• 제목/요약/키워드: general forms

검색결과 869건 처리시간 0.029초

핵에너지 태도 측정도구의 개발 (Development of Nuclear Energy Attitude Scale)

  • 장우정;우형택
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제11권9호
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    • pp.829-842
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to design a reliable and valid Likert-type scale to measure nuclear energy attitudes of various groups. 8 tests were applied to the construction of a 26-item long form, a 12-item middle form, and a 6-item short form of the scale. Three scales were field tested on 760 respondents representing a diverse range of subjects. The 26-item scale appeared to be reliable, content valid and construct valid. Scale reliability and homogeneity were evidenced by 0.95 coefficient alpha and positive interitem correlations ranging from 0.18 to 0.74. The results of factor analysis and known-groups comparison revealed that this scale had high validity. Reliability of the middle form and short form were evidenced by coefficient alpha of 0.92 and 0.90 respectively. The long and middle forms were strongly correlated, r-value of 0.98 and the long and short forms were also highly correlated, r-value of 0.93. Consequently, long form, middle form and short form scales were evidenced very reliable and valid in measuring nuclear energy attitudes of various groups in general. They can be used for a variety of purpose of measuring and testing nuclear energy attitude.

현대일본어의 회화문에 나타난 축약형의 음운론적 분석 (Analysis of Phonological Reduction in Conversational Japanese)

  • 최영숙;좌등자;박희태
    • 대한음성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한음성학회 1996년도 10월 학술대회지
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    • pp.198-206
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    • 1996
  • Using eighteen text materials from various goners of present-day Japanese, we collected phonologically reduced forms frequently observed in conversational Japanese, and classified them in search of unified explanation of phonological reduction phenomena. We found 7,516 cases of reduced forms which we divided into 43 categories according to the types of phonological changes they have undergone. The general tendencies ale that deletion and fusion of a phoneme or an entire syllable takes place frequently, resulting in the decrease in the number of syllable. Typical examples frequently observed throughout the materials are : $~/noda/{\rightarrow}~/nda/,{\;}-/teiru/{\rightarrow}~/teru/,{\;}~/dewa/{\rightarrow}~/zja/,{\;}~/tesimau/{\rightarrow}~/cjau/$. From morphosyntactic point of view phonological reduction often occurs at the NP and VP morpheme boundaries. The following findings are drawn from phonological observations of reduction. (1) Vowels are more easily deleted than consonants. (2) Bilabials(/m/, /b/, and /w/ are the most likely candidates for deletion. (3) In a concatenation of vowels, closed vowels are absorbed into open vowels, or two adjacent vowels come to create another vowel, in which case reconstruction of the original sequence is not always predictable. (4) Alveolars are palatalized under the influence of front vowels. (5) Regressive assimilation takes place in a syllable starting with ill, changing the entire syllable into phonological choked sound or a syllabic nasal, depending on the voicing of following phoneme.

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인플래터블 패션의 조형적 특성 연구 (A study on the formative features of the inflatable fashion)

  • 손수민
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.521-534
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to identify the formative features of inflatable fashion that has changed its form or fulfilled specific functions by inserting air between fabrics or between clothes and the human body. Images of inflatable fashion images after the 1990s were collected from the literature and internet data and were analyzed based on the formative features of inflatable design. Through this analysis, it was determined that there were four formative features of inflatable fashion: First, inflatable fashion has functionality. General fashion also has functionality, but inflatable fashion has expanded functionalities such as an air bag effect or insulation due to injected air. Second, the formative potential. Inflatable fashion can be changed into different forms depending on the amount of air injected. Light-weighted air holds up the material of the clothes. So new forms that are different from conventional fashion, which gives inflatable fashion its formative potential, can be suggested. Third, aesthetic expansion. Inflatable fashion when its volume is expanded expresses the beauty of scale, or expresses a voluptuous beauty when part of human body is exaggerated. Fourth, it has an unconstructive characteristic. Space that is visible due to the transparent material of inflatable fashion expresses the intention of the designer to fulfill an unconstructive concept. In conclusion, the formative features of inflatable design have formative significances : practicality, aesthetic significance, semantics and technical significance.

한.중.일 화재조사 운영체제 비교연구 (A Study Comparing Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Fire Investigation Operating System)

  • 최진만;김길환
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2011
  • 화재조사를 실시할 때, 기본원칙과 조사책임, 보고기한, 각종 표준서식 등은 내부 훈령인 화재조사보고 규정을 통해 업무가 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라를 비롯한 일본과 중국의 화재조사보고규정을 통해 운영체제를 비교 검토하여 우리나라 규정에 없거나 보강이 이루어져야 할 대안을 마련하는데 목적이 있다. 결과적으로 추가조사가 필요할 경우 긴급화재와 일반화재에 대한 보고기간을 30일로 표준화하고, 화재조사가 보고기한을 초과할 경우 지연보고서를 작성토록 하여 업무공백이 발생하지 않도록 하여야 하며, 화재관계자에게 자료를 요구할 때 자료보관증과 자료 반환증 서식안을 신설하여 운영하는 제도개선 사항 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다.

한국불교 현행 승복에 관한 연구 -조계종과 태고종을 중심으로- (A Study on the Present Monk′s Costume of the Korean Buddhist -Focusing on Jokye and Taego Sects-)

  • 이은숙;김진구
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 1994
  • The Korean Buddhism has been an effect on the Korean culture from the spipitual culture to the living culture. The Korean Buddhist costume, as an external form of the Buddhist culture, symbolizes the Buddhist ideas, the status difference of the general public, and keeps the traditional structure. The purpose of this study was to examine the monk's costume of Jokye sect and Taego sect among 47 sects,. In this study, it selected Jokye sect and Taego sect, because they are occupying important positions in the Korean Buddhism. The methods of this study depended on the documentary records, existing remains, the wearing clothing, the interviews with monks. In a changeful times, It is needed to study the actual condition of the Buddhist costume and keeps records about it. The results of this study may be stated as follows: The Buddhist costuem is composed of Chogori, Baji, Haengjon(leggins), Durumagi, Jangsam, kasa, hats, rubber shoes, Jori and Gelmang, etc. Chogori, Baji, Haengjon, Durumagi as the everyday dress are found in the Korean traditional costume. The forms and kinds of the everyday dress were the same between two sects, but the colors were different. Jangsam and kasa are the formal robe. In regard to Jangsam, two sects ere dressed in gray. But there were differences of design between two sects. Kasa was different in the forms, patterns, colors, and kinds according to the legal system of the monk and the sects.

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A Proline- and Leucine-rich 19 Amino Acid Oligopeptide from FS1 Functions as a Transcriptional Repression Domain

  • Cho, Yong-Seok;Baek. Gum-Hee;Yoon, Sang-Soon;Han, Dong-Uck;Han, Kyu-Hyung
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.647-651
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    • 1997
  • We have used a transient expression assay employing Drosophila S2 cells to study the transcriptional repression activity of a 27 amino acid residue-long repression domain FS1 which was generated by a frame-shift in a pair-rule gene, even-skipped of Drosophila melanogaster. In an attempt to define a minimal requirement for the repression activity, we constructed a series of truncation mutant forms of the FS1, fused to a heterologous GAL4 DNA-binding domain, and measured their activities. All of the mutant forms, including the GAL4-FS1 (5-23) which retains the smallest number (19) of amino acid residues of FS1, were found to repress an initiator, a minimal TATA-lacking promoter, in a GAL4-binding-site-dependent manner. These findings suggest that a 19 amino acid residue-long region, rich in proline and leucine residues, is a transcriptional repression domain and may interact with the general transcription machinery.

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7구역진단기의 임상응용에 대한 고찰 (2) - 각 제품에 따른 원리와 판독의 비교 - (A Study on the Clinical Use of 7-zone-Diagnostic System (2) - the Comparative Analysis of the Rule and the Decipher for each Equipment -)

  • 송범용
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2006
  • The 7-zone-diagnostic system(ABR-2000, BIO MEDIC 700Plus, CP-6000A, OMD 3000, VEGA-DFM 722) is a diagnostic device which applies pulse signals to predetermined bodily locations. Applying alternating positive and negative stress to tissues with positive and negative pulses first manifests itself as negative and positive wave forms. This system make a diagnosis of functional disorder or some typical organic diseases include stress of the mind or the body, and the energetic situation, reserves. We are known a disorder or disease throw the result charts. And these result represents various characteristic signals are assisted diagnosis and care. These result chart contains disorder flow wave forms and some valuable diagnostic hints or marks. But we have several various products for the 7-zone-diagnostic system. I think that we need the comparative analysis of the general rule and the decipher for each equipment. Because these letters(marks) each product are different, we necessary various plentiful research and suitable statistics in these points. And we must carry out many various research in the future.

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Effect of in vitro B-6 Vitameric Forms on Lymphocyte Proliferation in Healthy Young Women with Oral Vitamin B-6 Supplementation

  • Kwak Ho Kyung;Leklem James E.
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2005
  • A vitamin B-6 (B-6) intake higher than the current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) has been found to provide an improvement in immune system. Seven premenopausal women consumed their usual diet with the exception of foods relatively high in vitamin B-6 for a total of 27 d. After 7 d, all subjects received a multivitamin supplement containing 2mg B-6 and 4 subjects were given an additional 50mg of B-6 supplement for 20 d. Lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was measured before and after the supplementation. To determine the effect of different forms of B-6 on lymphocyte proliferation, cell culture media supplemented with pyridoxal (PL) and PLP, as well as B-6 free media, were tested. A 50mg B-6 supplement significantly increased vitamin B-6 status. There was no further enhancement on lymphocyte proliferation when subjects were taking an additional 50mg of vitamin B-6 supplement. In general, lymphocyte proliferation in media with either PLP or PL did not show any prominent difference. These [m-dings suggest that there may be no further benefits of a B-6 dose beyond twice that of the current RDA on lymphocyte proliferation. Further studies are necessary to examine the effect of the B-6 intake level on activities of enzymes involved in cellular B-6 metabolism in lymphocytes to provide substantial insight into the mechanisms underlying the role of B-6 in the lymphocyte proliferation.

일본어 회화문에 나타난 축약형의 음운론적 해석과 음향음성학적 분석 (Acoustical Analysis of Phonological Reduction in Conversational Japanese)

  • 최영숙
    • 음성과학
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2001
  • Using eighteen texts from various genera of present-day Japanese, I collected phonologically reduced forms frequently observed in conversational Japanese, and classified them in search of a unified. explanation of phonological phenomena. I found 7,516 cases of reduced forms which I divided into 43 categories according to the types of phonological changes they have undergone. The general tendencies are that deletion and fusion of a phoneme or an entire syllable takes place frequently, resulting in the decrease in the number of syllables. From a morphosyntactic point of view, phonological reduction often occurs at the NP and VP morpheme boundaries. The following findings are drawn from phonetical observations of reduction. (1) Vowels are more easily deleted than consonants. (2) Bilabials ([m], [b], and [w]) are the most likely candidates for deletion. (3) In a concatenation of vowels, closed vowels are absorbed into open vowels, or two adjacent vowels come to create another vowel, in which case reconstruction of the original sequence is not always predictable. (4) Alveolars are palatalized under the influence of front vowels. (5) Regressive assimilation takes place in a syllable starting with [r], changing the entire syllable into a phonological choked sound or a syllabic nasal, depending on the voicing of the following phoneme.

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자연의 유기적 요소를 적용한 치과의원 실내공간에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Dental Clinic Applied Organic Parts of Nature)

  • 김설화;한영호
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2005년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2005
  • There can be two definitions of modern ideal medical surroundings. One is medical services satisfied patients' with their desire and the other is places suited to remedy realized by rational operation. Particularly, in case of dental service, there is a need for an effective regard of moving lines and there are many rooms for a dental service belonged to a curer and not a curer. So a design has been developed by many concerns. How do we proffer more familiar and comfortable places to both a curer and not a curer. Nowadays, the design is making progress to the unprecedented and up-to-date direction. I would suggest a general plan used by a nature of an original art for this design. The design used by a nature between human beings and things is able to induce comforts and intimacies. So to speak, I would like to remove artificial design and keep up organic lines, shapes and forms of a nature like it is. This study grasps the organizational limitation of this design and the visual characteristic of organic forms used by harmonious image of a nature and a new way is applied to limited medical places, a dental service, based on the study. Also, I'm go to examine the meaning and worth of a new design and suggest the direction of it.

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