• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographic knowledge

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Gyeonggi21Search 2.0: A Geographic and Regional Information Retrieval System based on Correlated Keywords (연관 키워드 기반의 지리 및 지역정보 검색시스템 : "경기21서치 2.0")

  • Yun, Seong-Kwan;Lee, Ryong;Jang, Yong-Hee;Seong, Dong-Hyeon;Kwon, Yong-Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2009
  • Demands for a system which enable users to retrieve any kind of geographic and regional information over the Web have been increasing. However, in order to obtain geographic or regional information over the web, users still need to search web pages related to region by inputting keywords and to arrange the searched results with map. We can solve that problem by using the fact that most of geographic and regional information contain geographic keywords related to location. In this paper, we propose a system to retrieve geographic and regional information efficiently. For the purpose, we present a conceptual model based on three layers of "Real-World", "Knowledge", and "Applications", from the web space and construct the above link process. These layers are connected to each other and enable users to navigation information over the linkage. Especially, users can obtain various correlated information about geographic information and properties.

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The Necessity of Coordinate System Education in Secondary School Curriculum (중등학교 지리교육에서의 GIS 교육에 관한 연구 - 좌표계 교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.178-189
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to look into the necessity of strengthening the knowledge base about longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system in secondary educational curriculum. GPS based location service increases the use of longitude and latitude coordinate system. And many developed countries including USA and Japan have already included this contents in secondary education curriculum. But the secondary school Curriculum of Korea does not include the detailed contents regarding longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system theory, and as a result the level of Korean students knowledge on this subject is low. The frequency of appearing of the information related to longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate systems in newspaper articles in Korea has been steadily increasing since after 2000. And a lot of articles appearing in newspapers provide the location information in the form of longitude and latitude coordinates, so the readers would be able to apply that. It was found out that the situation in schools is developed good enough for the use of spatial information system based upon the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system. The conclusion is that geography education in Korea needs systematical implementation of the knowledge base of longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate system.

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The effect of Community Mapping based on Volunteered Geographic Information System on Smoking Prevention among Female Middle School Students (일개 여자중학교의 흡연예방을 위한 참여형 GIS(Geographic Information System) 기반 커뮤니티 맵핑 활동의 효과)

  • Son, Hyunmi;Jung, Miyoung;Hong, Yunkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.286-298
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the effects of community mapping based on volunteered Geographic Information System on smoking prevention among female middle school students. Methods: This study used a triangulation method which integrated quantitative data from a "pre-post" study on a nonequivalent control group and qualitative data from focus group interviews. Data was collected from 4 August 2015 to 10 January 2016. The experimental group (n=24) participated in community mapping along with education on smoking prevention and the control group (n=28) participated only in routine education. Both groups were measured on their knowledge and attitude related to smoking prevention through self-report questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, $x^2$ analysis, and t-test using SPSS 23.0. The qualitative data was collected through focus group interviews to investigate the social-environmental effect of smoking prevention. Results: Knowledge related to smoking prevention was significantly higher (t=2.591, p=.013) in the experimental group than the control group. But attitude related to smoking prevention did not show significant differences between the two groups. When asked about their experiences of the community mapping program, it turned out to be a process where they could learn practical knowledge related to smoking prevention and experience their individual practices manifested as collective intelligence while working together with community members. The study found that community mapping had an effect on smoking prevention from a social and environmental aspect. Conclusion: To be more effective, school education on smoking prevention should be provided in connection with the community. It is also desirable to provide an opportunity where adolescents can experience discovering and solving practical problems along with their own community.

Representing City Image as Regional Geographic Knowledge: Ontology Modeling Approach (온톨로지 방법론을 이용한 지역지리 지식으로서 도시이미지의 표현)

  • Hong, Il-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.74-93
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays, the navigation system is very popular to general public and the study of landmarks has an important role to develop the cognitive systems for regional navigation. The city image is composed of landmarks that are well-known to regional community and they are the reference frame for place recognition in urban navigation. In general, the case of navigation can be categorized as two kinds. The first is to explore the new region and the second is to navigate the familiar region. In case of latter, the city image has a critical role in place recognition for regional community. Place recognition of a community might be a knowledge-based inference on the basis of city image which is composed of the systematically connected places. In this study, the mental structure of urban image is regarded as a hierarchical knowledge and represents it as domain ontology for the regional navigation of a community. The city image of a community is assumed as the collection of landmarks, which are categorized as anchor, distant and local according to spatial familiarity of community. Representing city image as a regional knowledge using ontology modeling method is an essential step to make the geographical assumption of a regional community explicit and reusable for the regional agents who will provide the regional guide in LBS age.

A Study on the National GIS (NGIS I) Project in Korea

  • Oh, Jong-Woo
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.449-453
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    • 2004
  • GIS can be used on almost entire fields of the world, such as the national land management, environmental management, disaster management, enterprise activities, and general lives. GIS is called as an infrastructure of the knowledge information on the cultural society. For insuring the national power on the periods of the unlimited competition, it is very important to establish the national information infrastructure. Purpose of the NGIS project I is to development on living benefits of peoplethrough an efficiency of policy and rationalism of planning. In order to achievement of this purpose, the NGIS project I has been established using the national geographic information base planning. The NGIS project I consists of the master management part, the geographic information part, the technique development part, the standardization part, and the land Information part. These five GIS project parts are operated by four governmental ministers and related institutions, such as minister of transportation and construction, minister of science and technology, minister of information and communication, minister of administrative and home affaires. The NGIS I project is to establishment of the nation spatial information systems, such as various nationwide digital maps, GIS technique development, GIS education, GIS standardization, and GIS researches.

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- Construction Method of a Cyber Tourism System using Geographic Information System - (GIS를 이용한 가상 관광시스템 구축방안)

  • 김용범;서장훈
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2003
  • In 21st century, According to development of Information Technology, It is clear that the importance of tourism information is extended increasingly. For this reason, It should be needed to realize a general system which make it possible to enjoy cyber tourism based on knowledge information system to recover a local potential growth power, catch a jumping chance again, and hold a new competitive power. But to discuss a tourism information system, the matters of hard ware, software and information mediating system should be reviewed generally, this research is likely to provide a cyber tourism information system through internet as a way of cyber tours through multimedia technology and stereoscopic image technique using GIS (Geographic Information System) centering on the networking system of tourism information. Constructing $\ulcorner$cyber touristy city$\lrcorner$ on internet, foster a new industry, to go balanced with a present tourism industry and experience a virtual reality, various theme tours create high profit to shrunken tourism industry.

A Study on Advancing Strategy for National Environmental Geographic Informations - Focused on the National Environmental Assessment Map, Ecological Map and Land Cover Map - (국토환경지리정보 고도화 전략 연구 - 국토환경성평가지도, 생태자연도, 토지피복지도를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chong-Soo
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.97-122
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    • 2007
  • In 2006, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, completed the construction on national environmental geographic informations including National Environmental Assessment Map, Ecological Map, Land Cover Map and so on. At this point of time, it is necessary to establish the advance strategy on national environmental geographic information, considering the complicated characteristics. Therefore, this study suggests the advance strategy on national environmental geographic information, reflecting results of analyzing the given condition and the trend of informatization. National environmental geographic information has spacial quality to be managed dispersedly in a department unit or an operations unit. According to this quality, requirements for users who need the policy based on national environmental geographic information and complex information are not satisfactory. And, the information system centering the process of administrative affairs should be converted to one putting decision supporting first in importance. Therefore, this study sets up "the realization of the sustainable land management system by advancing national environmental geographic information" as the vision of the advancing strategy. In order to accomplish the vision, this study established the purpose as follow; constructing strategic and geographic information based on knowledge, arranging the foundation to open information to the public transparently, building expanded and integrated national environmental geographic information, embodying the environmental administration based on national environmental geographic information, enhancing the efficiency of national environmental geographic information, and supporting efficiently the process of administrative affairs. And this study suggests executive plans to achieve the vision and the purpose as next; developing the quality control program to verify the information confidence, building the system to integrate and to provide environmental information, collecting information, readjusting laws and regimes in parts of the construction, the application and the management of the system, and operating the task process, human power, organization and information technology. This study puts the emphasis on providing the turning opportunity politically which is possible to make sure of the information confidence in quality, advancing from the expansion of one in quantity. However, this improvement strategy doesn't reflect all national environmental geographic information and current status of environmental administrations. Therefore, for applying the result of this study to the actual environmental administration, it is necessary to discuss regularly the systematic categorization of national environmental geographic information, to interview with the contracting parties and so on hereafter.

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Institutional definition instances and necessity of establishment about the geographical scope of the East Sea (동해 지리적 범위 사용 사례 및 정립 필요성)

  • KIM, Yun-Bae;KIM, Kuh
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1380-1394
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    • 2015
  • This paper deals with the geographical scope of the East Sea introduced by major domestic institutions. The East Sea surrounded by South Korea, North Korea, Russia, Japan has a variety of marine resources, and is the very appropriate natural laboratory to study future global changes as a miniature ocean. However, there is a continuous conflict between Korea and Japan over the name of the East Sea because of the nature of international waters. So we need the active research achievements based on the exact geographic knowledge of the East Sea to promote the legitimacy of the East Sea in the international community. Nevertheless each domestic institution has a different way to define the southern border of the East Sea so that it showed a difference about linear distance of up to about 44 km. Also, they have defined the scope of East Sea not as the entire East Sea surrounded by South Korea, North Korea, Russia and Japan but as the jurisdiction of the Republic of Korea. It caused serious confusion about accurate statistical knowledge about East Sea such as area, volume, and mean water depth. Therefore, clear social consensus about the geographical scope of the East Sea would be required, there is also the need to institutionalize a legal order to spread it.

An Application of Ubiquitous Information Technology for Integrated Management of National Park (국립공원 통합관리를 위한 유비쿼터스 정보기술 활용방안)

  • Bae, Min-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.134-148
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    • 2007
  • There is not enough knowledge on how to use, build, and apply ubiquitous technologies such as the ubiquitous sensor network, GIS, statistic analysis system, mobile GPS system etc. Also there are other questions such as, how should the knowledge information resources be managed and web decision making system developed for national park management. The purpose of this study is to propose a framework for the national park integrated management system based on ubiquitous information technology. This study will include followings: 1) this study explores what ubiquitous information technologies are needed for national park management, 2) this study proposes building strategies about the spatial and attribute database using ubiquitous information technologies, and links methods among geographic information system, analysis program, sensor network, etc. The results of this study will contribute towards deciding a direction for national park policy in preparation for the ubiquitous computing oriented society.

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A Study on the Constructing Database and Its Utilization Direction of Old Building using GIS (GIS를 이용한 노후건축물 DB구축과 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2008
  • Life of building repeats removal and new construction continuously because it is limited like living things. But, because the physical standard is subjective and abstract, saying too much is not even though it had been influenced by policy decision of the government. To solve these problem clear data about superannuation degree of building after construction accordingly decision relationship necessity continuously rise. To above background, this study on the Constructing Database Based and Improvement of Old Building using GIS in Busan. The results are as following. First, presented necessity of knowledge information gap mitigation. Second, present Busan's ordinance detailed Contents of old-badness building and production-consequences.

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