• Title/Summary/Keyword: europium

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Effects on Addition of Metal Oxides with Low Workfunctions on the Ca-Sr-Ba Oxide Cathodes for VUV Ionizers (VUV 이오나이저용 Ca-Sr-Ba계 산화물 캐소드에 낮은 일함수를 갖는 금속산화물 첨가의 영향)

  • Park, Seung-Kyu;Lee, Jonghyuk;Kim, Ran Hee;Jung, Juhyoung;Han, Wan Gyu;Lee, Soo Huan;Jeon, Sung Woo;Kim, Dae Jun;Kim, Do-Yun;Lee, Kwang-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.241-251
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    • 2019
  • There are several manufacturing techniques for developing thermionic cathodes for vacuum ultraviolet(VUV) ionizers. The triple alkaline earth metal emitters(Ca-Sr-Ba) are formulated as efficient and reliable thermo-electron sources with a great many different compositions for the ionizing devices. We prepare two basic suspensions with different compositions: calcium, strontium and barium. After evaluating the electron-emitting performance for europium, gadolinium, and yttrium-based cathodes mixed with these suspensions, we selected the yttrium for its better performance. Next, another transition metal indium and a lanthanide metal neodymium salt is introduced to two base emitters. These final composite metal emitters are coated on the tungsten filament and then activated to the oxide cathodes by an intentionally programmed calcination process under an ultra-high vacuum(${\sim}10^{-6}torr$). The performance of electron emission of the cathodes is characterized by their anode currents with respect to the addition of each element, In and Nd, and their concentration of cathodes. Compared to both the base cathodes, the electron emission performance of the cathodes containing indium and neodymium decreases. The anode current of the Nd cathode is more markedly degraded than that with In.

A Fundamental Study of Eu2+ Luminescence in Aluminum Borate Compounds (Aluminum Borate 화합물에 있어서 EU2+이온의 발광성)

  • Chang, Ki-Seog
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.350-355
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    • 2000
  • The compounds, CaAl$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$O, SrAl$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$O and BaAl$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$O, are good host lattices for highly efficient $Eu^{2+}$ luminescence. The europium emission peaks at 450 nm in $Eu^{2+}$:CaAl$_2$(B0$_3$)$_2$O, 411 nm in $Eu^{2+}$: SrAl$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$O and 375 nm in $Eu^{2+}$: BaAl$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$O. The $Eu^{2+}$: CaAl$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$O Phosphor shows a high output and should be a good maintenance in VUV Xe lamps. It is ideally suited for use in PDP phosphors. The $Eu^{2+}$ ion is interesting because the Stokes shift emission is a strong host dependent. The difference in the Stokes shift is oneimportant factor leadingto a difference in wavelength. If the 5d level of $Eu^{2+}$ ion is lower in energy,according to a decrease in the doping lattice size, then the emission wavelength will be longer and the Stokes shift will be smaller. Therefore, a knowledge of the relationship between the crystal lattice size and the Stokes shift. (orthe energy of the 5d level),is essential for beingable to predict $Eu^{2+}$ emission properties.

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Analysis of Photoluminescence of Eu3+ in YOBr and Investigation of Critical Distance (YOBr:Eu3+ 형광체의 발광특성과 임계거리 연구)

  • Kim, Gyeong Hwa;Park, Jong Gyu;Park, Hui Dong;Han, Jeong Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.570-576
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    • 2001
  • The europium doped yttrium oxybromide phosphors were synthesized by solid-state reaction method. The YOBr: $Eu^{3+}$ phosphor showed a strong and narrow red emission band at 621 nm and maximum emission intensity obtained when 0.05 mol Eu ions were doped. The red emission of $Eu^{3+}$ originated from $^5D_0$ ${\rightarrow}$ $^7F_2$electric dipole transition. In order to investigate on photoluminescence behavior, several experimental skills and numerical fittings are conducted to the YOBr: $Eu^{3+}$ phosphor. The emission spectrum was measured in the UV range and then decay curve of $^5D_0$ ${\rightarrow}$ $^7F_j$transitions was examined. The energy interaction type of YOBr: $Eu^{3+}$ phosphor was dipole-dipole interaction. In addition to the calculating by critical concentration, the critical distance ($R_0$) was calculated by decay curve fitting parameter from Inokuti-Hirayamas equation, and spectral overlap method. The critical distance was 17.03, 10.51 and 7.18$\AA$ for those methods, respectively. As considering systematic error of measurements, these values are within the same order, so that the above fitting methods are plausible and recommendable.

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Study on Fabrication and Photoluminescent Properties of Fine Phosphor Film for Application of Radiation Image Sensor (방사선 영상센서 적용을 위한 미세 발광체 필름 제조 및 광학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sang-Sik;Choi, Young-Zoon;Lee, Kwang-Oop;Moon, Yong-Soo;Kim, Mi-Young;Lee, Sang-Bong;Jung, Bong-Jae;Park, Ji-Koon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the fabrication and feasibility study of clinical application with euripium doped gadollium oxide ($Gd_2O_3$:Eu) nano phosphor derived by low-temperature solution combustion method. From the fabricated phosphor, the photoluminescent characteristic and linearity as a function of phosphor film thickness were investigated to evaluate x-ray converstion properties. From the experimental results, the luminescent intensity was $2945pC/cm^2$-mR at $270{\mu}m$ $Gd_2O_3$:Eu film and this value is higher 1.2 time the conventional bulk phosphor, which is possible to imaging acquisition. And good linearity was shown at x-ray exposure range for clinical diagnostic application.

Study on the Characteristics of Laser-induced Fluorescence from Trace Samarium, Europium and Terbium (미량분석을 위한 Sm, Eu과 Tb의 레이저 여기 형광 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Mock;Shin, Jang-Soo;Zee, Kwang-Yong;Kim, Cheol-Jung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a rapid and effective method of laser-induced fluorescence analysis for thrace amounts of Sm, Eu and Tb in nuclear fuels. The features of the method are the use of the distinct fluorescence wavelengths and the discriminative lifetimes of the respective elements when excited by a pulsed nitrogen laser. Fluorescence signals of the three elements were isolated by adequate selection of the filters or complexing agents (HFA, TTA) or discriminative delay and gate times in the signal processing circuit. It was found that S $m^{+3}$ and E $u^{+3}$ emitted strong fluorescence in the two complexing agent solutions or HFA and TTA. But in the case or T $b^{+3}$, the fluorescence signal was detected only in HFA solution. With respect to the concentrations of S $m^{+3}$, E $u^{+3}$ and T $b^{+3}$, the fluorescence signal intensities gave superior linearities in the range of 5 ppb-10 ppm for S $m^{+3}$, 0.5 ppb-1 ppm for E $u^{+3}$, and 0.1 ppb-300 ppb for T $b^{+3}$, The detection limits obtained were 5 ppb for S $m^{+3}$, 0.1 ppb for E $u^{+3}$, and 0.01 ppb for T $b^{+3}$, respectively.

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Wavelength Conversion Lanthanide(III)-cored Complex for Highly Efficient Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

  • Oh, Jung-Hwan;Song, Hae-Min;Eom, Yu-Kyung;Ryu, Jung-Ho;Ju, Myung-Jong;Kim, Hwan-Kyu
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.2743-2750
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    • 2011
  • Lanthanide(III)-cored complex as a wavelength conversion material has been successfully designed and synthesized for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells, for the first time, since light with a short wavelength has not been effectively used for generating electric power owing to the limited absorption of these DSSCs in the UV region. A black dye (BD) was chosen and used as a sensitizer, because BD has a relatively weak light absorption at shorter wavelengths. The overall conversion efficiency of the BD/WCM device was remarkably increased, even with the relatively small amount of WCM added to the device. The enhancement in $V_{oc}$ by WCM, like DCA, could be correlated with the suppression of electron recombination between the injected electrons and $I_3{^-}$ ions. Furthermore, the short-circuit current density was significantly increased by WCM with a strong UV light-harvesting effect. The energy transfer from the Eu(III)-cored complex to the $TiO_2$ film occurred via the dye, so the number of electrons injected into the $TiO_2$ surface increased, i.e., the short-circuit current density was increased. As a result, BD/WCM-sensitized solar cells exhibit superior device performance with the enhanced conversion efficiency by a factor of 1.22 under AM 1.5 sunlight: The photovoltaic performance of the BD/WCM-based DSSC exhibited remarkably high values, $J_{sc}$ of 17.72 mA/$cm^2$, $V_{oc}$ of 720 mV, and a conversion efficiency of 9.28% at 100 mW $cm^{-2}$, compared to a standard DSSC with $J_{sc}$ of 15.53 mA/$cm^2$, $V_{oc}$ of 689 mV, and a conversion efficiency of 7.58% at 100 mW $cm^{-2}$. Therefore, the Eu(III)-cored complex is a promising candidate as a new wavelength conversion coadsorbent for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells to improve UV light harvesting through energy transfer processes. The abstract should be a single paragraph which summaries the content of the article.

Luminescence characteristics of bismuth and europium co-doped yttrium oxide red phosphor for white light emitting diodes (Bi와 Eu이 도핑된 yttrium oxide의 white LED용 적색 형광체 발광 특성)

  • Park, W.J.;Jung, M.K.;Yoon, S.G.;Yoon, D.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.112-115
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    • 2006
  • The red emission properties of $Bi^{3+}$ co-doped $Y_2O_3:Eu^{3+}$ prepared by the solid-state reaction was investigated, in order to verify its potential to act as the red emitting phosphor of white LEDs. The emission spectrum consisted of a weak band at 581, 587, 5931 and 599 nm, with maximum sharp peaks occurring at about 611 nm due to the $^5D_0{\rightarrow}^7F_2$ transition of $Eu^{3+}$, while the excitation spectrum exhibited a broad band between 290 and 430 mm with peaks occurring in the range of $310{\sim}390nm$. Also, SEM image of the sample containing 0.43 mol% $H_3BO_3$ and 2.08 mol% $BaCl_2{\cdot}2H_2O$ phosphor particles grew to achieve diameters of $700{\sim}800nm$.

The Effects of Impurity Composition and Concentration in Reactor Structure Material on Neutron Activation Inventory in Pressurized Water Reactor (경수로 구조재 내 불순물 조성 및 함량이 중성자 방사화 핵종 재고량에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Cha, Gil Yong;Kim, Soon Young;Lee, Jae Min;Kim, Yong Soo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2016
  • The neutron activation inventories in reactor vessel and its internals, and bio-shield of a PWR nuclear power plant were calculated to evaluate the effect of impurity elements contained in the structural materials on the activation inventory. Carbon steel is, in this work, used as the reactor vessel material, stainless steel as the reactor vessel internals, and ordinary concrete as the bio-shield. For stainless steel and carbon steel, one kind of impurity concentration was employed, and for ordinary concrete five kinds were employed in this study using MCNP5 and FISPACT for the calculation of neutron flux and activation inventory, respectively. As the results, specific activities for the cases with impurity elements were calculated to be more than twice than those for the cases without impurity elements in stainless and carbon steel. Especially, the specific activity for the concrete material with impurity elements was calculated to be 30 times higher than that without impurity. Neutron induced reactions and activation inventories in each material were also investigated, and it is noted that major radioactive nuclide in steel material is Co-60 from cobalt impurity element, and, in concrete material, Co-60 and Eu-152 from cobalt and europium impurity elements, respectively. The results of this study can be used for nuclear decommissioning plan during activation inventory assessment and regulation, and it is expected to be used as a reference in the design phase of nuclear power plant, considering the decommissioning of nuclear power plants or nuclear facilities.

Fabrication and Scintillation Characteristics of LiPO3 glass scintillators with the lanthanides activators (란탄계열 원소를 활성체로 첨가한 LiPO3 유리 섬광체의 제작과 섬광특성)

  • Whang, J.H.;Lee, J.M.;Jung, S.J.;Choi, S.H.;Sumarokov, S. Yu.
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2003
  • $LiPO_3$ glass scintillators were fabricated, and lanthanides(except Pm) oxides or chlorides were used as an activator. For the fabrication of $LiPO_3$ glasses, optimum heating conditions were obtained, and the photoluminescence of the glasses was measured by the monochromator. For the best transparency of the glass samples, optimum heating temperature and time are $950^{\circ}C$ and 90 min, respectively. It was found that Pr, Nd, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu do not work as activator; emission spectrums of samples with them were equal to those of samples without activators. In the case of samples with Europium, the peaks of emission spectrum of $Eu^{2+}$ and $Eu^{3+}$ were 420 nm and 620 nm respectively. And samples with $Ce^{3+}$ were about 380 nm, and $Tb^{3+}$ were about 550 nm. Glass scintillators with $Be^{3+}$, $Eu^{2+}$, and $Ce^{3+}$ were found to be more applicable to neutron detection. The result of neutron detection by Ra-Be sources showed that $Ce^{3+}$ was found to be the best activator of $LiPO_3$.

A Study on Improvement of Recycling Process of Waste Fluorescent Lamps (폐형광등 재활용 공정의 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Gee Hun;Lee, Dong Hoon;Song, Young Jun;Kim, Chang Kwon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to improve the recycling process of waste fluorescent lamp, and investigate the possibility of using the waste fluorescent lamp glass as a raw material for glass beads, the leaching method of rare earth from the waste phosphor powder, and the possibility of solvent extraction of rare earth from the rare earth leaching solution. The waste phosphor contained 28.9% yttrium oxide, 3.46% cerium oxide, 1.95% europium oxide, 1.76% terbium oxide, and 1.43% lanthanum oxide. As a result of the trial production of glass beads using waste fluorescent lamp glass, it was judged that the production yield and quality were excellent, so that waste fluorescent lamp glass could be used as a raw material for glass beads. The soda roasted waste phosphor was leached in water and thereby the aqueous solution was blown with CO2 to drop the pH to about 7, Then, Al, Si and residual N2CO3 were dissolved, and NaAlCO3(OH)2 and SiO2 were precipitated in the aqueous solution. In the solvent extraction of cyanex272-hydrochloric acid, cyanex272-sulfuric acid, D2EHPA-hydrochloric acid, D2EHPA-sulfuric acid, Ionquest290-hydrochloric acid, Ionquest290-sulfuric acid, p507-hydrochloric acid using xylene as a diluent, the extraction yield of Y, Eu, Ce, La, and Tb are close to 100%. However, in this conditions, the difference in extraction yield for each element, that is, selectivity is 16% or less.