• Title/Summary/Keyword: fenitrothion 분해미생물

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Identification and Cultural Optimization of the Fenitrothion-degrading Microorganism, Bacillus sphaericus NFo1 (Fenitrothion 분해미생물 Bacillus sphaericus NFo1의 동정 및 분해 최적조건)

  • Choi, Hyuek;Lee, Young-Deuk;Kang, Sun-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2009
  • A study was carried out to find out the methodology of biological treatment for wastes and wastewater caused by an organophosporus insecticide, fenitrothion, using fenitrothion-degrading microorganism. A fenitrothion-degrading microorganism was isolated by using a selective nutrient broth (NB) medium including fenitrothion, and identified to Bacillus sphaericus NFol based on its morphological and biochemical characteristics. Further, investigation was processed to determine the optimal culture conditions degrading fenitrothion in NB medium by using the NFo1 strain. As results, the cultural conditions determined for temperature, initial pH and inoculum for the optimum growth of the strain and degradation of fenitrothion, which has a exact co-relationship between both of them, were $35^{\circ}C$, 7.5 and 1.5 at $OD_{660}$ value, respectively. In this conditions, fenitrothion could be degraded within 5 days over 90% at the high concentrations of fenitrothion, upto 200 mg/L.

Screening of Organo Phosphorus Insecticide Fenitrothion-Degrading Microorganisms (유기인계 살충제 fenitrothion 분해미생물 탐색)

  • Choi, Hyuek;Kim, Bok-Jin;Bae, Do-Yong;Lee, Young-Deuk;Kang, Sun-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 1998
  • Fenitrothion-degrading microorganisms were isolated from 124 sampling sites of paddy, upland, forest and polluted soil, and wastewater. A total of 1,071 strains were isolated from each selective medium supplemented with 50mg/l of fenitrothion - nutrient agar (NA) 601, potato dextrose agar (PDA) 201, Actinomycetes isolation agar (AIA) 168 and basal salt medium (BSM) 101, respectively. Twenty-eight effective strains of them, which showed more than 80% degradation of fenitrothion by the gasliquid chromatography(GLC) analysis. were successfully selected from each liquid culture supplemented with 50mg/l of fenitrothion - NB 12(upland soil 3, paddy soil 3, forest soil 2, polluted soil 4), PDB 8(upland soil 1, paddy soil 2, forest soil 2, polluted soil 3) and PSB 8(upland soil 1, forest soil 1, polluted soil 6), respectively. Four strains - NPal, NFol, PFol and BPol, which have the most powerful degradation activity were finally selected among 28 fenitrothion-degrading microorganisms based on the degradation rate at the concentration of 100mg/l fenitrothion in enrichment media.

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Effect of soil environmental conditions on the degradation rate of the fungicide IBP in flooded soils (담수토양중(湛水土壤中)에 있어서 살균제(殺菌劑) IBP의 분해속도(分解速度)에 미치는 각종(各種) 토양환경조건(土壤環境條件)의 영향(影響))

  • Moon, Young-Hee
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 1990
  • The effects of soil environmental conditions on the rate of degradation of fungicide IBP (Iprobenfos, S-benzyl O, O-diisopropyl phosphorothioate) in the soils under flooded condintions were examined in the laboratory. IBP in soil was degraded more slowly under flooded conditions than under upland conditions. The degradation greatly varied among soils, and the degradation rate was negatively correlated with the content of soil organic matter. Degradation of IBP was influenced by the soil temperature and the amount of IBP applied. The rate of degradation in soil was remarkably inhibited by the amendment of rice straw but not affected by the treatment of mixed-fertilizer, and insecticide fenitrothion and herbicide butachlor. The degradation of IBP was assumed to be due to microorganisms, especially aerobic microbes, as no degradation was observed in sterilized soil.

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