• Title/Summary/Keyword: future location

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The CDMA Mobile System Architecture

  • Shin, Sung-Moon;Lee, Hun;Han, Ki-Chul
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.98-115
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    • 1997
  • The architecture of the CDMA mobile system (CMS) is developed based on three function groups - service resource, service control, and service management groups. In this paper, the CMS architecture is discussed from the point of view of implementing these functions. The variable length packets are used for transmission. The synchronization clock signals are derived form the GPS receiver. The open loop and closed loop techniques are used for the power control. The internationally accepted signaling and network protocols are employed. The call control for the primary services in designed to provide efficient mobile telecommunication services. The softer handoff is implemented in one card. The mobile assisted handoff and the network assisted handoff are employed in the soft and hard handoffs. The authentication is based on the secret data which includes random numbers. The management functions, which include the location management, resource management, cell boundary management and OAM management, are implemented to warrant the system efficiency, maximum capacity and high reliability. The architecture ensures that the CMS is flexible and expandable to provide subscribers with economic and efficient system configuration. The dynamic power control, adaptive channel allocation. and dynamic cell boundary management are recommended for future work.

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Design of Integrated Urban Management System and its Applications Based on RoF and PON Technologies

  • Yun, Chang-Ho;Cho, Tae-Sik;Lim, Wan-Su;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Ki-Seon
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.95-96
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    • 2006
  • A variety of systems have been attempted for effective urban management. In this paper, we introduce integrated urban management system (IUMS), which mainly consists of optical line terminal (OLT), optical network terminal (ONTs) and wireless access points (APs), by combining passive optical network (PON) and radio over fiber (RoF) technologies so as to take advantages of both two systems. Further, several IUMS services including disaster detection and prevention system (DDPS), bus information system (BIS) and real time location system (RTLS) are demonstrated in order to employ IUMS for the realization of future ubiquitous city (U-city).

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Development of Ultra-Wideband Antennas

  • Chen, Zhi Ning
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2013
  • The ultra-wideband (UWB) spectrum available for commercial applications has offered us an opportunity to achieve high-speed wireless communications and high-accuracy location applications. As one of key research areas in UWB technology, a lot of innovative broadband and miniaturization techniques for UWB antennas have been greatly invented and developed for years. This paper reviews the development of UWB antenna design in the past decade. Starting with a brief introduction of the specific requirements and promising applications of UWB systems, the unique design challenges of UWB antennas are highlighted. Next, the important milestones of UWB antenna designs are briefed. After that, a variety of planar UWB antennas invented for broadband operation, miniaturization, and multiple functions are introduced. Last, the comments on the development of UWB antennas in future are shared.

Enhancement Plan for Overall Disaster Prevention System

  • Moon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, overall disaster prevention system or 119 emergency rescue system has been established to protect life and fortune of citizens. This system supports command & control operation, emergency 119 caller location indicator, automatic formation of fire troops and dispatch, and emergency management. To do this, various new information technologies such as GIS, telematics, CTI and TTS are applied to implement the system. In the future, however, it is not impossible to prevent a large scale disasters caused by world climate environment change and complication of city culture using the current system. In this paper, we propose enhancement plan for overall disaster prevention system to solve this problem.

An Algorithm for the Asynchronous PRT Vehicle Control System (비동기식 PRT 차량의 주행제어 알고리즘)

  • Chung, Sang-Gi;Jeong, Rag-Kyo;Kim, Baek-Hyun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2011
  • A PRT vehicle's control method is presented in this paper. In the asynchronous vehicle control system, vehicles follow their leading vehicles. Leading vehicles are defined differently among the different types of track. The main topic of this paper is to present a method to define the leading vehicle among different types of track and the calculation algorithm of the safety length the following vehicle must maintain. Simulation program is developed using the algorithm and the results of the test run are presented. An asynchronous PRT vehicle control algorithm was presented by Szillat in the paper "A low level PRT Microsimulation, Dissertation, University of Bristol, 2001". But it is different from the algorithm in this paper. In the algorithm proposed by Markus, vehicles in the merging track are controlled synchronously, and its safety distance between the leading and the following car is evaluated after the establishment of the complicated future time-location table instead of simple equations proposed in this paper.

Utilization and Analysis of Big-data

  • Lee, Soowook;Han, Manyong
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.255-259
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    • 2019
  • This study reviews the analysis and characteristics of databases from big data and then establishes representational strategy. Thus, analysis has continued for a long time in the quantity and quality of data, and there are changes in the location of data in the social sciences, past trends and the emergence of big data. The introduction of big data is presented as a prototype of new social science and is a useful practical example that empirically shows the need, basis, and direction of analysis through trend prediction services. Big data provides a future perspective as an important foundation for social change within the framework of basic social sciences.

An Examination of Sediment Discharge Computation Errors Related to Imprecise Factors (부정확한 인자와 관계된 유사량 산정 오류에 대한 검증)

  • 정관수
    • Water for future
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 1996
  • This study investigates the magnitude of errors that can be expected in integrating sediment concentration in a vertical, basede on a single-point measurement, because of errors in input data. Potential error sources, including sampler location, water surface elevation, bed elevation, fall velocity, $\beta$ value, and $\kappa$ value were comparatively examined using data from a special study on the Rio Grande Conveyance channel in New Mexico. It is concluded that simple forms of equations for the vertical distribution of velocity and sediment concentration based on a single-point field sample of suspended sediment. The most uncertain point in the computation is related to the Rouse number z in the equation for the vertical concentration distribution of suspended sediment.

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A Study for the new Technologies applying to the Next Generation Warship (차세대 군함에 응용될 새로운 기술에 관한 고찰)

  • Koo, Jong-Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2002
  • The joint warfighting environment, arranged by the net work-centrics, consists, with the situational awareness, the battlespace deconfliction, the joint force ID/location/allocation, and the ordnance on targets, considered by the concepts evolving In meet the future scenarios and threats. And then, the next generation warships have the operational requirements, such as the major offensive capability, the low operating cost, the ability to operate in net. centric forces, the revolutionary stealth, the in-stride mine avoidance, and the revolutionary manning. Therefore, the proposal discussed at this paper will be accepted in order to resolve only the portion of the afore-mentioned problems.

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A Basic Study on the Medical Service Boundary of the Hospital and Healthcare Facilities in a Region (지역보건의료시설의 진료권에 대한 기초연구)

  • Chae, Hee-Jae;Lee, Nak-Woon
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1998
  • Recently considerations of the location and sizes of hospitals and healthcare facilities in a region have increased in Korea. So, this study aims to explore the physical conditions of hospitals and healthcare facilities in a large scale as well as a middle scale medical service boundary. Through the analysis of existing data of the facilities, it was revealed that most of the facilities tend to concentrate in large cities. In sum, the useful data were collected, analyzed, and synthesized through this study and could be used in the relevant research in the future as reference informations.

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A-GPS (Assisted GPS), is this the system we need for indoor location & navigation?

  • Magnusson, Lars E;Gronqvist, Oskar
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.67-70
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    • 2006
  • For a long time the GSM and GPS world has been living side by side. There have been some half hearted attempts to invoke the GPS unit into GSM units but performance and usability has suffered. The A-GPS approach is interesting and we wanted to verify general performance for fleet application and alarm/emergency situations. The result is now promising but still more to enhancements are anticipated. We achieved near acceptable availability (${\sim}70%$) under indoor conditions. Accuracy was as anticipated (50-100 meter) as we are using reflected signals. Time to first fix is in general good in outdoor conditions but too long for indoor conditions (45-60 seconds). We would like manufactures to put some more effort to get better performance in the future as test with Nordnav high sensitivity measurement system proves that conditions indoor are at a level where better performance should be possible.

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