• Title/Summary/Keyword: fluctuation rates

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Analysis of Long-Term Variation in Marine Traffic Volume and Characteristics of Ship Traffic Routes in Yeosu Gwangyang Port (여수광양항 해상교통량의 장기변동 및 통항 특성)

  • Kim, Dae-Jin;Shin, Hyeong-Ho;Jang, Duck-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2020
  • The characteristics of ship traffic routes and the long term fluctuation in marine traf ic volume of the incoming and outgoing routes of the Yeosu Gwangyang Port were analyzed using vessel traffic data from the past 22 years and a real-time vessel traffic volume survey performed for 72 hours per year, for three years, between 2015 and 2017. As of 2017, the number of vessels passing through Yeosu Gwangyang Port was about 66,000 and the total tonnage of these ships was about 804,564 thousand tons, which is a 400 % increase from the 189,906 thousand tons shipped in 1996. Specifically, the dangerous cargo volume was 140,000 thousand tons, which is a 250 % increase compared to 1996. According to the real-time vessel traffic volume survey, the average daily number of vessels was 357, and traf ic route utilization rates were 28.1 % in the Nakpo sea area, 43.8 % in the specified sea area, and the coastal area traf ic route, Dolsan coastal area, and Kumhodo sea area showed the same rate of 6.8 %. Many routes meet in the Nakpo sea area and, parallel and cross passing were frequent. Many small work vessels entered the specific sea area from the neighboring coastal area traffic route and frequently intersected the path of larger vessels. The anchorage waiting rate for cargo ships was about 24 %, and the nightly passing rate for dangerous cargo ships such as chemical vessels and tankers was about 20 %. Although the vessel traffic volume of Yeosu Gwangyang Port increases every year, the vessel traffic routes remain the same. Therefore, the risk of accidents is constantly increasing. The route conditions must be improved by dredging and expanding the available routes to reduce the high risk of ship accidents due to overlapping routes, by removing reefs, and by reinforcing navigational aids. In addition, the entry and exit time for dangerous cargo ships at high-risk ports must be strictly regulated. Advancements in the VTS system can help to actively manage the traffic of small vessels using the coastal area traffic route.

Effect of Pinus densiflora Extract on Blood Glucose Level, OGTT and Biochemical Parameters in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats (솔잎증류액의 투여가 Streptozotocin으로 유도한 당뇨쥐에서 혈당, 구강내당능검사, 혈액 성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Shin-Hee;Hwang, Seock-Yeon;Park, Oh-Sung;Kim, Moo-Kang;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.973-979
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    • 2005
  • To investigate the effect of Pinus densiflora on biochemical parameters in type I diabetic rats, we evaluated the changes of body weight, fasting blood glucose level, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and biochemical parameters after the intraperitoneal injection of distilled solution of Pinus densiflora in streptozotocin (STZ)­induced rats. Thirty-seven male Sprague Dawley rats $(180\pm10g)$ were divided into four groups; diabetic mellitus (DM) group received STZ (50 mg/kg BW, i.v.); low level of pine extract (LP) group received Pinus densiflora (5 mg/kg BW, i.p.), high level of pine extract (HP) group received Pinus densiflora (10 mg/kg BW, i.p.) after the single injection of STZ (50 mg/kg BW, i.v.), respectively. Normal control (NC) group received saline. The change of fasting blood glucose level and OGTT were measured using glucocard II, and the change of biochemical parameter were measured by Automatic Chemistry Analyzer (Hitach-747, Japan). Mean body weight change of DM group was retarded greatly by STZ-exposure. While, body weights of LP and HP groups were progressively increased with some fluctuation, although the increase rates were slower than that of NC group. Fasting blood glucose levels of LP and HP groups were reduced by Pinus densiflora injection, although the fasting blood glucose levels were higher than that of NC group. The results of OGTT was significantly improved in both of LP and HP group compared to DM group. Increases of blood glucose, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels by STZ-exposure were attenuated by the Pinus densiflora treatment (p<0.05). From the results, it was suggested that Pinus densiflora has a tendency to decrease STZ-induced toxicity in terms of monitoring fasting blood glucose, OGTT and some biochemical parameters of rat.

An Investigation on the Optimal Ship Size for Chemical Tankers by Main Shipping Routes (케미컬 탱커선 운항노선별 최적선형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Ho;Kim, Taek-Won;Woo, Su-Han
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.439-450
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    • 2015
  • This study objects to find characteristics in chemical tanker markets and to determine optimal chemical tanker size using a total shipping cost in main trading route of asia chemical tankers .Precedent studies of determination of the optimal ship size and case studies about chemical tankers was carried out and tried to introduce a cost model which is applicable to chemical tanker. This study is dependant on numerical analysis and involves scenario analysis to minimize sensitivity of results. This analysis shows as follows. First, 12,000DWT tanker is an optimal size on the 'Far East-Middle East' services, 9,000DWT tanker is a most competitive on the 'Far East-South East Asia' services and 3,000DWT tanker is a most economic size on the 'Inner Far East' services at average market situation. Second, the bigger size of chemical tanker, the more competitive advantage the tanker will obtain when bunker fuel prices rise. Small size ship gets more competitive during bunker prices down. Third, market fluctuation of time charter rate for chemical tanker is less than 20% against its average time charter hire which means less volatile. And tanker's competitiveness per each size is remained mostly same when time charterer rates rise at same proportion. Fourth, bigger size chemical tankers have cost advantages when tanker's quantity of each part cargo increase. And small-sized tanks are more competitive when part cargo scales decrease. For the last, ship's port stay strongly influences on the determination of the optical tanker size. When vessel has shorter port stay, bigger-sized tanker will be more competitive and even can be competitive if applies in short voyage as well.

The Detection and Density Fluctuation of Mulberry Dwarf Phytoplasma using Nested-PCR and Competitive-PCR Methods (Nested-PCR법과 Competitive PCR법을 이용한 뽕나무 오갈병(MD) Phytoplasma의 검출과 밀도변화)

  • Chae, Seungmin;Lee, Sol;Cha, Byeongjin;Lee, Hyokin;Han, Sangsub
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.623-629
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    • 2011
  • The detectable levels and population fluctuations of phytoplasmas infecting dwarf mulberry trees were investigated using nested-PCR and competitive-PCR methods. Samples of five different types were studied : A. petiole of a leaf that displays dwarf symptoms, B. petiole from apparently healthy leaf residing on a branch also supports a leaf with dwarf symptoms, C. the branch portion that supports a leaf with dwarf symptoms, D. the leaf petiole from healthy appearing leaves on branch with no dwarf symptoms, and branch portion of branch with no dwarf symptoms, E. the rootlets of trees with dwarf symptoms. These 5-parts were collected from each tree during June - April, once in every two months. The phytoplasma was detected from all parts of collected mulberry samples during all seasons using nested-PCR with AS-1/AS-2 primer pairs. The phytoplasma was detected until $10^4$ dilution using direct-PCR method, but it was detected until $10^{13}$ dilution by the nested-PCR method. The density of pytoplasma was found to be $7.94{\times}10^{18}-10^{12}copies/{\mu}L$ in mulberry trees. The density of phytoplasma was observed throughout the year in all samples of mulberry trees. The highest rates of phytoplasma was found in the samples B and C during the early growing season followed by the sample A and D during the dormant season. Samples C and E displayed the highest phytoplasma density followed sample D. The density of phytoplasma appeared stable during all the seasons for samples C and A. The result of the present study demonstrates the utility of nested-PCR and competitive-PCR for detection and determination of population fluctuations of phytoplasmas in plant tissues.

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Extracts using Supercritical Extraction (초임계 추출을 이용한 지모추출물의 항산화, 항균, 항염 효과)

  • 안규민;박수인;김민기;신문삼
    • Journal of Investigative Cosmetology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to investigate the antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of Anemarrhena asphodeloides extracts using supercritical extraction. In the antioxidant test, the total concentration of polyphenol compounds was determined to be 22.58 mg/g (supercritical extraction), 18.75 mg/g (ethanol extraction) and 17.69 mg/g (hydrothermal extraction). The DPPH radical scavenging effects were 89.84% (ethanol extraction) and 64.86% (supercritical extraction) at 2000 mg/L. ABTS radical scavenging ability had an IC50 value at 250~500 mg/L for supercritical extraction, higher than that for hydrothermal and ethanol extractions. At 1000 mg/L, elastase inhibition rates were 64.08% for ethanol extraction and 45.84% for supercritical extraction. The antimicrobial effect of the supercritical extraction was higher than that of hydrothermal and ethanol extractions. NO production with stimulated LPS was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner and, at 20 ㎛/mL, NO production was reduced by 77% for supercritical extraction compared with 46% (ethanol extract) and 63% (hydrothermal extract). Here, we confirmed that superficial extracts of Anemarrhena asphodeloides displayed excellent antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiinflammatory effects and have potential to be used as a safe and natural cosmetic material in the future.