• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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Celebrity Endorser Effects of Fast Food Industries on Seoul Highschool and Undergraduate Students (서울 지역 고등학생 및 대학생을 대상으로 한 패스트푸드업체의 '스타마케팅' 광고효과 분석)

  • Kim, Hyung-Min;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of celebrity endorsers used in fast food industry among highschool and undergraduate students. By taking the sample's age and income into consideration, the advertisement examples of fast food industries were chosen for this study. Data was collected by questionnaires from 400 students. For statistical analysis, the SPSS V19.0 was used for reliability and factor analysis, chi-square test and regression analysis. The results are as follows: First, there was a significant difference (p<0.01) in advertising effects according to gender and education level. Out of the consumers who were exposed to celebrity endorsers, the highschool students and women showed higher advertising effects. Second, the advertising attitude was positively related to brand images (F: 479.680, p<0.01) and buying intentions (F: 1101.427, p<0.01) as well as brand images on purchase intentions (F: 492.175, p<0.01). In conclusion, the consumers with positive attitudes towards advertisements will also evaluate brand images positively and be more likely to purchase the products.

Analysis on Determinants of OTT Service Experience and AVOD/SVOD Service Use (OTT 서비스 이용경험 및 유·무료서비스 이용 결정 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Ho;Lee, Sang Un
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.583-591
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    • 2021
  • This paper explores variables that influence the prediction of OTT service experience and free(AVOD)/ paid(SVOD) service use. Research results showed that five variables such as gender, age, personal income, household composition, and e-commerce use experience had a significant impact on identifying OTT service experience and whether to use free or paid services. Also, it was found that the probability of using SVOD increases as they prefer news and drama genres and use OTT services for more time. In summary, those who are relatively young, have a high personal income, and are more adapted to digital environments such as e-commerce are more likely to use SVOD.

A Study on the Possibility of Using Children's Architectural Work as Projective Test - Through Comparative Analysis with MBTI Psychological Preference Types - (어린이 기초건축교육의 투사검사 활용 가능성에 관한 연구 - MBTI 심리선호경향과 비교분석을 통하여 -)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2020
  • This study is preliminary and qualitative research to find out the possibility of using children's architectural work as projective test tools. The features of 21 works from the activity of built-environment education for children was analyzed and compared with MBTI psychological preference types. The key results are as follows: 1) Observation and communication was required to understand and analyze children's architectural works. 2) The results of children's work appeared in various ways, and were classified as indicators according to composition, shape, expression, program, circulation. These indicators also showed the independence of personal expression types regardless of age or gender. 3) The comparison between architectural expressions and MBTI preference types revealed a significant relationship between the indicators. The relationship only appeared in certain indicator pairs. Therefore, it can be said that the built-environment education could be used as a projection test tool to understand the psychological preferences of children. In conclusion, the meanings and limitations of this study and the possibility of future researches were discussed.

An Exploratory Study of Masculinity in Nursing (간호에서의 남성성에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Mi Young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was to explore the meaning of masculinity in nursing by investigating how the male qualities are expressed in the culture of nursing wherein men represent a minority group. Methods: Connell's hegemonic masculinity theory (1987, 1995) and qualitative thematic analysis were used to conduct this study in which eight male nurses participated. Braun and Clarke's six stages of thematic analysis (2006) were used for data analysis. Results: The results indicated that masculinity in nursing meant 'soft masculinity' meeting the expectations of the discipline while keeping the male qualities intact. Male nurses were found to suppress their masculinity at earlier stages of their career and to make themselves more accommodating to the profession. However, males re-asserted their masculinity once they became more comfortable with their nursing work. Conclusion: In the field of nursing, masculinity was found to be subjected to stages of attenuating and consolidating which take place in succession. Consolidation of the male qualities was motivated rather unexpectedly by female colleagues. The results confirmed that the issue of gender in nursing is an important factor in recruiting and understanding male nurses in the future.

A Study on Measuring AI Literacy of Pre-service Secondary School Teachers

  • So Hee Yoon;Bong Seok Jang
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.5_spc
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    • pp.725-731
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    • 2024
  • With the emergence and advancement of artificial intelligence, the world is rapidly changing. As artificial intelligence is applied across various fields of society, individuals must develop the ability to understand and effectively utilize it. Consequently, interest in AI literacy has been growing. This study was conducted to measure AI literacy among pre-service secondary school teachers. An online survey was administered to 105 students enrolled in the College of Education at A University. Data analysis included descriptive analysis, independent samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results are as follows. First, an analysis of the mean differences in AI literacy sub-factors and overall scores by gender revealed that female pre-service teachers scored higher than males in AI understanding, AI usage, AI application, and AI literacy overall, with these differences being statistically significant. Second, based on the number of courses completed related to teaching methods, there were statistically significant differences in AI creation and AI identification. Specifically, pre-service teachers who had not completed any relevant courses scored lower in AI creation and AI identification compared to those who had completed at least one course. Third, the overall level of AI literacy among pre-service secondary school teachers was found to be relatively low. Based on these findings, implications for teacher education are discussed.

The Relationship Between Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Technology Use Intention in Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers

  • So Hee Yoon;Bong Seok Jang
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.901-907
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to analyze the levels of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and technology use intention among pre-service early childhood teachers, as well as to examine the relationship between these teachers' TPACK and their intention to use technology. A survey was conducted with 151 students enrolled in the Department of Early Childhood Education at A University, and the collected responses were analyzed. Independent samples t-tests and one-way ANOVA were utilized to assess mean differences based on gender, grade level, and student achievement level. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis (using the Enter method) was performed to evaluate the explanatory power of TPACK on technology use intention. Results indicated that male students had significantly higher average scores in TK, TPK, TCK, TPACK, and technology use intention compared to female students (p < .05). Additionally, second- and third-year students outperformed first-year students in CK, PK, TK, PCK, and TCK, with third-year students also scoring higher in TPK. The A grade group exhibited higher average scores in CK than the B and C grade groups, and also outperformed the B grade group in PK and PCK. The regression analysis revealed that the model was statistically significant (p < .001), with TPK, TCK, and TPACK identified as significant predictors of technology use intention.

Embryo Gender Ratio and Developmental Potential after Biopsy of In Vivo and In Vitro Produced Hanwoo Embryos

  • Cho, Sang-Rae;Choe, Chang-Young;Son, Jun-Kyu;Cho, In-Cheol;Yoo, Jae-Gyu;Kim, Hyung-Jong;Ko, Yeong-Gyu;Kim, Nam-Young;Han, Sang-Hyun;Park, Yong-Sang;Ko, Moon-Suck
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2012
  • The present study was to assess the in vitro viability and sexing rate of bovine embryos. Blastocysts were harvested on day 7~9 day after insemination(in vitro and in vivo), and the sex of the embryos was examined using the LAMP method. Embryo cell biopsy was carried out in a 80μl drop Ca2+, Mg2+ free D-PBS and, biopsied embryos viability were evaluated after more 12 h culture in IVMD culture medium. The formation of recovered embryo to expanded and hatching stages had ensued in higher of sexed embryo in vivo than in vitro (100% vs. 89%, p<0.05), and in vitro, the rates of degeneration after sexing were significantly (p<0.05) higher in vitro than in vivo(11% vs. 0.0%). The rates of the predicted sex were female 61% vs. 56%, and male 39% vs. 44% in vivo and in vitro, respectively. The rates of survival following different biopsy methods were seen between punching and bisection method in vivo and in vitro (100% vs. 89% and 100% vs, 78% respectively). Biopsy method by punching was significantly (p<0.05) higher than bisection between produced embryos in vivo and in vitro. The present data indicate that with microblade after punching for embryo sexing results in high incidence of survivability on development after embryo biopsy. It is also suggested that LAMP-based embryo sexing suitable for field applications.

Associations of Depressive Symptoms and Brachial Artery Reactivity among Police Officers

  • Violanti, John M.;Charles, Luenda E.;Gu, Ja K.;Burchfiel, Cecil M.;Andrew, Michael E.;Joseph, Parveen N.;Dorn, Joan M.
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: Mental health has been shown to be linked with certain underlying physiological mechanisms. The objective of this cross sectional study was to investigate the relationship between depressive symptoms and brachial artery reactivity (BAR) in an understudied population: police officers. Methods: Participants were 351 police officers who were clinically examined in the Buffalo Cardio-Metabolic Police Stress (BCOPS) study. BAR was performed using standard B-Mode ultrasound procedures. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Mean values of the difference between the baseline and maximum diameters of the brachial artery were determined across three categories of CES-D score using the analysis of variance and the analysis of covariance. p-values for linear trends were obtained from linear regression models. Results: The mean age (± standard deviation) of all officers was 40.9±7.2 years. Women had a slightly higher mean CES-D score than men (8.9±8.9 vs. 7.4±6.4) and a slightly higher percentage increase of BAR than men (6.90 vs. 5.26%). Smoking status significantly modified the associations between depressive symptoms and BAR. Among current smokers, mean absolute values of BAR significantly decreased as depressive symptoms increased after adjustment for age, gender, race/ethnicity, hypertension, and diabetes; the multivariate-adjusted p-values were 0.033 (absolute) and 0.040 (%). Associations between depressive symptoms and BAR were not statistically significant among former smokers or never smokers. Conclusion: Depressive symptoms were inversely associated with BAR among police officers who were current smokers and together may be considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease among police officers. Further prospective research is warranted.

A Study on the Working Conditions of Agricultural Workers through a Comparison of Agricultural and General Workers: The 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey (농업군과 비농업군의 비교를 통한 농업취업자의 근로환경에 관한 연구: 제6차 근로환경조사 원시자료 이용)

  • Hyeseon, Chae;Sooin, Park;Insoo, Kim;Kyungran, Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.287-301
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study compared the characteristics of the work environment between agricultural and general workers and analyzed the effects of agricultural working characteristics on work-related health problems. Methods: The participants of this study were 2,347 agricultural workers and 48,042 general workers who were selected by applying standardized weights to the raw data of 50,538 respondents from the 6th Korean Working Condition Survey (KWCS). Variables applicable to both worker groups and related to exposure to hazardous risk factors in the working environment, working hours and intensity of work, health problems and work-related status, and satisfaction with the work environment were selected. Chi-square tests and independent sample t-tests were performed to evaluate the differences in the variables between the two groups. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to analyze the effects of work environment characteristics on work-related health problems. Results: Compared to general workers, agricultural workers were more exposed to hazardous environments, irregular work patterns such as working on Saturday/Sunday, and short repetitive tasks. They reported more work-related and general health problems, including back pain, upper extremity muscle pain, lower extremity muscle pain, and general fatigue. Agricultural workers showed lower satisfaction with their work environment than general workers. Factors affecting one or more work-related health problems included gender, working years, hazardous factors, irregular work pattern, working hours, and labor intensity. Conclusions: Our findings showed that agricultural workers were relatively more vulnerable to safety issues compared to other occupational groups. Therefore, it is necessary to establish standardized safety and health standards and strengthen systematic safety and health management policies and services for agriculture.

Dietary Calcium Intake and Colorectal Adenoma in Men and Women with Low Calcium Intake

  • Jioh Kang;Sang Hoon Kim;Joowon Chung;Dong Hyun Kim;Min Kyu Jung;Seun Ja Park;Hoon Jai Chun;Yun Jeong Lim;Hyun Jeong Cho;Jung Eun Lee
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2024
  • Backgrounds/Aims: Calcium is a preventive factor for colorectal cancer, which develops from colorectal adenoma. This study aimed to investigate the association between dietary calcium intake and prevalence of colorectal adenoma among Korean adults. Methods: Overall, 612 participants aged ≥ 20 years who underwent gastrointestinal endoscopy at 8 medical centers from 2021 to 2023 were included. Dietary calcium intake was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire and was energy-adjusted using the residual model. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to calculate for the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The associations between dietary calcium intake and colorectal adenoma prevalence were also assessed according to the anatomic subsites and adenoma status (advanced or nonadvanced). Results: Among the 612 participants, 269 were diagnosed with colorectal adenoma (170 men and 99 women). With respect to the gender-specific association, low dietary calcium intake was associated with higher prevalence of colorectal adenoma among men (ORs [95% CIs]: 2.13 [0.50-9.00] for < 250 mg/day; 3.53 [1.06-11.76], 250 to < 350 mg/day; and 1.84 [0.63-5.35], 350 to < 650 mg/day, compared to ≥ 650 mg/day of dietary calcium [p for trend = 0.07]). Similar association was observed among women, but neither the association nor trend was statistically significant (p for trend = 0.59). These inverse associations remained similar for distal colon/rectal adenoma among women and advanced adenoma among men. Conclusions: Low dietary calcium intake was associated with high colorectal adenoma prevalence, particularly among men. Given the limited number of studies among Asian populations, our findings should be replicated in other Asian groups.