• Title/Summary/Keyword: existing forms

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The Flora of Geonjisan, Jeonju (건지산(전주)의 식물상)

  • 김계환;박준모;임성구;황영희;조성종;김상용
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to investigate the vascular flora at Geonjisan, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do and the findings are followings (1) The vascular plants identified and surveyed were 359 taxa(306 species, 49 varieties and 4 forms of 245 genera of 94 families) at the study sites. (2) There were 144 taxa (125 species, 15 varieties and 4 forms of 91 genera of 49 families) for the woody plants, while 215 taxa(181 species and 34 varieties of 157 genera of 54 families) were identified for the herbaceous plants. Twenty-nine taxa (28 species and 1 variety of 22 genera of 12 families) were investigated for the naturalized plants at the study sites. (3) Currently existing dominant vegetation forming the major trees layer at the study sites were Robinia pseudoacacia, Chamaecyparis pisifera, C. obutusa, Torreya nucifera, Castanea crenata and Acer buergerianum for the planted species, and naturally growing species forming the major trees layer were Quercus acutissima and Q- serrata.

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The Application of a Quantitative Performance Assessment Model in Accordance with Button Menu Form Changes in Touch Screen Input Methods (터치스크린 입력방식에서 버튼메뉴의 형상변화에 따른 정량적 수행평가 모델 적용)

  • Han, Sang-Bok;Pyo, Jung-Sun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 2015
  • Touch input method is unintended difficulties regarding touch and input have increased with touch input methods when compared to using a mouse for input in previously existing menus. This study attempted to analyze usability evaluations according to form and size changes of minimal button forms in button menus. This attempted to verify possibilities through more effective applications of the quantitative performance prediction evaluation model through comparative analysis of Fitts' Law, the representative model of the regression model formula and the interface human performance evaluation method, so that applications can be made in interface designs of touch input methods. Therefore it was significant in that it made reflections on design with consideration given to use user times according to button forms and size changes that can be applied to touch screens.

Viewing Path Search and Congestion Control Algorithms For Comfortable Museum Viewing (편안한 박물관 관람을 위한 관람 경로 탐색 및 혼잡제어 알고리즘)

  • Seo, Yoon-Deuk;Ahn, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2010
  • Today, many museums are changing their forms with ubiquitous environment. Unlike traditional museums providing only static text-based information attached to its corresponding artifacts to visitors, those ubiquitous museums provide not only artifacts' text information, but also many different forms of information such as sound or media through personal digital assistance or cell phones. However, these existing ubiquitous museums still provide each visitor only with artifact-centric information in very simple ways. Also this disadvantageous feature causes high gallery congestion problem resulting from providing a uniform path for every visitor. These limitations may be the biggest barrier to providing more various and useful information about artifacts to visitors through considering each visitor's preference. This paper propose a new optimal viewing path search algorithm to provide comfortable museum viewing for each visitor according to its preference. Also, a new congestion control method is developed to protect visitors from being put in some hot spots on their museum viewing, improving its comfort to a maximum.


  • Goode, Jon G.;Londhe, Sameer;Dejesus, Steve;Wang, Qian
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.4112-4112
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    • 2001
  • The feasibility of NIR spectroscopy as a quick and nondestructive method for quality control of uniformity of coating thickness of pharmaceutical tablets was investigated. Near infrared spectra of a set of pharmaceutical tablets with varying coating thickness were measured with a diffuse reflectance fiber optic probe connected to a Broker IFS 28/N FT-NIR spectrometer. The challenging issues encountered in this study included: 1. The similarity of the formulation of the core and coating materials, 2. The lack of sufficient calibration samples and 3. The non-linear relationship between the NIR spectral intensity and coating: thickness. A peak at 7184 $cm^{-1}$ was identified that differed for the coating material and the core material when M spectra were collected at 2 $cm^{-1}$ resolution (0.4 nm at 7184 $cm^{-1}$). The study showed that the coating thickness can be analyzed by polynomial fitting of the peak area of the selected peak, while least squares calibration of the same data failed due to the lack of availability of sufficient calibration samples. Samples of coal powder and solid pieces of coal were analyzed by FT-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with the goal of predicting their ash content, percentage of volatile components, and energy content. The measurements were performed on a Broker Vector 22N spectrometer with a fiber optic probe. A partial least squares model was constructed for each of the parameters of interest for solid and powdered sample forms separately. Calibration models varied in size from 4 to 10 PLS ranks. Correlation coefficients for these models ranged from 86.6 to 95.0%, with root-mean-square errors of cross validation comparable to the corresponding reference measurement methods. The use of FT-NIR diffuse reflectance measurement techniques was found to be a significant improvement over existing measurement methodologies in terms of speed and ease of use, while maintaining the desired accuracy for all parameters and sample forms.(Figure Omitted).

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The Evolution of Products (제품의 진화)

  • 이홍구
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study is to explore and understand the product development through the theory of evolution. For the purpose of the study, an evolution mechanism was set up in which the products were applied with. The results showed three distinguishable types of product evolution 'the evolution of functions','the evolution of forms'and 'the evolution of symbols what the products represent'. In order to answer the research questions, , , , the research was carried out in three ways: firstly, some ideas of product evolution were looked closely through existing researches; secondly, the study explored the idea of evolution mechanism being a natural process like an organic system; finally by applying various products with the evolution mechanism, different patterns of product evolution were classified. The results of the study can be summarised as follows: ${\bullet}$ The evolution mechanism in this study can be defined as an 'organic system'that consists of the causes of evolution'(based on the needs and the willingness to have pleasure), 'the point of evolving'(based on a degree of imperfection) and 'the motive of evolution'(based on the readiness to make profit). ${\bullet}$ The evolution mechanism seems to suggest three different patterns in product evolution,'the evolution of functions', 'the evolution of forms' and 'the evolution of symbols'

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A study on the success factors of ICT Convergence type-specific start-up enterprise - mainly the case study - (ICT융합 유형별 스타트업 기업의 성공요인에 관한 연구 -사례연구를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Seo Han;Noh, Seung Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 2014
  • Although many studies about start-up existed, It is almost never shown study about ICT convergence start-up enterprise. This study tries to analyze success factor to start-up enterprise in rapidly growing ICT convergence area. Based on 10 entrepreneurial success cases, We figure out the total 29 units success factors utilizing ERIS model. We classify ICT commercialization with 4 types which are software-R&D centric, software marketing centric, software plus hardware R&D centric, software plus hardware marketing centric. Among success factors the most success factor is related entrepreneur;s ability and include major and professional knowledge about ICT's filed, insight through sensitivity about technical paradigm etc. It was derived the success factors indicated in the course of commercialization of ICT Covergence Unlike other forms of the existing start-up entrepreneurs and contributed to typified in four forms startups for ICT Covergence start-up entrepreneurs.

A Design for Security Functional Requirements of IoT Middleware System (IoT(Internet of Things) 시스템 미들웨어 보안기능요구사항 설계)

  • Jung, Hyun Mi;Jeong, Kimoon;Cho, Han Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2017
  • The middleware in the IoT system is software that acts as a messenger to connect and exchange data between humans and objects, objects and objects. IoT middleware exists in various forms in all areas, including hardware, protocol, and communication of different kinds, which are different in form and purpose. However, IoT middleware exists in various forms across different areas, including hardware, protocol, and communication of different types and purposes. Therefore, even if the system is designed differently for each role, it is necessary to strengthen the security in common. In this paper, we analyze the structure of IoT middleware using Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) approach and design system security requirements based on it. It was defined: Target Of Evaluation(TOE) existing system development method and the object is evaluated by Common Criteria(CC) for verification based otherwise. The proposed middleware system will be correlated with the security problem definition and the security purpose, which will be the basis for implementing the security enhanced IoT system.

Implementation of Form-based XML Document Editor (Form 기반의 XML 문서 편집기 구현)

  • Go, Tak-Hyeon;Hwang, In-Jun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.2
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2002
  • Existing XML editors, which are usually tree-based, require knowledge on the XML from users. But this requirement should be removed in order for any user to create XML documents easily. In this paper, we developed a new XML editor which provides both the usual tree-based interface and the form-based interface derided from the original document. Editing XML documents through forms will be especially effective in the places such as enterprise or municipal office where a large amount of documents of same format need to be generated. Forms, which are HTML documents, are generated automatically through the XSLT using both template XML document and XSL document, and displayed on the built-in HTML browser. When a form is filled out by user, it will he transformed into its corresponding XML document and stored into the XML repository.

A Study of Globular Cluster Systems in the Coma, Fornax, and Virgo Clusters of Galaxies from HST ACS and WFC3/IR Imaging

  • Cho, Hyejeon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.29.1-29.1
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    • 2017
  • I present new near-infrared (NIR) photometry of globular cluster (GC) systems associated to a cD galaxy NGC 4874 in the core of the Coma cluster and 16 early-type galaxies in the Fornax and Virgo clusters of galaxies using the Infrared Channel of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3/IR) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Combining these high-resolution NIR data with new HST Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) optical photometry for NGC 4874 and existing ACS GC catalogs from the ACS Fornax and Virgo Cluster Surveys, I have examined for the first time the GC systems in a statistically significant optical/NIR sample of galaxies spanning a wide range of luminosities and colors. A primary goal of this study is to explore empirically whether the distributions of purely optical and hybrid optical - NIR color indices for extragalactic GCs have different forms and whether the relations between these color indices are nonlinear, indicating that they behave differently with underlying metallicity. I find that some GC systems of large galaxies in our sample show color bimodalities that differ between the optical and optical - NIR colors, in the sense that they have disparate ratios of "blue" and "red" peak GCs, as well as differing ratios in their color dispersions. Consistent with these results, I find empirically that the dependence of hybrid optical-NIR color on purely optical color is nonlinear, with an inflection at intermediate metallicities. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the nature of galaxy-to-galaxy variations in the GC color distributions and color-color relations, as well as the exact forms of the color-metallicity transformations, in interpreting the observational data on GC color bimodality. Our ACS data for NGC 4874 shows that its GC system exhibits a very strong blue tilt, implying a very steep mass-metallicity scaling, and the centroid of this GC system is offset by $4{\pm}1kpc$ from the luminosity center of NGC 4874, in the direction of NGC 4872. Finally, I discuss the asymmetrical GC distribution around a dwarf elliptical galaxy in Coma that has a very high relative velocity with respect to the cluster mean at small clustercentric radius.

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YouTube and Girls' Generation Fandom (유투브와 소녀시대 팬덤)

  • Shim, Doo-Bo;Noh, Kwang-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we draw from recent theoretical discussions of fan culture and the new media technologies to explore how online communities contribute to new forms of K-pop fandom. We suggest that these online sites play an important role in setting the new stage of dissemination and dialogue of K-pop knowledge, through which particular forms and spaces of online fan culture are being created and sustained. Moreover, these web-based communities challenge the existing concepts that have embraced interrelations between culture, consumption and technology. Based on an empirical study of YouTube, carried out using netnographic methods, this study tackles the following questions: how fans construct themselves as Korean pop fans through the online activities; how they exchange information and opinions of Korean stars; and, what meaning they extract from online file-sharing activities.