• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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Increased Micronucleus Frequency in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Contributes to Cancer Risk in the Methyl Isocyanate-Affected Population of Bhopal

  • Senthilkumar, Chinnu Sugavanam;Akhter, Sameena;Malla, Tahir Mohiuddin;Sah, Nand Kishore;Ganesh, Narayanan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.4409-4419
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    • 2015
  • The Bhopal gas tragedy involving methyl isocyanate (MIC) is one of the most horrific industrial accidents in recent decades. We investigated the genotoxic effects of MIC in long-term survivors and their offspring born after the 1984 occurrence. There are a few cytogenetic reports showing genetic damage in the MIC-exposed survivors, but there is no information about the associated cancer risk. The same is true about offspring. For the first time, we here assessed the micronucleus (MN) frequency using cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay to predict cancer risk in the MIC-affected population of Bhopal. A total of 92 healthy volunteers (46 MIC-affected and 46 controls) from Bhopal and various regions of India were studied taking gender and age into consideration. Binucleated lymphocytes with micronuclei (BNMN), total number of micronuclei in lymphocytes (MNL), and nuclear division index (NDI) frequencies and their relationship to age, gender and several lifestyle variabilities (smoking, alcohol consumption and tobacco-chewing) were investigated. Our observations showed relatively higher BNMN and MNL (P<0.05) in the MIC-affected than in the controls. Exposed females (EF) exhibited significantly higher BNMN and MNL (P<0.01) than their unexposed counterparts. Similarly, female offspring of the exposed (FOE) also suffered higher BNMN and MNL (P<0.05) than in controls. A significant reduction in NDI (P<0.05) was found only in EF. The affected group of non-smokers and non-alcoholics featured a higher frequency of BNMN and MNL than the control group of non-smokers and non-alcoholics (P<0.01). Similarly, the affected group of tobacco chewers showed significantly higher BNMN and MNL (P<0.001) than the non-chewers. Amongst the affected, smoking and alcohol consumption were not associated with statistically significant differences in BNMN, MNL and NDI. Nevertheless, tobacco-chewing had a preponderant effect with respect to MNL. A reasonable correlation between MNL and lifestyle habits (smoking, alcohol consumption and tobacco-chewing) was observed only in the controls. Our results suggest that EF and FOE are more susceptible to cancer development, as compared to EM and MOE. The genotoxic outcome detected in FOE reflects their parental exposure to MIC. Briefly, the observed cytogenetic damage to the MIC-affected could contribute to cancer risk, especially in the EF and FOE.

A Thematic Analysis of Nurses' Work-Family Balance in the Korean Nurses Association News (간호사신문에 게재된 일-가정 양립 주제분석)

  • Kim, Miyoung;Lee, Kyoung Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.446-457
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the Korean nurses association news described nurses' work-family balance for fifteen years by drawing on the qualitative thematic approach. From September 14, 2012 to February 10, 2015, data were collected by searching news articles associated with nurses' work and family balance published from 2000 to 2014 in the Korean nurses' association news online. A total of 73 news articles were used for data analysis. Two themes and ten sub-themes were derived; under the first theme of the government policy on work-family balance, the 'policies of maternity leave', 'parenting support', 'working condition improvement', and 'family-friendly culture' were identified as the sub-themes. For the second theme of Korean nurses association activities on work-family balance, the 'activities for various working shifts', 'constructing 24 hours childcare facilities', 'supporting unemployed nursing workforce development', 'healthy birth and parenting environment', 'family-friendly work environment', and 'securing nurses for nursing shortage' were identified as sub-themes. The Korean nurses association news in terms of work-family balance providing a voice for nurses regarding the benefit of maternity leave, increasing awareness of gender equality from a gender perspective, and leading the public attention to it in depth.

A Study of the Factors Affecting User Acceptance of Smart TVs (스마트TV 사용자 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Su-Yeon;Lee, Sang Hoon;Hwang, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1652-1662
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    • 2013
  • As smart devices like smartphones and smart pads are prevalent recently, dramatic changes so called 'smart evolution' deployed in many socioeconomic areas. These changes lead the TV industry to develop a smart TV differentiated from a conventional TV by enabling internet connectivity and applications execution. In this study the factors affecting the acceptance of a smart TV are extracted by reviewing the previous works and the structural relationships among these factors are analyzed. Adding 'Social Influence' to consider an environmental factor and 'Innovativeness' for personal characteristics, we build an extended Technology Acceptance Model and analyzed the structural relationships among the factors in the model using Structural Equation Model. In the results we can find that the environmental factors affect the perceived characteristics. The moderating effects of gender and level of experience in smart devices have also been investigated. No difference is found between gender groups. In much-experienced group, Innovativeness affects Perceived Usefulness and acceptance of a smart TV. In less-experienced group, however, Innovativeness affects Perceived Ease of Use, Expected Enjoyment and finally acceptance of a smart TV.

Nursing Jobs and Gender in our age of convergence: Research on Male Nurses (융복합시대의 간호직과 성: 남자간호사에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Ja Hyun;Seo, Myoung Hee;Lee, Myung In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.287-297
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    • 2016
  • This research paper is of a 'mixed method' research design: the quantitative analysis covering general data and the current condition of male nurses, the qualitative analysis being used on interview transcript data. The research subjects are 19 male nurses who work at a hospital and 29 female nurses who are doing Masters degrees in "J" province of the Republic of Korea. The data collection period was March 25 to April 1, 2015. The quantitative data was analyzed with SPSS WIN 19.0 software while the qualitative data was analyzed according to the 'contents analysis' method. The results show that the satisfaction of male participants in their profession is higher than average. The item 'growth as a professional' was rated highest as a satisfying aspect of working as a nurse. A difference was observed in the points of view of male and female participants, however, both male and female nurses have a positive view of male nurses which over comes traditional stereotypes. These results will be used to establish a positive image of nurses across genders.

Patterns of Korean Women′s Life Course (한국 여성의 생애 유형: 저출산과 M자형 취업곡선에의 함의)

  • Park Keong-Suk;Kim Young Hye
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.63-90
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to discover patterns of Korean women's life course in terms of their life time sequence of family roles and economic activity. Primary factors for the change and diversity of family-work role sequence are also examined. Data used in this study is the Fourth Survey of Korean Women's Economic Activity which was conducted by Korean Institute of Women Development (KIWD) in 2002. According to the main results, five distinctive patterns of life course are to be disentangled for ever married women: First, doing simultaneously family and work roles with no maternal leave (13.7%); second, reentry into labor market after maternal leave (M type, 18.6%); third, no reentry into labor market after maternal leave (latent M type, 26.9%); fourth, first job entry after child rearing (23.5%); and finally, no work experience (17.3%). The relative composition of the respective life course has changed over marriage cohorts. M type including latent M type became a dominant life pattern among married women since marriage cohorts of 1980 and later. The share of married women who begin to work first after maternal role or have no work experience has declined with recent marriage cohorts. It is also noted that the share of women with simultaneous family and work roles has increased among marital cohorts of 1990 and later. Marriage cohort differences being controlled, life patterns significantly differ by women's educational level, existence of role model of working mother at growth, women's own and husbands' gender role attitude, and family economy. Finally, some policy concerns for gender role division of family and work are raised.

Supporting plan of disabled welfare center for the Disabled in Securing the Maternity Rights (Pregnancy·Childbirth·Child Rearing) of Disabled Women from a Gender-Sensitive Perspective (성인지적 관점의 여성장애인 모성권(임신과 출산,자녀양육)보장을 위한 장애인복지관의 역할)

  • Choi, Sun-kyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2018
  • According to the 2017 national survey of the disabled persons conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, rehabilitation centers for the disabled appeared to be the service agency that disabled women use the most. This means that rehabilitation centers for the disabled hold an important role in securing the maternity rights of disabled women. However, in the practice of welfare for the disabled, programs for securing maternity rights are inadequate, and the actual condition is not being surveyed. As a result, programs related to maternity rights based on the legal basis exist, but actual support services for resolving the difficulties related to maternity rights that disabled women experience are inadequate. Thus, the study suggests that rehabilitation centers for the disabled should pay a central role in establishing the maternity rights of disabled women and provide support services such as developing a manual on basic information about pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing, offering childbirth-related counseling, activating a self-help group, providing an individualized program for families, connecting with medical institutions, and supporting case management.

A Study on the Effects of Perceived Risk Factors of RPA on Acceptance Conflict and Acceptance Intention: RPA Experience, Gender, and ICT Industry as Control Variables (RPA의 지각된 위험요인이 수용갈등 및 수용의도에 미치는 영향: RPA경험, 성별, ICT업종을 통제변수로)

  • Song, Sun-Jung;You, Yen-Yoo;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2022
  • The use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) has been recently reviewed in various industries, but it seems that it is not being applied to companies faster than ever expected. In this study, three perceived risk factors affecting the acceptance conflict and acceptance intention of RPA technology were proposed and the effects of RPA on acceptance conflict and acceptance intention were investigated using RPA experienced people, gender and ICT industries as control variables. For the research, online survey was conducted targeting office workers and analyzed the results by using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0. As a result, it was found that among the three perceived risk factors, concern about introduction failure, employment insecurity, and execution errors, employment insecurity and execution errors did not affect the acceptance conflict and acceptance intention of RPA. This research shows that concerns over the introduction failure affected the acceptance conflict and acceptance intention. In addition, the acceptance conflict was judged as a factor of the mediation effect of the acceptance intention. From the perspective of companies that want to apply RPA, the theoretical and practical implications of business management are meaningful in that they can identify and respond to particularly important factors among perceived risks.

A Study on the Mediating Effect of Perceived Customer Value onthe Relationship Between Relationship Marketing Factors and Loyalty on Rural Tourism (농촌관광의 관계마케팅 활동요인과 충성도 간의 관계에서 고객지각가치의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Heon;Hwang, Tae Hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to identify the relationship marketing factors and examine the mediating factors of perceived customer value on the relationship between relationship marketing factors and loyal on rural tourism. We collected and analyzed the survey data from the customers who had experienced rural tourism before. The results from the empirical analysis are as follows. First, through the exploratory factor analysis, four factors such as customer orientation, responsive attraction, professionalism, and ties were derived. Second, it was found all four factors have significant positive effects on loyalty. Third, both responsive attraction and professionalism have significant positive effects on perceived customer value. However, customer orientation and ties do not have significant effects. Fourth, the perceived customer value showed a full mediating effect between responsive attraction and loyalty, whereas it showed a partial mediating effect between professionalism and loyalty. Additionally, it was found that gender did not affect loyalty but significantly affected perceived customer value. This means that women had lower perceived value for rural tourism than men. To improve the loyalty of rural tourism, it is necessary to improve customer orientation, professionalism, ties, and perceived customer value.

Association between single-person households in the elderly and unmet medical need (고령층 1인 가구 여부와 미충족의료의 연관성)

  • Bon Hee Gu;Min Soo kim;Hyeon Ji Lee;Jae Hyun Kim
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2024
  • Objective: This study was conducted to provide basic data for the establishment of effective health policies for the unmet medical experience that may occur among the elderly depending on whether they live in a singleperson household or not. Methodology: This study used data from the 8th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019-2020) and excluded cases with missing values in variables for the total number of respondent participants of 15,469. Finally, 2,850 subjects aged 65 or older were selected for final analysis. This study examined the relationship between experiences of unmet medical needs, attempting to confirm the relationship between single-person households and unmet medical needs through subgroup analysis considering gender, age, and household income. Results: According to the results, in the case of single-person households, the odds ratio (OR) for unmet medical needs was significantly higher at 1.60 times (95% CI: 1.16-2.21). Upon conducting subgroup analyses for gender, age, and household income quintiles, the OR was significantly higher at 2.24 times (95% CI: 1.14-4.41) for males and 1.48 times (95% CI: 1.02-2.14) for females, statistically significant in both cases. For individuals aged 65-69, the OR was significantly higher at 1.90 times (95% CI: 1.04-3.47), but for those aged 70-74 and over 75, it was not statistically significant. In the case of households with 'low' income, the OR was higher at 1.62 times (95% CI: 1.16-2.26), and for 'middle' income, it was significantly higher at 3.21 times (95% CI: 1.08-9.51). Conclusion: This study confirmed that the experience of unmet medical care is high among men who make up single-person households and low-income seniors. Therefore, this study suggests that policies to expand medical services and support welfare for single-person households should be established to resolve these problems, showing that health policies that take into account individual and regional characteristics are needed to improve medical accessibility for single-person households.

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Factors of Healthy Lifestyle by Life Cycle According to the Characteristics of Single-Person Households (1인가구의 특성에 따른 생애주기별 건강성 결정요인)

  • Seo, Jiwon;Song, Hyerim;Kim, Jung Eun;Park, Jeongyun
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2024
  • The rate of single-person households has been increasing all over the world, and there has been a particularly rapid increase in them in Korea. Single-person households show unique and various characteristics related to the reasons for becoming a single-person household, gender, life cycle, and so on. Thus, research needs to focus on the specific groups of single-person households in order to provide tailored policies and programs. This study segmented single-person households in three groups based on life cycle: young, middle-aged, and older adults. Differences in the level of healthy lifestyle, as well as factors affecting that, were investigated according to the groups. The data were collected in 2022, with 237 respondents from single-person households in Kimpo. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The overall level of healthy lifestyle was found to be significantly higher for young adults compared to older adults. Results from multiple regression show that significant factors related to the healthy lifestyle of single-person households were gender, educational attainment, whether becoming a single-person household was voluntary, and whether the respondents had experienced discrimination as a single-person household. Significant factors differed by the sub-categories of the healthy lifestyle scale. This study has implications related to discovering differences in the level of healthy lifestyles of single-person households through examining the factors affecting it according to life cycle.