• Title/Summary/Keyword: facial nevus

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Multidirectional Vector Excision Leads to Better Outcomes than Traditional Elliptical Excision of Facial Congenital Melanocytic Nevus

  • Oh, Seung Il;Lee, Yoon Ho
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.570-574
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    • 2013
  • Background The elliptical excision is the standard method of removing benign skin lesions, such as congenital melanocytic nevi. This technique allows for primary closure, with little to no dog-ear deformity, but may sacrifice normal tissue adjacent to the lesion, resulting in scars which are unnecessarily long. This study was designed to compare the predicted results of elliptical excision with those resulting from our excision technique. Methods Eighty-two patients with congenital melanocytic nevus on the face were prospectively studied. Each lesion was examined and an optimal ellipse was designed and marked on the skin. After an incision on one side of the nevus margin, subcutaneous undermining was performed in the appropriate direction. The skin flap was pulled up and approximated along several vectors to minimize the occurrence of dog-ear deformity. Results Overall, the final wound length was 21.1% shorter than that achieved by elliptical excision. Only 8.5% of the patients required dog-ear repair. There was no significant distortion of critical facial structures. All of the scars were deemed aesthetically acceptable based on their Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale scores. Conclusions When compared to elliptical excision, our technique appears to minimize dogear deformity and decrease the final wound length. This technique should be considered an alternative method for excision of facial nevi.

Serial Tissue Expansion and Skin Grafts in the Management of a Giant Congenital Nevus of the Face: Review of Literature and Case Report

  • Tran Thiet Son;Phan Tuan Nghia;Pham Thi Viet Dung;Ta Thi Hong Thuy;Hoang Tuan Anh;L Anh Huy
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.290-294
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    • 2024
  • Giant congenital nevi, especially on the head and neck, pose a challenge for plastic surgeons. This requires extensive experience in detailed planning, combining different techniques, and selecting appropriate materials for reconstruction. There have been reports of using a tissue expander, serial resection method, and full-thickness skin grafts for this type of nevus. However, the best way to completely remove a giant congenital nevus is endless. In this article, we would like to present a case of a left hemifacial giant congenital nevus in which we used multiple tissue expansion to fully replace the nevus, along with some of our modification techniques.

Desmoplastic Trichilemmoma Arising in a Nevus Sebaceus (지선모반에서 발생한 결합조직형성 모종)

  • Shim, Hyung Sup;Jung, Sung-No;Kwon, Ho;Yim, Young Min;Lee, Eun Jung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.107-109
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Desmoplastic trichilemmoma is a rare variant of trichilemmoma. Histologically, it has a typical characteristic of trichilemmoma with epithelium of central portion and dense fibrous interstitium. There are only 4 reported cases of desmoplastic trichilemmoma arised in a nevus sebaceus, so we present a case of desmoplastic trichilemmoma arised in a nevus sebaceus with literature review.Methods: A 46-year-old female was clinically diagnosed as nevus sebaceous on left side of the forehead. Considering the facial contour, the mass was totally excised elliptically and direct closure was feasible with undermining subcutaneous layer.Results: Pathology report confirmed desmoplastic trichilemmoma developed from a nevus sebaceus and all tumor margins were negative. There were no evidences of tumor recurrence after surgical treatment.Conclusion: Desmoplastic trichilemmoma developed from a nevus sebaceus is a very rare tumor. Variant tumors can be developed from nevus sebaceus, so surgeon should be cautious in excising the mass totally and confirm the final pathology report.

Recurrent odontogenic keratocysts in basal cell nevus syndrome: Report of a case

  • Lee Byung-Do;Kim Jin-Hoa;Choi Dong-Hoon;Koh Kwang-Soo;Lee Sang-Rae
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 2004
  • Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) is principally characterized by cutaneous basal cell carcinomas, multiple odontogenic keratocysts and skeletal abnormalities. Our patient represented several characteristics of BCNS, such as, multiple odontogenic keratocysts, facial nevus, calcification of falx cerebri, parietal bossing and mental retardation. The cyst on posterior mandible showed recurrent and newly developing tendency.

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  • Ryu, Dong-Mok;Choi, Byung-Jun;Lee, Sang-Chull;Kim, Yeo-Gab;Lee, Baek-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.136-140
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    • 2002
  • Basal cell nevus syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity. This syndrome comprises a number of abnormalities such as multiple nevoid basal cell carcinomas of the skin, skeletal abnormalities as bifid rib and fusion of vertebrae, central nervous system abnormalities as mental retardation, eye abnormalities, and multiple odontogenic kerato cysts. In 1960, Gorlin and Goltz first described the features of this disease as constituting a true syndrome; since then, it has been realized that it is much more complex and encompassing than initially thought. This patient has many symtoms of basal cell nevus syndrome. - we has known multiple jaw cysts through panorama and facial computed tomography. He has hyperchromatism on basal cell through skin biopsy. In ophthalmologic consult, he has blindness on right. On his past medical history, amputation was done on his toes for polyductalism. - So we report with literature reviews


  • Rew, Seong-Hun;Kim, Hyung-Seop
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 1994
  • We experienced a case of Sturge-Weber Syndrome in a 32 years old female. The diagnosis was established by clinical features of Sturge-Weber Syndrome including unilateral facial portwine nevus, vascular hyperplasia of oral mucosa(espectially 1st & 2nd division of trigeminal nerve). But, plain radiographys of the skull revealed no evidence of calcification. A brief review of related literatures was made. Common Clinical findings in Sturge-Weber Syndrome and specific signs & symptoms manifested by this patient were discussed.

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Comparative Study of Dermatoscopic and Histopathologic Results in Facial Basal Cell Carcinoma and Melanocytic Nevi

  • Amirnia, Mehdi;Ranjkesh, Mohammad-Reza;Azimpouran, Mahzad;Karkon-Shayan, Farid;Alikhah, Hossein;Jafari-Asl, Mohammadali;Piri, Reza;Naghavi-Behzad, Mohammad
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.425-429
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    • 2016
  • Background: Dermatoscopy can be applied to diagnose pigmented skin lesions. The aim of the present study was to compare dermatoscopic and histopathologic results in basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and melanocytic nevus of theface. Materials and Methods: In an analytical-descriptive study, 61 patients suspected of BCC or melanocytic nevi of face were randomly selected. The skin lesions of patients were evaluated with dermatoscopic method from February 2012 to February 2014 and results were compared with pathological features of samples. Results: In this study, mean age of patients was 49.5±18.9. Some 25 (41%) were men and 36 (59%) were women. In 27 cases (44.3%) there was diagnosis of melanocytic nevus, in 28 cases (45.9%) diagnosis of BCC, and in 3 cases (4.9%) there was mixed diagnosis. The relationship between patients' gender and dermatoscopic diagnosis of the patients was statistically significant (P=0.001). For BCC the sensitivity and specificity of dermatoscopic method were 100% and 97% respectively and for melanocytic nevi 96.4% and 97%. Conclusions: Dermatoscopic study not only can be helpful in improving clinical diagnosis while guiding missed malignant lesions to pathologic evaluations, but also could be useful in evaluating further suspicious or recurrent cases.

Usefulness of Full-thickness Skin Graft from Anterolateral Chest wall in the Reconstruction of Facial Defects (안면부 재건에서 전외측 흉벽을 공여부로 하는 전층 피부이식술의 유용성)

  • Yoo, Won-Jae;Lim, So-Young;Pyon, Jai-Kyong;Mun, Goo-Hyun;Bang, Sa-Ik;Oh, Kap-Sung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.589-594
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Full thickness skin grafts are useful in the reconstruction of facial skin defects when primary closure is not feasible. Although the supraclavicular area has been considered as the choice of donor site for large facial skin defect, many patients are reluctant to get a neck scar and some patients do not have enough skin to cover the defect owing to the same insult occurred to the neck such as burn accident. We present several cases of reconstruction of facial skin defects by freehand full-thickness skin graft from anterolateral chest wall resulting aesthetically acceptable outcome with lesser donor site morbidity. Methods: Retrospective review was performed from March, 2007 to September, 2009. 15 patients were treated by this method. Mean age was 31.5 years. The ethiology was congenital melanocytic nevus in 7 cases, capillary malformation in 5 cases and burn scar contracture in 3 cases. Mean area of lesion was measured to 67.3 cm2 preoperatively. The lesion was removed beneath the subcutaneous fatty tissue layer. The graft was not trimmed to be thin except defatting procedure. For the larger size of defect, two pieces of grafts were harvested from both anterolateral chest wall in separation and combined by suture. Results: The mean follow up period was 9.7 months. All the grafts survived without any problem except small necrotic areas in 4 cases, which healed spontaneously under conventional dressings in 6 weeks postoperatively. Color match was relatively excellent. There were 2 cases of hyperpigmentation immediately, but all of them disappeared in a few months. Conclusion: In cases of large facial skin defects, the anterolateral chest wall may be a good alternative choice of full-thickness skin graft.

Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with Sturge-Weber syndrome using a mixture of general and sedative anesthesia

  • Doh, Re-Mee;Yu, Tae-min;Park, Wonse;Kim, Seungoh
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2015
  • Issues related to the control of seizures and bleeding, as well as behavioral management due to mental retardation, render dental treatment less accessible or impossible for patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS). A 41-year-old man with SWS visited a dental clinic for rehabilitation of missing dentition. A bilateral port-wine facial nevus and intraoral hemangiomatous swollen lesion of the left maxillary and mandibular gingivae, mucosa, and lips were noted. The patient exhibited extreme anxiety immediately after injection of a local anesthetic and required various dental treatments to be performed over multiple visits. Therefore, full-mouth rehabilitation over two visits with general anesthesia and two visits with target-controlled intravenous infusion of a sedative anesthesia were planned. Despite concerns regarding seizure control, bleeding control, and airway management, no specific complications occurred during the treatments, and the patient was satisfied with the results.

Treatment of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome: a case report

  • Seo, Dong-Uk;Kim, Su-Gwan;Oh, Ji-Su;You, Jae-Seek
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.284-287
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    • 2016
  • Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), also known as Gorlin syndrome, is characterized by various embryological deformities and carcinoma formation. It is caused by PTCHI gene mutations and is autosomal dominantly inherited. Some of the main symptoms of NBCCS are multiple basal cell carcinomas, multiple keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOTs) of the mandible, hyperkeratosis of the palmar and plantar, skeletal deformity, calcification of the falx cerebri, and facial defomity. Recurrent KCOT is the main symptom of NBCCS and is present in approximately 90% of patients. In NBCCS, KCOTs typically occur in multiples. KCOTs can be detected in patients under the age of 10, and new and recurring cysts develop until approximately the age of 30. The postoperation recurrence rate is approximately 60%. This case report presents a 14-year-old female patient with a chief complaint of a cyst found in the maxilla and mandible. The patient was diagnosed with NBCCS, and following treatment of marsupialization and enucleation, the clinical results were satisfactory.