• 제목/요약/키워드: galaxies: clustering

검색결과 46건 처리시간 0.027초

Cosmological Tests using Redshift Space Clustering in BOSS DR11

  • Song, Yong-Seon;Sabiu, Cristiano G.;Okumura, Teppei;Oh, Minji;Linder, Eric V.
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.43.3-44
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    • 2015
  • We analyze the clustering of large scale structure in the Universe in a model independent method, accounting for anisotropic effects along and transverse to the line of sight. A large sample of 690,000 galaxies from The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey Data Release 11 are used to determine the Hubble expansion H, angular distance D_A, and growth rate GT at an effective redshift of z=0.57. After careful bias and convergence studies of the effects from small scale clustering, we find that cutting transverse separations below 40 Mpc/h delivers robust results while smaller scale data leads to a bias due to unmodelled nonlinear and velocity effects. The converged results are in agreement with concordance LCDM cosmology, general relativity, and minimal neutrino mass, all within the $68{\backslash}%$ confidence level. We also present results separately for the northern and southern hemisphere sky, finding a slight tension in the growth rate -- potentially a signature of anisotropic stress, or just covariance with small scale velocities -- but within $68{\backslash}%$ CL.

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Constraints on cosmology and baryonic feedback by the combined analysis of weak lensing and galaxy clustering with the Deep Lens Survey

  • Yoon, Mijin;Jee, M. James;Tyson, Tony
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.41.1-41.1
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    • 2018
  • We constrain cosmological parameters by combining three different power spectra measured from galaxy clustering, galaxy-galaxy lensing, and cosmic shear using the Deep Lens Survey (DLS). Two lens bins (centered at z~0.27 and 0.54) and two source bins (centered at z~0.64, and 1.1) containing more than one million galaxies are selected to measure the power spectra. We re-calibrate the initial photo-z estimation of the lens bins by matching with SHELS and PRIMUS and confirm its fidelity by measuring a cross-correlation between the bins. We also check the reliability of the lensing signals through the null tests, lens-source flipping and cross shear measurement. Residual systematic errors from photometric redshift and shear calibration uncertainties are marginalized over in the nested sampling during our parameter constraint process. For the flat LCDM model, we determine S_8=sigma_8(Omega_m/0.3)^0.5=0.832+-0.028, which is in great agreement with the Planck data. We also verify that the two independent constraints from the cosmic shear and the galaxy clustering+galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements are consistent with each other. To address baryonic feedback effects on small scales, we marginalize over a baryonic feedback parameter, which we are able to constrain with the DLS data alone and more tightly when combined with Planck data. The constrained value hints at the possibility that the AGN feedback in the current OWLS simulations might not be strong enough.

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Alcock-Paczynski Test with the Evolution of Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering Anisotropy: Understanding the Systematics

  • Park, Hyunbae;Park, Changbom;Tonegawa, Motonari;Zheng, Yi;Sabiu, Cristiano G.;Li, Xiao-dong;Hong, Sungwook E.;Kim, Juhan
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제44권1호
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    • pp.78.2-78.2
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    • 2019
  • We develop an Alcock-Paczynski (AP) test method that uses the evolution of redshift-space two-point correlation function (2pCF) of galaxies. The method improves the AP test proposed by Li et al. (2015) in that it uses the full two-dimensional shape of the correlation function. Similarly to the original method, the new one uses the 2pCF in redshift space with its amplitude normalized. Cosmological constraints can be obtained by examining the redshift dependence of the normalized 2pCF. This is because the 2pCF should not change apart from the expected small non-linear evolution if galaxy clustering is not distorted by incorrect choice of cosmology used to convert redshift to comoving distance. Our new method decomposes the redshift difference of the 2-dimensional correlation function into the Legendre polynomials whose amplitudes are modelled by radial fitting functions. The shape of the normalized 2pCF suffers from small intrinsic time evolution due to non-linear gravitational evolution and change of type of galaxies between different redshifts. It can be accurately measured by using state of the art cosmological simulations. We use a set of our Multiverse simulations to find that the systematic effects on the shape of the normalized 2pCF are quite insensitive to change of cosmology over \Omega_m=0.21 - 0.31 and w=-0.5 - -1.5. Thanks to this finding, we can now apply our method for the AP test using the non-linear systematics measured from a single simulation of the fiducial cosmological model.

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  • Matsumoto, T.;Seo, H.J.;Jeong, W.S.;Lee, H.M.;Matsuura, S.;Matsuhara, H.;Oyabu, S.;Pyo, J.;Wada, T.
    • 천문학논총
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.363-365
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    • 2012
  • We report a search for fluctuations of the sky brightness toward the North Ecliptic Pole with AKARI, at 2.4, 3.2, and $4.1{\mu}m$. The stacked images with a diameter of 10 arcminutes of the AKARI-Monitor Field show a spatial structure on the scale of a few hundred arcseconds. A power spectrum analysis shows that there is a significant excess fluctuation at angular scales larger than 100 arcseconds that cannot be explained by zodiacal light, diffuse Galactic light, shot noise of faint galaxies, or clustering of low-redshift galaxies. These findings indicate that the detected fluctuation could be attributed to the first stars of the universe, i.e., Population III stars.

Identifying potential mergers of globular clusters: a machine-learning approach

  • Pasquato, Mario
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.89-89
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    • 2014
  • While the current consensus view holds that galaxy mergers are commonplace, it is sometimes speculated that Globular Clusters (GCs) may also have undergone merging events, possibly resulting in massive objects with a strong metallicity spread such as Omega Centauri. Galaxies are mostly far, unresolved systems whose mergers are most likely wet, resulting in observational as well as modeling difficulties, but GCs are resolved into stars that can be used as discrete dynamical tracers, and their mergers might have been dry, therefore easily simulated with an N-body code. It is however difficult to determine the observational parameters best suited to reveal a history of merging based on the positions and kinematics of GC stars, if evidence of merging is at all observable. To overcome this difficulty, we investigate the applicability of supervised and unsupervised machine learning to the automatic reconstruction of the dynamical history of a stellar system. In particular we test whether statistical clustering methods can classify simulated systems into monolithic versus merger products. We run direct N-body simulations of two identical King-model clusters undergoing a head-on collision resulting in a merged system, and other simulations of isolated King models with the same total number of particles as the merged system. After several relaxation times elapse, we extract a sample of snapshots of the sky-projected positions of particles from each simulation at different dynamical times, and we run a variety of clustering and classification algorithms to classify the snapshots into two subsets in a relevant feature space.

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Diffusive Shock Acceleration Modeling of Radio Relics in Clusters of Galaxies

  • 강혜성;류동수
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.44.2-44.2
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    • 2012
  • Cosmological shock waves result from supersonic flow motions induced by hierarchical clustering during the large-scale structure formation in the Universe. Suprathermal particles are known to be produced via plasma interactions at collisionless shocks in tenuous plasmas and they can be further accelerated to become cosmic rays (CRs) via diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). The presence of CR electrons has been inferred from observations of diffuse radio halos and relics in some merging galaxy clusters. We have calculated the emissions from CR electrons accelerated at weak planar shocks, using time-dependent DSA simulations that include energy losses via synchrotron emission and Inverse Compton scattering. The simulated nonthermal emission are used to model the synchrotron emission from several observed radio relics.

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    • 천문학논총
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.367-369
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    • 2015
  • The FastSound project is a galaxy redshift survey using Subaru/FMOS to detect $H{\alpha}$ emitting galaxies at z ~ 1:3, for the purpose of probing the origin of the accelerated expansion of the universe. The survey has detected ~4,000 galaxy redshifts in a total area of $30deg^2$, and detected the redshift space distortion at this redshift range for the first time. The redshift space distortion (RSD) signal will be used to derive a measurement of the growth rate of large scale structure, which will provide a test for modified gravity as a possible origin of accelerated cosmic explansion. Here we present an overview and the current status of the project.

Cosmology in UOS: Case with SDSS galaxy sample and cosmological simulations

  • Hong, Sungwook E.;Park, Inkyu;Gu, Hyunmo;Kim, Jua;Kwon, Yungi;Ji, Hannah
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제44권1호
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    • pp.79.4-79.4
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    • 2019
  • We introduce a newly established cosmology research group at the University of Seoul. We also present our recent progress with SDSS Main Galaxy samples and various types of cosmological simulations as follows: (1) A hint for the periodicity of very large-scale structures is found in both SDSS observation and the Horizon Run 4 (HR4) simulation. (2) New galaxy clustering and void finding algorithms, which are thought to be sensitive to the topological shape of galaxy distribution, are developed and tested in both SDSS and HR4 data. (3) Properties such as radial distribution of galaxies or cosmological shock waves are studied in hydrodynamic simulations.

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Testing LCDM with eBOSS / SDSS

  • Keeley, Ryan E.;Shafieloo, Arman;Zhao, Gong-bo;Koo, Hanwool
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.47.3-47.3
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    • 2021
  • In this talk I will review recent progress that the SDSS-IV / eBOSS collaboration has made in constraining cosmology from the clustering of galaxies, quasars and the Lyman-alpha forest. The SDSS-IV / eBOSS collaboration has measured the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and redshift space distortion (RSD) features in the correlation function in redshift bins from z~0.15 to z~2.33. These features constitute measurements of angular diameter distances, Hubble distances, and growth rate measurements. A number of consistency tests have been performed between the BAO and RSD datasets and additional cosmological datasets such as the Planck cosmic microwave background constraints, the Pantheon Type Ia supernova compilation, and the weak lensing results from the Dark Energy Survey. Taken together, these joint constraints all point to a broad consistency with the standard model of cosmology LCDM + GR, though they remain in tension with local measurements of the Hubble parameter.

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Evidence for galaxy dynamics tracing background cosmology below the de Sitter scale of acceleration

  • van Putten, Maurice H.P.M
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.55.5-56
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    • 2017
  • Galaxy dynamics probes weak gravity at accelerations below the de Sitter scale of acceleration adS = cH, where c is the velocity of light and H is the Hubble parameter. Low and high redshift galaxies hereby offer a novel probe of weak gravity in an evolving cosmology, satisfying H(z) = H0(1 + A(6z + 12z^2 +12z^3+ 6z^4+ (6/5)z^5)/(1 + z) with baryonic matter content A sans tension to H0 in surveys of the Local Universe. Galaxy rotation curves show anomalous galaxy dynamics in weak gravity aN < adS across a transition radius r beyond about 5 kpc for galaxy mass of 1e11 solar mass. where aN is the Newtonian acceleration based on baryonic matter content. We identify this behavior with a holographic origin of inertia from entanglement entropy, that introduces a C0 onset across aN=adS with asymptotic behavior described by a Milgrom parameter satisfying a0=omega/(2pi), where omega=sqrt(1-q)H is a fundamental eigenfrequency of the cosmological horizon. Extending an earlier confrontation with data covering 0.003 < aN/adS < 1 at redshift z about zero in Lellie et al. (2016), the modest anomalous behavior in the Genzel et al. sample at redshifts 0.854 < z <2.282 is found to be mostly due to clustering 0.36 < aN/adS < 1 close to the C0 onset to weak gravity and an increase of up to 65% in a0.

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