• Title/Summary/Keyword: free of charge

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National Strategic Planning For Facilitating the Development of New Drugs in the Korea Food and Drug Administration (국내 신약개발 촉진을 위한 식약청의 국가연구개발 사업 전략수립)

  • Kim, Jong-Wook;Kwon, Kwang-Il;Yoo, Kwang-Soo;Park, So-Hyun;Lim, Chul-Joo;Choi, Don-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.539-555
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    • 2008
  • It is well understood that developing new drugs is one of the highest value-added businesses in a country; however, the current governments' spending in pharmaceutical research and development(R&D) is minimal in Korea. This paper suggests that different governmental bodies should take in charge of different stages of the R&D process in order to maximize the use of limited government research funding. First, during the initial phase of the drug development, including clinical trials, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is the most appropriate governmental organization to support the research. For later procedures such as supporting the industries for exporting developed drugs, legislative approvals, and building infrastructure for future clinical trials should be supported by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy and the Ministry of Health and Welfare along with the Korea Food and Drug Administration(KFDA). The KFDA, which is the main governmental agency approving newly developed drugs in the market, will need to take a crucial responsibility in the initial phase of the pharmaceutical R&D by guiding the industries with timely and proper information. As a first step, it is recommended to set up and operate a center for supporting new drugs, so that the industries can facilitate the development of marketable drugs which meet customers' needs. Later, in order to expedite the process of exporting and getting approvals of the newly developed drugs from foreign countries, it is necessary to develop new approval system, which includes introduction of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), mandatory validation system, and education program for supporting expertise. Lastly, the KFDA needs to take an active role in developing Korean pharmaceutical industries by communicating with other foreign governments with regards to the globalization of the Korean pharmaceutical industries. For example, as a follow up after the Free Trade Agreement(FTA), active discussion on GLP of Mutual Recognition Agreement(MRA) with the United States of America, should be seriously considered.

Desorption of Water, Ammonia, and Methylamines on $K^+$ Ion Exchanged Zeolite L (칼륨 이온 치환 제올라이트-L 에서 물, 암모니아 및 메틸아민류의 탈착)

  • Sung-Doo Moon;Dai-Ung Choi;Un-Sik Kim;Yang Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 1988
  • The potential energy of adsorbate molecules in the main channel of $K^+$ ion exchanged zeolite L(K-L) was calculated. In K-L which adsorbs three molecules per unit cell, the interaction energies of $H_2O,\;NH_3,\;CH_3NH_2,\;(CH_3)_2NH,\;and\;(CH_3)_3N$ molecules with zeolite lattice are 61.11, 62.31, 65.68, 74.65, and 79.88kJ/mol, respectively. These values are less by 3.7∼12.6kJ/mol than $K^+$ ion affinities with adsorbing molecules. These results may be due to the facts that the electrostatic energies are reduced by the negative charge of the lattice oxygens. The distribution of adsorption sites of $NH_3$ and $CH_3NH_2$ in K-L was investigated by a technique of temperature programmed desorption. The experimental value of desorption energies of $NH_3$ and $CH_3NH_2$ on K-L are in good agreement with the theoritical values. It is concluded that the desorption of $NH_3$ and $CH_3NH_2$ on K-L is the first-order desorption with free readsorption.

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The Change of Oral Function Before and After Practicing Program for Oral Function Improving (구강기능향상을 위한 프로그램시행 전·후 구강기능의 변화)

  • Lee, Sun-Mi;Cho, Eun-Pyol;Hwang, Yoon-Sook;Kang, Boo-Wol
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.497-503
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a program geared toward improving elderly people's oral function. After a program was provided to the selected elderly people free of charge for three months, they were asked to rate their own oral function to see whether they underwent any changes after their participation in the program, and their oral function was tested to obtain objective data. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 18.0. The findings of the study were as follows: As for changes in their self-rated indicators of oral function, they faced less troubles in most of the oral function items after they participated in the program, and there were statistically significant differences in some of the items. As a result of making an objective evaluation of their oral function, they underwent a little change in salivary flow rate from 1.19 to 1.30, though the change was not statistically significant. In terms of opening, they showed a statistically significant rise of scores from 4.22 to 4.53, and they also showed a statistically significant rise of scores in pronunciation from 30.52 to 38.88. Regarding satisfaction with the program, they gave 4.48 to the program, which implied that they were greatly satisfied with the program. The abovementioned findings suggest that oral health experts and program providers should try to encourage elderly people to keep on taking oral health programs with interest. Currently, oral exercise programs are conducted in some public health centers and in the field of clinical dentistry, and it's required to offer more oral exercise programs as community exercise programs for the elderly.

저온 공정 온도에서 $Al_2O_3$ 게이트 절연물질을 사용한 InGaZnO thin film transistors

  • 우창호;안철현;김영이;조형균
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.11-11
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    • 2010
  • Thin-film-transistors (TFTs) that can be deposited at low temperature have recently attracted lots of applications such as sensors, solar cell and displays, because of the great flexible electronics and transparent. Transparent and flexible transistors are being required that high mobility and large-area uniformity at low temperature [1]. But, unfortunately most of TFT structures are used to be $SiO_2$ as gate dielectric layer. The $SiO_2$ has disadvantaged that it is required to high driving voltage to achieve the same operating efficiency compared with other high-k materials and its thickness is thicker than high-k materials [2]. To solve this problem, we find lots of high-k materials as $HfO_2$, $ZrO_2$, $SiN_x$, $TiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$. Among the High-k materials, $Al_2O_3$ is one of the outstanding materials due to its properties are high dielectric constant ( ~9 ), relatively low leakage current, wide bandgap ( 8.7 eV ) and good device stability. For the realization of flexible displays, all processes should be performed at very low temperatures, but low temperature $Al_2O_3$ grown by sputtering showed deteriorated electrical performance. Further decrease in growth temperature induces a high density of charge traps in the gate oxide/channel. This study investigated the effect of growth temperatures of ALD grown $Al_2O_3$ layers on the TFT device performance. The ALD deposition showed high conformal and defect-free dielectric layers at low temperature compared with other deposition equipments [2]. After ITO was wet-chemically etched with HCl : $HNO_3$ = 3:1, $Al_2O_3$ layer was deposited by ALD at various growth temperatures or lift-off process. Amorphous InGaZnO channel layers were deposited by rf magnetron sputtering at a working pressure of 3 mTorr and $O_2$/Ar (1/29 sccm). The electrodes were formed with electron-beam evaporated Ti (30 nm) and Au (70 nm) bilayer. The TFT devices were heat-treated in a furnace at $300^{\circ}C$ and nitrogen atmosphere for 1 hour by rapid thermal treatment. The electrical properties of the oxide TFTs were measured using semiconductor parameter analyzer (4145B), and LCR meter.

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A study of well-dying and well-aging through death and life in YouTube videos (유튜브 동영상 속 죽음과 삶을 통한 웰다잉(well-dying)과 웰에이징(well-aging) 연구)

  • Kwon, On;Kang, Kyung-Hee;Song, Hyeon-Dong;Ku, Jin-Hee;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2022
  • YouTube videos secure the latest trends in the field and provide viewers' preferences and non-preferences. This study analyzes the discussion of death in recent YouTube videos and explores the relationship between life, well-dying, and well-aging. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the establishment of a healthy life for Koreans by exploring relevance. The survey period and target are 13 videos uploaded on YouTube from 2019 to 2021. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to encompass 25 speakers who were discussing death centered on doctors. Video speakers in charge of various areas conducted various discussions on death from the perspective of experts. The key points are the true value of life, death that you don't need to fear, the importance of hope, the naturalness of death, etc. 11 expert perspectives are measured into 4 types based on 4 criteria: life, death, well-aging, and well-dying. Despite the limitations of studying 13 extracted at a specific time, this study revealed that YouTube videos are a place for free communication. It can contribute in part to maintaining and improving the health of our lives in the future and researching convergence.

A Theoretical Review on the Untact Marketing of the COVID-19 Period Hospitality Industry Services (코로나 시대 환대산업 서비스의 언택트 마케팅에 관한 고찰)

  • Kang, Hee-Seog;Lee, Youn-Oak
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.161-173
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    • 2020
  • In-depth interview in the field of hospitality industry services was conducted in COVID- 19. Introduction of kiosks for non-face-to-face services using untact technology, reservation, pay systems, self-service, service improvement using room service should be carried out. It is also necessary to implement Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, P-blogs, online broadcasting and live commerce through the establishment of m-channel system through untact marketing sales channels in the hospitality industry now that the product composition to solve the pro -blem of untact marketing is drawing attention due to diversification of online sales channe -ls. Now, the recognition of important elements of service education and a establishment of differentiated system of untact marketing, expansion of untact sale channel, implementation of non-face-to-face counseling service and introduction of pre-booking, telecommuting were recognized as urgent parts. In particular, a service differentiation and importance of human services, which were recognized free of charge, have re-recognized as premium, and quality service aspect of the hospitality industry in untact and the direction to diversify marketing channels are presented.

Formation of Complex Between Polyelectrolytes and pH/Temperature Sensitive Copolymers (고분자전해질과 pH/온도감응성 고분자 사이의 복합체 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Mi Kyong;Sung, Yong Kiel
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 1998
  • Random copolymers of N-isopropyl acrylamide (NIPAAm) and acrylic acid (AAc) which exhibit temperature- and pH-responsive behavior were synthesized by free-radical polymerization. The copolymers were characterized by means of FT-IR spectrometry and titration. The influence of polyelectrolyte on the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of pH/temperature-sensitive polymers was investigated in the pH range of 2-12. The LCSTs of PNIPAAm/water in poly(NIPAAm-co-AAc) were determined by cloud-point measurements. A polyelectrolyte complex was prepared by mixing poly(NIPAAm-co-AAc) with poly(allylamine) (PAA) or poly(L-lysine) (PLL) solutions as anionic and cationic polyelectrolytes, respectively. Back titration was performed to determine the content of AAc and to study the effect of comonomer ionization on the LCST. The LCSTs of PNIPAAm/water in the copolymers were strongly affected by pH, presence of polyelectrolyte, AAc content, and charge density on the polymer. The polyelectrolyte complexes were formed at neutral condition. The influence of more hydrophobic PLL as polyelectrolyte on the cloud-point of PNIPAAm/water in the copolymer was stronger than that of poly(allylamine) (PAA).

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Characteristics of Equilibrium, Kinetics and Thermodynamics for Adsorption of Disperse Yellow 3 Dye by Activated Carbon (활성탄에 의한 Disperse Yellow 3 염료의 흡착에 있어서 평형, 동력학 및 열역학적 특성)

  • Lee, Jong-Jib
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2021
  • The adsorption of disperse yellow 3 (DY 3) on granular activated carbon (GAC) was investigated for isothermal adsorption and kinetic and thermodynamic parameters by experimenting with initial concentration, contact time, temperature, and pH of the dye as adsorption parameters. In the pH change experiment, the adsorption percent of DY 3 on activated carbon was highest in the acidic region, pH 3 due to electrostatic attraction between the surface of the activated carbon with positive charge and the anion (OH-) of DY 3. The adsorption equilibrium data of DY 3 fit the Langmuir isothermal adsorption equation best, and it was found that activated carbon can effectively remove DY 3 from the calculated separation factor (RL). The heat of adsorption-related constant (B) from the Temkin equation did not exceed 20 J mol-1, indicating that it is a physical adsorption process. The pseudo second order kinetic model fits well within 10.72% of the error percent in the kinetic experiments. The plots for Weber and Morris intraparticle diffusion model were divided into two straight lines. The intraparticle diffusion rate was slow because the slope of the stage 2 (intraparticle diffusion) was smaller than that of stage 1 (boundary layer diffusion). Therefore, it was confirmed that the intraparticle diffusion was rate controlling step. The free energy change of the DY 3 adsorption by activated carbon showed negative values at 298 ~ 318 K. As the temperature increased, the spontaneity increased. The enthalpy change of the adsorption reaction of DY 3 by activated carbon was 0.65 kJ mol-1, which was an endothermic reaction, and the entropy change was 2.14 J mol-1 K-1.

Analysis of the relationship between satisfaction and use value of the amount of construction technology information provided (건설기술정보 제공물량의 만족도 및 사용 가치 간의 관계 분석)

  • Seong Yun Jeong;Jin Uk Kim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.154-164
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    • 2023
  • The Construction Technology Information System collects, processes, and provides the public with free of charge 16 types of construction technology-related texts or index information, such as construction standards, construction practices, and construction reports, required at construction sites to enhance domestic construction technology. This study judged that user satisfaction could be increased if the budget was allocated first to the most effective construction technology information DB establishment. For each type of construction technology information, the level of satisfaction felt by the population for the quantity provided and the value of use according to the acquisition and utilization of information were investigated. Reliability between independent variables and dependent variables through a multiple regression analysis process to identify how the demographic characteristics of the population affect user satisfaction and the factors that affect the use value of information for each type of construction technology information. and the correlation was analyzed. The correlation between the demographic characteristics of respondents and users' satisfaction with the provided quantity was generally low, but construction experience, age, etc. were found to have an effect on satisfaction with the provided quantity. In particular, among the demographic measurement items of respondents, the more construction experience they had, the higher their satisfaction level with the quantity provided of low-level technical standards, and it was analyzed that older age had an impact on satisfaction with the quantity provided for small and medium-sized business support information.

A Review of the List of Plant Diseases in Korea and the Names of Korean Tree Diseases (한국식물병명목록과 우리나라 나무병 이름에 대한 소고)

  • Byeongjin Cha;Sang-Tae Seo;Sang-sup Han
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2024
  • Since the List of Plant Diseases in Korea (DisList) was first published in 1986, the 6th edition appeared 36 years later. In 2023, the 6.1 edition, a revised and improved version of the 6th edition, was released to the public on the web free of charge. The contents of DisList increased, with the number of hosts increasing from 437 taxa to 1,420 taxa and the number of disease species increasing from 1,539 to 6,680. Among these, tree diseases are 3,586 species and their hosts include 504 taxa, providing much help to experts who need them. Meanwhile, the importance of accurate disease names continues to grow with the legalization of tree care, but many disease names are still inappropriate or misused, causing confusion. Disease names that do not follow the naming regulations are still registered, and even if the same pathogen infects hosts of the same taxa, the disease names are given differently, and there are many disease names that do not indicate the characteristics of the disease. Also, there are diseases reported without Korean names. In order to make DisList better, the review committee for disease names should establish the regulations to review and register disease names, and establish a system to review new disease names before publishing papers.