The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of variables related to family and employment on work-family negative spillover. The subjects of this study were 570 dual-earner with children. The research tool was questionnaires. For data analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach α, and multiple regression were performed. The main results of this study were as following. First, among variables related to family, spouse support, parental satisfaction, marital satisfaction, perceived fairness in the division of household labor, daily housework hour and family strengths had an influence on work→family negative spillover in wives, and weekends housework hour, perceived fairness in the division of household labor, perception of the gender role, and satisfaction of the division in household labor had an influence on work→family negative spillover in husband. Second, among variables related to family, parental satisfaction, number of children influence on family→work negative spillover in wives, and spouse support, parental satisfaction, satisfaction of the division in household labor, marital satisfaction, and perception of the gender role had an influence on family→work negative spillover in husband. Third, among variables related to employment, support from workplace, weekly working hour, monthly income, and job satisfaction had an influence on work→family negative spillover in wives, and support from workplace, monthly income, household income, and weekly working hour had an influence on work→family negative spillover in husband. Forth, among variables related to employment, support from workplace in wives, and job satisfaction in husband had an influence on family→work negative spillover. To conclude, there was some difference in the variables influencing work→family, family→work negative spillover between wife and husband. So, We have to take this difference into consideration in establishing work-family life balance policies.