• Title/Summary/Keyword: extreme strain

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Feasibility as a Laundry Detergent Additive of an Alkaline Protease from Bacillus clausii C5 Transformed by Chromosomal Integration (Chromosomal Integration에 의해 제조한 Bacillus clausii C5 유래의 alkaline protease의 세제 첨가제 응용성)

  • Joo, Han-Seung;Choi, Jang Won
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.352-360
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    • 2012
  • Bacillus clausii I-52 which produced SDS- and $H_2O_2$-tolerant extracellular alkaline protease (BCAP) was isolated from heavily polluted tidal mud flat of West Sea in Incheon, Korea and stable strain (transformant C5) of B. clausii I-52 harboring another copy of BCAP gene in the chromosome was developed using the chromosome integration vector, pHPS9-fuBCAP. When investigated the production of BCAP using B. clausii transformant C5 through pilot-scale submerged fermentation (500 L) at $37^{\circ}C$ for 30 h with an aeration rate of 1 vvm and agitation rate of 250 rpm, protease yield of approximately 105,700 U/mL was achieved using an optimized medium (soybean meal 2%, wheat flour 1%, sodium citrate 0.5%, $K_2HPO_4$ 0.4%, $Na_2HPO_4$ 0.1%, NaCl 0.4%, $MgSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O$ 0.01%, $FeSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O$ 0.05%, liquid maltose 2.5%, $Na_2CO_3$ 0.6%). The enzyme stability of BCAP was increased by addition of polyols (10%, v/v) and also, the stabilities of BCAP towards not only the thermal-induced inactivation at $50^{\circ}C$ but also the SDS and $H_2O_2$-induced inactivation at $50^{\circ}C$ were enhanced. Among the polyols examined, the best result was obtained with propylene glycol (10%, v/v). The BCAP supplemented with propylene glycol exhibited extreme stability against not only the detergent components such as ${\alpha}$-orephin sulfonate (AOS) and zeolite but also the commercial detergent preparations. The granulized enzyme of BCAP was prepared with approximately 1,310,000 U/g of granule. Wash performance analysis using EMPA test fabrics revealed that BCAP granule exhibited high efficiency for removal of protein stains in the presence of anionic surfactants as well as bleaching agents. When compared to Savinase 6T$^{(R)}$ and Everlase 6T$^{(R)}$ manufactured by Novozymes, BCAP under this study probably showed similar or higher efficiency for the removal of protein stains. These results suggest that the alkaline protease produced from B. clausii transformant C5 showing high stability against detergents and high wash performance has significant potential and a promising candidate for use as a detergent additive.

Effects of Two Different Rhizobium Strains on Nodulation and Growth of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in an Acid Soil (균계를 달리하는 근류균이 산성토양 조건에서 알팔파의 근류형성과 생장에 미치는 효과)

  • Choe, Z.R.;Kim, J.K.;Bin, Y.H.
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 1980
  • To evaluate Rhizobium meliloti BALSAC, a strain selected from Canada as an acid tolerant one, and ordinary lucerne inoculant in acid condition, lucerne (Medicago sativa L. cv. Wairau) was inoculated and/or pelleted in the laboratory, and grown for two months in an acid soil (Lismore silt loam, pH 5.4) with three levels of lime in the, glasshouse. The results of controlled (noninoculated), nitrogen fertilized, laboratorial and commercial inoculated seeds were compared to give the following conclusions: 1. There was no significant difference in the top and root dry matter yields between two Rhizobium strains. However, Balsac inoculant showed higher single nodule dry matter weight and relatively higher number of larger nodules than the ordinary inoculant. 2. Lime application increased dry matter yields of plants and nodules, and the number of nodules per pot and the increase of nodules on the lateral roots in both inoculants. Lime application also caused an evenly distribution of nodules on the root by showing an increase of nodules mainly on the lateral roots. 3. Fertilizer nitrogen without inoculant slightly increased the nodulation percentage, the nodule dry matter weight per nodule and the relative proportion of larger nodules. 4. Commercially inoculated and pelleted seed showed less consistent results. 5. Relatively larger variations in measuring nodule characteristics was discussed and concluded that extreme cares should be given to reduce the variation.

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Anti-inflammatory activity of a sulfated polysaccharide isolated from an enzymatic digest of brown seaweed Sargassum horneri in RAW 264.7 cells

  • Sanjeewa, Kalu Kapuge Asanka;Fernando, Ilekkuttige Priyan Shanura;Kim, Eun-A;Ahn, Ginnae;Jee, Youngheun;Jeon, You-Jin
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2017
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Sargassum horneri is an edible brown alga that grows in the subtidal zone as an annual species along the coasts of South Korea, China, and Japan. Recently, an extreme amount of S. horneri moved into the coasts of Jeju Island from the east coast of China, which made huge economic and environmental loss to the Jeju Island. Thus, utilization of this biomass becomes a big issue with the local authorities. Therefore, the present study was performed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory potential of crude polysaccharides (CPs) extracted from S. horneri China strain in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. MATERIALS/METHODS: CPs were precipitated from S. horneri digests prepared by enzyme assistant extraction using four food-grade enzymes (AMG, Celluclast, Viscozyme, and Alcalase). The production levels of nitric oxide (NO) and pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-${\alpha}$ and interleukin (IL)-$1{\beta}$ were measured by Griess assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. The levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), nuclear factor (NF)-${\kappa}B$, and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) were measured by using western blot. The IR spectrums of the CPs were recorded using a fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectrometer. RESULTS: The polysaccharides from the Celluclast enzyme digest (CCP) showed the highest inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells ($IC_{50}$ value: $95.7{\mu}g/mL$). Also, CCP dose-dependently down-regulated the protein expression levels of iNOS and COX-2 as well as the production of inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-${\alpha}$ and IL-$1{\beta}$, compared to the only LPS-treated cells. In addition, CCP inhibited the activation of NF-${\kappa}B$ p50 and p65 and the phosphorylation of MAPKs, including p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase, in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Furthermore, FT-IR analysis showed that the FT-IR spectrum of CCP is similar to that of commercial fucoidan. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that CCP has anti-inflammatory activities and is a potential candidate for the formulation of a functional food ingredient or/and drug to treat inflammatory diseases.

Experimental Investigation on Post-Fire Performances of Fly Ash Concrete Filled Hollow Steel Column

  • Nurizaty, Z.;Mariyana, A.A.K;Shek, P.N.;Najmi, A.M. Mohd;Adebayo, Mujedu K.;Sif, Mohamed Tohami M.A;Putra Jaya, Ramadhansyah
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2021
  • In structural engineering practice, understanding the performance of composite columns under extreme loading conditions such as high-rise bulding, long span and heavy loads is essential to accuratly predicting of material responses under severe loads such as fires or earthquakes. Hitherto, the combined effect of partial axial loads and subsequent elevated temperatures on the performance of hollow steel column filled fly ash concrete have not been widely investigated. Comprehensive test was carried out to investigate the effect of elevated temperatures on partial axially loaded square hollow steel column filled fly ash concrete as reported in this paper. Four batches of hollow steel column filled fly ash concrete ( 30 percent replacement of fly ash), (HySC) and normal concrete (CFHS) were subjected to four different load levels, nf of 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% based on ultimate column strength. Subsequently, all batches of the partially damage composite columns were exposed to transient elevated temperature up to 250℃, 450℃ and 650℃ for one hour. The overall stress - strain relationship for both types of composited columns with different concrete fillers were presented for each different partial load levels and elevated temperature exposure. Results show that CFHS column has better performance than HySC at ambient temperature with 1.03 relative difference. However, the residual ultimate compressive strength of HySC subjected to partial axial load and elevated temperature exposure present an improvement compared to CFHS column with percentage difference in range 1.9% to 18.3%. Most of HySC and CFHS column specimens failed due to local buckling at the top and middle section of the column caused by concrete crushing. The columns failed due to global buckling after prolong compression load. After the compression load was lengthened, the columns were found to fail due to global buckling except for HySC02.

Stiffness Reduction Effect of Vertically Divided Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Under Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 수직분할된 철근콘크리트 전단벽의 강성저감효과)

  • Hwangbo, Dong-Sun;Son, Dong-Hee;Bae, Baek-Il;Choi, Chang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to experimentally evaluate the stiffness and strength reduction according to the reinforcing bar details of the vertically divided reinforced concrete shear walls. To confirm the effect of reducing strength and stiffness according to vertical division, four real-scale specimens were fabricated and repeated lateral loading tests were performed. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the strength and stiffness were decreased according to the vertical division. In particular, as the stiffness reduction rate is greater than the strength reduction rate, it is expected that safety against extreme strength can be secured when the load is redistributed according to vertical division. As a result of checking the crack pattern, a diagonal crack occurred in the wall subjected to compression control among the divided walls. It was confirmed that two neutral axes occurred after division, and the reversed strain distribution appeared in the upper part, showing the double curvature pattern. In future studies, it is necessary to evaluate the stiffness reduction rate considering the effective height of the wall, to evaluate additional variables such as wall aspect ratio, and to conduct analytical studies on various walls using finite element analysis.

Enhancing Microbial Resilience: The Role of Adaptive Laboratory Evolution in Industrial Biotechnology (미생물 내성 강화: 산업 생명공학에서의 적응 실험실 진화의 역할)

  • Theavita Chatarina Mariyes;Eun-Jae Ju;Jin-Ho Lee
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.730-743
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    • 2024
  • Industrial biotechnology leverages microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli for sustainable production of chemicals, fuels, and pharmaceuticals. However, despite their potential, microbial production faces challenges due to environmental stressors, which impede efficiency and economic feasibility. While traditional genetic engineering offers solutions, it often fails to create robust strains for industrial conditions. Adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) has emerged as a potent strategy to enhance microbial resilience by mimicking natural selection under controlled conditions. ALE has successfully improved tolerance to stressors such as toxic compounds, extreme pH, and high temperatures in various microorganisms. In yeasts, ALE has enhanced acetic acid and furfural tolerance, which is crucial for bioethanol production. Similarly, in E. coli, ALE has increased resistance to acid stress and improved production of succinic acid and L-serine. In lactic acid bacteria, ALE has boosted lactic acid production and strain stability under thermal and freeze-thaw stresses, benefiting both industrial and probiotic applications. Corynebacterium glutamicum has also shown significant improvements in growth rates, stress tolerance, and production capabilities through ALE. These advancements underline ALE's role in optimizing microbial strains for diverse industrial processes, making it a powerful tool in microbial biotechnology. This review highlights the latest applications and methods of ALE, emphasizing its impact on industrial microorganisms and potential for future research in sustainable bioproduction.

Occupational Hazardous Factors and Health Impacts among Agricultural Workers: a Mechanism-Based Review (농업종사자의 직업적 유해인자와 건강 영향: 기전 중심의 고찰)

  • Mi-Ji Kim;Ki-Soo Park;SangJin Park;Hansoo Song;Seok-Ju Yoo;Won-Ju Park;Seong-yong Yoon;Dong-phil Choi;Joo Hyun Sung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.322-339
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aims to systematically review the health impacts and mechanisms of exposure to hazardous factors among agricultural workers to contribute to the development of strategies for health protection and preventive management for agricultural workers. Methods: We analyzed chemical, physical, musculoskeletal, biological, and psychosocial hazards, focusing on their associated health impacts and mechanisms based on previous literature. Results: Chemical hazards, such as pesticides and fertilizers, can cause chronic diseases, poisoning, and respiratory issues. Physical hazards, including noise, vibration, and sunlight exposure, may result in hearing loss, musculoskeletal strain, and skin disorders. Musculoskeletal hazards from repetitive movements and lifting heavy load, and awkward posture can lead to back pain, osteoarthritis, and tendon disorders. Biological hazards, such as bioaerosols and zoonotic pathogens, increase the risk of respiratory diseases and infectious conditions. Psychosocial hazards, including financial stress, social isolation, and extreme weather, contribute to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular diseases. In agricultural environments with a high proportion of older workers with pre-existing conditions, these risks are further elevated. Conclusions: Understanding the mechanisms of health risks will enhance awareness of the importance of wearing protective equipment and following safety protocols, promoting behavioral changes and improving occupational health in agriculture.

Beak Trimming Methods - Review -

  • Glatz, P.C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.1619-1637
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    • 2000
  • A review was undertaken to obtain information on the range of beak-trimming methods available or under development. Beak-trimming of commercial layer replacement pullets is a common yet critical management tool that can affect the performance for the life of the flock. The most obvious advantage of beak-trimming is a reduction in cannibalism although the extent of the reduction in cannibalism depends on the strain, season, and type of housing, flock health and other factors. Beak-trimming also improves feed conversion by reducing food wastage. A further advantage of beak-trimming is a reduction in the chronic stress associated with dominance interactions in the flock. Beak-trimming of birds at 7-10 days is favoured by Industry but research over last 10 years has shown that beak-trimming at day-old causes the least stress on birds and efforts are needed to encourage Industry to adopt the practice of beak-trimming birds at day-old. Proper beak-trimming can result in greatly improved layer performance but improper beak-trimming can ruin an other wise good flock of hens. Re-trimming is practiced in most flocks, although there are some flocks that only need one trimming. Given the continuing welfare scrutiny of using a hot blade to cut the beak, attempts have been made to develop more welfare friendly methods of beak-trimming. Despite the developments in design of hot blade beak-trimmers the process has remained largely unchanged. That is, a red-hot blade cuts and cauterises the beak. The variables in the process are blade temperature, cauterisation time, operator ability, severity of trimming, age of trimming, strain of bird and beak length. This method of beak-trimming is still overwhelmingly favoured in Industry and there appears to be no other alternative procedures that are more effective. Sharp secateurs have been used trim the upper beak of both layers and turkeys. Bleeding from the upper mandible ceases shortly after the operation, and despite the regrowth of the beak a reduction of cannibalism has been reported. Very few differences have been noted between behaviour and production of the hot blade and cold blade cut chickens. This method has not been used on a large scale in Industry. There are anecdotal reports of cannibalism outbreaks in birds with regrown beaks. A robotic beak-trimming machine was developed in France, which permitted simultaneous, automated beak-trimming and vaccination of day-old chicks of up to 4,500 chickens per hour. Use of the machine was not successful because if the chicks were not loaded correctly they could drop off the line, receive excessive beak-trimming or very light trimming. Robotic beak-trimming was not effective if there was a variation in the weight or size of chickens. Capsaicin can cause degeneration of sensory nerves in mammals and decreases the rate of beak regrowth by its action on the sensory nerves. Capsaicin is a cheap, non-toxic substance that can be readily applied at the time of less severe beak-trimming. It suffers the disadvantage of causing an extreme burning sensation in operators who come in contact with the substance during its application to the bird. Methods of applying the substance to minimise the risk to operators of coming in contact with capsaicin need to be explored. A method was reported which cuts the beaks with a laser beam in day-old chickens. No details were provided on the type of laser used, or the severity of beak-trimming, but by 16 weeks the beaks of laser trimmed birds resembled the untrimmed beaks, but without the bill tip. Feather pecking and cannibalism during the laying period were highest among the laser trimmed hens. Currently laser machines are available that are transportable and research to investigate the effectiveness of beak-trimming using ablasive and coagulative lasers used in human medicine should be explored. Liquid nitrogen was used to declaw emu toes but was not effective. There was regrowth of the claws and the time and cost involved in the procedure limit the potential of using this process to beak-trim birds.

The Comparison of Characteristics of Korean, Chinese and Japanese Traditional Flower Arts Used in Royal Court Ceremonies (한국과 중국 및 일본의 궁중 전통 꽃꽂이 특징비교)

  • Hong, Hoon Ki;Lee, Jong Suk
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2010
  • To discover the main characteristics of Korean traditional flower arrangement, they were compared with different articles and old paintings used in royal court ceremonies. The primary research involved principle of design. The times periods used were the Joseon Dynasty era of Korea, the Ming era of China, and the Edo eras of Japan. The result, which shows both the similarities and differences, of the research is summarized as follows. The similarities were that they all respect the features of nature, and their image expresses their creator's thinking. There was one technique, called 'Suje', in which a part of the stem is coming out from one branch. Also, each three eras preferred flowering trees and ornamental trees more than annuals or foliage plants. one of the differences was that korea used a simple number of materials. The work had volume and appeared mild by using a soft curved line which was repetitive and massive. The Joseon Dynasty era advanced a sense of beauty with artistic symmetry and balance. The work seemed soft and natural because of the little change in blank space, with almost no angle of line. The form had a characteristic preference of being taller than the typical Japanese arrangement. It appeared simple, calm, and rustic by using only one kind of material. In contrast, the Chinese style was gorgeous and displayed volume in a non-symmetrical tripodal form, which incorporated various colors and materials. Also, they avoided processing the materials in order to emphasize the original beauty of nature. Chinese flower arts did not become formalized because they did not consider the formality seriously the formal. The Japanese style was also gorgeous because it incorporated various materials and angles. It included an extreme technique in which an artificial line divided the blank space delicately. The line was both strong and delicate in an established form. The restriction of the main branch gave a light feeling, as well as more strain as in a balance sense. The Japanese eras emphasized more the use of line and a sense of blank space.