• Title/Summary/Keyword: formal language

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Nominative/Accusative Adpositions in Negative Auxiliary Constructions

  • No, Yong-Kyoon
    • Language and Information
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2004
  • The nominative and accusative postpositions in Korean may intervene between the negative auxiliary verb ANH and its complement verb phrase. As Korean is an OV language, this means that 'verb + {nom, acc} + ANH' as well as the simpler concatenation 'verb + ANH' is possible. This fact, together with an overwhelming regularity of these postpositions' optionality in virtually all constructions, poses a problem for formal approaches to the syntax of the language. Working in a constraint-based grammatical framework shaped by such works as Sag and Wasow (1999) and Copestake (2002), we put forth type hierarchies for major_class, which represents verb inflection, and for pos, which has two immediate subtypes, i.e., htrp_pos and ord_pos. What we call the 'half transparency' of the case postpositions separates them from all the other lexical items in the language. The type htrp_pos is used to constrain one of the two newly proposed head_comp_rules, where a newly proposed feature HEAD2 of a phrase inherits its value from the HEAD feature of the head word. The COMPS list of the negative auxiliary ANH is seen as containing a single phrase whose HEAD is a kind of nominal clause and whose HEAD2 is something that is one of the three maximal types: acc, nom, and null.

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An analysis of the predisposition of learners of English focusing on motivation and learning strategies (동기와 전략으로 본 영어 학습자들의 성향 분석)

  • Lee, Il-Yeon
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.151-176
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    • 2003
  • Motivation and learning strategies, some of the important factors affecting language learning, have mostly been studied with reference to their relationship in terms of proficiency. This study investigated motivation and learning strategies and their relationship in order to find the inward predisposition of learners. Data was collected from 200 university students in Taejon and Chungnam province, Korea language learning strategies were measured by the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning(SILL), and motivation by the Attitude / Motivation Test Battery(AMTB), with adaptations for Koreans. The detailed analysis of the data Indicated that Korean university students were more motivated to learn English for a practical goal than a formal one. They had a strong willingness to learn but showed 'the tendency of the new generation' of choosing the easiest and most convenient ways in studying English in terms of motivational intensity and strategy use. Findings imply that there have to be some changes and improvements in the deep-rooted classroom teaching methods. A systematic device is needed to induce students to be autonomous learners, providing them with a variety of activities suitable for their purposes and levels, as in opportunities of contacting native speakers, multi-media language labs, the Internet etc.

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Model Checking of Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems (병렬 객체지향 시스템의 검증)

  • Cho, Seung-Mo;Kim, Young-Gon;Bae, Doo-Hwan;Byun, Sung-Won;Kim, Sang-Taek
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2000
  • Model checking is a formal verification technique which checks the consistency between a requirement specification and a behavior model of the system by explorating the state space of the model. We apply model checking to the formal verification of the concurrent object-oriented system, using an existing model checker SPIN which has been successful in verifying concurrent systems. First, we propose an Actor-based modeling language, called APromela, by extending the modeling language Promela which is a modeling language supported in SPIN. APromela supports not only all the primitives of Promela, but additional primitives needed to model concurrent object-oriented systems, such as class definition, object instantiation, message send, and synchronization.Second, we provide translation rules for mapping APromela's such modeling primitives to Promela's. As an application of APromela, we suggest a verification method for UML models. By giving an example of specification, translation, and verification, we also demonstrate the applicability of our proposed approach, and discuss the limitations and further research issues.

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Toward an Integrated Theory of Language (대통합 언어이론을 향하여)

  • 문경환
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.33-63
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    • 2001
  • This article does not deal with a theory or theories in the usual sense of the term but rather harks back to its etymological source, theorein ' to look at.' The phrase 'theory of language' thus purports a 'view of language' and does not carry the force of scientific explication of language. In fact, the word ' scientific' or 'science' per se originates from scire 'to know' and is here to be considered not so much in regard to some kind of positivistic methodology as a form of knowledge. If this exposition sounds unduly ingenious, that is because one is caught up in all kinds of presuppositions about the words under consideration. Sometimes, when we come to grips with an issue that strikes our mind as truly important, our language, by the light of which we hope to proceed safely, plays the will-o'-the-wisp instead and leaves us in the middle of a murky maze, twisting what was at first blush a mere cinch into a Gordian knot. On such occasions, etymology comes along the way and sends us back to itself as its own principle: Resort to etymos logos 'original, true word'! The main thrust of the present study is that alongside the quantitative, positivistic thought there is another equally valuable mode of qualitative and humanistic thinking that makes a whole gamut of new and concrete investigations possible, that an integrated theory of language is Possible by way of a happy amalgamation of diversified, humanistic views of language. With this idea as the leitmotif we explore two models of theory which typically set themselves up for a 'scientific' approach to language: analytic philosophy that delves into what it calls logical simples, and contemporary linguistics that stubbornly teeters around some formal rigor or other. It is argued that they are both characterized by a looking away from the fluid, ill-definable aspects of language, giving a preference to segments and isolated facts as a means to avoid those larger wholes and totalities which if they had to be seen would in the long run lead to an uncomfortable state of mind. Language, in the final analysis, is a Protean entity: so capricious and multifarious, and yet so noetic and prophetic, that we should catch sight of its picturesque images in their entirety to give form to an integrated theory of language.

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A Corpus-Based Analysis of Crosslinguistic Influence on the Acquisition of Concessive Conditionals in L2 English

  • Newbery-Payton, Laurence
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2022
  • This study examines crosslinguistic influence on the use of concessive conditionals by Japanese EFL learners. Contrastive analysis suggests that Japanese native speakers may overuse the concessive conditional even if due to partial similarities to Japanese concessive conditionals, whose formal and semantic restrictions are fewer than those of English concessive conditionals. This hypothesis is tested using data from the written module of the International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English (ICNALE). Comparison of Japanese native speakers with English native speakers and Chinese native speakers reveals the following trends. First, Japanese native speakers tend to overuse concessive conditionals compared to native speakers, while similar overuse is not observed in Chinese native speaker data. Second, non-nativelike uses of even if appear in contexts allowing the use of concessive conditionals in Japanese. Third, while overuse and infelicitous use of even if is observed at all proficiency levels, formal errors are restricted to learners at lower proficiency levels. These findings suggest that crosslinguistic influence does occur in the use of concessive conditionals, and that its particular realization is affected by L2 proficiency, with formal crosslinguistic influence mediated at an earlier stage than semantic cross-linguistic influence.

Requirement Verification to Improve Reliability of the Requirement Specification in Object-Oriented Software Development (객체 지향 소프트웨어 개발에서 요구 사양의 신뢰성을 향상시키기 위한 요구 검증)

  • 정안나;염근현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.579-581
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    • 1998
  • 소프트웨어 개발에서 나타나는 많은 오류는 요구 사항에 대한 정확한 이해의 부족에서 기인된다. 따라서 분석 단계에서 요구사항을 정확하게 나타내는 활동은 전체 소프트웨어의 신뢰성에 큰 영향을 미치게 된다. 요구 검증은 요구 분석 활동에서 산출되는 정보가 요구 문서의 정보를 바르게 나타내는가를 검증하는 활동이다. 본 연구에서는 객체 지향 소프트웨어의 개발에서 요구 검증을 수행하기 위해 OFL(Object-oriented Formal Language)과 질의 추출을 적용하였다. OFL은 객체 지향 형식 상태변이사항(Formal state transition specification)으로 형식 언어가 기자고 있는 명확성을 유지하며 분석 활동의 결과를 체계적으로 제시한다. 이러한 결과와 요구 문서와의 비교를 위하여 질의 추출이 수행된다. 이는 질의를 통하여 요구 문서에서는 나타나는 정보를 체계적으로 정리하여 개발 의뢰자가 제시한 요구 사항과 개발자가 제시하는 요구 사양간에 일치성과 완전성이 존재함을 검증한다. 이러한 요구 검증은 요구 사양의 신뢰성뿐만 아니라 개발되는 소프트웨어의 신뢰성을 향상시킨다.

System Modeling and Simulation Study for the Analysis of Flow Lines (Flow Line 분석을 위한 시스템 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 연구 - 타이어 공장의 사상라인을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Byung-Kyu;Park, Jeong-Hyeon;Hwang, Moon-Ho;Kim, Jae-Hie
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 1991
  • Presented in this paper is a systematic approach to "modeling and simulation' of flow lines in mass production systems, using a tire trimming line as an example. The "modeling phase" consists of 1) generation of alternative line configurations, 2) construction of a reference model for each alternative, and 3) formal description of the target system. ACD(Activity Cycle Diagrams) are employed as a tool for formal description. In the "simulation phase'. block diagram models (provided by the simulation language SIMAN) and the next event methodology(implemented in FORTRAN 77) are combined in order to fully describe the flow line behavior.

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Effective Human Resource Management through knowledge based systems and formal methods (지식베이스 시스템과 형식 방법을 이용한 효과적인 인적자원 관리)

  • 서의호;변대호
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.145-161
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    • 1993
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) performs numerous activities in organizations including employee recruitment, selection, placement, job analysis, training and development, and labor relations. POSCO (Pohang Steel Company) has concerned with employee management related to job placement and analysis among these activities because of the problems of over-complexity of placement precedures for the variety of recruits, the frequency of selection, a large amount of job descriptions / specifications, and their changes. This study, as a phase of developing the entire HRM systems in the organization, briefly summarizes the preliminary information related and describes an implementation of expert system as a means for effective job placement based on the principle of right-person-in-right-place with identifying aptitudes and personalities of employees. Thus, a new approach for developing a job description/specification using a formal specification language like Z is also proposed. The result of this study will cultivate the performance of personnel, prevent conflicts between labor and management, promote overall productivity of organization, as well as helpfully verify job analysis.

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Will a U.S. Earned Ph.D. Help a Teacher Educator Apply Theory to Practice in Korea?: A Case Study

  • Lee, Yoo-Jean
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.199-222
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    • 2009
  • As great attention is given to a high quality of English education in Korea, more and more in-service and pre-service English teachers are looking for an opportunity to study in an English speaking country to become better qualified teachers. However, after receiving a degree in an English speaking country, many teachers fail to apply what they have learned to their own teaching due to their tensions of identity, beliefs, knowledge, and professionalism within the changes of sociocultural settings. By using sociocultural theory as a theoretical framework, this paper explores how formal training and Ph.D. studies in the U.S. have influenced a Korean teacher educator in applying theory to practice in relation to her identity, beliefs, knowledge, and professionalism during 30 years of her teaching experience. Rather than facing tensions, the teacher educator has been willing to change her roles, broaden and deepen her beliefs in teaching and knowledge about theory of teaching and learning, and continue her professional development. Limitations and implications of the study are provided.

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인도네시아어 반복법의 도상성에 관한 연구

  • Jeon Tae Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.502-509
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    • 1996
  • This paper is a survey on the characteristics of reduplication in Bahasa Indonesia(B1). B1 abound in reduplicated sound-symbolic expressions. like Japanes and Korean, as such reduplication is considered as one of the significant morphological processes in B1. Despite the huge number of these expressions in B1. scholarship has not hitherto paid much of attentions to their non-arbitrary characteristics nor has not explained their iconicity systematically so far. This study concerns about the needs to describe the iconic patterns of reduplication in the grammar of B1. Firstly, tense-iconicity could be shown in verbal reduplicatives. Secondly, idiomatic reduplicatives could be considered as the remnants of diachronic reduplicated sound-symbolid expressions. The iconicity of reduplication of B1 must be described in a distinct component of the grammar of B1. As one of the simple-structured languages in the world. B1 shows iconic patterns, being fundamentally language-specific, in the grammar. But at the moment, we do not have the formal lingustic tools necessary for describing iconicity. This problem could probably be solved by modifying formal conventions about rules and features.

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