• Title/Summary/Keyword: food services management

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The Influence of the COVID-19 Anxiety and Dietary Lifestyles on the Drone Food Delivery Service Attitude (COVID-19 불안감과 식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 드론 음식배달 서비스에 대한 소비자 태도)

  • Zhao, Jun Wei;Park, Hyun Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates the impact of COVID-19 anxiety on dietary lifestyle and the effect of different dietary lifestyle on the intention to use drone food delivery services. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 356 Chinese consumers aware of drone food delivery services. Results show that First, COVID-19 anxiety significantly impacted dietary lifestyle, including health pursuit, safety pursuit, and convenience pursuit. Second, the dietary lifestyle of health pursuit, fashion pursuit, and convenience pursuit positively affected service perceptions, including perceived safety and perceived rapidity, perceived compatibility. The dietary lifestyle of taste pursuit positively associated with safety of drone food delivery service, while the dietary lifestyle of safety pursuit positively related to safety and rapidity of drone food delivery services. Third, the perceptions related to security, rapidity, and compatibility of drone food delivery services enhanced service usage intention. Results show that COVID-19 anxiety was positively associated with dietary lifestyle, influencing consumer attitudes toward drone food delivery services.

Income Statement Analysis and Developing the Guidelines of Meal-pricing and Facilities Investment Cost in Contract-Managed High School Foodservice in Seoul (서울시내 고등학교 위탁급식의 재무성과 분석을 통한 급식비 및 투자비의 적정 수준 산정)

  • 양일선;현성원;김현아;신서영;조미나;박수연;차진아;이보숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.528-535
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of this study were: 1) to investigate the operational and financial characteristics of contract-managed high school food services in Seoul, 2) to analyze the financial performance of high school food services 3) to develop guidelines for meal pricing and facilities investment costs. From Oct to Nov 2001, questionnaires were mailed to 249 high schools that were managed by contract food service companies. A 40.2% response rate was recorded. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Student enrollment in high schools run by contract-managed food services was 1,518, with a 68.5% participation rate in the school lunch program. The average meal price was 2,141 won. 2. Based on the income statement analysis, average total sales were 410,440,504 won and average net profit was 16,098,558 won. 3. The optimum food cost per meal was 1,200-1,300 won per meal, calculating using the methods of conversion factor, RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance), and nutrient exchange unit. 4. Guidelines for meal pricing were developed using the modified actual pricing method based on facilities investment cost, number of meals and food cost. The ratio of labor cost, general management expenses and ordinary profit were adopted from the schools with liability. The food cost, depreciation and interest cost were calculated based on unit meal. 5. The guideline for facilities investment was developed based on the number of meals, meal price and food cost. The guideline included the maximum facilities investment cost paid by the contract food service management company. (Korean J Nutrition 36(5): 528∼535, 2003)

The Level of Housework Socialization and Determinants on it (가사노동의 사회화와 결정요인에 관한연구)

  • 구혜령
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study were to 1) classify the domain according to the level f housework sociaklization and 2) illuminate the determinants on it. The subjects of this study were 564 married women living in Seoul. A questionnaire was used as survey method. Frequenciaes percentiles mean and regression were employed for data analysis. major findings were as follows; 1) The domain according to the level of housework socialization were purchases of storage food convemience food dining-out clothes repairing services and laundry wervices 2) Of market goods characteristics quality and time-saving characteristics were influencing variables in the level of storage food purchases. The affecting variables in the level of convenience food purchases dining-out and clothes repairing services purchases was quality of market goods. In the level of laundry services time-saving characteristics was significant.

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A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Congregate Meal Services from the Low-income Elderly (취약계층 노인의 경로식당 급식 서비스 경험에 관한 질적 연구: 침묵의 밥)

  • Seo, Sunhee;Yu, Eunju;Ahn, Jiyoon
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.298-308
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    • 2013
  • The elderly population in Korea is rapidly growing. As the population ages, meals become a greater concern, as physical and psychological health problems are directly affected by dietary life, especially for the lower-income elderly. Although the government provides support through a free congregate meal service, there is a lack of systematic management of this meal service. This study investigates the experience of the elderly, especially the symbolic meaning and issues regarding the congregate meal service in their dietary life, to establish strategies for improving congregate meal services. Qualitative data was collected from ten elderly receivers of meal services through in-depth interviews and data was analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological research methods. Overall, 90 significant statements, 13 formulated meanings, and five theme clusters were deduced. The five theme clusters for the importance of meal services to the elderly included the followings: "a real meal", "enjoyment of living", "maintenance of regular life", "place for social life" and "meal of silence". We found that the elderly regarded the congregate free meal service not only as meals to appreciate but also as a form of social life. Furthermore, the elderly did not typically express any complaints regarding congregate meal services because they are free. The results showed that it might be difficult to evaluate the quality of meal services based on the opinions of the service receivers. This study suggests it is necessary to develop multilateral evaluation methods to reflect the needs of the elderly and to improve the congregate meal services at elderly welfare centers.

A Study on Cost Analyses and an Efficient Financial Management in Self-Operated and Contract-Managed Secondary School Foodservices (중.고등학교 급식비용 분석과 효율적 재무관리체계를 위한 연구)

  • 곽동경;장혜자;이나영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.1083-1093
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    • 2003
  • Efficient financial management is a critical factor in achieving school foodservice goals. The objective of this study was to suggest efficient financial management practices in secondary school foodservices. In pursuit of this objective, we first identified performance indexes for measuring the success of financial management. Second, we suggested financial management standards, financial data classification methods and a report system. Last, we analyzed operating ratios with the financial data of self-operated and contract-managed school food services. The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire from 10 middle/high school foodservices in Seoul and Kyeonggi Provincial during on-sites visits and interviews with dieticians and managers. Student participation, sales goals, re-contract frequency and number and cost of disaster loss were identified as the performance indexes for financial management. Income statements were compiled by identifying and classifying financial data. Total revenues consisted of subsidies, meal sales, other revenue and interest. Expenditures consisted of purchased food, salaries and wages, utility costs, office supplies, kitchen supplies, purchased services, company overhead indirect costs, facility investment and maintenance, facility usage expenses, employee benefits and miscellaneous. Mean price of a meal was 2,326 won at self-operated foodservices when the subsidies were included as revenues and 2,360 won at contract-managed foodservices. When including the subsidies as revenues, the operating ratios of self-operated foodservice showed that the food cost percentage was 66.9%, labor cost 23.2%, operation cost 9.9% and profit 0%. The correspond figures at contract-managed foodservices were 57.6%, 21.5%, 15.3%, and 5.5%, respectively. Food costs in self-operated foodservices was significantly higher than that for contract-managed foodservices, however, facility investment and maintenance and facility usage expenses at self-operated foodservices was significantly lower than those for contract-managed foodservices. Based on this study, the methodology and classification system of financial data was found to be applicable to assess the financial structure of school foodservices.

Inter-oraganisational Information Systems (IOIS) and Cybermediaries for Agriculture and Food Supply Chain

  • Rajaguru, Rajesh;Swar, Bobby
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • Competition in supply chain has moved from between being organizations to between supply chain. To enhance competitiveness in supply chain, there is a need for organisations to establish and manage collaborative relationships among supply chain partners and share operational and strategic information timely and accurately. As a result, food supply chain partners have adopted of inter organisational information systems (IOIS) such as EDI, IEDI, RFID, internet, and extranets to facilitate exchange of information, streamline production and to effectively manage inventory processes so as to deliver value to the customer. Together with IOIS, cybermediaries also plays a key role in facilitating agriculture and food supply chain. This paper investigates the role and significance of IOIS and cybermediaries in facilitating agriculture and food supply chain. Convergent interviewing was conducted with agriculture producers, food processors and retailers. The study identified logistics, supply chain and customer services benefits perceived from implementing IOIS and utilising cybermediaries services in the food supply chain. To conclude the conceptual paper outlined managerial implications and areas for future research.

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Research about Choice Attribution Customers make in Food & Beverage Events (식음료 이벤트의 고객 선택속성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hun;Jin, Yang-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2004
  • This study is about choice attribution of customers make in food and beverage events. The researcher provided practical plans to uplift food-related enterprises and activate management through surveys and positive analyses, targeting customers who use food services. First of all, all event plans must include customer demands, social changes, special qualities of the business, and market research. Second, low demand season must be customers will be induced to the events. Third, prediction for market variable and solutions must be thoroughly examined and plans should look into the future to maintain a long period of time. Fourth, sufficient communication between planners and employees should be made before the event starts, so that food and beverage businesses can gain trust and quality of event services.Fifth, immaterial service and visible goods/menus in business of food and beverage events must be closely matched. Sixth, menus introducing a variety of merchandise, quality of nutrition and health of the business should be developed. Also, events from countries(regions) should be hold to create a market of cultural exchange. Seventh, for hereafter event plans, feedbacks are needed concerning customers needs and demands through customer care, after the food and beverage events. Eight, faculty management for convenience, kindness, safety, and life preserver accommodations in parking areas must be made, as automobiles are necessaries for people in Mycar era. The ninth, off-line and on-line care through on-line business construction and production of homepage must be done, due to the fact that even the well-made events are bound to fail if they are not delivered to the customers.

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The study on the realities of silver industry - focusing on the consumption of leisure services (노인의 실버산업 이용실태에 관한 연구 - 여가서비스를 중심으로)

  • 문숙재;곽민진
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2002
  • This study aimed at identifying and analyzing consumption of leisure services in silver industry and factors that had effects on them. This focused on the consumption of leisure services and its influence on the variables related to change of elderly's attitude, because socio-economic environment structure is improved and average life span is prolonged. The main findings of the research were as follows: 1. Totally, the percentage of leisure services consumption not so high and kinds of leisure were not various. Also, the reason why they use leisure was just for self-development and their indifference to leisure made them not to use services. 2. There were significant differences in individual characteristics and family-environmental conditions relating the consumption of leisure services in the silver industry. 3. Among variables which influence on the consumption of leisure of the elderly, job was the most significant factors. Also average monthly income, the changable inclination in food, clothing and shelter, social support of the family, status of residing, status of health and source of income were influential variables.

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Nutritional Assessment and Management in Long-term Care Insurance's Home Visit Care Service (경기도 일부 노인의 노인장기요양보험 방문요양서비스의 영양상태 평가 및 영양관리 현황)

  • Yoon, Mi-Ock;Moon, Hyun-Kyung;Kim, Seo-Yeon;Kim, Bok-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.142-153
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the study was to examine nutritional management and nutritional care demands of home-visit care service and the nutritional status of serviced elderly. The survey was carried out from $5^{th}$ to $21^{st}$ of January, 2011 among 37 In-Home Service institutions. The number of elderly surveyed by 143 care helpers was 281. Analysis was performed for 203 subjects (male: 44, female: 159). The age distribution was from 50 to 99 years. The grading by long-term care insuranceshowed 18,2% on level 1 and 2, and 81.8% on level 3. For the disease treatment, the proportion of implementing diet treatment turned out to be very low. The proportion of subjects living with their children was 45.3%, and living alone was 29.1%. The proportion of home-visit care among types of In-Home Service was 70%. Subjects who needed additional necessary diet management service turned out to be 40.9%. Diet management was the most necessary services from all levels. MNA (specifiy MNA) scores were significantly (p < 0.001) associated with BMI, mid-arm circumference (MAC), calf circumference (CC), intake problems, and weight loss during the last 3 months. For studied elderly, 45.3% were malnourished, and 46.8% were at the risk of malnutrition by MNA score. Based on the result of this survey, the nutritional care was not systematic on the In-Home Service. Prevention and management of the disease was much better than the treatment to improve the quality of life. We conclude that nutrition management is necessary for the elderly. To improve nutritional status of elderly in home care services, systematic nutrition management should be implemented.

Status of ICT Convergence Smart Quality Distribution Technology for Food Quality and Safety Management

  • Kim, Jong Hoon;Kim, Ji Young;Kim, Byeong Sam
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2014
  • The world is in the process of a structural change related to ICT convergence knowledge industries. ICT is leading to the creation of new products and services, and is making our lives more convenient, safer, and more efficient. In advanced countries, many studies have been conducted with the goal of developing new business models converged with ICT, and this is also the case in the food industry. Korea possesses world-leading ICT, and if this ICT is applied to the food industry, a world-class new business model can be developed. The u-Food System, which is in the process of development in Korea, is a next-generation food system that can allow food providers, consumers, and distributors to access various types of information about food products, including traceability, distribution, safety, quality, and freshness, and manage this information. It is a future food system that converges ICT, biotechnology and sensing technology with food. Based on the u-Food System, this paper will introduce the status of current smart quality distribution technologies that converge ICT (such as sensor tag, sensor network, LBS, GIS, and CDMA) with food technologies (such as traceability, quality, distribution management) to manage the safety and quality of fresh food in the distribution process.