• Title/Summary/Keyword: ethylene formation

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Studies on the Formation of Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate). 1. Polycondensation Catalyzed by Various Metal Compounds

  • 박상순;임승순
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.1093-1099
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    • 1995
  • The polycondensations of bis(2-hydroxyethyl) naphthalate were kinetically investigated in the presence of various metallic compounds as catalysts at 295 ℃. The effect of the catalyst nature in the polycondensation has been studied. The order of catalytic activity on the formation of poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate) was found to be related to the stability constants which are indicated in an index of the catalytic activity.

Ethylene Production and Internal Structure of Developing Maize Seeds (옥수수 종자의 발육 중 ethylene 발생과 내부형태 변화)

  • Lee Suk-Soon;Seo Jung-Moon;Hong Seung-Beom
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2006
  • In order to investigate the effects of ethylene on the seed development of three corn types (dent, sweet, and super sweet corns), aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG) and silver thiosulfate (STS) and ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, CEPA) were applied either on whole plants or shanks of ears at 9 and 21 days after silking. Ethylene production of developing super sweet corn seeds was much higher than those of sweet and dent corns. The cavity in the endosperm tissues of the super sweet corn started earlier and endosperm was collapsed more severely compared to those of sweet and dent corns. Ethylene production seemed to be related to the death of endosperm cells to form a cavity. Application of AVG and STS reduced ethylene production and delayed cavity formation in endosperm of super sweet corn seeds, while CEPA increased ethylene production and enhanced the time of cavity formation. AVG and STS increased 100-seed weight, while CEPA decreased.

Kinetics and Mechanism of the Selective Oxidation of Ethylene for Ethylene Oxide over Monolithic Silver Catalyst (모놀리스형 은촉매상에서 에틸렌선택산화반응의 속도론적 고찰)

  • Park, Rho-Bum;Kim, Sang-Chai;Sunwoo, Chang-Sin;Yu, Eui-Yeon
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 1991
  • The kinetics and the mechanism for the selective oxidation of ethylene on the supported monolithic silver catalyst were experimentally investigated in a fixed bed tubular reactor. The formation rates of ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide were measured at the atmospheric pressure with various combinations of partial pressures of ethylene and oxygen at temperature range of $225-300^{\circ}C$, conversion with 1.2-7.5 %, and then the mechanism of the selective oxidation of ethylene was verified. Their formation rates fitted with the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechnism. The ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide are produced by reation of adsorbed ethylene with monoatomic oxygen adsorbed on the active sites of Ag-surface, and their formation rate equation are expressed as : $R_{EO}={\frac{k_1K_0{^{1/2}}K_EK_SP_{02}{^{3/2}}P_E}{(1+{\sqrt{K_0P_{02}}}+K_EP_E+K_PP_P)^2(1+{\sqrt{K_SP_{02}})^2}}$ $R_C={\frac{k_2K_0{^3}K_EK_S{^{7/2}}P_{02}{^{13/2}}P_E}{(1+{\sqrt{K_0P_{02}}}+K_EP_E+K_PP_P)^7(1+{\sqrt{K_SP_{02}})^7}}$ The activation energies of ethylene oxide and dioxide and carbon dioxide formations can be estimated to be 12.25 and 17.85 Kcal/mol, respectively.

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Synthesis of New pH-Sensitive Poly(ethylene oxide-b-maleic acid) from Modification of Poly(ethylene oxide-b-N-phenylmaleimide)

  • Go, Da-Hyeon;Jeon, Hee-Jeong;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Kim, Geun-Seok;Choi, Jin-Hee;Lee, Jae-Yeol;Kim, Jung-Ahn;Yoo, Hyun-Oh;Bae, You-Han
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.659-662
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    • 2008
  • A new and useful poly(ethylene oxide)-based pH-sensitive block copolymer is introduced. Poly(ethylene oxide-b-N-phenylmaleimide) was first synthesized by anionic polymerization of N-phenylmaleimide (N-PMI) using mixed alkali metal polymeric alkoxide by sequential monomer addition method in the mixture of benzene/THF/DMSO (10/5/3, v/v/v) at room temperature. Reductive deimidation of the resulting block copolymer was performed using hydrazine monohydrate leading to the formation of the corresponding pH-sensitive poly(ethylene oxide-b-maleic acid).

Temperature Distribution in Ethylene Diffusion Flames Based on Measurement Techniques;Comparison of Thermocouple and Tow-Color Pyrometry (측정방법에 따른 에틸렌 확산화염의 온도분포;열전대 및 이색법 측정 결과 비교)

  • Lee, Won-Nam;Na, Yong-Dae;Lee, Bum-Ky;Park, Seong-Nam
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.12a
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2000
  • Flame temperatures were measured and compared using a rapid insertion technique and a two-color pyrometry with Abel inversion process in co-flow ethylene diffusion flames. The measured line-of-sight temperature showed very limited usefulness in understanding the detailed soot formation/oxidation process in a co-flow diffusion flame. The flame temperatures could be measured with reasonable accuracy for the soot laden regions in ethylene diffusion flames using two-color pyrometry with an Abel inversion technique. Two-color-pyrometry with Abel inversion was demonstrated as a useful temperature measurement technique for co-flow diffusion flames, expecially under pressure conditions, where a thermocouple is not applicable. The soot volume fraction could be also obtained using tow-color pyrometry with Abel inversion, which provides important information for understanding the soot formation/oxidation mechanism in diffusion flames.

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Charge Distributions in Polyethylene/Ethylene n-Butyl Acrylate Blends (Polyethylene/Ethylene n-Butyl Acrylate Blends의 전하형성특성)

  • Kim, Ok;Lee, Chang-R.;Lee, Mi-Kyung;Suh, Kwang-S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 1995
  • The space charge formation in polyethylene (PE)/ethylene n-butyl acrylate (EnBA) blends were investigated. Heterocharge was found in PE and EnBA containing 5 mole% of nBA while homocharge was found in EnBAs containing 19 and 20% of nBA. All PE/EnBA blends except the one with the EnBA containing 5% nBA showed heterocharge formation. Heterocharge was also found in crosslinked PE/EnBA blends, which was attributed to the volatile residuals generated by the thermal decomposition of peroxide.

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Fine Structural Formation and Physical Properties of Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate) Fibers Prepared by Vibrating Annealing (Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate) 섬유의 진동 열처리에 따른 미세구조 형성과 물성)

  • 이화경;김경효;조현혹
    • Proceedings of the Korean Fiber Society Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2002
  • Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphtalenen dicarboxylate)(PEN)에 관한 연구는 1948년 Cook 등에 의해 처음으로 PET의 benzene ring을 naphthalene ring으로 대체하는 새로운 합성방법이 보고되었다[1]. 그 역사는 비교적 오래 되었지만 1980년대까지 PEN의 구조에 관한 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 그러나 1980년대 후반이 되면서 소위 "high performance polymers"에 관한 관심의 증가로 매우 좋은 기계적 물성과 열 안정성을 가지고 있는 PEN은 매우 중요한 소재로 인식되었다[2]. (중략)

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Phase Equilibria and Formation Behaviors of Methane Hydrate with Ethylene Glycol and Salts (에틸렌글리콜과 염이 포함된 메탄 하이드레이트의 상평형과 형성 거동)

  • Kim, Dong Hyun;Park, Ki Hun;Cha, Minjun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.635-641
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    • 2020
  • In this study, phase equilibria and formation behaviors of methane hydrate containing mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) and salts (sodium chloride, NaCl; sodium bromide, NaBr; sodium iodide, NaI) are investigated. Equilibrium conditions of methane hydrate containing MEG and salts are measured in a temperature range 272~283 K and a pressure range 3.5~11 MPa. Hydrate inhibition performance in the presence of additives can be summarized as follows: methane hydrate containing (5 wt% NaCl + 10 wt% MEG) > (5 wt% NaBr + 10 wt% MEG) > (5 wt% NaI + 10 wt% MEG). Formation behaviors of methane hydrate with MEG and salts are investigated for analyzing the induction time, gas consumption amount and growth rate of methane hydrates. There are no significant changes in the induction time during methane hydrate formation, but the addition of MEG and salts solution during hydrate formation can affect the gas consumption amount and growth rate.

An analysis of influence on chemical additives in gas hydrate formation (하이드레이트 제조시 다양한 화학물질 첨가에 의한 영향 분석)

  • Lee Young-Chul;Mo Yong-Gi;Cho Byoung-Hak;Baek Young-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.8 no.4 s.25
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2004
  • This work carried out experiment to change characteristics of hydrate formation using various chemicals which are acetone, dimethylbutane, polyvinylalcohol, methanol and ethlyene glycol as additives in gas hydrate formation. Gas storage ability of formed hydrate with acetone, firnethylbuthane and polyvinylalcohol in gas hydrate formation increased higher than that obtained with pure water. Among them polyvinylalcohol showed best gas storage ability, so it is a more useful promoter Methanol and Ethylene gl?col in using additives showed the characteristics of inhibitor and methanol is lower gas storage ability than ethylene gl)rcol as a inhibitor in hydrate formation, so it is a more useful inhibitor. But, low concentration of methanol and ethylene glycol showed considerably higher gas storage ability of hydrate than that obtained with Pure water and showed the characteristics of promoter in gas hydrate formation.

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Synthesis of Block Copolymers Composed of Poly(N,N-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate) and PEG and Formation of Nanoaggregation (Poly(N,N-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate)와 PEG로 이루어진 블록공중합체 합성 및 나노복합체 형성)

  • 김은정;최호석;이지나;박기동;육순홍
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.854-859
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    • 2000
  • The synthesis of poly(N,N-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)) copolymer has been carried out and the block copolymer was characterized by FT-IR, DSC, and $^1$H-NMR. The formation of polymeric nanoaggregation was observed in the solution mixture of poly(DMAEMA) -block-PEG copolymer and poly (ethyl acrylamide) (EAAm) due to the intermolecular interaction via hydrogen bond between DMAEMA and poly(EAAm). The formation of polymeric nanoaggregation was observed above critical micelle concentration (CMC).

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