• Title/Summary/Keyword: experimental assessment

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Overview on Research Trend in the Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (초등과학교육 연구의 동향)

  • Jang, Byung-Ghi
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.192-199
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    • 2003
  • The Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education has been developed in both quantitative and qualitative aspects during twenty years since first published year 1983. This study was intended to survey the research trend of the journals, which has been published so far. It will give an orientation of science education research and suggestions towards research to improve science education. The 243 articles of the journals, which were published from 1983 to 2002 by Korean Elementary Science Education Society, were classified into 7 categories including science teaching, science learning, assessment in science, science teacher education, science curriculum, educational facilities & materials, and general science education. The results are as follows: 1. The articles published last decade are increased four times compared with the first decade. 2. The half of articles published so far concentrated on science teaching and learning. The articles on educational facilities & materials or general science education are few. 3. During the last decade, the articles on science teacher education, educational facilities & materials, assessment in science, and science learning relatively increased than the first decade. The number of articles on science curriculum was fluctuated every five years. 4. Most of articles were focused on the narrow subject areas. For example, the articles on science teaching, science learning, assessment in science, science teacher education, science curriculum, and educational facilities & materials were largely focused on the teaching strategies, pupils' conception, affective assessment and teaching practice survey, teachers' appreciation about the nature of science or instruction, analysis of science textbooks, development of the experimental materials or the audiovisual aids respectively. 5. The subject areas highlighted so far in science education, for example, inquiry or experimental activities, STS instruction, environmental education, gifted education, instruction with multimedia, problem-solving or reasoning, experimental skill assessment, etc. were not much researched.

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The Development of Performance Scoring Rubrics for the Inquiry-Based General Chemistry Experiments (탐구적 일반화학실험 수행 평가 준거 개발)

  • Kang, Soon-Hee;Kim, Yang-Hyun;Park, Jong-Yoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 1999
  • This study is to develope the performance scoring rubrics for the inquiry-based experiments of general chemistry course in the college of education. Two types of analytic scoring rubrics have been developed for nine different experiments. The first one is to assess scientific process skills from the written experimental reports. These analytic scoring rubrics include seven process skills selected from the Lawson's 'creative and critical thinking skills' and other known process skills. The second one is to assess the individual manipulative skills and experimental attitudes through direct observations by the teacher. The content validity of all scoring rubrics was testified by six science educators. Also the inter-scorer reliability of analytic scoring rubrics administered on the students' experimental reports was examined. The correlation coefficient between the scores obtained from the experiments and those of the written test for theoretical knowledges was found to be r=.663(p <.01). From the variance($r^2$=.440), we would say indirectly that the 56% of this experimental assessment does not overlap with the theoretical knowledges test and assesses students' science process skills, manipulative skills, and attitudes.

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Probabilistic seismic risk assessment of simply supported steel railway bridges

  • Yilmaz, Mehmet F.;Caglayan, Barlas O.;Ozakgul, Kadir
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2019
  • Fragility analysis is an effective tool that is frequently used for seismic risk assessment of bridges. There are three different approaches to derive a fragility curve: experimental, empirical and analytical. Both experimental and empirical methods to derive fragility curve are based on past earthquake reports and expert opinions which are not suitable for all bridges. Therefore, analytical fragility analysis becomes important. Nonlinear time history analysis is commonly used which is the most reliable method for determining probabilistic demand models. In this study, to determine the probabilistic demand models of bridges, time history analyses were performed considering both material and geometrical nonlinearities. Serviceability limit states for three different service velocities were considered as a performance goal. Also, support displacements, component yielding and collapse limits were taken into account. Both serviceability and component fragility were derived by using maximum likely hood methods. Finally, the seismic performance and critical members of the bridge were probabilistically determined and clearly presented.

Development of Vegetation Indicator for Assessment of Naturalness in Stream Environment (하천환경의 자연성 평가를 위한 식생지표의 개발)

  • Chun, Seung-Hoon;Chae, Soo-Kwon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.384-401
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    • 2016
  • The vegetation assessment indicator has been developed recently as a biological part of the integrated assessment system for river environment to improve the efficiency of river restoration projects. This study carried out to test the vegetation assessment indicator and to reset its grade criteria on experimental streams. We classified and mapped vegetation communities at the level of physiognomic-floristic composition by each assessment unit. A total of 204 sampling quadrats were set up on the 68 assessment units at 5 experimental streams. By analyzing the vegetation data collected, we examined the appropriate numbers of sampling quadrats, the criteria of vegetation index score, classification of vegetation community, and grade criteria for vegetation assessment. The developed vegetation assessment indicator composed with the vegetation complexity index (VCI), the vegetation diversity index (VDI), and the vegetation naturalness index (VNI) was proved to reflect the current conditions of the streams sufficiently. The contribution of vegetation naturalness index to grading by vegetation assessment indicator was larger, but three indexes were closely correlated to each other. Also there was more clearer discrimination of grading with the application of adjusted criteria of vegetation assessment indicator and the standardized classification of vegetation community, but the stream segment type did not influence the vegetation assessment grade significantly.

FE model updating and seismic performance evaluation of a historical masonry clock tower

  • Gunaydin, Murat;Erturk, Esin;Genc, Ali Fuat;Okur, Fatih Yesevi;Altunisik, Ahmet Can;Tavsan, Cengiz
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents a structural performance assessment of a historical masonry clock tower both using numerical and experimental process. The numerical assessment includes developing of finite element model with considering different types of soil-structure interaction systems, identifying the numerical dynamic characteristics, finite element model updating procedure, nonlinear time-history analysis and evaluation of seismic performance level. The experimental study involves determining experimental dynamic characteristics using operational modal analysis test method. Through the numerical and experimental processes, the current structural behavior of the masonry clock tower was evaluated. The first five experimental natural frequencies were obtained within 1.479-9.991 Hz. Maximum difference between numerical and experimental natural frequencies, obtained as 20.26%, was reduced to 4.90% by means of the use of updating procedure. According to the results of the nonlinear time-history analysis, maximum displacement was calculated as 0.213 m. The maximum and minimum principal stresses were calculated as 0.20 MPa and 1.40 MPa. In terms of displacement control, the clock tower showed only controlled damage level during the applied earthquake record.

Effectiveness of Infant Care Competence according to Pediatric Nursing Practice at School (아동간호학 학내실습이 신생아간호 수행능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Ji-Youn;An, Min-Soon;Park, Hyun-Joo
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study purposed to examine the effect of the neonatal assessment ability and neonatal care ability of nursing students according to practice at school. Methods: The participants were 91 nursing students in the experimental group and 89 control group. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, fishers exact test, t-test, ANOVA. Results: The mean score of neonatal assessment ability was $39.01{\pm}2.19$ in experimental group, $30.20{\pm}6.48$ in control group. The mean score of neonatal care ability was $39.43{\pm}2.31$ in experimental group, $33.67{\pm}5.17$ in control group. Conclusion: From the studies reviewed, it can expect the positive effect to improving the infant care competence of nursing students in clinical field through pediatric nursing practice at school.

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Analysis of Students Use of Multimodal Representations in a Science Formative Assessment (Assessing Pupils' Progress, APP) Task in the UK

  • Cho, Hye Sook;Nam, Jeonghee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine UK students' use of multimodal representations in science. Students were asked to explain their understandings of the scientific concept and presentation of the multimodal representations in a science Assessing Pupils' Progress (APP) task. Participants of this study were fifty-four Year 7 students taught by the same teacher. Students from one class (27 students) were assigned to the experimental group, and then they received instruction encouraging the using of multimodal representations as evidences to support students' claims. One class (27 students) was assigned to the control group and they received instruction with traditional teaching methods. Both groups performed an APP task for assessment. The samples of APP assessments produced by students both from the experimental and control groups were analyzed using an analysis framework of multimodal representations, embeddedness in evidence and understanding of scientific concepts. Data analysis indicated that the students in the experimental group performed better than that of the control group on embeddedness of multimodal representations in the APP task. In addition, there was a significant difference between the two groups in the evaluation of understand of the scientific concepts.

Equivalent frame model and shell element for modeling of in-plane behavior of Unreinforced Brick Masonry buildings

  • Kheirollahi, Mohammad
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.213-229
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    • 2013
  • Although performance based assessment procedures are mainly developed for reinforced concrete and steel buildings, URM (Unreinforced Masonry) buildings occupy significant portion of buildings in earthquake prone areas of the world as well as in IRAN. Variability of material properties, non-engineered nature of the construction and difficulties in structural analysis of masonry walls make analysis of URM buildings challenging. Despite sophisticated finite element models satisfy the modeling requirements, extensive experimental data for definition of material behavior and high computational resources are needed. Recently, nonlinear equivalent frame models which are developed assigning lumped plastic hinges to isotropic and homogenous equivalent frame elements are used for nonlinear modeling of URM buildings. The equivalent frame models are not novel for the analysis of masonry structures, but the actual potentialities have not yet been completely studied, particularly for non-linear applications. In the present paper an effective tool for the non-linear static analysis of 2D masonry walls is presented. The work presented in this study is about performance assessment of unreinforced brick masonry buildings through nonlinear equivalent frame modeling technique. Reliability of the proposed models is tested with a reversed cyclic experiment conducted on a full scale, two-story URM building at the University of Pavia. The pushover curves were found to provide good agreement with the experimental backbone curves. Furthermore, the results of analysis show that EFM (Equivalent Frame Model) with Dolce RO (rigid offset zone) and shell element have good agreement with finite element software and experimental results.

Does a preterm labor-assessment algorithm improve preterm labor-related knowledge, clinical practice confidence, and educational satisfaction?: a quasi-experimental study (조기진통 사정 알고리즘은 실습 시 조기진통 관련 지식, 임상수행자신감, 교육만족도에 유효한가?: 유사실험 연구)

  • Hee-Young Choi;Jeung-Im Kim
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Preterm birth is increasing, and obstetric nurses should have the competency to provide timely care. Therefore, training is necessary in the maternal nursing practicum. This study aimed to investigate the effects of practice education using a preterm-labor assessment algorithm on preterm labor-related knowledge and clinical practice confidence in senior nursing students. Methods: A pre-post quasi-experimental design with three groups was used for 61 students. The preterm-labor assessment algorithm was modified into three modules from the preterm-labor assessment algorithm by March of Dimes. We evaluated preterm labor-related knowledge, clinical practice confidence, and educational satisfaction. Data were analyzed with the paired t-test and repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results: The practice education using a preterm-labor assessment algorithm significantly improved both preterm labor-related knowledge and clinical practice confidence (paired t=-7.17, p<.001; paired t=-5.51, p<.001, respectively). The effects of the practice education using a preterm-labor assessment algorithm on knowledge lasted until 8 weeks but decreased significantly at 11 and 13 weeks after the program, while the clinical practice confidence significantly decreased at 8 weeks post-program. Conclusion: The practice education using a preterm-labor assessment algorithm was effective in improving preterm labor-related knowledge and clinical practice confidence. The findings suggest that follow-up education should be conducted at 8 weeks, or as soon as possible thereafter, to maintain knowledge and clinical confidence, and the effects should be evaluated.

The Effects of Feedback Types in Self Assessment on the Students' Science Concept Understanding and Science-Related Attitudes in the Middle School Science (자기평가에 대한 피드백 유형이 중학교 학생들의 과학 개념 이해와 과학 관련 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Jeong-Hee;Choi, Joon-Hwan;Kong, Young-Tae;Moon, Seong-Bae;Lee, Suk-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.646-658
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the effects of feedback types in self-assessment on the students' science concept understanding and science-related attitudes were investigated. Student's perceptions towards the self-assessment and the feedback provided were also examined. Ten classes from a middle school were chosen. Five of those classes were assigned to the comparative group that any type of feedback was not provided and the other five classes were assigned to the experimental group which feedback was provided. The experimental group was further divided into three groups for implement of three types of feedback. Experimental group A was given feedback in the form of written comments and experimental group B was provided feedback through correct-wrong response to the students answer. Experimental group C was provided oral feedback to the whole class. The tests of science-related attitudes were administered before and after the instruction period. The science concepts understanding test was done only after the instruction. There were significant differences between the experimental group and comparative group in understanding of scientific concepts. The enhancement of science-related attitudes was also significantly higher for the experimental group. There were significant differences between the experimental groups in science-related attitudes. However, there were no significant differences in understanding of scientific concepts in relation to the types of feedback in experiment groups. Interviews with the students of the experimental groups showed that students had positive attitudes towards self-assessment and the types of feedback. And they regarded self-assessment and feedback as helping them understand the science concepts. In conclusion, it was acknowledged that providing feedback in self-assessment showed considerably positive influences on the improvement of the understanding of scientific concepts and science-related attitudes.