• Title/Summary/Keyword: general image

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An Analysis of EEG Signal Generated from Watching Aesthetic and Non-aesthetic Content (美(미)醜(추) 콘텐츠 시청 시 발생하는 뇌파 신호 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Woo;Kang, Dong-Gyun;Kang, Hang-Bong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2018
  • Much research has been conducted to judge aesthetic value for a single type of stimuli, but research to determine aesthetic value when two kinds of stimuli are presented at the same time is not explored in depth. In this paper, we measure the difference between the presentation of visual stimuli like general image and the presentation of signboard image including text stimuli using EEG. In the experiment, two oddball tasks were performed for general images and signboard images, and EEG changes according to the aesthetic value of the images were measured. As a result, the change of ERP in signboard image was larger than that of general image. We confirmed that more visual information was received and processed when two stimuli were presented at the same time.

Development of Real-Time Image Processing System Using GPU (GPU를 이용한 실시간 이미지 프로세싱 시스템)

  • Oh Jae-Hong;Kang Hoon;Lee Ja-Yong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.393-397
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    • 2005
  • When a real-time image processing application is implemented with a general-purpose computer, CPU (Central Processing Unit) is usually heavily loaded and in many cases that CPU alone cannot meet the real-time requirement at all. Most modern computers are equipped with powerful Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate graphics operations. There is a trend that the power of GPU outgrows that of CPU. If we take advantage of the powerful GPU for more general operations other than pure graphics operations, the processing time can be reduced. In this study, we will present techniques that apply GPU to general operations such as image processing procedures. Our experiment results show that significant speed-up can be achieved by using GPU.

Optimum Angle of Incidence for General Anteroposterior Radiographic Image According to Lordosis angle : For Obese People

  • Kwak, Jong Hyeok;Kim, Gyeong Rip;Cho, Hee Jung;Moon, Sung Jin;Lee, Eun Sook;Sung, Soon Ki
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2021
  • The obesity leads to be the result of the weakening of anatomical structure as well as the gravity effect. And, the obesity interferes with normal sagittal balance and fails to maintain a straight posture with minimal energy. Therefore, the obesity can be an important factor in causing back pain by changing the lumbar lordosis. In this study, we will present an appropriate angle of incidence for obese people to reduce the image distortion of L4, L5 during a general anteroposterior radiography examination. To reduce image distortion according to the change of lordosis, the angle of incidence was applied 9 ° and 21 ° to L4 and L5 vertebra body when obesity and low back pain (LBP) perform the general anteroposterior radiography examination.

Caption Extraction in News Video Sequence using Frequency Characteristic

  • Youglae Bae;Chun, Byung-Tae;Seyoon Jeong
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.07b
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    • pp.835-838
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    • 2000
  • Popular methods for extracting a text region in video images are in general based on analysis of a whole image such as merge and split method, and comparison of two frames. Thus, they take long computing time due to the use of a whole image. Therefore, this paper suggests the faster method of extracting a text region without processing a whole image. The proposed method uses line sampling methods, FFT and neural networks in order to extract texts in real time. In general, text areas are found in the higher frequency domain, thus, can be characterized using FFT The candidate text areas can be thus found by applying the higher frequency characteristics to neural network. Therefore, the final text area is extracted by verifying the candidate areas. Experimental results show a perfect candidate extraction rate and about 92% text extraction rate. The strength of the proposed algorithm is its simplicity, real-time processing by not processing the entire image, and fast skipping of the images that do not contain a text.

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Hardware Implementation of a Multi-Function Image Processing System (다기능 영상처리 시스템의 하드웨어 구현)

  • Kong, Tae-Ho;Kim, Nam-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 1987
  • Generally, general-purpose image processing system is so expensive that not so many users easily can access the system. In this paper attemps have been made to design and describe a general and economical image processing system for real-time aplications such as image data compression, pattern recognition and target tracking. The system comprises an operator console, image data acquisition/display sistem and IBM PC/XT. The system also utilizes a high speed Fairchild 16-bit microprocessor with ALU speed of 375 nsec for system control, algrithm execution and user computation. The system also can digitize /display a 256x 256x 8 bit image in real time and store two frames of images. All image pixels are directly accessible by the microprocessor for fast and efficient computation. Some experimental and illustrative results such as target tracking are presented to show the efficient performance of the system.

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The Effect of Supportive Group Nursing Care on Body Image of the Patient With tower Limb Fracture (지지적 집단간호가 하지골절 환자의 신체상(Body Image)에 미치는 영향)

  • 정추자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 1985
  • This study was attempted to identify the difference between body image of the patients with lower limb fracture and that of normal persons, and to examine if supportive group care could offer an apportunity for positive change in body image of the patient with lower limb fracture under the Quasi-experimental design. The subjects for this study were obtained by ta-king convenient sample of soldiers; the experimental group were 44 lower limb fractured patients hospitalized on the orthopedic Surgery unit in S Army General Hospital, while the control group were 44 normal enlisted men serving in the B Army regiment. Supportive group nursing care was given to the lower limb fractured patients who belong to the experimental group. Pre-and post-tests were administered to the experimental and the control group. The instruments to measure body image of the subjects were body Cathexis Scale developed by Scord and Jourard (1953) and Body Meaning Scale dove-loped by the reseacher. The reliability coefficients by Cronhach's u-test were .95 in body Cathexis Scale and .89 in Body Meaning Scale in this study. Data for this study were collected over a period 12 days from the 12th to the 24th of October, 1984 by the questionnaire. Data were analyzed by computer. Frequency, Percentage and x²-test were used to examine general chacteristics of the subjects. t-test was used to analyze the hypotheses. Analysis of variance was used to test difference in body image between groups classified by the general characteristics. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to identify the correlation between Body Cathexis Scale and Body Cathexis Scale and Body Meaning Scale. The results of this study were as follows: 1. No significant difference was found between the experimental and the control group on general characteristics of the subjects (p> .05). 2. Hypothesis I:“There will be a difference in body image between patiens with lower limb fracture and normal persons,”was supported(Body Cathexis t=6.91, p<.001, Body Meaning t=5.66, p< .001). 3. Hypothesis Ⅱ;“The will be a difference in body image of patients with lower limb fracture bet-ween after and before, supportive group nursing care was provided,”was supported (Body Cathexis t=5.90, p<.001, Body Meaning t=4.45, p <.001). 4. There was no significant difference in body image between groups classified by the general characteristics (p> .05). 5. The correlation between Body Cathexis Scale and Body Meaning Scale: It was reported that Body Cathexis Scale correlated with Body Meaning Scale in total subjects of the experimental and control group (r=.744, p<.001). That is, there was relatively high correlation between two scales. body Cathexis Scale correlated with Body Meaning Scale in the experimental group(r=.738, p <.001) and in the control group (r=.352, p <.001). That is, there was more than moderate correlation between two scales. In conclusion, it was found that there was a difference in body image between patients with lower limb fracture and normal persons, and supportive group nursing care offered an opportunity for positive change in body image of the patient with lower limb fracture.

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An Automatic Object Extraction Method Using Color Features Of Object And Background In Image (영상에서 객체와 배경의 색상 특징을 이용한 자동 객체 추출 기법)

  • Lee, Sung Kap;Park, Young Soo;Lee, Gang Seong;Lee, Jong Yong;Lee, Sang Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2013
  • This paper is a study on an object extraction method which using color features of an object and background in the image. A human recognizes an object through the color difference of object and background in the image. So we must to emphasize the color's difference that apply to extraction result in this image. Therefore, we have converted to HSV color images which similar to human visual system from original RGB images, and have created two each other images that applied Median Filter and we merged two Median filtered images. And we have applied the Mean Shift algorithm which a data clustering method for clustering color features. Finally, we have normalized 3 image channels to 1 image channel for binarization process. And we have created object map through the binarization which using average value of whole pixels as a threshold. Then, have extracted major object from original image use that object map.

Optimal protocol for teleconsultation with a cellular phone for dentoalveolar trauma: an in-vitro study

  • Park, Won-Se;Lee, Hae-Na;Jeong, Jin-Sun;Kwon, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Grace H.;Kim, Kee-Deog
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : Dental trauma is frequently unpredictable. The initial assessment and urgent treatment are essential for dentists to save the patient's teeth. Mobile-phone-assisted teleconsultation and telediagnosis for dental trauma could be an aid when a dentist is not available. In the present in-vitro study, we evaluated the success rate and time to transfer images under various conditions. Materials and Methods : We analyzed the image quality of cameras built into mobile phones based on their resolution, autofocus, white-balance, and anti-movement functions. Results : The image quality of most built-in cameras was acceptable to perform the initial assessment, with the autofocus function being essential to obtain high-quality images. The transmission failure rate increased markedly when the image size exceeded 500 kB and the additional text messaging did not improve the success rate or the transmission time. Conclusion : Our optimal protocol could be useful for emergency programs running on the mobile phones.

Feature Extraction for Endoscopic Image by using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT) (SIFT를 이용한 내시경 영상에서의 특징점 추출)

  • Oh, J.S.;Kim, H.C.;Kim, H.R.;Koo, J.M.;Kim, M.G.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.6-8
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    • 2005
  • Study that uses geometrical information in computer vision is lively. Problem that should be preceded is matching problem before studying. Feature point should be extracted for well matching. There are a lot of methods that extract feature point from former days are studied. Because problem does not exist algorithm that is applied for all images, it is a hot water. Specially, it is not easy to find feature point in endoscope image. The big problem can not decide easily a point that is predicted feature point as can know even if see endoscope image as eyes. Also, accuracy of matching problem can be decided after number of feature points is enough and also distributed on whole image. In this paper studied algorithm that can apply to endoscope image. SIFT method displayed excellent performance when compared with alternative way (Affine invariant point detector etc.) in general image but SIFT parameter that used in general image can't apply to endoscope image. The gual of this paper is abstraction of feature point on endoscope image that controlled by contrast threshold and curvature threshold among the parameters for applying SIFT method on endoscope image. Studied about method that feature points can have good distribution and control number of feature point than traditional alternative way by controlling the parameters on experiment result.

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