• Title/Summary/Keyword: female speakers

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Pronunciation of the Korean diphthong /jo/: Phonetic realizations and acoustic properties (한국어 /ㅛ/의 발음 양상 연구: 발음형 빈도와 음향적 특징을 중심으로)

  • Hyangwon Lee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to determine how the Korean diphthong /jo/ shows phonetic variation in various linguistic environments. The pronunciation of /jo/ is discussed, focusing on the relationship between phonetic variation and the distribution range of vowels. The location in a word (monosyllable, word-initial, word-medial, word-final) and word class (content word, function word) were analyzed using the speech of 10 female speakers of the Seoul Corpus. As a result of determining the frequency of appearance of /jo/ in each environment, the pronunciation type and word class were affected by the location in a word. Frequent phonetic reduction was observed in the function word /jo/ in the acoustic analysis. The word class did not change the average phonetic values of /jo/, but changed the distribution of individual tokens. These results indicate that the linguistic environment affects the phonetic distribution of vowels.

Trend of conclusive expressions in Post-Modern Edo-language (근세후기 에도어에 나타나는 단정표현(断定表現)의 양상(樣相))

  • Um, phil kyo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.775-798
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    • 2011
  • From Post-Modern Edo-language of Japan, it is possible to find expression formats related to current Tokyo language. However, in some cases, Tokyo language and Edo-language has the same format but different usage. One example is the ending portion of a sentence. This research investigates conclusive expressions of Edo-language in literary works excluding the usage of "ダ". Various formats of conclusive expressions appear in a conversation, and the usage is closely related to the speaker's sex, age, and social status. Also from the study, it was possible to see that the social relationship between a speaker and a listener and a conversation circumstance has an effect on the usage of conclusive expressions. In addition, usage does not conform to the current standard Japanese. 1. Currently "である(dearu)" format is seldom used in speaking, it is used with "だ" only in writing. The study found no case of "である(dearu)" in conclusive expressions but some use of "であろうて(dearoute) であらうな(dearouna)" "であったのう(deattanou) であったよ(deattayo)" only in old aged male. 2. "であります(dearimasu)" format is a typical Edo-language used by society-women (Japanese hostess who has a good education and an elegant speaking skills). This format was used once in "浮世風呂"(ukiyoburo) and 14 times in "梅?"(umegoyomi), but speakers were always a female. The reason for 14 occurrences in "梅?" is closely related to the fact that the main characters are society-women and genre is "人情本(ninjoubourn)" which is popular type of cultural literature (based on humanity and romance) in late Edo period. 3. "でござる" format is originally used as a respect-language but later changed to a polite language. The format is always used by male. It is a male language used by old aged people with a genteel manner such as a medical doctor, a retired man, or a funny-song writer. 4. "ございます(gozaimasu) ごぜへます(gozeemasu)" The study found the speaker's social status has a connection with the use of "ごぜへます(gozeemasu)" format. Which is "ございます(gozaimasu)" format but instead of [ai], long vowel [eː] is used. "ごぜへます(gozeemasu)" is more used by a female than a male and only used by young and mid-to-low class people. The format has a tough nuance and less elegant feel, therefore high class and/or educated ladies have a clear tendency to avoiding it

Diglossia of Literature in the Middle Ages and Literacy Education: - Hwang Jini and Heo Nanseolheon in the 16th century- (중세 양층언어문학과 문식성 교육 - 16세기 허난설헌과 황진이의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • 정소연
    • Journal of Korean Language Education
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    • no.42
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    • pp.323-368
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    • 2018
  • This study is based on the view point of diglossia that Chinese writing held a higher position than Korean language in the Joseon Dynasty, especially during the 16th century. Diglossic writers were focus on and the implication of diglossia in literacy education was examined. In particular, the diglossic literary features of Korean poetry and songs were examined, with a focus on differences in the authors' gender: female(Hwang Jini and Heo Nanseolheon) and male (Lee Hwang, Jeong Cheol and others). In the case of diglossic literature written by male poets, their Hansi and Sijo had quite different subjects. In addition, their Hansi, which was the exclusive property of noblemen, was largely based on their lives. However, the female poet Heo Nanseolheon covered wider range of subjects and used the first-person point of view, even when the content was not based on her actual life. In particular, she wrote Hansi as lyrics for Korean songs and thus, some of her Hansi can be enjoyed through singing. This differs considerably from the work of male diglossic writers. Furthermore, this tendency can be seen in the history of Hansi after the 18th century. Another female poet, Hwang Jini free from Neo-Confucianism, depicted her free thoughts and expressions in Sijo and reflected various poetic speakers' situations in both Sijo and Hansi. This is especially interesting since women were considered to be of lower social class at that time; these two female poets did not just refuse to follow the writing patterns of male noblemen, they also applied the characteristics of Korean poetry and songs to Hansi and disrupted the traditional characteristics of Hansi. In current education, the 2015 revised national curriculum put emphasize on understanding not only the scope of functional literacy, but also the principle for enhancing critical perception with respect to understanding the ways of communication of power and hierarchical structure. This can be considered a good principle, although mainstream literature does not pay attention to it. In addition, it can be applied through self-internalization and an acceptance of literature in school education by using the spoken language culture that students generally prefer in digital media. Highlighting the perception of advantages and characteristics, when minority statuses are linked to artistic freedoms to flout current prevailing values and cultural tendencies, can enhance not only classical literature literacy but also improve students' characteristics and competency.

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Humanities Therapy: The Phonetic Analysis of Speech Rates and Fundamental Frequency According to Preferred Sensation Type (인문치료의 진단 및 평가: 감각유형에 따른 말속도와 기본주파수의 실험음성학적 분석)

  • Lee, Chan-Jong;Heo, Yun-Ju
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between the preferred sensation type and speech sounds, especially on $F_0$ and the speech rates. Data for the sensation types and speech sounds were collected from 36 undergraduate and graduate students (17 male, 19 female). Subjects were asked to read a given text (400 syllables), describe a drawing, and give answers to some questions. We measured speakers' $F_0$ and speech rates. The results show that type V (Visual) has the correlation with the speech rates when type D (Digital) was ruled out, and type A (Auditory) has the correlation with the speech rates when type D was included. Furthermore, the analysis of the mean values of V, A, K (Visual, Auditory, Kinethetic) indicates that type V is characterized with faster speech rates and higher $F_0$ in all parts except for interview and the same is true for that of V, A, K, D (Visual, Auditory, Kinethetic, Digital) in all parts. In conclusion, this study proved that the preferred sensation type has the correlation with $F_0$ and speech rates. Based on the results of this study, $F_0$ and speech rates can be used to analyze the sensation types for individualized education as well as consultation. In addition, this study has great significance in that it lays a foundation for the study on the correlation between a preferred sensation type and speech sounds.

Long Term Average Spectrum Characteristics of Speaking Voice of Western Operatic Singers (Long Term Average Spectrum을 이용한 성악가들의 Speaking Voice 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Chul;Hong, Seok-Jin;Jin, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2004
  • Background and Objectives : Many studies have described and analyzed singer's formant and it has been shown that the epilaryngeal tube in the human airway is responsible for vocal ring, or the singer's formant. A similar phenomenon produced by trained singers in their speech led some authors to examine the speaker's ring. This study was designed to analyze the speaking voice of the singers and speaker's ring. Baterials and Methods : Ten tenors, fifteen baritones, fifteen sopranos and ten mezzo sopranos attending the music college, department of vocal music were chosen for this study. Fifteen male and fifteen female untrained normal speakers were chosen for control group. Each subject was asked to produce a sample of a sustained spoken vowel /ah/ sound for at least five seconds and read sentence 'Kaeul'. The sound data was analyzed using the Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) - based power spectrum, Long term average(LTA) power spectrum using the FFT algorithm of the Computerized Speech Lab(CSL, Kay elemetrics, Model 4300B, USA). Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney test of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS). Results : For LTA Power spectrum of/ah/ sound, a significant increase was seen in the 2,500-3,500Hz region(p<0.01) in four trained singer group compared with untrained speaker group, and a significant increase in the 9,000-10,000Hz region(p<0.01) in soparano group. Similarly, in sentence 'Kaeul', there was a significant increase in energy in the tenor, baritone, mezzo soprano group compared with the untrained speaker group in the 2,500-3,500Hz region(p<0.01), and a significant increase in all frequency region(p<0.01) in the soprano group. Conclusions : The LTA power spectrum suggests that trained singers group show more energy concentration in the 'singer's formant' region in the speaking voice, and authors believe this region to be the 'speaker's ring'. Further research is needed on the effect of singing training on the resonance of the speaking voice.

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Patterns of categorical perception and response times in the matrix scope interpretation of embedded wh-phrases in Gyeongsang Korean (경상 방언 내포문 의문사의 작용역 범주 지각 양상과 반응 속도 연구)

  • Weonhee Yun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the response time and patterns of categorical perception of the wh-scope of an embedded clause with the non-bridge verb, "gung-geum hada 'wonder'," in the matrix verb phrase in Gyeongsang Korean. Using the same procedure as Yun (2022), 72 responses and response times for each stimulus were collected from 24 participants over the course of three trials. The stimuli were recorded readings of 40 speakers (20 male, 20 female). Context was provided to induce a matrix scope interpretation of the embedded wh-phrase in the target sentence. We sorted the 40 stimuli according to the number of matrix scope responses each received, and charted the response times for each stimulus. Although there was considerable overlap for the different types of wh-scope interpretations, there was a clear difference in categorical perception between the matrix and embedded scopes. The 24 participants also differed in their categorical perceptions. The results suggested that response time and wh-scope interpretation were not directly related and that two main weighted factors affected wh-scope interpretation: morpho-syntactic constraints and prosodic structural integrity. The weighting of each of these factors was inversely correlated and varied among subjects.