This experiment was carried out to evaluate the sanitary quality of commercially frozen sea foods. One hundred and sixteen samples in six different items from several refrigeration plant in Busan city were examined from March to December in 1974. In addition, the changes in bacterial density through the process from thawing, round or semifilleted frozen alaska pollack to the finishing as frozen fillet blocks were observed. To evaluate the sanitary quality, sanitary indicative bacteria such as total coliform, fecal coliform, fecal streptococci and enterococci as well as plate counts were determined. From the results, the median value of fecal coliform MPN was 20 per 100 grams of the samples and that of enterococci was 790. The median value of plate counts was $2.2\times10^4$ per gram. The plate counts were not correlated with the number of sanitary indicative bacteria. The results suggest that enterococci could be used advantageously in preference to coliform organisms as indicative bacteria for the evaluation of sanitary quality of frozen sea foods. The plate counts at $20^{\circ}C$ of the samples were 14 times higher than that at $35^{\circ}C$. Geometric mean of total coliform MPN was 310 and that of enterococci was 143. Bacterial density was reduced by fleering. Morethan 50 percent for total coliform MPN and $35^{\circ}C$ plate counts, and about 35 percent for enterococci MPN and $20^{\circ}C$ plate counts were reduced under the contact freezing unit which was generally operated at $-40^{\circ}C$. About fifty-five percent of the samples were negative in fecal coliform test and 10 percent of those were exceeded $1.0\times10^5$ per gram in $35^{\circ}C$ plate counts.
In the present paper, we investigated the quality stability of mackerel based burger during frozen storage. The moisture and crude lipid contents of products were $60.2{\sim}61.5%$ and $14.7{\sim}14.9%$, respectively. The pH showed a tendency of decrease, while volatile basic nitrogen content showed a tendency of increase during frozen storage. The histamine content was $2.60{\sim}2.81\;mg/100g$, and this value increased slowly during frozen storage. The increasing ratio in the peroxide value, carbonyl value, TBA value, fatty acid composition and color value of vacuum packed product and antioxidants added product were lower than those of air packed product. The texture profile analysis parameters such as hardness and toughness showed a tendency of a slight increase in air packed product and showed less increase in vacuum packed product and antioxidants added product. From the results of chemical experiments and sensory evaluation during frozen storage, it is concluded that the vacuum packed mackerel based burger and antioxidants added mackerel based burger were good condition for preserving the quality during frozen storage of 60 days.
In order to investigate the quality status of fried-frozen Korean meat ball products during retail distribution, VBN value, TBA value, pH and metmyoglobin ratio were determined for 117 samples collected in Seoul area during the period of May to September, 1995. Most samples maintained relatively good quality, but one sample of a company showed $32.5mg%$ of VBN value and 0.65mg/kg of TBA value which indicate the early stage of spoilage. Correlation coefficient between metmyoglobin ratio and TBA value was highly significant. Samples closer to shelf-life limit tended to show higher VBN value, TBA value, metmyoglobin ratio and pH. Out of the surveyed samples, 35% were on retail shelves of temperature above $-14^{\circ}C$, while only 18% were being sold at temperature below $-18^{\circ}C$. It is concluded that prepared frozen foods should be stored at the recommended temperature of $-18^{\circ}C$.
Consumption of edible oil at food service institutions in Inchon was surveyed to provide basic data for continuous education of dietitians. Manufacturing industry was the major food service institution(78.8%) in Inchon followed by schools, hospitals and social welfare service centers. Most dietitians were at the age of twenties and college graduates with professional careers of 1-5 years. Oil was purchased on the basis of its quality within 1-3% of total food costs four times a month. Proper frying temperature was determined by dropping salt or food coating materials into the oil. Soybean oil was the most frequently used and commercial frying mix powder and flour and eggs in water were the most common food coating materials. Fish and commercial frozen foods were the most frequently used materials for frying. Fried foods were stored with covers in a basket and consumed within 30 minutes after cooking. Frying oils were used one more time after filtering and color was the index for determination of re-use.
Fatty acid contents of 59 food items which are major fat sources in Korean diet were analyzed. The contents of EPA and DHA in fish were 0.02-2.66g and 0.02-3.01g per 100g edible portion, respectively. Items with high amount of EPA and DHA were canned Sardine, Mackerel, Mackrel pike, Atka-fish, Hair tail, Conger eel and Herring. But white fish such as Croaker, Gindaro, Flounder and frozen Alaskan pollack contained less than 0.1g of EPA and DHA per 100g edible portion. Other sources of n-3 fatty acid were perilla oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil and walnuts all of which contained relatively high amounts of linolenic acid.
This study investigated the effect of thawing rate on the physicochemical properties of frozen ostrich meat. Five different thawing rates (0.33, 0.54, 0.61, 0.68, and 0.78 cm/h) were delivered by controlling the air velocity as heat convection at $15^{\circ}C$. The pH value decreased with increasing thawing rate (p<0.05). In color measurement, $L^*$-values of all treatments were lower and $b^*$-values higher than those of control, but $a^*$-values were not significantly different among the treatments except at the thawing rate of 0.33 cm/h. Increasing thawing rate tended to improve the water holding capacity (WHC) of the samples. Thawing loss decreased with increasing thawing rate and significantly higher cooking loss was observed at the thawing rate of 0.33 cm/h. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels of all treatments were significantly higher than that of control (p<0.05). Increasing thawing rate tended to decrease the total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) value. These results indicated that a rapid thawing process at $15^{\circ}C$ improved the quality of frozen ostrich meat.
장내 균총 개선을 위하여 조합시킨 prebiotics와 probiotics는 최고의 건강 증진을 제공할 잠재성을 갖지만, 알맞은 균주선발이 필수적이다. 기능성 식품시장은 연간 15∼20% 성장하고 있고, 그 산업은 33백만 달러의 값어치가 있다(Hilliam, 2000). 기능성 식품은 nutraceuticals, designer foods, medicinal foods, therapeutic foods,superfoods, foodiceuticals와 medifoods로 알려져 있고 그 정의는 전통적인 영양소개념을 넘어선 건강증진 성분을 함유한 식품이라고 할 수 있다(Berner와 O'Donnell,1998). 식품은 phytochemicals, bioactive peptides, $\omega$-3 불포화 지방산, 그리고probiotics 또는 기능성을 갖게 되는 prebiotics의 부가에 의하여 변형될 수 있다(Berner와 O'Donnell, 1998)(표 1). 장관에서 살수 없는 균을 함유한 요구르트의 경우와 같은 다양한 발효 낙농식품 제조에 젖산균을 사용한 이래, 오늘날에는 발효식품에Lactobacillus acidophilus와 bifidobacteria 같은 probiotic 균을 사용하는 경향이다. Probiotic 식품은 살아 있는 미생물을 함유한 식품이고, 그 미생물은 충분한 양이살아 있는 상태로 장 속에 공급되었을 때에 미생물 균총을 개선하여 소비자 건강을 증진시키는 것이라고 할 수 있다(Fuller, 1992). 전통적으로, probiotics는 요구르트와 기타 발효식품에 사용되어 왔지만, 최근에는 드링크, 알약형, 캡슐형, 동결건조물과 같은 형태로도 공급되고 있다. 오늘날, 전세계에 sour cream, buttermilk, 요구르트, 분유와 frozen desserts 같은 식품에 bifidus acidophilus를 함유한 제품이 70개를 넘고 있으며, 일본에서만도 probiotic 미생물을 함유한 형태의 우유제품이 53종류 이상 개발되어 있다. Probiotics는 유럽에서도 매우 인기가 있지만, 주로 요구르트에 한정되어 사용되고 있다(Hilliam, 2000).
This study was intended to investigate the rheological properties of the development formula of infant foods and the results are summarized as follow ; 1) Consistency of starch solutions measured by Brabender Anylograph and Brookfield viscometer showed that waxy rice and riece with malt had lower consistency and more rheological stability.The flow type of tested raw materials and formula was found to ? pseudoplastic, as judged by n-value of 0.332 -0.692, and no yield value. 2) The influenced of temperature on consistency could be accounted for by the equation, In (n) = K(1/T) + const. this relationship indicated that consistency of tested sample increased as temperature decreased. The consistency of waxy rice, rice with malt and formula A were less affected by the temperature change. 3) Infant foods with malt(formula A ) ad with waxy rice maintained better freeze-thaw stability in terms of consistency and starch aggregation indicating that this infant food could be stored for a long term in the freezer section of the home refrigeratory without adverse effect on the product quality. 4) From the above experiments, it would necessarily follow that infant food can be easily made at home the food-stuffs generally available around us, and that the easiest and safest way to store them lies in making them into semisolid state, and in keeping them in frozen state.
Frozen mandu, which is one of the main frozen prepared foods, purchased from a local manufacturer, were stored at five constant temperatures ($0,\;-5,\;-10,\;-20\;and\;-30^{\circ}C$) for six months. Effects of the storage temperature and the storage period on the changes in pH, acid value, peroxide value, volatile basic nitrogen, color, sensory score and microbial counts of frozen mandu were studied. The changes in microbiological and physicochemical characteristics were significantly increased in comparison with the initial value after 1 month at $0^{\circ}C$, after 3 months at $-5^{\circ}C$ and after 5 months at $-10^{\circ}C$, but nearly constant in spite of storage periods when the temperature dropped below $-10^{\circ}C$Out of five chemical components, AV and POV were the most reliable components in the quality judgement of frozen mandu and its upper limiting content were 2.56 and 19.35 meq/kg each. Regression equation for shelf life prediction of frozen mandu with sensory scores and POV was determined.
The survey on the practice of the memorial ceremonial food in Chuncheon area showed it varied according to social position of officiator, location(inland or seaside town) , and personal condition. The study included the foods prepared for the memorial services on the memorial day. New Year's Day and Chusok. 1. 40.4% of the subjects were in the thirties at their age, 46.6% were high school graduates, 57.3% were the first daughter-in-law, 40.4% had no religion, 30.9% were working at public administration and earned less than 1 to 1,5 million won monthly. 2. 71.7% of the subjects who replied that the ancestor worship service had to be kept were Buddhists. 55.4% of them were high school graduates, and 58.8% of them ran independent businesses. They learned how to practice the ancestor worship service from their mother before marriage or from their parents-in-law after marriage. 3. The older the officiators, the better they wanted to keep the traditional format of the service, but the Christians and Catholics wanted to change the format to western style in the future. 4. 92.7% of them served cooked milled rice. They prepared the soup in the order of beef soup, radish soup and dried Alaskan pollack soup. 5. Among cooked vegetable dishes, bracken was used the most and balloonflower root, mung bean sprout and spinach followed. Among jeon(pan-fried foods). frozen Alaskan pollack was used the most and buckwheat, mung bean and meatball followed. 6. They served san-juk(beef kebab) mostly on the ceremony. Among the grilled foods, tofu was the favorite, and croaker followed. 7. Among the fried foods. squid was the favorite, and sweet-potato and shrimp followed. Among the dried foods. they used in the order of dried Alaskan pollack, dried beef and squid. 8. Among the rice cake and traditional confectionery, they used in the order of Yak-sik(sweet rice cake), Gang-jeong(fried glutinous rice cookie), Jeol-pyun and In-jeol-mee. Among a beverage, they served Sik-hye(fermented rice drink) mostly. 9. Among fruits, apples. jujube, chestnut and dried persimmon were served. Aong a liquor, Cheongju was served mostly. 10. Soy sauce, salt and salted fermented fish were served, too.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.