• Title/Summary/Keyword: forearm skin

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The Clinical Significance of Vein Graft in Free-Flap Transfer (유리피판 이식에서 정맥이식의 임상적 의의)

  • Lee, Kwang-Suk;Woo, Kyung-Jo;Jung, Dae-Chul;Jung, Jae-Hyo
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 1996
  • From January 1980 to May 1995, ninety-six patients had been treated by free-flap transfer for the soft tissue defects of the extremities. Ninety-eight cases of free-tissue transfer were reviewed to evaluate the clinical reliability in terms of survival and quality of long-time function after reconstructive surgery. Among these 98 cases(27 cases in latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap, 25 in dorsalis pedis flap, 20 in forearm fasciocutaneous flap, 9 in groin flap, 7 in gracilis myocutaneous flap, 6 in 1st web space flap of foot and 4 cases in tensor fascia lata flap), 92 cases of then were survived. 7 cases were performed with vein grafts. We ananalyzed the reconstruction of the extremities on 98 cases with the soft tissue defects which had been reconstructed free-flap transfer and followed for minimum 1 year period at Korea University Hospital. 1. 92 cases(93.9%) of the total 98 cases were successful and can be obtained the excellent results in soft tissue free-flap transfer. 2. While there were no clinically significant differences in survival rate of flaps transferred from different potential flap donor sites,3 cases of 9 groin flaps were showed higher failure rate due to the complications such as arterial thrombosis, infection and anatomical variation of vessels. 3. Postoperative thrombectomy was performed in 30 cases to be occured in the arterial and venous thrombosis. The revision was failed in 2 cases due to persistent arterial thrombosis and infection, then treated with skin graft. 4. Vein graft was frequently required in severely compromised-soft tissue defects resulted from high-energy trauma. The vein graft was not stitistically significant on the frequency of flap failure rate(P<0.04). 5. Meticulous monitoring, careful planning, early revision and technical considerations will provide for a high clinical success of the free-flap transfer.

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The effects of Breif, Intense Transecutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Nerve conduction, Pain Threshold in Healthy subjects (Brief, Intense TENS 자극이 신경전도, 통증역치의 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim Tae-Youl;Hwang Tae-Yeun;Huh Choon-Bok
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 1994
  • Purphose. This present study examines the effect of brief, intense transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(BTENS) on sensory nerve conduction, electrical pain threshold, and two-point discrimination measured at the superficial radial nevre distribution in 20 healthy subjects. Subjects. Twenty volunteercs, (10 females and 10 males(age range : 20-38 years : $mean{\pm}SD\;:\;27.00{\pm}5.12$), only subjects without prior traumatological and pathological were eligible to participated in this study. Methods. Nerve conduction were determined for the right superficial radial nerve. Electrical pain threshold were determined for the right wrist ipsilateral to the site of BTENS. Small disc electrodes were attached to the surface of the skin stradding the end of the radius. Square wave electrical pulses were delivered from an isolated stimulator through a constant current device at a frequency of 2 Hz(5 ms pulse width). Two-point discrimination, measured on the sensory distribution of superficial radial nerve. BTENS was delivered using a Max-SD( Medical design co.) portable battery powered stimulator. A cicular Ag/AgCl electrode in contact with hypertonic saline gel was attached to the lateral(radial side) surface of the forearm. Results. No significant effects were observed between stimulation methods in the prestimulation cycle(multi-way ANOVA repeated measures : distal latency ; F1.14=0.332. amplitude ; F 0.80=0.445, pain threshold ; F0.06=0.940.2 point discrimination ; F1.50=0.236). Highly significant effects were observed time with the pretreatment and 6 posttreatment cycles(p<0.01). Mighty significants differences in nerve conduction and pain threshold were found using un multi-way ANOVA repeated measures among stimulation methods for each cycles(p<0.01). Conclusion and Discussion The authors concludes that both nerve conduction and pain threshold changes are associated with therapy (stimulation) level of BTENS.

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Reconstruction of the Limb Using Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap (광배근 유리 피판술을 이용한 사지 재건술)

  • Kim, Joo-Sung;Jung, Jun-Mo;Baek, Goo-Hyun;Chung, Moon-Sang
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 1997
  • Latissimus dorsi(LD) muscle is the largest transplantable block of vascularized tissue. Since LD free flap was introduced in 1970's, this flap has been widely used for the reconstruction of large soft tissue defect of the limb. From 1981 to 1996, we had experienced 37 cases of LD free flap. Serratus anterior muscle was combined with LD in three of them whose defects were very large. The average age of the patients was 31 years(range : 4-74 years), and thirty one patients were male. Trauma was cause of the defect in every case. For the recipient sites, the foot and ankle was the most common(22 cases); and the knee and lower leg(11 cases), the elbow and forearm(2 cases), the hand(2 cases) were the next. The duration of follow-up was averaged as 16 months(range: 6 months-12 years). Thirty one cases(84%) out of 37 were successful transplantations. In one case the failure of the flap was due to heart attack and subsequent death of the patient. One failure was caused by sudden violent seizure of the patient who had organic brain damage. Immediate reexploration of the flap was performed in 4 patients, and the flap survived in three of them. There was one necrosis of the grafted split-thickness skin on the survived LD flap. LD free flap was considered as one of the good methods, for the reconstruction of the large soft tissue defect of the limb.

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Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defects in the Finger using Arterialized Venous Free Flaps (유리 동맥화 정맥 피판을 이용한 수지 연부조직 결손의 재건)

  • Lee, Young-Keun;Woo, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Jun-Mo;Ahn, Hee-Chan;Cheon, Ho-Jun
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To report the clinical results of the use of arterialized venous free flaps in reconstruction in soft tissue defects of the finger and to extend indications for the use of such flaps based on the clinical experiences of the authors. Materials and Methods: Eighteen patients who underwent arterialized venous free flaps for finger reconstruction, between May 2007 and July 2009 were reviewed retrospectively. The mean flap size was 4.7${\times}3.2$ cm. The donor site was the ipsilateral volar aspect of the distal forearm in all cases. There were 8 cases of venous skin flaps, 5 cases of neurocutaneous flaps, 4 cases of tendocutaneous flaps, 1 case of innervated tendocutaneous flap. The vascuality of recipient beds was good except in 4 cases (partial devascuality in 2, more than 50% avascuality (bone cement) in 2). Results: All flaps were survived. The mean number of included veins was 2.27 per flap. Mean static two-point discrimination was 10.5 mm in neurocutaneous flaps. In 3 of 5 cases where tendocutaneous flaps were used, active ROM at the PIP joint was 60 degrees, 30 degrees at the DIP joint and 40 degrees at the IP joint of thumb. There were no specific complications except partial necrosis in 3 cases. Conclusions: An arterialized venous free flap is a useful procedure for single-stage reconstruction in soft tissue or combined defect of the finger; we consider that this technique could be applied to fingers despite avascular recipient beds if the periphery of recipient bed vascularity is good.

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Versatile Applications of Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap in the Reconstruction of Upper Extremity Defects: Retrospective Analysis of 119 Cases (수부 및 상지 재건을 위한 전외측 대퇴부 천공지 유리피판의 다양한 이용: 119예의 후향적 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-Yong;Park, Ji-Gang;Lee, Hang-Ho;Lee, Young-Keun;Woo, Sang-Hyun
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The perforator flaps have established their role in the reconstruction of various soft tissue defects. For the last five years, we have extensively used anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap for the reconstruction of the complex tissue defects of the hand and upper extremity and report the clinical results and our experiences with the versatile applications of this flap. Materials and Methods: From March 2003 through May 2008, 119 free ALT perforator flaps were transferred for reconstruction of the complex tissue defects of the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand after crushing or degloving injuries as well as severe scar contractures. There were 95 females and 24 males. The mean age of the patients was 37 years and mean size of the flap was 170 $cm^2$. In 20 cases, the flap was vascularized by septocutaneous and in 99 cases by musculocutaneous perforators. Intra-muscular dissection length averaged 3.4 cm. The total length of pedicle averaged 8.4 cm and the average arterial diameter was 0.84 mm. End-to-end arterial anastomosis was performed in 103 cases and end-to-side in 16 cases. Results: Flap survival rate was 98.3%(117/119) and there were 6 cases of partial necrosis. Donor site was closed primarily in 41 cases and skin grafts were applied in 78 cases. Conclusion: The reliability and versatility of ALT flap makes it one of the foremost choices for the reconstruction of complex tissue defects of the upper extremity.

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Reconstruction of a long defect of the median nerve with a free nerve conduit flap

  • Campodonico, Andrea;Pangrazi, Pier Paolo;De Francesco, Francesco;Riccio, Michele
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 2020
  • Upper limb nerve damage is a common condition, and evidence suggests that functional recovery may be limited following peripheral nerve repair in cases of delayed reconstruction or reconstruction of long nerve defects. A 26-year-old man presented with traumatic injury from a wide, blunt wound of the right forearm caused by broken glass, with soft tissue loss, complete transection of the radial and ulnar arteries, and a large median nerve gap. The patient underwent debridement and subsequent surgery with a microsurgical free radial fasciocutaneous flap to provide a direct blood supply to the hand; the cephalic vein within the flap was employed as a venous vascularized chamber to wrap the sural nerve graft and to repair the wide gap (14 cm) in the median nerve. During the postoperative period, the patient followed an intensive rehabilitation program and was monitored for functional performance over 5 years of follow-up. Our assessment demonstrated skin tropism and sufficient muscle power to act against strong resistance (M5) in the muscles previously affected by paralysis, as well as a good localization of stimuli in the median nerve region and an imperfect recovery of two-point discrimination (S3+). We propose a novel and efficient procedure to repair >10-cm peripheral nerve gap injuries related to upper limb trauma.

Incidence of Extravasation in Acute Care Hospitals and Nurses' Knowledge and Attitude toward Extravasation Prevention and Management (급성기 의료기관의 일혈 발생 현황 및 임상간호사의 일혈 예방 및 관리에 대한 지식과 태도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung Yoon;Lee, Yun Jin;Ko, Young Ok;Cho, Hyun Jin;Kim, Hee Jung;Ju, Myoung Jean;Kim, Mi Jin
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Extravasation of diagnostic and therapeutic materials might occur when the intravascular solution leaks into the surrounding tissues. Injury associated with extravasation depends on various factors. It may range from mild skin reaction to severe necrosis. However, the incidence rate for extravasation is largely unknown because of the limited reporting in Korea. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the incidence of extravasation and nurses' attitude and knowledge of extravasation for providing high-quality nursing care. Methods: Three acute care hospitals were surveyed to estimate the occurrence of extravasation. Knowledge and attitude toward extravasation were investigated from 793 nurses working in six hospitals. Results: The incidence rate of extravasation was 0.5%. Extravasation commonly occurred in elderly patients aged 66 or older (59.9%) and internal medicine (48.2%), and it happened 13.73±20.68 days after hospitalization on average. It mostly occurred in the forearm site (52.9%) and was mainly caused by parenteral nutrition (33.6%). The mean scores of nurses' knowledge and attitude were 14.63±2.86 and 28.91±36.00, respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between the subjects' knowledge and attitude (r=-.11, p=.002). Conclusion: It is necessary to have a reporting system that can accurately monitor the occurrence of extravasation for patient safety management. In addition, it is necessary to develop a protocol that can be applied to clinical practice and a nurse education program.

Correction of Burn Scar Contracture: Indication and Choice of Free Flap (화상 반흔구축 재건 시 유리피판술의 적응증 및 적절한 피판의 선택)

  • Hur, Gi Yeun;Lee, Jong Wook;Koh, Jang Hyu;Seo, Dong Kook;Choi, Jai Koo;Jang, Young Chul;Oh, Suk Joon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.521-526
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Most burn scar contractures are curable with skin grafts, but free flaps may be needed in some cases. Due to the adjacent tissue scarring, local flap is rarely used, and thus we may consider free flap which gives us more options than local flap. However, inappropriate performance of free flap may lead to unsatisfactory results despite technical complexity and enormous amount of effort. The author will discuss the points we should consider when using free flaps in treating burn scar contractures Methods: We surveyed patients who underwent free flaps to correct burn scar contractures from 2000 to 2007. We divided patients into two groups. The first group was those in which free flaps were inevitable due to exposure of deep structures such as bones and tendons. The second group was those in which free flap was used to minimize scar contracture and to achieve aesthetic result. Results: We performed 44 free flap on 42 patients. All of the flaps were taken well except one case of partial necrosis and wound dehiscence. Forearm free flap was the most common with 21 cases. Most of the cases(28 cases) in which free flaps were inevitable were on the wrist and lower limbs. These were cases of soft tissue defect due to wide and extensive burns. Free flaps were done in 16 cases to minimize scar contracture and to obtain aesthetic outcome, recipient sites were mostly face and upper extremities. Conclusion: When using free flaps for correction of burn scar contractures, proper release and full resurfacing of the contracture should be carried out in advance. If inadequate free flap is performed, secondary correction is more challenging than in skin grafts. In order to optimize the result of reconstruction, flap thickness, size and scar of the recipient site should be considered, then we can achieve natural shape, and minimize additional correction.

The Topical Absorption of Ketoprofen from Gels and Plaster in Human Volunteers (케토프로펜 겔제와 플라스터제의 피부 흡수 비교)

  • Gang, Won-Gu;Lee, Chang-Hyeon;U, Jong-Su;Gwon, Gwang-Il
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 1998
  • This study was designed to compare the absorption fraction and extent of ketoprofen gels and a matrix typed ketoprofen plaster patch. 3g (90mg as ketoprofen) of the two gels whi ch has oleohydrogel or hydrogel as a base, respectively, and 3 pieces of plaster patches (90mg as ketoprofen) were, applied in the area of 210$cm^2$ on forearm in 12 volunteers by cross over design. Blood samples were collected serially up to 24 hours and the plasma concentrations of ketoprofen were analyzed by HPLC using flurbiprofen as an internal standard. The detection limit of the assay was 1ng/ml of ketoprofen in plasma. The pharmacokinetic parameters (e.g. $AUC_{24hr}$, $AUMC_{24hr}$, MRT, Fraction Absorbed) were calculated from the plasma concentrations time data of each volunteer. The oleo-hydrogel showed significantly higher absorption fraction and extent of ketoprofen than the current hydrogel. The mean plasma concentrations of the oleo-hydrogel were increased to 98.46${\pm}$23.15ng/ml by 6 hour after application, and increased futher to 100.61${\pm}$18.65ng/ml at 24 hour. On the other hand, those of the hydrogel were increased 17.61${\pm}$18.65ng/ml at 5 hour to 34.68${\pm}$9.65ng/ml at 24 hour gradually. Therefore the plasma concentrations of oleo-hydrogel at each measured time were 3~7 times greater than those of the hydrogel with statistical significance. The $AUC_{24hr}$ (1797.26${\pm}$52.09ng.h/ml) of the oleo-hydrogel was 3.5 times greater (P<0.05) than that (516.17${\pm}$104.52ng.h/ml) of the hydrogel. The plaster patches showed higher bioavailability ($AUC_{24hr}$ 2877.37${\pm}$578.27ng.h/ml) than the olea-hydrogel ($AUC_{24hr}$ 1797.26${\pm}$52.09ng.h/ml) without statistical significance. But the absorption fraction of the oleo-hydrogel was rather higher than that of the plaster patches during the first 6 hours after administration. These results suggest that newly developed ketoprofen gel which is used oleo-hydrogel as a base would show excellent skin permeation on topical application for the corresponding clinical indications and could be absorbed as well as plaster patches.

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A study on dermatologic diseases of workers exposed to cutting oil (절삭유 취급 근로자의 피부질환에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Byung-Chul;Kim, Hee-Ok;Kim, Soon-Duck;Oh, Chil-Hwan;Yum, Yong-Tae
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.4 s.55
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    • pp.785-799
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    • 1996
  • We investigated the 1,004 workers who worked in a automobile factory to study the epidemiologic characterists of dermatoses due to cutting oils. Among the workers, 667(66.4%) answered the questionaire. They are belong to 5 departments of the factory-the Engine-Work(258 workers), Gasoline engine Assembly(210), Diesel engine Assembly(96), Power train Work(86), Power train Assembly(17). We measured the oil mist concentration in air of the departments and examined the workers who had dermatologic symptoms. The results were follows; 1) Oil mist concentration ; Of all measured points(52),9 points(17.2%) exeeded $5mg/m^3$- the time-weighed PEL-and one department had a upper confidence limit(95%) higher than $5mg/m^3$. 2) Dermatologists examined 213 workers. 172 of them complained any skin symptoms at that time - itching(32.5%), papule(21.6%), scale(15.7%), vesicle(12.5%) in order. The abnormal skin site found by dermatologist were palm(29.3%), finger & nail(24.6%), forearm(16.2%), back of hand(8.4%) in order. 3) As the result of physical examination, we found that 160 workers had skin diseases. Contact dermatitis was the most common; 69 workers had contact dermatitis alone(43.1%), 11 had contact dermatitis with acne(6.9%), 10 had contact dermatitis with folliculitis(6.3%), 1 had contact dermatitis with acne & folliculitis, and 1 had contact dermatitis with abnormal pigmentation. Others were folliculitis(9 workers, 5.6%), acne(8, 5.0%), folliculitis & acne (2, 1.2%), keratosis(1, 0.6%), abnormal pigmentation (1, 0.6%), and non-specific hand eczema (47, 29.3%). 4) The prevalence of any skin diseases was 34.0 pet 100 in cutting oil users, and 13.3 per 100 in non- users. Especially, the prevalence of contact dermatitis was 23.0 per 100 in cutting oil users and 23.0 per 100 in non-users. 5) We tried patch test(standard serise, oil serise, organic solvents) on 49 patients to differentiate allergic contact dermatitis from irritant contact dermatitis and found 20 were positive. 6) In a multivariate analysis(independant=age, tenure, kinds of cutting oil), the risk of skin diseases was higher in the water-based cutting oil user and both oil user than non-user or neat oil user(odds ratio were 2.16 and 2.78, respectively). And the risk of contact dermatitis was much higher at the same groups(odds ratio were 5.16 and 6.82, respectively).

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