• Title/Summary/Keyword: formal language

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A Formal Specification of Role Graph Model Increasing Integrity (무결성이 강화된 역할 그래프 모델의 정형적 명세)

  • Choi EunBok;Lee HyeongOk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.1620-1629
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of access control are to protect computing and communication resources from illegal use, alteration, disclosure and destruction by unauthorized users. Although Biba security model is well suited for protecting the integrity of information, it is considered too restrictive to be an access control model for commercial environments. And, Role-Based Access Control(RBAC) model, a flexible and policy-neutral security model that is being widely accepted in commercial areas, has a possibility for compromising integrity of information. In this paper, We present the role graph model which enhanced flexibility and integrity to management of many access permission. Also, In order to represent those rule and constraints clearly, formal descriptions of role assignment rule and constraints in Z language are also given.

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A Formal Modeling for Temporal and Active Properties of Managed Object Behavior (망관리 객체의 시간지원 능동 특성에 대한 전형적 모델링)

  • Choe, Eun-Bok;Lee, Hyeong-Ho;No, Bong-Nam
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.2479-2492
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    • 1999
  • Network management system(NMS) provides not only effective monitoring and controlling of network which consists of heterogeneous network elements but prompt response to users' need for high-level communication services. Recommendations of ITU-T and ISO stipulate the managerial abstraction of static and dynamic characteristics of network elements, management functions as well as management communication protocol. But the current description method does not provide the formal mechanism for the behavior characteristics of managed objects in clear manner but in natural language form, the complete specification of managed objects is not fully described. In this paper, we describe determinants for the behaviour of managed objects applicable to every managed object, and present a language for specifying behavioral aspects of managed objects based on their temporal and active properties.

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An SGML Document Authoring Tool (SGML 문서 저작 도구)

  • An, Bo-Hui;Yu, Jae-U;Song, Hu-Bong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.512-521
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    • 1999
  • SGML, defined as the ISO 8879, is a meta-language to define a document type, used as basic format for electronic documents. Since an SGML document is composed of a document type definition and a document instance conforms to the definition, it is necessary for SGML document authoring tools to compose and validate document type and document instance. In present, formal models and procedures for SGML documents are not defined, it's not easy to construct such tools. We propose a model of SGML authoring tool consists of SGML parser, document type definition editor, SGML document editor and style editor. We also introduce and implement formal procedure for each component. For user convenience, we adopted icon based visual programming method, and solved the HANGUL problems. The SGML authoring tool is implemented I Windows NT system using java and C++ programming language.

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Feature Model Specification Method in Product-Line Development (프로덕트 라인 개발에서 피쳐 모델의 명세화 기법)

  • 송재승;김민성;박수용
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.1001-1014
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    • 2003
  • In a feature modeling, problems such as ambiguities, interpretation errors, incompleteness, etc caused by informal specification occur in the modeling phase. Therefore, feature specification method and processes are suggested in this paper to resolve these problems. The structure and language of feature modeling is defined in this paper to specify various features. First, this feature model is abstracted in the meta-level to get predicates and attributes. Formal feature model specification method is proposed using multi-paradigm language. Second, Feature specification process is proposed to describe how to specify feature formally. And third, Feature interaction management is defined to solve the problems caused between specified features. Finally, the proposed feature specification method is applied to Distributed Meeting Scheduler System domain.

Case Study of Yunhaju Settlement for Korye Saram Migrated from Middle Asian Countries (중앙아시아에서 연해주 정착촌으로 재이주한 재소한인 가족의 주거생활 사례연구)

  • 조재순;이영심;이정규;이선희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the push and pull factors of migrants from middle Asian countries to Yunhaju, Russia, and housing situations in settlements as well as housing intentions to behave. Four female Korye Saram in Cremobo settlement and Woojung village and 10 male and female elderly in ordinary residences were interviewed during April 22-25, 2003. Changes in national formal language from Russian to lout languages was played the most prominent push role, while availability of settlement and agricultural land and emotional attachment as the second hometown pulled them to migrate into Yunhaju. The housing situation in Cremobo settlement was very poor and almost settlers had already left. The rest settlers wanted to move into Woojung village. The resident in Woojung village hoped to get the formal contract to rent the dwelling and agricultural land. Family adaptations were progressed to solve the housing deficits among settlers both of Cremobo settlement and Woojung village. This research explored a part of the 140 years residential history of Korye Saram.

A Formal Specification of Fuzzy Object Inference Model for Supporting Disjunctive Fuzzy Information (이접적 퍼지 정보를 지원하는 퍼지 객체 추론 모델의 정형화)

  • 양형정;양재동
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.184-197
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we provide the formal specification of a fuzzy object inference language and propose ICOT(Integrated C-Object Tool) as its implementation for knowledge-based programming with the disjunctive fuzzy information. The novelty of our model is that it seamlessly combines object inference and fuzzy reasoning into a unified framework without compromising a compatibility with extant databases, especially object-relational ones. In this model most of the object-oriented paradigm is successfully expressed in terms of relational constructs, tailoring fuzzy reasoning style to be well suited to the framework of the databases. It turns out to be useful in preserving its conceptual simplicity as well, since simple-to-use is one of important criteria in designing the databases. Additionally this model considerably enhanced the semantic expressiveness of data allowing disjunctive fuzzy information.

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A Study on Definition and Characteristic of Experience Design - Focused on Human's Cognition Process in Space - (경험디자인의 개념과 특성에 관한 연구 - 인간의 공간 인지 과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Ye-Jin;Lee Jeong-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.4 s.57
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2006
  • Main elements in definition of space value were physical, formal, and reasonable characteristics in the past. Howener recently, definition of space value is changing by being advanced about study concerned with human's cognition and thinking way in definition and analysis of space. As you see, cognitive psychologists have emphasized the importance of human's cognitive structure and process and studied diverse aspects of human's thinking ; consciousness, perception, memory, image, language, decision-making, inference, and so on. Therefore main elements in definition of space value are five-dimensional, psychological, symbolic, mental, emotional characteristics above physical, formal, and reasonable characteristics. As mentioned above, the conversion of thinking focused on reason to thinking focused on human's spirit and emotion is achieved in contemporary architecture and 'human's experience' in space becomes a very important factor. For that reason, the purpose of this study is consideration of human's cognitive process in space by conversion of thinking and gives a definition about experience. And, I would like to define 'experience design' whose main attribute is experience in space and establish theoretical basis of experience design through theoretical researches about experience. This study on experience design that induces users to participate in space and stimulate human's spirit is a important point in definition of space value not only contemporary interior architecture but also prospective generation.

Monitoring and Checking Concurrent Java Programs with HDTL (HDTL을 이용한 병렬 자바 프로그램의 모니터 링과 검사)

  • Cho, Seung-Mo;Kim, Hyung-Ho;Cha, Sung-Deok;Bae, Doo-Hwan
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2002
  • There have been many researches about monitoring and checking the implementations during run-time using formal requirement specification. They usually adopt temporal logics or their extensions to specify the requirements for the implementations. However, most of the systems fail to support the specification of requirements fir dynamic systems - systems whore components are created and removed during run-time. Unlike analysis or design models, most actual implementations are dynamic, so the notion of instances should be employed in the property specification language. In this paper, we show how we can monitor and check Java programs using our temporal logic for dynamic systems (HDTL). We suggest a framework in which the execution of Java programs are monitored and chocked against given HDTL requirements.

VIP/Sim : Design and Implementation of Virtual Prototyping Simulator based on Statecharts (VIP/Sim : Statecharts에 기반을 둔 가상 프로토타이핑 시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Cheol-Ung;Han, Sang-Yong;Choe, Jin-Yeong;Lee, Jeong-A
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.891-900
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    • 2000
  • A Visual development framework for embedded system is presented based on virtual prototyping. Embedded systems often are used in life critical situation, where reliability is very important. Time_to_market, correctness, user_friendly_design are another features required for embedded system design. However, embedded systems are today designed with an ad hoc approach that is heavily based on earlier experience with similar products. We believe that new design paradigm is needed and it should be based on the use of formal model and visual system to describe the behavior of the system at a high level abstraction. Virtual prototyping has all the required features. It has the following advantages; correct design, clear interface definition, idea experimentation, increased communication. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of VIP/Sim(Virtual Prototyping Simulator), a visionary development framework for embedded system design. New feature such as state polymorphism is augmented to the de_facto standard formal language, statechart, for enhanced dynamic modeling. Actual design experience with VIP/Sim is also discussed.

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A Cadence SMV Based Formal Verification Method for Combinational Logics Written in Verilog HDL (Verilog HDL로 기술된 조합 논리회로의 Cadence SMV 기반 정형 검증 방법)

  • Jo, Seong-Deuk;Kim, Young-Kyu;Moon, Byungin;Choi, Yunja
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.1027-1030
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    • 2015
  • 하드웨어 디자인 설계에서 초기 단계의 설계 오류 발견은 개발 비용 감소 및 설계 시간 단축 측면에서 그 효과가 매우 크다. 이러한 초기 설계 오류 발견을 위한 대표적인 방법으로는 정형 검증(formal verification)이 있으며, Cadence SMV(Symbolic Model Verifier)는 정형 검증을 위해 Verilog HDL(Hardware Description Language)을 SMV로 자동 변환 해주는 장점이 있지만, 사건 기반 구조(event based structures)의 sensitivity list에 대한 지원을 하지 않는 한계가 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 Cadence SMV에서 디지털회로(digital circuit) 중 하나인 조합 논리회로(combinational logic circuit)를 sensitivity list가 고려된 검증이 가능하도록 하는 방법을 제안한다. 신뢰성 있는 실험을 위해 본 논문에서는 제안하는 방법의 일반적인 규칙을 도출하였고, 도출된 규칙이 적용된 SMV 파일을 생성하는 자동화 프로그램을 구현하여 실험하였다. 실험결과 제안한 방법을 적용한 경우 기존 Cadence SMV가 발견하지 못한 설계상의 오류를 발견할 수 있었다.