• Title/Summary/Keyword: food services management

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A Review Study on Ozone Phytotoxicity Metrics for Setting Critical Levels in Asia

  • Agathokleous, Evgenios;Kitao, Mitsutoshi;Kinose, Yoshiyuki
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2018
  • Ground-level ozone ($O_3$) can be a menace for vegetation, especially in Asia where $O_3$ levels have been dramatically increased over the past decades. To ensure food security and maintain forest ecosystem services, such as nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration and functional diversity of soil biota, in the over-populated Asia, environmental standards are needed. To set proper standards, dose-response relationships should be established from which critical levels are derived. The predictor of the response in the dose-response relationship is an $O_3$ metric that indicates the dose level to which the plant has been exposed. This study aimed to review the relevant scientific literature and summarize the $O_3$ metrics used worldwide to provide insights for Asia. A variety of $O_3$ metrics have been used, for which we discuss their strengths and weaknesses. The most widely used metrics are based only on $O_3$ levels. Such metrics have been adopted by several regulatory agencies in the global. However, they are biologically irrelevant because they ignore the plant physiological capacity. Adopting AOT40 ($O_3$ mixing ratios Accumulated Over the Threshold of $40nmol\;mol^{-1}$) as the default index for setting critical levels in Asia would be a poor policy with severe consequences at national and Pan-Asian level. Asian studies should focus on flux-based $O_3$ metrics to provide relevant bases for developing proper standards. However, given the technical requirements in calculating flux-based $O_3$ metrics, which can be an important limitation in developing countries, no-threshold cumulative exposure indices like AOT0 should always accompany flux-based indices.

Case Analysis of Nutrition Improvement at the Base of the Pyramid: Using Appropriate New Technology (적정한 신기술을 활용한 BoP 층의 영양 개선 사례 분석)

  • Lee, Myung Moo;Kim, Yun Ho
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2019
  • Most of the BoP (Base of the Pyramid) do not have the economic power to eat balanced nutrients. Therefore, the solution is to add essential nutrients to the food you eat. This method can improve nutrition without putting an economic burden on the BoP classes. The aim of the paper is to apply the strategic management process for analysing BoP solutions in nutrition improvement sector. This allows identification of critical aspects in developing BoP solutions. This includes reaching sustainability related objectives. Two cases (Ajinomoto, Grameen Danone) covering both products and services have been researched, allowing a contribution towards the applicability of strategic management in respective situations. In this study, we analyzed the case through the "Appropriate Technology 2.0" framework of Polak and Warwick (2014). In addition, we introduced the strategy of BoP business. Based on the results of this analysis, we analyzed the success factors of appropriate technology business in the emerging markets through the 4A model.

Effects of Different Altitudes and Cultivation Methods on Growth and Flowering Characteristics of Elsholtzia splendens (재배지대와 유형이 꽃향유의 생육 및 개화 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Young Min Choi;Jin Jae Lee;Dong Chun Cheong;Hong Ki Kim;Hee Kyung Song;Seung Yoon Lee;So Ra Choi;Hyun Ah Han;Han Na Chu
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.392-400
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to find the flowering and growth characteristics according to the different altitudes (plains and mid-mountain regions) and cultivation methods (field and plastic houses cultivation) of Elsholtzia splendens. Experimental regions located at 12 meters and 500 meters above sea level were selected for the plains and the mid-mountain, respectively, and the same method was applied for cultivation management by different altitudes and cultivation methods. In the mid-mountain region, flower bud emergence (2-3 days), flowering (9 days), and full bloom (6-7 days) stages of Elsholtzia splendens were earlier than in the plains, and field cultivation was earlier than plastic house cultivation. The plant height, the main stem diameter, and the number of branches tended to increase gradually after an initial rapid growth at 59 to 69 days after planting date. The days of duration of sunshine (less than 8 hours) from the rainy season (June 20) to the period when vegetative growth increases gradually (59 to 69 days after planting) was 22 to 29 days and 26 to 35 days in the plains and the mid-mountain regions respectively, and this period was estimated time of transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. The spikes growth of Elsholtzia splendens by cultivation altitudes was higher in the mid-mountain region than in the plains, and there were no statistically significant differences in growth characteristics except for the main stem diameter, the number of branches, and the dry matter. Also, the amount of flowering and growth was higher in the plastic house cultivation compared to the field cultivation. As a result, some differences in flowering amount were observed when cultivating Elsholtzia splendens for landscaping purposes, but it was considered possible to cultivate in both plains and mid-mountain regions. This study therefore provides ecological information for understanding the relationship between weather characteristics and growth of Elsholtzia splendens.

The Effects of Information Sources on Trust, WOM Intention, and eWOM Intention in the Restaurant Sector (외식기업의 정보원천이 신뢰, 구전의도, 그리고 온라인 구전의도에 미치는 영향)

  • CHAO, Meiyu;YOU, YenYoo;KIM Eun-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: In the restaurant sector, it has been known that consumers' positive perception of brands influences their positive WOM intention, and information sources play an important role in increasing credibility by enhancing consumer awareness and developing differentiated brands. This study examines the effects of information sources (e.g., advertisement, WOM, SNS) on trust (cognitive and affective) and, WOM and eWOM intention in the restaurant context. In the model, cognitive and affective trust play mediating roles in the relationships between information sources (e.g., advertisement, WOM, SNS) WOM and eWOM intention. Research design, data, and methodology: Research models and hypotheses were developed according to the research direction. The survey questionnaire items were developed and used appropriately according to the contents of this paper based on prior studies. All constructs were measured with multiple items developed and validated in prior studies. A total of 502 responses were collected from an online survey. The research model was evaluated using SmartPLS 4.0. Frequency analysis was performed to understand the demographic characteristics of the survey respondents. The reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity were assessed using measurement model analysis. The proposed model was verified using the structural equation model. Results: Advertisement, WOM, and SNS information sources all had a positive effect on affective trust, whereas only WOM had a significant effect on cognitive trust. In addition, affective trust had a positive effect on cognitive trust and eWOM intention but did not affect WOM intention. Finally, cognitive trust was found to have a positive effect on both WOM intention and eWOM intention. Conclusions: This study redefines the concept of where restaurant service companies should focus when providing consumers with information about their products and services. As a result, the conceptual framework of positive word of mouth intention to increase new customer visits to the restaurant brand has been expanded. In addition, this study not only presents an information source management strategy for restaurant brands, but also presents practical implications for resource allocation guidelines for customer management in the restaurant sector.

Management Policy and Safety Problem of School Food Services (학교급식 안전 문제와 대책)

  • Ha, Sang-Do
    • Safe Food
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2008
  • 우리나라 학교급식의 현재 성적표를 "양적 성공, 질적 실패"로 평가할 수 있다. 2003년 학교급식이 국가적 교육사업이 되어서 초 중 고 특수학교에서 전면급식이 이루어지고 10,343개교에서 704만명의 학생에게 급식을 제공하고 있다. 현재는 양질의 학교급식을 안전하고 저렴하게 공급하고, 국가식량정책과 연계하여 효율적으로 관리하여야 할 시기이다. 그러나 학교급식 소요경비 연 2조3천억원, 영양사 7,196명 등 63,145명이 종사하는 거대한 산업군이라는 규모에도 불구하고 전체 학교의 70%만이 식당시설을 갖추고 있고 급식 만족도가 학생이나 학부모의 기대에 미치지 못하고 있으며, 식중독 발생의 원흉이 되어 국민적 질책의 대상이 되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이 문제는 1) 영양사 업무과중에 따른 시간부족, 영양사 지식정보 부족 등에 따른 식재료 및 위생관리 소홀, 2) 냉장, 냉동, 오염/비 오염 구획 등에 필요한 시설과 설비 부족, 3) 교육인적자원부의 급식위생관리의 전문성 부족과 담당 인력 및 정책적, 재정적 지원 부족을 원인으로 볼 수 있다. 학교급식 안전대책은 아래 20대 과제를 추진하여 확보하여야 할 것이다. 전략 1은 "우수한 식재료 위생관리"로서 "급식비 인상 및 현실화, 철저한 수입 농수축산물관리, 식재료 공급 및 전처리업 자유업에서 신고제, 허가제로 전환, GAP(우수농산물관리) 제도 도입, 생산이력제도(traceability) 도입, 급식원료 "품질인증 제도" 도입, 식품원료 전처리 시 세척, 소독프로그램 보급, 학교급식 식자재기준, 규격 설정, 과학적이고 쉬운 검수지침 개발 및 보급, 신속검사키트를 활용한 주기적인 미생물 검사 의무화, 위생 전문가에 의한 검수, 식재료별로 분산된 법령과 관리제도 정비(식품안전기본법), 급식식자재 공급 유통 과정의 감시 감독 강화" 등 13개 과제를 제안한다. 전략 2는 "급식위생 확보 인프라구측"으로서 "급식종사자 전문성 확보(조리/영양/위생), 급식전담기구(학교급식진흥원 /학교급식센터 등) 설치, 급식형태 다양화(위탁/직영 균형 발전), 학교급식법 재개정, 학교급식 HACCF제도 확대" 등 4개 과제를 제안한다. 전략 3은 "급식소 시설 설비 현대화 및 환경개선"으로서 "급식시설 설비 현대화 (전처리실, 냉장고, 온장고 구비 등), 급식소 환경 개선 (상수 사용 확대 및 안전강화, 지하수 소독 강화, 정화된 공기 공급 등)" 등 2개 과제를 제안한다. 전략4는 "급식위생제도 및 관리체계 개선"으로서 "전문적 단일기관 안전관리 (식품안전처)" 과제를 제안한다.

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Diversification Strategy through Market Creation: The Case of CJ Group

  • Jeong, Jaeseok;Kim, Nam Jung;Lim, Hyunjoo;Kang, Hyoung Goo;Moon, Junghoon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate upon a diversification strategy through market creation of CJ Group, which has contributed in positioning of the firm as one of the leading conglomerates in South Korea. With such objective, the background of CJ Group, followed by its business diversification strategies were explored, with reference to several case studies. The history of CJ Group began with establishment of CheilJedang Industrial Corporation in 1953, as the first domestic sugar producer and exporter of South Korea. The corporation gradually expanded its business ever since at both national and global level, to include the fields of food production, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and life chemicals. Later, CheilJedang (CJ) Group was established as an affiliate of CheilJedang Industrial Corporation. With such independence, extension of business has been witnessed across the industries of media, entertainment, finance, information technology and distribution. Thus, the current CJ Group pursues to define itself as a progressive global living culture company with four major business categories from food and food service, biotechnology, entertainment and media, and logistics. Despite its success in today's market, CJ Group underwent hardships in its business diversification in 1990s due to indiscreet management, along with the Asian financial crisis. Here, many firms overcame the financial difficulties by taking advantage of the exchange rate for overseas expansion. Though, CJ Group tried to differentiate itself by focusing on the domestic market by creating something out of nothing. Hence, CJ Group takes a unique position among many cases of business diversification and their categorization. In an effort to identify and classify the types of growth experienced by the top 30 companies in South Korea, the firms were categorized into four groups according to their diversification strategies adapted after the Asian financial crisis. Based on the mode and time of entry, corporations were identified either as the 'Explorer', 'Invader', 'Venture Capitalist', or 'Assimilator'. Here, the majority of the firms showed the qualities of Invader, entering mature markets through large-scaled mergers and acquisitions. However, CJ Group was the only firm that was categorized as an Explorer, for its focus on the newly emerging service sector in culture-contents industry. This diversification strategy through market creation is worth examining, due to its contribution in generating simultaneous growth between the market and the company itself. Diverse brands of CJ Group have been referred to as case studies in this regard, from 'Hatban', 'Cine de Chef', 'VIPS' to 'CJ GLS'. These four businesses, each to represent processed food, film, restaurant service, and logistics industries respectively, show CJ Group's effectiveness in creating a whole new category of goods and services that are innovative. In fact, such businesses not only contributed in advancement of consumers' wellbeing, but toward generating additional value and employment. It is true that the diversification strategy of CJ Group requires long-term capital investment with high risk, compared to the other strategies mentioned in the paper. However, this model does create high employment and additional values that are positive to both the society and the firm itself. Therefore, the paper comes to a conclusion that the diversification strategy through market creation conveys the most positive impact relative to the others.

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Characteristics, Threats and Management of Philippine Wetlands (필리핀 습지의 특성, 위협 및 관리)

  • Sespene, Shemelyn M.;Maniquiz-Redillas, Marla;Kim, Lee-Hyung;Choo, Yun-wook
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.250-261
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    • 2016
  • The Philippines is a naturally water-rich archipelago capable of sustaining its ecological goods and providing services and needs of its people. Several waterbodies have been declared as natural wetlands in the country supporting the needs of community like water and food. In this study, 65 natural wetlands were considered including six sites that were identified as 'Wetlands of International Importance' such as Naujan Lake National Park, Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Las $Pi{\tilde{n}}as-Para{\tilde{n}}aque$ Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area and Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. There are 22 wetland types presented in this research categorizing the Philippine wetlands. Philippine wetlands are now facing tremendous challenges such as land use conversion, abuse of resources, pollution coming from domestic, industrial and agricultural activities, and climate change. This paper provides an overview of Philippine wetlands in terms of their characteristics and components, impacts in the ecosystem, and the challenges they are dealing with. Moreover, the preservation measures that the government and private agencies implements to these wetlands were discussed and assessed. The enforcement of local and national laws concerning wetlands is found to be inadequate resulting in poor quality wetlands. The preservation and utilization of these wetlands can be maximized with a voluntary participation of whole Philippine community.

RBAC-based health care service platform for individual recommended health information service (RBAC에 기반한 개인 맞춤형 건강 정보 제공 헬스케어 서비스 플랫폼)

  • Song, Je-Min;Kim, Myung-Sic;Jeong, Kyeong-Ja;Shin, Moon-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1740-1748
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose an RBAC based personalized health care service platform in order to provide smart management of personal health record using smart devices. It helps to guide healthful service and provide useful information according to one's individual health record. Personalized health care services platform supports a healthy lifestyle by measuring personal health information in a hospital clinical, imaging, and drug data, as well as that can be obtained from smart devices. Everyone can enter his health related data in everyday life such as food, sleeping time, mood, movement and exercise so that one can manage his personal health information of modern smart features. In addition, if necessary, personal health information can be provided to the hospital information system and staff with the consent of the individual. It can be contributed to simplify the complex process for remote medical. The proposed platform, which applies role based access control model to protect security and privacy, supports a smart health care services for users by providing personalized health care services through the smart applications.

A Study of the Abilities of House-keeping of Korean Female Students (한국여자대학생의 가사능력에 관한 연구)

  • 박인덕
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.399-413
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    • 1973
  • A Study of the Abilities of House-keeping of Korean Female Students. We tend to have much trouble in doing house-keeping with the lack of practical experience in our daily life in this age of information because we learn more things by vicarious experiences with the help of communication media such as radio, T.V. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the education of house-keeping and teaching of home economics which are essential to female students who will become good house-wives and good members of families. In this thesis, the fundamental items of every day life such as food, costume, and home management were made out in a questionnaire with a view to evaluating the abilities of students' house keeping by these data. A random sample was taken composing of juniors and seniors with the sample size, n = 581, out of the universities and Colleges in Korea ; i.e., Yonsei Univ., Korea Univ., Ewha Univ., Sukmyong Univ., Sung Shim Womans' College (at choon chun), Duk Sung Womans' College, etc. It is to be noted that home economics majors were excluded. The results are as follows 1. Out of the total 25 fundamental items about food the average ability in the case of "I can" is only 11 items, "I have experience" 7 items, and "I have no experience" 7 items. 2. Out of the total 20 fundamental items about costume the average ability, in the case of "I can" is 4 items, and "I have experience" 8 items, and "I have no experience" 8 items. 3. Out of the total 20 fundamental items about home management, the average ability, in the case of "I can" is 5-items. "I have experienc" 8-items, and "I have no experience" 6-items. The following conclusions have been reached on the basis of the above survey : a) On the whole students are poorest at practical house-keeping. b) It is to be pointed our that female students have little experience to participate in practical house keeping every daily life c) Female students are apt to have the self-confidence that they can carry on the house-keeping well. d) One may emphasize the point which tends to be neglected in home-education : each house wife should have the ability of practical house-keeping, mutual under-standing among family members, a sense of responsibility, coorperation and services as a good member of family.

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Effects of an Intensive Management Program for Diabetic Patients on a Blood Biochemical Profile and Diabetes Knowledge (당뇨병 환자 대상 집중관리프로그램이 혈액성상 및 당뇨지식에 미치는 효과)

  • Yeo, Su-Jeong;Kim, Bok-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.148-161
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study examined the effects of nutrition education and exercise therapies on the hematological status and diabetes knowledge of diabetic patients. For this purpose, a 12-week intensive management program was provided to diabetic patients participating in an exercise program in S health subcenter in Kwangju city and the effects were analyzed. Methods: The subjects were 26 diabetic patients, who provided written informed consent. As a preliminary survey, this study examined the general characteristics, physical status, obesity, blood pressure, hematological status, daily activity level, diabetes knowledge, diet performance, and barriers to diet therapy. After the 12-week intensive management program was completed, a post-test was conducted in the same way as the preliminary test. The data were analyzed with using SPSS 18.0. The data from this study are presented as the mean${\pm}$standard deviation. A paired t-test was conducted to compare differences in the means before and after the program. Statistical significance was set to p<0.05. Results: The results of the program are presented as follows. The HDL-cholesterol levels changed from $39.8{\pm}10.5mg/dL$ to $48.3{\pm}13.1mg/dL$, showing a significant increase (p<0.001). The blood sugar 2 hours after a meal changed from $175.2{\pm}67.1mg/dL$ to $140.5{\pm}42.5mg/dL$, showing a significant decrease (p=0.014). The glycosylated hemoglobin levels decreased significantly from $6.7{\pm}1.1%$ to $6.3{\pm}1.0%$ (p=0.010). The total scores of the daily activity levels increased significantly from $3.8{\pm}2.4$ to $4.8{\pm}2.5$ (p=0.040). The scores of knowledge on diabetes increased from $11.5{\pm}3.6$ to $14.0{\pm}3.8$ (p=0.001). The scores of knowledge on diet therapy changed from $6.7{\pm}2.2$ to $7.9{\pm}1.7$, showing a significant increase (p=0.027). Conclusions: The 12-week intensive management program intervened by nutrition education and exercise therapies induced positive changes to the HDL-cholesterol, blood sugar 2 hours after a meal, glycosylated hemoglobin, daily activity levels, and knowledge on diabetes.