• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographic information systems(GIS)

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Exploitation of GIS(Geographic Information Systems) Market and Participation of Geographers in GIS Industry (GIS 시장개척과 지리학의 가능성)

  • Sung Hyo Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.665-682
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    • 2004
  • GIS is considered as a big industry or business in the field of applied sciences. Recently GIS market in Korea is growing rapidly for LBS, Telematics, Web-geographic information services. This paper attempts to focus on the interrelationship between GIS and geography, and the question of how geography emerged out of intellectual trends within GIS to examine possible contribution of geographers in GIS fields. The application of GIS appears to be largely technical in nature. It is important for the GIS operator and the consumer of GIS products to be aware of the geographical concepts that underpin GIS operations. Also it is seen that many departments of geography in Korea have attempted to actively adopt GIS into their education program, with aim to improve the status. GIS has promoted a shift towards applied geography from academic geography. GIS researchers and educators in geography are concerned not with technology, but with the basic concepts and the issues relating to its use, in comparison with other academic fields. It is the responsibility of geography community to make sure that our students receive a geographical education that includes problem-solving, critical thinking and technical capabilities. It is concluded that promoting GIS technology in geography curriculum is essential for the further expansion of geography within GIS and also for the survival of geography.


  • Imaoka, Yoshiko;Gotoh, Keinosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.732-735
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    • 2006
  • Downtown cities in Japan are facing sharp fall in customers and continued shut down of shops due to decrease of population, increase in family cars and flowing of customers into the suburban large-scale retail stores. Omura City in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan is no exception to this. For the revitalization of the downtown, many actions have been taken to open the vacant shops. However, transportation problem is the most important one to be solved for the citizens including the elderly people having difficulty in movement. Accordingly, this study was aimed at the revitalization of the downtown by substantiality public transportation. We have attempted to develop routes from the view-point of convenience by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). As a result of the study, we were able to select three bus transportation areas by incorporating qualitative factors into the analysis. Finally, the study concluded that, revitalization activities of the downtown city itself is required in addition to re-structuring of bus transportation system for the revitalization of the downtown city.

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GIS/GPS based Precision Agriculture Model in India -A Case study

  • Mudda, Suresh Kumar
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2018
  • In the present day context of changing information needs of the farmers and diversified production systems there is an urgent need to look for the effective extension support system for the small and marginal farmers in the developing countries like India. The rapid developments in the collection and analysis of field data by using the spatial technologies like GPS&GIS were made available for the extension functionaries and clientele for the diversified information needs. This article describes the GIS and GPS based decision support system in precision agriculture for the resource poor farmers. Precision farming techniques are employed to increase yield, reduce production costs, and minimize negative impacts to the environment. The parameters those can affect the crop yields, anomalous factors and variations in management practices can be evaluated through this GPS and GIS based applications. The spatial visualisation capabilities of GIS technology interfaced with a relational database provide an effective method for analysing and displaying the impacts of Extension education and outreach projects for small and marginal farmers in precision agriculture. This approach mainly benefits from the emergence and convergence of several technologies, including the Global Positioning System (GPS), geographic information system (GIS), miniaturised computer components, automatic control, in-field and remote sensing, mobile computing, advanced information processing, and telecommunications. The PPP convergence of person (farmer), project (the operational field) and pixel (the digital images related to the field and the crop grown in the field) will better be addressed by this decision support model. So the convergence and emergence of such information will further pave the way for categorisation and grouping of the production systems for the better extension delivery. In a big country like India where the farmers and holdings are many in number and diversified categorically such grouping is inevitable and also economical. With this premise an attempt has been made to develop a precision farming model suitable for the developing countries like India.

Geographic information system analysis on the distribution of patients visiting the periodontology department at a dental college hospital

  • Jeong, Byungjoon;Joo, Hyun-Tae;Shin, Hyun-Seung;Lim, Mi-Hwa;Park, Jung-Chul
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze and visualize the distribution of patients visiting the periodontology department at a dental college hospital, using a geographic information system (GIS) to utilize these data in patient care and treatment planning, which may help to assess the risk and prevent periodontal diseases. Methods: Basic patient information data were obtained from Dankook University Dental Hospital, including the unit number, gender, date of birth, and address, down to the dong (neighborhood) administrative district unit, of 306,656 patients who visited the hospital between 2007 and 2014. The data of only 26,457 patients who visited the periodontology department were included in this analysis. The patient distribution was visualized using GIS. Statistical analyses including multiple regression, logistic regression, and geographically weighted regression were performed using SAS 9.3 and ArcGIS 10.1. Five factors, namely proximity, accessibility, age, gender, and socioeconomic status, were investigated as the explanatory variables of the patient distribution. Results: The visualized patient data showed a nationwide scale of the patient distribution. The mean distance from each patient's regional center to the hospital was $30.94{\pm}29.62km$ and was inversely proportional to the number of patients from the respective regions. The distance from a regional center to the adjacent toll gate had various effects depending on the local distance from the hospital. The average age of the patients was $52.41{\pm}12.97years$. Further, a majority of regions showed a male dominance. Personal income had inconsistent results between analyses. Conclusions: The distribution of patients is significantly affected by the proximity, accessibility, age, gender and socioeconomic status of patients, and the patients visiting the periodontology department travelled farther distances than those visiting the other departments. The underlying reason for this needs to be analyzed further.

Analysis of Zoning and Land Use using Geographic Information System Database - A Case Study of Busan Metropolitan City in Korea - (GIS DB를 이용한 용도지역과 토지이용분석 - 부산광역시를 대상으로 -)

  • Baek, Tae-Kyung;Choi, Jung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the way of analyzing land uses to utilize GIS in the field of urban planning. The Busan Land Information System was built in early 2000s. The building data were used by digital map(1:1,000). And building register data in 2001 were utilized as the attribute data. Also, by calculating specialization factor, we distinct the characteristic of every land use of the city, and it compares every land use zone. This study calculated and compared an observation frequency and an expectation frequency of every building use and land use zone. We found that the use of the building tend to be controlled and guided by the land use zone.

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A Study on the Improvement of Management for Survey Control Points in Seoul City (서울시 측량 기준점 관리 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo Sik;Lee, Eun Young
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2012
  • Survey control points managed by national and local governments are associated with civilian's property and they are very important national facilities. Despite the importance of surveying results, Database and mark of survey control points, there are many problems noticed of the management aspects such as manpower, systems, and related law. Currently, each local government has built and operated Geographic Information System(GIS) independently by National Geographic Information Systems(NGIS) results. but it is still difficult to have the integration, linking and utilizing. Therefore, In this study proposed the functional improvement of GIS based control points integrated system for providing information and management and the establishment of first-payment system due to the moving of control points. Through this studies will be able to solve the problem of recovery charges according to unknown contractor and establish the basis of manager and user-centric one-stop integration system.

GIS technolgy for analysing regional geologic hazards (Landslides) (광역 지질재해분석(산사태)을 위한 GIS활용)

  • 김윤종;김원영;유일현
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 1992
  • GIS(Geographic Information System) technology was applied for analysis of the potential degree of regional geologic hazard, especially landslide hazards in the suburb of Seoul City, whereby a regional geologic hazard map was produced. The factors causing a landslide such as slope geometry, geology, groundwater, soil property, rainfall and vegetation were incorporated through GIS in order to predict the potential hazards in this area. Cartographic simulation was finally made with these factors to produce a regional geologic hazard map. For this study, ARC/INFO and ERDAS systems were used in SUN 4-390 workstation.

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Development of Web-GIS based SWAT Data Generation System (Web-GIS 기반 SWAT 자료 공급 시스템 구축)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong;Hong, Eun-Mi;Kim, Hak-Kwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • Watershed topographical data is essential for the management for water resources and watershed management in terms of hydrology analysis. Collecting watershed topographical and meteorological data is the first step for simulating hydrological models and calculating hydrological components. This study describes a specialized Web-based Geographic Information Systems, Soil Water Assessment Tool model data generation system, which was developed to support SWAT model operation using Web-GIS capability for map browsing, online watershed delineation and topographical and meteorological data extraction. This system tested its operability extracting watershed topographical and meteorological data in real time and the extracted spatial and weather data were seamlessly imported to ArcSWAT system demonstrating its usability. The Web-GIS would be useful to users who are willing to operate SWAT models for the various watershed management purposes in terms of spatial and weather preparing.

Integration of the Internet GIS components for geological analyses

  • Chang Yoon-Seop;Park Hyeong-Dong
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.553-556
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to implement geological functions on the Internet such as the visualization, search and analysis of geological data. To improve their performance and reduce the cost during development, special concerns should be given to the dynamic integration and interoperability of them. XML Web Service technologies can be adopted and OpenGIS specifications should be considered for the integration of distributed GIS components and their interoperability. Because standard Internet protocols and XML Messages are used in the Web Service, it makes the integration among different hardware and software systems possible. OpenGIS specifications also enable users to get benefits from geographic information and services across any network, platform and application. A prototype of efficient Internet GIS applications has been suggested in this study.

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GIS-based Market Analysis and Sales Management System : The Case of a Telecommunication Company (시장분석 및 영업관리 역량 강화를 위한 통신사의 GIS 적용 사례)

  • Chang, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2011
  • A Geographic Information System(GIS) is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data. In the later 1990s and earlier 2000s it was limitedly used in government sectors such as public utility management, urban planning, landscape architecture, and environmental contamination control. However, a growing number of open-source packages running on a range of operating systems enabled many private enterprises to explore the concept of viewing GIS-based sales and customer data over their own computer monitors. K telecommunication company has dominated the Korean telecommunication market by providing diverse services, such as high-speed internet, PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network), VOLP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), and IPTV(Internet Protocol Television). Even though the telecommunication market in Korea is huge, the competition between major services providers is growing more fierce than ever before. Service providers struggled to acquire as many new customers as possible, attempted to cross sell more products to their regular customers, and made more efforts on retaining the best customers by offering unprecedented benefits. Most service providers including K telecommunication company tried to adopt the concept of customer relationship management(CRM), and analyze customer's demographic and transactional data statistically in order to understand their customer's behavior. However, managing customer information has still remained at the basic level, and the quality and the quantity of customer data were not enough not only to understand the customers but also to design a strategy for marketing and sales. For example, the currently used 3,074 legal regional divisions, which are originally defined by the government, were too broad to calculate sub-regional customer's service subscription and cancellation ratio. Additional external data such as house size, house price, and household demographics are also needed to measure sales potential. Furthermore, making tables and reports were time consuming and they were insufficient to make a clear judgment about the market situation. In 2009, this company needed a dramatic shift in the way marketing and sales activities, and finally developed a dedicated GIS_based market analysis and sales management system. This system made huge improvement in the efficiency with which the company was able to manage and organize all customer and sales related information, and access to those information easily and visually. After the GIS information system was developed, and applied to marketing and sales activities at the corporate level, the company was reported to increase sales and market share substantially. This was due to the fact that by analyzing past market and sales initiatives, creating sales potential, and targeting key markets, the system could make suggestions and enable the company to focus its resources on the demographics most likely to respond to the promotion. This paper reviews subjective and unclear marketing and sales activities that K telecommunication company operated, and introduces the whole process of developing the GIS information system. The process consists of the following 5 modules : (1) Customer profile cleansing and standardization, (2) Internal/External DB enrichment, (3) Segmentation of 3,074 legal regions into 46,590 sub_regions called blocks, (4) GIS data mart design, and (5) GIS system construction. The objective of this case study is to emphasize the need of GIS system and how it works in the private enterprises by reviewing the development process of the K company's market analysis and sales management system. We hope that this paper suggest valuable guideline to companies that consider introducing or constructing a GIS information system.