• Title/Summary/Keyword: food behaviour

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The associations between dietary behavior and subjective measurements of serious dental diseases in nursing home staff (일부 병원종사자의 식행동과 주관적 중대 구강병과의 연관성)

  • Shim, Youn-Soo;An, So-Youn;Park, So-Young
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to determine the associations between dietary behaviour and subjective measurements of dental caries and periodontal disease in a cohort of nursing home staff. Methods : A self-reported survey was carried out in 280 nursing home staff in Jeollabukdo Province, Korea. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS Version 19.0 program. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the effects of dietary behavior and food intake on subjective measurements of the two serious dental diseases. Results : The irregular meal tended to increase dietary imbalance and periodontal diseases in the nursing staff. For example, it had influences on the imbalance of sugar, vegetable, and safood intake. Conclusions : It is important to take regular meal because irregular eating behavior tended to increase dietary imbalance and periodontal diseases in the nursing staff.

A study on the nutritional knowledge, dietary behavior and food preference of the employed women in Korea (취업여성의 영양지식, 식행동 및 식품 기호도에 관한 연구)

  • 이경숙;이효지
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutritional knowledge, dietary behaviour and food preference of the employed women in Korea. This study used a constructed questionnaire as instrument tools. The results obtained were summarized as follow : The average score of nutritional knowledge was 18.4. The subjects who had breakfast irregularly were above 50%. The main reasons that they had breakfast irregularly were that they had no time to eat. Main meal styles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner were Korean foods. Most of the study subjects had used the cafeteria in the company for lunch if the company had the cafeteria. The subjects who had meals irregularly were 27.8%, and those who had overeating were 25.0%. The subjects tended to prefer Korean-style foods to American-style foods.

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Pro-Environmental Food Consumption Behavior Pattern (환경친화적 음식소비행동 유형)

  • 서정희;홍순명;황혜진
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2000
  • This research aims to examine the pro-environmental food consumption behavior of two groups; the housekeepers and the restaurant cooks. The rationale for choosing these groups as target of research lies in the fact that they are expected to be the most active subject for enhancing the desirable culture of food consumption, through their close involvement in the whole process of food consumption in society. This study assumes the four areas of activity to be the meaningful categories in the investigation of the pro-environmental food consumption behaviour; planning of menu and purchasing the food materials, cooking, eating, and disposal of the leftover. By using these four categories, we attempt to provide with the empirical typology of pro-environmental food consumption behaviour and the analysis of the relations of it with socio-demographical variables. Their pro-environmental behaviors are divided into four types: $\circled1$ The positive awareness of pro-environmental cooking and eating, $\circled2$ The positive awareness of pro-environmental food consumption behavior, $\circled3$ The passive awareness of pro-environmental cooking and eating, $\circled4$ The passive awareness of pro-environmental food consumption behavior. There is no significant difference among the numbers of the cases that belong to each behavioral type. Seen in overall, however, we can say that the larger number of the cases belong to the passive type of behavior. Two socio-demographical variables of tole housekeepers and the restaurant cooks show significant corelations with the behavioral types of pro-environmental food consumption with the confidence level P<0.05, but there is no significant co-relations in other variables like gender, marital status, age, income, Engel coefficient, education. We also found that there is no great gap between the housekeepers and the restaurant cooks in their positive awareness of pro-environmental food consumption, the percentage of each group belonging to the type being 51.9% and 48.1%, respectively, but that the former shows much greater number than the latter in belonging to the passive awareness type of the pro-environmental food consumption, 75.3% and 24.7%, respectively. Although the restaurant cooks can be said to be more ego-friendly than the housekeepers, if we consider the rapidly growing trend of outgoing-diner, more efforts should be exerted to develop the education and advertisement program for enhancing the restaurant cook's pro-environmental awareness and propagating the desirable food consumption cloture.

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Parasitic Behaviour of Xanthopimpla pedator Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) on Tropical Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Reared on Seven Forestry Host Plants in Uttarakhand, India

  • Bhatia, Narendra Kumar;Yousuf, Mohammad
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.243-264
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    • 2013
  • Antheraea mylitta Drury is a commercial silk producing forest insect in India and Xanthopimpla pedator Fabricius is its larval-pupal endoparasitoid, which causes pupal mortality that affects seed production. Effects of host plants, rearing season and their interactions on parasitic behaviour of X. pedator were studied here, as influence of these factors on biological success of X. pedator is not known. Seven forest tree species were tested as food plants for A. mylitta, and rate of pupal parasitization in both the rearing seasons were recorded and analysed. Results showed that rearing season and host plants significantly affected the rate of pupal parasitization in both the sexes. Pupal mortality was found significantly higher (14.52%) in second rearing season than the first (2.89%). Likewise, host plants and rearing seasons significantly affected length, diameter, and shell thickness of cocoons in both sexes. Out of all infested pupae, 85.59% were found male, which indicated that X. pedator chooses male spinning larva of A. mylitta for oviposition, but we could not answer satisfactorily the why and how aspect of this sex specific parasitic behaviour of X. pedator. Multiple regression analysis indicated that length and shell thickness of male cocoons are potential predictors for pupal parasitization rate of X. pedator. Based on highest cocoon productivity and lowest pupal mortality, Terminalia alata, T. tomentosa, and T. arjuna were found to be the most suitable host plants for forest based commercial rearing of A. mylitta in tropical forest areas of Uttarakhand state, where it has never been reared earlier. Sex and season specific interaction of X. pedator with its larval-pupal host, A. mylitta is a novel entomological study to find out explanations for some of the unresolved research questions on parasitic behaviour of X. predator that opens a new area for specialised study on male specific parasitization in Ichneumonidae.

A Study on Weight Control Behaviour, Eating Habits and Health-related Life Habits according to Obesity Degree by Body Fat Percentage among Middle-aged Women in Gunsan City (군산시 중년여성의 체지방률에 의한 비만도 분류에 따른 체중조절 행동, 식습관 및 건강관련 생활습관에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Hye-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to compare weight control behaviour, eating habits and health-related life habits according to the obesity degree by body fat percentage (%Fat) among middle-aged women. The subjects were 170 middle-aged women who lived Gunsan City, and they were assigned to one of the following groups based on their %Fat; normal weight group (18% - < 28%), overweight group (28% - < 33%) and obesity group (over 33%). The height, body weight, %Fat, the circumference of waist and hip of them were measured. Eating habits and health-related life habits were evaluated based on questionnaires. The results were as follows. Their weight, %Fat, body mass index (BMI), relative body weight (RBW), waist, hip, and waist-hip ratio (WHR) were significantly higher in the obesity subjects when compared to the normal and overweight subjects. Self-perception for weight (p < 0.001), desire for weight control (p < 0.01), and reasons of weight control (p < 0.05) were different among three groups. The main skipped meal was breakfast (67.9%), reasons of skipping meals were different among three groups (p < 0.05), and main reasons were "lose one's appetite" and "have not enough time". Food habits score for each food was not significantly different among three groups, but eating the meal on thinking with food combination in normal group was higher than overweight and obesity group (p < 0.01). Correlation coefficients of food habits score and anthropometric measurements were that salty of food was negative and food habits scores were positive correlation for anthropometric measurements and obesity index (p < 0.05 - p < 0.001). Frequency of exercise and fitting exercise for body were different among three groups (p < 0.05). Obesity group was lower frequency of exercise than the other groups. Regular diet was positive correlation with food combination (p < 0.01), taking fish (p < 0.05), taking vegetables (p < 0.01), taking bean products (p < 0.01) and food habits score (p < 0.01), frequency of eating out and snacks were negative correlation with taking fruits and fishes. Therefore, proper nutritional education for middle-aged women in obesity group is recommended regular diet, good food habits and exercise. The middle-aged women must decrease the frequency of eating out, snack and the salty foods, and increase the fruits and vegetables. They must have healthy life styles for exercise, smoking, and drinking.

The Study on the Correlation Between Spleen Deficiency Syndrome, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Eating Habit in Children and Adolescents (소아청소년의 비허증(脾虛證)과 체질량 지수 및 식습관과의 관계에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Bit Na Rae;Ryu, Su Hyang;Lee, Da Eun;Chae, Jung Won
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2016
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to understand the correlation between spleen deficiency syndrome, body mass index (BMI) and eating habit in children and adolescents and to provide foundation of preventive care and treatment. Methods A survey was conducted with 115 children and adolescents, who were 4th, 5th and 6th grade of elementary school in Gwangju from March 2nd, 2016 to April 8th, 2016. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the measured height and weight. Spleen deficiency syndrome and eating habit in children and adolescents were investigated by using the Deficiency of the Spleen Questionnaire and Korean Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (K-CEBQ). A data analysis was performed by using SPSS 23.0 program. Results 1. There was no statistically significant correlation between spleen deficiency syndrome and body mass index (BMI). 2. Children and adolescents with spleen deficiency syndrome were interested in food rather than avoided it. 3. There was a positive correlation between body mass index (BMI) and FR (Food responsiveness), "Food approach". The correlation between the healthy weight group and FR is statistically significant negative correlation. Conclusions Due to various limitations, it is difficult to generalize the correlation between spleen deficiency syndrome, body mass index (BMI) and eating habit in children and adolescents. Therefore additional research is necessary to confirm this study's findings.

Electrophoretic Mobility to Monitor Protein-Surfacant Interactions

  • Hong, Soon-Taek
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 1998
  • Protein -surfactant interactions have been investigate by measuring ζ-potential of $\beta$-lactoglobulin-coated emulsion droplets and $\beta$-lactoglobulin in solution in the rpesenceof surfactant, with particular emphasis on the effect of protein heat treatment(7$0^{\circ}C$, 30min). When ionic surfactant (SDS or DATEM) is added to the protein solution, the ζ-potential of the mixture is found to increase with increasing surfactant concentration, indicating surfactant binding to the protein molecules. For heat-denatured protein,it has been observed that the ζ-potential tends to be lower than that of the native protein. The effect of surfactant on emulsions is rather complicated .With SDS, small amounts of surfactant addition induce a sharp increase in zeta potential arising from the specific interaction of surfactant with protein. With further surfacant addition, there is a gradual reductio in the ζ-potential, presumably caused by the displacement of adsorped protein (and protein-surfactant complex) from the emulsion droplet surfac by the excess of SDS molecules. At even higher surfactant concentrations, the measured zeta potential appears to increase slightly, possibly due to the formation of a surfactant measured zeta potential appears to increase slightly, possibly due to the formation of surfactant micellar structure at the oil droplet surface. This behaviour contrastswith the results of the corresponding systems containing the anionic emulsifier DATEM, in which the ζ-potential of the system is found to increase continuously with R, particularly at very low surfactant concentration. Overall, such behaviour is consisten with a combination of complexation and competitive displacement between surfactant and protein occurring at the oil-water interface. In addition, it has also been found that above the CMC, there is a time-dependent increase in the negative ζ-potential of emulsion droplets in solutions of SDS, possibly due to the solublization of oil droplets into surfactant micelles in the aqueous bulk phase.

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Studies on the Oxidative Stability of Pinenut Oil (잣 지방질의 산화 안정성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung;Rhee, Sook-Hee;Ryu, Jung-Hee;Cheigh, Hong-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.868-872
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    • 1988
  • The oxidation behaviour of Pinenut(Pinus Koraiensis S & Z) oil during storage were studied. And the oxidative stability of different oil samples by refining stage were also measured. The oil in whole pinenut or mashed pinenut was very stable during the storage at $35^{\circ}C$ for 10 weeks however, the oxidation rate was enhanced when pinenut oil was extracted and isolated from nut cake. On the other hand, crude oil was most stable and the highly purified pinenut oil was least stable, with other samples being intermediate in stability. The changes of fatty acid composition of various pinenut oil samples during storage were also discussed.

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Light-Dark and Food Restriction Cycles in Red sea bream, Pagrus major: Effect of Zeitgebers on Demand-feeding Rhythms

  • Choe Yong-Gwon;Choi Jae-Eun;Roh Duk-Whan;Bae Bong-Seong;Choi Cheol-Young
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.138-143
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    • 2001
  • Red sea bream, Pagrus major a fish species characterized by its dualistic feeding pattern, was investigated to study the synchronizing effect of light and food on the demand-feeding rhythm. Nocturnal and diurnal red sea bream, both in groups and individually, were exposed to restricted-feeding and Light-Dark cycles of different periods. The phase relationship between both zeitgebers was also studied. In some cases, food availability restricted to the light or dark phase contrary to that of the previous feeding phase changed a diurnal feeding pattern into nocturnal and vice versa, suggesting that food can be one of the switching factors that decides whether the circadian system of red sea bream is diurnal or nocturnal. However, the fact that the feeding pattern of some fish was unrelated with the phase in which food was available suggests that other internal and/or external-factors could be involved in the temporal flexibility of red sea bream.

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A Study on Body Compositions and Food Behaviors of Middle Aged Men Living in Jeonbuk Province by Percentage of Body Fat (전북지역 일부 중년남성의 비만도에 따른 체성분 분석과 식행동에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Hye-Soon;Kim, Mi-Ra
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the body compositions and food behaviors of middle aged men with different obesity indices. The subjects were 62 middle aged men who lived Gunsan city. Heights, body weights, soft/lean masses, fat masses, percentages of body fat, and fat distributions were measured. Food habits and health-related lifestyle habits were evaluated based on questionnaires. The subjects were assigned to one of the following groups based on their percentage of body fat ($\%$Fat) ; normal, overweight and obesity. The results were as follows: their heights, fat masses, percentages of body fat, WHR, RBW, BMI and fitness scores were significantly higher in the obese subjects when compared to the normal and overweight subjects. Self-perceptions of weight and desires of weight control were significantly related with their percents of Fat. The overweight and the obese groups skipped meals, ate supper out, ate snacks, smoked tobacco, and exercised less frequently than the normal group. There were no significant differences in the scores of the dietary habits and drinking of alcohol among the three groups. Therefore, proper nutritional education on regular meals and intervention is required if middle aged men want to be of normal weight and have healthy lifestyles.