• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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Effect of the Changing the Lower Limits of Normal and the Interpretative Strategies for Lung Function Tests (폐기능검사 해석에 정상하한치 변화와 새 해석흐름도가 미치는 영향)

  • Ra, Seung Won;Oh, Ji Seon;Hong, Sang-Bum;Shim, Tae Sun;Lim, Chae Man;Koh, Youn Suck;Lee, Sang Do;Kim, Woo Sung;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won Dong;Oh, Yeon-Mok
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2006
  • Background: To interpret lung function tests, it is necessary to determine the lower limits of normal (LLN) and to derive a consensus on the interpretative algorithm. '0.7 of LLN for the FEV1/FVC' was suggested by the COPD International Guideline (GOLD) for defining obstructive disease. A consensus on a new interpretative algorithm was recently achieved by ATS/ERS in 2005. We evaluated the accuracy of '0.7 of LLN for the FEV1/FVC' for diagnosing obstructive diseases, and we also determined the effect of the new algorithm on diagnosing ventilatory defects. Methods: We obtained the age, gender, height, weight, FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC from 7362 subjects who underwent spirometry in 2005 at the Asan Medical Center, Korea. For diagnosing obstructive diseases, the accuracy of '0.7 of LLN for the FEV1/FVC' was evaluated in reference to the 5th percentile of the LLN. By applying the new algorithm, we determined how many more subjects should have lung volumes testing performed. Evaluation of 1611 patients who had lung volumes testing performed as well as spirometry during the period showed how many more subjects were diagnosed with obstructive diseases according to the new algorithm. Results: 1) The sensitivity of '0.7 of LLN for the FEV1/FVC' for diagnosing obstructive diseases increased according to age, but the specificity was decreased according to age; the positive predictive value decreased, but the negative predictive value increased. 2) By applying the new algorithm, 34.5% (2540/7362) more subjects should have lung volumes testing performed. 3) By applying the new algorithm, 13% (205/1611) more subjects were diagnosed with obstructive diseases; these subjects corresponded to 30% (205/681) of the subjects who had been diagnosed with restrictive diseases by the old interpretative algorithm. Conclusion: The sensitivity and specificity of '0.7 of LLN for the FEV1/FVC' for diagnosing obstructive diseases changes according to age. By applying the new interpretative algorithm, it was shown that more subjects should have lung volumes testing performed, and there was a higher probability of being diagnosed with obstructive diseases.

Effect of Socio-demographic Factors on Sensory Properties for Hanwoo Steer Beef with 1++ Quality Grade by Different Cut and Cooking Methods (사회인구학적 요인이 1++ 등급 거세한우고기의 부위 및 요리형태별 관능특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Soo-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Hee;Kim, Jin-Hyoung;Seong, Pil-Nam;Park, Beom-Young;Kim, Kyung-Eui;Ko, Yoon-Sil;Lee, Jong-Moon;Kim, Dong-Hun
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the socio-demographic factors and the Korean consumers' palatability evaluation and to collect the sensory information for development of prediction palatability model of Hanwoo beef. Ten cuts [Abjin (short plate), Bosup (top sirloin), Cheggt (striploin), Dngsim (loin), Guri (chuck tender), Hongduke (eye of round), Moksim (chuck roll), Sulgit (bottom round), Udoon (top round), Yangji (brisket)] were separated from 5 Hanwoo steer beef (28-30 months old) and prepared with the same manner for 3 different cooking methods such as boiling, grilling, and roasting. The cooked beef samples were served to 650 consumers recruited from Seoul, Joongbu, Honam and Youngnam locations and evaluated as tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and overall acceptability. The consumer living location, age, gender, occupation, monthly income, and cut were significantly related with the scores of sensory properties when steer beef were cooked as boiling cooking (p<0.05). The eating habit and aging of beef were also significantly related with the tenderness and overall acceptability scores (p<0.01) when beef were cooked as boiled. In grill cooking, living location, aging, and cut had the significant effect on the sensory properties of Hanwoo steer beef (p<0.01). When steer beef were prepared by Korean traditional roast cooking, consumer's sensory scores were significantly different by the living location, age, occupation, monthly income, eating habit of consumers, aging and beef cut (p<0.001). Also, results from the principal component analysis showed that palatability scores of Korean consumers were decided with different contribution rate of tenderness, juiciness, flavor and overall acceptability for beef cut depending on cooking methods. In conclusion, Korean consumers' palatability for Hanwoo steer beef were related to the socio-demographic factors and the sensory scores were different by cut and cooking methods.

Establishment of the High-Throughput Hair Roots' DNA Isolation System and Verification of Its Appicability for Hanwoo Traceability Using the 11 Microsatellite Makes (대량 모근 시료 DNA 분리 체계 확립과 11 microsatellite maker를 사용하는 한우 생산이력제로의 적용가능성 검증)

  • Lim, Hyun-Tae;Lee, Sang-Ho;Yoo, Chae-Kyoung;Sun, Du-Won;Cho, In-Cheol;Yoon, Du-Hak;Yang, Dae-Young;Cheong, Il-Cheong;Lee, Jung-Gyu;Jeon, Jin-Tae
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2010
  • We used a multiplex PCR primer set composed of 11 microsatellite (MS) markers and two sexing markers for gender detection. Genomic DNA extracted from hair roots of 3,510 Hanwoo were genotyped. Based on the 11MS markers, no animals had identical genotypes(TGLA227, BM2113, TGLA53, ETF10, SPS115, TGLA122, ETH3, ETH225, BM1824 and INRA23). The expected probability of identity among genotypes of random individuals (PI), the probability of identity among genotypes from random half-sibs (PIhalfsibs) and among genotypes of random individuals, and the probability of identity among genotypes from random sibs (PIsibs) were estimated as 1.31×1023, 2.52×1016and 1.09×106, respectively using the API-CALC program, version 1.0. We successfully completed the genotype analysis of 3,510 Hanwoo with a 3.93% genotyping failure rate. It was revealed that extracting DNA from the hair root was a time-efficient and cost-effective method to collect specimens for DNA isolation from live animals. This method also minimized stress for the animals during specimen collection. Among the hair roots from the back, belly, upper tail and lower tail, 5~13 hair roots of the lower tail led to the best genotype analysis results. Finally, we established a 96-well-format method of DNA preparation applicable for high- throughput genotype analysis.

A Study of the Bracelets Excavated from Fifth-and Sixth-century Silla Kingdom Tombs: Physical Characteristics and Wearing Practices (신라 5~6세기 무덤 출토 팔찌에 대한 연구 -물리적·형태적 특성 및 착장 양상을 중심으로)

  • Yoon Sangdeok
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.174-197
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    • 2024
  • Personal ornaments made from precious metals that have been excavated from tombs dating to the Maripgan period (4th-6th century) of the Silla Kingdom are a major subject of analysis in the study of gender and hierarchy among the tomb occupants. Nonetheless, bracelets had been neglected until Ha Daeryong's recent research on determining gender through bracelets attracted attention. Accordingly, an examination and organization of the fundamental elements of Silla bracelets was needed. In response, this paper examines their physical characteristics, appearance, changes over time, and related wearing practices. The data for this study is derived from 176 bracelets, mostly made from silver or gold. Copper and glass bracelets are also included. Many of them were cast in a single-use earthen mold. Even the notched and protruding designs were created by casting rather than carving. Glass bracelets and bracelets with dragon designs were made using molds with round cavities. Excluding those produced using metal sheets, the rest of the bracelets are thought to have been cast in a mold with a long-string-shaped cavity and then bent round. After being bent, the two ends were either soldered together (closed type) or left open (open type). As demonstrated in the study by Lee Hansang, Silla bracelets evolved from plain rounded rod-shaped bracelets, such as the one excavated from the Northern Mound of Hwangnamdaechong Tomb, to versions with notched designs, and eventually to those with protruding designs, which gained popularity by the sixth century. The precedents of plain rounded rod-shaped bracelets are presumed to have been thin rod-shaped bracelets from the Proto-Three Kingdoms period. Bracelets need to be fit to the wrists so that they do not slip off easily when worn. The open type design was the preferable way to achieve this. Moreover, given the ductility of gold, silver, and copper, it seems that it would have been possible to stretch or deform them. In the end, I concluded that even if a bracelet is too small to pass man's hand, the open type could have been worn. Furthermore, if a closed-type bracelet were pressed into an oval shape, it would not be impossible for a man to put it on. When bracelets are divided according to their degree of deformability into type A (the open type) through type D, which is almost impossible to deform, type A is commonly found with wearers of thin hollow earrings, and types C and D (which are difficult to deform) are not found with wearers of thin hollow earrings, but only with wearers of thick hollow earrings. Therefore, it can be seen that men were allowed to wear bracelets, and the existing studies that differentiate between men and women based on the wearing of thin hollow earrings, thick hollow earrings, and swords remain valid.

Married Women's contingent Work and Work/Family Conflicts - Concentrating on Study Paper Instructors (기혼여성의 비정규 노동과 일/가족 갈등 -학습지 교사를 중심으로)

  • Kim Kyong-Hwa
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2006
  • The goal of this study is to analyze the complicated and diverse nature of the relationship between work and family life for the study paper instructors of whom are married women. The survey data for these analyses were from an in depth interview which was conducted with the 21 contingent female workers as study samples. They are the married women, who started to work or returned to work after an absence to raise a family. The results showed that in reality the contingent female worker faced worse working conditions than the full time female labour force, even if women were determined to be a study paper instructor to meet work and family demand. It was the contingent women worker with a short time work experience who were in the worst position tlo adjust their working arrangements to suit their family needs and were confronted with the greater inter-role friction as a vulnerable group. The study revealed that instrumental and emotional support of husband has a positive effect on maintaining job role and lessening role conflicts and stress of the women. The work/family relationship indicated its double side, conflict and support. The women simply could not afford to depend on the psychological support form family in the midst of the inferior employment conditions and the absence of social support. This strategy, however, was based on the family ideology and the patriarchal gender division of labor. It caused the overload, stress and poor health of women involving some risk to give up the work.

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A Study of the Occurrences of Musculoskeletal Related Pain Sufferers Among Fitness Center Users (운동센터 이용자의 근골격계 관련 통증 발생 실태)

  • Kim, Suhn-Yeop;Yang, Joung-Oak
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics and the current condition of musculoskeletal pain sufferers among fitness center users. The investigation used self-reporting questionnaire with the 797 subjects. On average, the subjects were 30.6 years old, 168.8 cm in height and 65.2 kg in weight. Among them, 423 were male (53.1%) and 374 were female (46.9%). Out of them, 276 suffered from pain, (35.2%). More men felt muscle aches than women (p<.05). In terms of pain, lower back area topped the list with 44.9%, followed by the lower extremities (30.1%), the neck (17.8%) and the upper part of the body (17.8%). Dieters suffered the most from pain (86.2%) while those exercising to build strength suffered the least with 26.8%. There was a significant relationship between the purpose for exercising and the amount of pain suffered (p<.05). By kind of exercise, pain stroke aerobic exercisers disproportionately with 42.4% while it almost steered clear of exercisers for strengthening with 26.9%. There was significant relationship between the kind of exercise and pain suffered (p<.05). The type of suffering differed by body shape. A significantly higher number of overweight people experienced pain than underweight people (p<.05). 32.8% of pain sufferers commented that the pain affects their workout, and on this issue there was no gender difference (p>.05). The pain caused more difficulties in doing activities of daily living for overweight or obese peoples than underweight peoples (p<.05). More than a third of health club and fitness center users are experiencing musculoskeletal pains. Measures such as professional training or information provision is required to prevent injury or disorder caused by improper exercise.

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A Study on Intention to Use and Word-of-mouth for Fashion Social Network Service (패션 소셜네트워크(SNS) 사용의도 및 구전의도에 관한 연구 -의복쇼핑성향, 혁신제품태도와 유행선도력의 영향을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Chung, Sung-Jee;Jeon, Yang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2012
  • This study locates factors that affect the intention to use fashion SNS (social network service) and intention for word-of-mouth on fashion SNS. Independent variables were fashion shopping orientation, attitude toward innovative products, fashion leadership, and demographics. A questionnaire method was used to collect data on college students while factor analyses, multiple regression, x2 analyses, and Pearson correlation coefficients were applied in analyzing data. Factor analyses resulted in four factors for fashion shopping orientation, three on attitude toward innovative products and two on fashion leadership. Multiple regression analyses showed that information compatibility of attitude toward innovative products had a significant impact on two models of intention to use fashion SNS and two models of intention for word-of-mouth on fashion SNS. Opinion leadership and gender were significant factors for two models of intention to use fashion SNS, which means that women are likely to have more intention to use fashion SNS. Meanwhile, fashion innovativeness was found to be a significant factor on two models of intention for word-of-mouth on fashion SNS. Shopping orientation factors were not important for any model. x2 analyses showed that women rather than men wanted more information on online fashion shows, general fashion information, and user participation programs. Fashion major students wanted more information on online fashion shows and user participation programs than non-fashion major students.

Outcome of Intestinal Metaplasia in Gastric Biopsy of Patients with Dyspepsia in Guilan Province, North Iran

  • Mansour-Ghanaei, Fariborz;Joukar, Farahnaz;Soati, Fatemeh;Mansour-Ghanaei, Alireza;Atrkar-Roushan, Zahra
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.3549-3554
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    • 2013
  • Background: It is generally accepted that gastric carcinomas are preceded by a sequential multistage process that includes chronic gastritis, gastric atrophy, usually with intestinal metaplasia (IM), and dysplasia. This series of changes in gastric carcinogenesis is often initiated by Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection. The aim of the present study was determination of gastric histopathologic changes in IM patients after at least one year in Guilan province, Iran. Materials and Methods: This case-series study was conducted in Guilan Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Research Center (GLDRC) during 2010 to 2011. Gastric biopsy was performed for all 71 known cases of IM and precanceric lesions including gastric atrophy, IM, dysplasia and H pylori infection were determined after at least one year. Results: Of the total of 71 patients with established IM who were enrolled, 50 had complete-type IM and 21 had incomplete-type IM. Fifty two people had H pylori infection. H pylori eradication was achieved in 39 patients (75%). Secondary pathology findings of patients with IM were complete metaplasia (39.4%), incomplete metaplasia (32.4%), dysplasia (23.9%) and other precanceric lesions (4.2%). Dysplasia (20%vs 33%) occurred in patients who had complete and incomplete IM at baseline respectively (p>0.05). Age, gender, family history of gastric cancer(GC); smoking habits and NSAIDs use were not associated with gastric premalignant lesions in initial and secondary pathologies (p>0.05). The difference became statistically significant between H pylori infection in patients with more than 3 years diagnostic intervals (p<0.05). Statistical difference between eradicators and non-eradicators was not significant. Conclusions: We found that incomplete IM increased the risk of subsequent dysplasia in this study.

Learning Effect Analysis for Flipped Learning based Computer Use Instruction (플립드 러닝 기반 컴퓨터 활용 수업의 학습 효과 분석)

  • Heo, Seo Jeong;Son, Dong Cheul;Kim, Chang Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2017
  • This paper suggests efficient learning improvement method of computer use instruction based on flipped learning. Traditional computer use classes were difficult to practice and collaborative with sufficient lectures. However, we used KOCW (Korea Open Courseware) as a footsteps in the class using the flipped learning method and learned in advance before entering the classroom. In the classroom, we conducted collaborative hands on class based on mutual discussion. After the instruction, we measured learning motivation and satisfaction by gender, grade, and major using the motivation test tool. The results showed that degree of attention awareness, perception of class relevance and perception of learning satisfaction were analyzed as 'very satisfied' and 'satisfied' more than 90%.

The Total Acid, Free Amino Acids Contents and Sensory Characteristics of Demi-glace Sauce based on Omija added Quantity (오미자 첨가량에 따른 Demi-glace 소스의 총산과 아미노산 함량 및 관능적 특성)

  • Kim, Hyun-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.348-358
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to examine contents of total acid and free amino acids in the Demi-glace with added quantity of Omija extracts. Firstly, The level of Total acid content of Demi-glace sauces was 1.081.89 and Omija extracts was 2.777.24. The more Omija extracts added, there was the higher total acid contents. Sauces and extracts of 5% Omija was the highest. Secondly, Total free amino acids contents of control was 2518.52mg%, and Omija sauces was 2261.522894.14mg. 2% Omija sauces was the highest among them. Hydroxyproline of total 34 free amino acids was the highest, and Glutamic acid 158.42mg%, Proline 78.90mg% was next in order. Arginine was the highest with 27.4034.40mg among 9 essential amino acids contents. Glutamic acid was the highest contents with 123.18158.42mg. Compared to control's(0.41mg%), Omija added group was 20.6327.82mg and it was the highest increase. While other 15 amino acid was analyzed, Hydroxyproline was the highest contents with 1,737.222,205.80mg. Compared to control group(15.63mg%), proline was 57.0178.90mg Omija added group and it was increased with the highest contents. In essential amino acid, flavor enhancing amino acid and other amino acid were increased and the highest contents with 2% added Omija sauce. Thirdly, sensory characteristics of Demi-glace sauces based on overall preference, It was find that 2% added Omija was the best. 2% added was the best for color, flavor, taste, texture, overall acceptability(P<.001). In terms of Demi-glace sauces' gender preference, male and female people liked 2% added Omija color, flavor, taste, texture, overall acceptability. It was find that there was no significant differences between male and female.