• Title/Summary/Keyword: genetic similiarity

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RAPD-PCR Analysis in Fusarium species (Fusarium 종에서의 RAPD-PCR분석)

  • 민병례;양연주;최영길
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 1999
  • To assess genetic diversity amoug 21 strains from sixleen Frrsn~i~nn species , we used RAPD(rando1n amplified pol.ymorphic DNA) analysis based on PCR(po1ymerase chain reaction). Eleven primers showing Ule polymorphism were chosen from the 40 random pnmers-tcstcd. A total of 263 polymorphic bands were generated by the primers and the size of amplified DNA fragments ranged from 0.1 lo 3.0 kb. Sirnilku-it), coefficients between strains were calcnlatcd, and UPGMA cluster analysis was used to generate a dendrogram showing relationships among them. The results from RAPD-PCR analysis were grouped into four main groups at the si~nilarity level of 0.627.

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A literal study on the Gu-Chang (구창의 문헌연구)

  • Jung Han Sol;Park Jong Hoon;Ryuk Sang Won;Lee Kwang Gyu
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 2002
  • Gu-Chang is a disorder characterized by recurring ulcers confined to the oral mucosa. Despite much clinical and research attention, the causes remain poorly understood. In this paper, we will compare Gu-Chang with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis(RAS) in order to know what is the similiarity between Gu-Chang and RAS. So we will arrange various oriental and western medical literatures which are important. As a result of arrangement of the causes, symptoms and therapys of Gu-Chang, we can conclude through the studies as follows. 1. The etiologies of Gu-chang are following. In the Sthenia syndrome, there are evil heat of external factor, heat of heart and spleen, insomnia, heat of upper warmer, stress and diet, heat of lung and heart, excessive heat of upper warmer, inappropriate food intake, heat conveyance of organ, heat of stomach merdian, moistured heat of spleen and stomach and stasis of liver energy. In the Asthenia syndrome, there are deficiency of stomach energy, deficiency of upper warmer leading to heat, deficiency of middle warmer leading to cold, deficiency of lower warmer leading to heat, deficiency of middle energy, deficiency of blood, decreased fire and deficiency of soil, yin fire of lower warmer, deficiency of heart yin, deficiency of spleen yin and deficiency of qi and blood. 2. In western medicine the causes of RAS is presumed as local, microbial, systemic, nutritional, genetic, immunologic factors. 3. Once Gu-chang is compared with RAS, in the deficiency of yin leading to hyperactivity of fire, deficiency of yin leading to floating of fire and stasis of liver energy, recurring of Gu-chang is similar to RAS. Although recurring of Gu-chang due to tripple warmer of excessive fire has no recurrance, since there are the degree of Pain, site of lesion, dysphagia etc, it is similar to major RAS. It is may be believed that Sthenia Gu-chang is similar to major RAS, shape of recurring, site of lesion, degrree of Pain and white color of Asthenia Gu-chang are similar to minor RAS, but there is no similarity concerning herpes RAS in the literatures that describe the symptoms. 4. Generally, the treatment of Gu-chang is divided into Asthenia and Sthenia Syndrome. The method of cure to Sthenia syndrome is heat cleaning and purge fire, Asthenia syndrome is nourish yin to lower and adverse rising energy and strength the middle warmer and benefit vital energy. 5. Following is the medication for Sthenia syndrome. Heat of heart and spleen is Do Jok San, Yang Gyek San, Juk Yup Suk Go Tang, evil heat of external factor is Yang Gyek San Ga Gam, Stasis of liver energy is Chong Wi Fae Dok Yum, moistured heat of spleen and stomach is Chong Gi Sam Syep Tang. The medication for Asthenia Syndrome is following. Deficiency of upper warmer leading to heat is Bo Jung Ik Gi Tang, deficiency of middle warmer leading to cold is Bu Ja Lee Jung Tang, deficiency of lower warmer leading to heat is Yuk Mi Ji Hwang Tang, deficiency of yin leading to hyperactivity of fire is Ji Baek Ji Hwang Hwan, deficiency of yin leading to floating of fire is Lee Jung Tang Ga Bu Ja Medicine for external use were Yang Suk San, Boo Wyen San, Rok Po San, Yoo Hwa San ate. 6. In western medicine, there is no specific treatment for RAS, and management strategies depend on dinical presentation and symptoms and includes antibiotics, oral rinses, glucocorticoids, immunomodulatory drugs, vitamines, analgesics, laser and antiviral agents.