 20 Ma. The oil and gas in the reservoir rocks of the JDZ sub-block 4 are accumulated into the prospects with closure structures that has already been formed at the nearby areas. Another generation of hydrocarbon occurs from the source rock at the eastern border area of JDZ sub-block 1 and 2, where the expulsion of the hydrocarbons occurs at 10 Ma from the source rock into the above reservoir rocks, in which the accumulation also is expected. The generation, migration and accumulation were retarded at the eastern area of the JDZ sub-block 1 and 2, compared with the area of the western JDZ sub-block 4. Based on the modeling results, it is estimated that gases migrated laterally and vertically in long distance whereas oil migrated laterally in shorter distance than gases. A substantial amount of hydrocarbon could have seeped out of the reservoir formations to the surface since the migration of oil and gas actively occurred in Miocene time before the formation of seals. However, the modeling shows that the hydrocarbon could be accumulated smoothly into the closed structures that can be formed locally by alternation of sand and shale beds.

Analysis of Emerging Geo-technologies and Markets Focusing on Digital Twin and Environmental Monitoring in Response to Digital and Green New Deal (디지털 트윈, 환경 모니터링 등 디지털·그린 뉴딜 정책 관련 지질자원 유망기술·시장 분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Lee, Jaewook;Bae, Junhee;Kim, Jung-Min
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.609-617
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    • 2020
  • After introducing the industry 4.0 policy, Korean government announced 'Digital New Deal' and 'Green New Deal' as 'Korean New Deal' in 2020. We analyzed Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)'s research projects related to that policy and conducted markets analysis focused on Digital Twin and environmental monitoring technologies. Regarding 'Data Dam' policy, we suggested the digital geo-contents with Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) and the public geo-data collection & sharing system. It is necessary to expand and support the smart mining and digital oil fields research for '5th generation mobile communication (5G) and artificial intelligence (AI) convergence into all industries' policy. Korean government is suggesting downtown 3D maps for 'Digital Twin' policy. KIGAM can provide 3D geological maps and Internet of Things (IoT) systems for social overhead capital (SOC) management. 'Green New Deal' proposed developing technologies for green industries including resource circulation, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), and electric & hydrogen vehicles. KIGAM has carried out related research projects and currently conducts research on domestic energy storage minerals. Oil and gas industries are presented as representative applications of digital twin. Many progress is made in mining automation and digital mapping and Digital Twin Earth (DTE) is a emerging research subject. The emerging research subjects are deeply related to data analysis, simulation, AI, and the IoT, therefore KIGAM should collaborate with sensors and computing software & system companies.

Tectonic evolution of the Central Ogcheon Belt, Korea (중부 옥천대의 지구조 발달과정)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Hayasaka, Yasutaka;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.129-150
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    • 2012
  • The tectonic evolution of the Central Ogcheon Belt has been newly analyzed in this paper from the detailed geological maps by lithofacies classification, the development processes of geological structures, microstructures, and the time-relationship between deformation and metamorphism in the Ogcheon, Cheongsan, Mungyeong Buunnyeong, Busan areas, Korea and the fossil and radiometric age data of the Ogcheon Supergroup(OSG). The 1st tectonic phase($D^*$) is marked by the rifting of the original Gyeonggi Massif into North Gyeonggi Massif(present Gyeonggi Massif) and South Gyeonggi Massif (Bakdallyeong and Busan gneiss complexes). The Joseon Supergroup(JSG) and the lower unit(quartzose psammitic, pelitic, calcareous and basic rocks) of OSG were deposited in the Ogcheon rift basin during Early Paleozoic time, and the Pyeongan Supergroup(PSG) and its upper unit(conglomerate and pelitic rocks and acidic rocks) appeared in Late Paleozoic time. The 2nd tectonic phase(Ogcheon-Cheongsan phase/Songnim orogeny: D1), which occurred during Late Permian-Middle Triassic age, is characterized by the closing of Ogcheon rift basin(= the coupling of the North and South Gyeonggi Massifs) in the earlier phase(Ogcheon subphase: D1a), and by the coupling of South China block(Gyeonggi Massif and Ogcheon Zone) and North China block(Yeongnam Massif and Taebaksan Zone) in the later phase(Cheongsan subphase: D1b). At the earlier stage of D1a occurred the M1 medium-pressure type metamorphism of OSG related to the growth of coarse biotites, garnets, staurolites. At its later stage, the medium-pressure type metamorphic rocks were exhumed as some nappes with SE-vergence, and the giant-scale sheath fold, regional foliation, stretching lineation were formed in the OSG. At the D1b subphase which occurs under (N)NE-(S)SW compression, the thrusts with NNE- or/and SSW-vergence were formed in the front and rear parts of couple, and the NNE-trending Cheongsan shear zone of dextral strike-slip and the NNE-trending upright folds of the JSG and PSG were also formed in its flank part, and Daedong basin was built in Korean Peninsula. After that, Daedong Group(DG) of the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic was deposited. The 3rd tectonic phase(Honam phase/Daebo orogeny: D2) occurred by the transpression tectonics of NNE-trending Honam dextral strike-slip shearing in Early~Late Jurassic time, and formed the asymmetric crenulated fold in the OSG and the NNE-trending recumbent folds in the JSG and PSG and the thrust faults with ESE-vergence in which pre-Late Triassic Supergroups override DG. The M2 contact metamorphism of andalusite-sillimanite type by the intrusion of Daebo granitoids occurred at the D2 intertectonic phase of Middle Jurassic age. The 4th tectonic phase(Cheongmari phase: D3) occurred under the N-S compression at Early Cretaceous time, and formed the pull-apart Cretaceous sedimentary basins accompanying the NNE-trending sinistral strike-slip shearing. The M3 retrograde metamorphism of OSG associated with the crystallization of chlorite porphyroblasts mainly occurred after the D2. After the D3, the sinistral displacement(Geumgang phase: D4) occurred along the Geumgang fault accompanied with the giant-scale Geumgang drag fold with its parasitic kink folds in the Ogcheon area. These folds are intruded by acidic dykes of Late Cretaceous age.

'Yongyudam of Hamyang', the Significance and Value as a Traditional Scenic Place ('함양 용유담(咸陽 龍遊潭)', 전래명승으로서의 의의와 가치 구명)

  • Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.82-101
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to survey and analyze the origin story and the legends associated with Yongyudam(龍遊潭, Dragon Creek), its scenic and spatial description in Climbing Writings(遊山記: Yusangi Notes), its geographical and geological features, its surrounding remains and letters chiseled on the rocks through the field study and the study on literatures associated with it so to identify its significance and value and then to ensure justification on preservation of Yongyudam scenic site. Conclusions of this study are as follow. As the traditional scenic place 'Geumdae-Jiri(金臺智異)' representing Hamyang-gun(咸陽郡) depicts Mount Cheonwangbong and 'Yongyudong Village(龍遊洞)', ancient maps and literatures have positioned Yongyudam as the center of Eomcheon-river Creek as well as the representing scenic site of Yongyudong Village. Core images in the spatial awareness of Yongyudam described in our ancestors' Climbing Writings Notes on Jirisan Mount are 'geographical and scenic peculiarity associated with swimming dragons', 'potholes in various shapes and sizes scattered on rocks', 'loud sound generated by swirling from shoals' and 'the scenic metaphor from the dragon legend', which have led scenic features of Yongyudam scenic site. In addition, significant scenic metaphors from legends such as 'Nine Dragons and Ascetic Majeog' and 'Kasaya Fish' as well as 'the Holy Place of Dragon God', the rain calling magic god have descended not only as the very nature of Yongyudam scenic site but also the catalyst deepening its mystic and place nature. On the other hand, Jangguso Place(杖?所, Place of Scholars) in the vicinity of Yongyudam was the place of resting and amusement for scholars from Yeongnam Province, to name a few, Kim Il-son, Cho Sik, Jung Yeo-chang and Kang Dae-su, where they experienced and recognized Jirisan Mount as the scenic living place. Letters Carved on the rocks at Jangguso Place are memorial tributes and monumental signs. Around Yongyudam, there are 3 stairs, letters chiseled on the rocks and the water rock artificially built to collect clean water, which are traditional scenic remains detectable of territoriality as the ritual place. In addition, The letters on the rock at Yongyudong-mun(龍遊洞門) discovered for the first time by this study are the sign promoting Yongyudam as the place of splendid landscape. The laconism, 'It is the Greatest Water in Jirisan Mount(方丈第一山水)' on a rock expresses the pride of Yongyudam as the representing scenic place of Mount Jirisan. Other than those, standing rocks such as Simjindae Rock, Yeong-gwidae Rock and Ganghwadae Rock show the sign that they are used as amusement and gathering places for ancestor scholars, which add significance to Yongyudam. By this study, it was possible to verify that Yongyudam in Mount Jirisan is not simply 'the scenic place in the tangible reality' but also has seamlessly inherited as the traditional scenic attraction spiritualized by overlapped historical and cultural values. Yongyudam, as the combined heritage by itself, shows that it is the product of the place nature as well as unique ensemble of cultural scenic attraction inherited through long history based on natural scenery. It is certain that not only the place value but also geographical, geological, historical and cultural values of Yongyudam are the essence of traditional scenic attraction, which should not be disparaged or damaged by whatever political or economic interests and logics.

Estimation of Soil Loss Due to Cropland Increase in Hoeryeung, Northeast Korea (북한 회령지역의 농경지 변화에 따른 토양침식 추정)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Kang, Chul-Sung;Shin, Keun-Ha;Choe, Han-Sung;Han, Uk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.373-384
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    • 2003
  • This study analyses the soil loss due to cropland increase in the Hoeryeung area of northeast Korea, using Landsat images of 1987 TM and 2001 ETM, together with DTED, soil and geological maps, and rainfall data of 20 years. Items of land cover and land use were categorized as cropland, settlement, forest, river zone, and sand deposit by supervised classification with spectral bands 1, 2 and 3. RUSLE model is used for estimation of soil loss, and AML language for calculation of soil loss volumes. Fourier transformation method is used for unification of the geographical grids between Landsat images and DTED. GTD was selected from 1:50,000 topographic map. Main sources of soil losses over 100 ton/year may be the river zone and settlement in the both times of 1987 and 2001, but the image of the 2001 shows that sources areas have developed up to the higher mountain slopes. In the cropland average, increases of hight and gradient are 24m and $0.8^{\circ}$ from 1987 to 2001. In the case of new developed cropland, average increases are 75m and $2.5^{\circ}$, and highest soil loss has occurred at the elevation between 300 and 500m. The soil loss 57 ton of 1987 year increased 85 ton of 2001 year. Soil loss is highest in $30{\sim}50^{\circ}$ slope zones in both years, but in 2001 year, soil loss increased under $30^{\circ}$ zones. The size of area over 200 ton/year, indicating higher risk of landslides, have increased from $28.6km^2$ of 1987 year to $48.8km^2$ of 2001 year.

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Estimation of Agricultural Water Quality Using Classification Maps of Water Chemical components in Seonakdong River Watershed (수질성분 분포도를 이용한 서낙동강 수계 농업용수 수질평가)

  • Ko, Jee-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Sang;Kim, Choon-Song;Jeong, Ki-Yeol;Choi, Young-Dae;Yun, Eul-Soo;Park, Seong-Tae;Kang, Hwang-Won;Kim, Bok-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2006
  • To understand the status of water quality and work out a suitable countermeasures in Seonakdong watershed which has poor agro- environmental condition because of severe point and non-point source pollution by popularized city and near sea, we investigated the pollution sources and water quality from '03 and '05 and the result were mapped with GIS and RS for end-users's convenient comprehense and conjunction of water quality and geological data. The most degraded tributary was Hogeo stream which was affected directly by highly popularized Gimhae city, the main pollution source of the watershed. The pollution of tributaries in watershed increased the T-N of main body that reached over 4 mg/L during dry season. Pyeonggang stream and the lower part of main water way were suffered from high salt contents induced near sea and the EC value of those area were increased to 2.25 dS/m. The delivered loads of T-N and T-P were largest in Joman river as 56% and 61% of total delivered loads 1mm tributaries because of lots of stream flow. When Management mandate for irrigation water in Seonakdong river watershed was mapped for estimating integrated water quality as the basis of classification of EC and T-N contents in water, Hogeo and Shineo catchments were showed the requiring countermeasures none against nutrients hazard and Pyeonggang catchment was the vulnerable zone against nutrients and salts hazard. As the result, Seonakdong watershed had very various status of water quality by characteristics of catchments and countermeasures for improving water quality and crop productivity safely should changed depend on that.