• Title/Summary/Keyword: estimation method

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A Study on Sample Allocation for Stratified Sampling (층화표본에서의 표본 배분에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Ingue;Park, Mingue
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1047-1061
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    • 2015
  • Stratified random sampling is a powerful sampling strategy to reduce variance of the estimators by incorporating useful auxiliary information to stratify the population. Sample allocation is the one of the important decisions in selecting a stratified random sample. There are two common methods, the proportional allocation and Neyman allocation if we could assume data collection cost for different observation units equal. Theoretically, Neyman allocation considering the size and standard deviation of each stratum, is known to be more effective than proportional allocation which incorporates only stratum size information. However, if the information on the standard deviation is inaccurate, the performance of Neyman allocation is in doubt. It has been pointed out that Neyman allocation is not suitable for multi-purpose sample survey that requires the estimation of several characteristics. In addition to sampling error, non-response error is another factor to evaluate sampling strategy that affects the statistical precision of the estimator. We propose new sample allocation methods using the available information about stratum response rates at the designing stage to improve stratified random sampling. The proposed methods are efficient when response rates differ considerably among strata. In particular, the method using population sizes and response rates improves the Neyman allocation in multi-purpose sample survey.

Estimation of POC Export Fluxes Using 234Th/238U Disequilibria in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica; Preliminary Result (남극 아문젠해에서 234Th/238U 비평형법을 사용한 유광대에서 심층으로의 입자상 유기탄소 침강플럭스 추정; 예비결과)

  • Kim, Mi Seon;Choi, Man Sik;Lee, Sang Heon;Lee, Sang Hoon;Rhee, Tae Siek;Hahm, Doshik
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2014
  • In order to understand the carbon cycle in the Amundsen Sea of the Southern Ocean, the export fluxes of particulate organic carbon from the euphotic zone to deep water estimated using ${\psi}$/${\psi}$ disequilibrium method. Seawaters in 14 water columns were collected during February and March 2012, and analyzed for total and dissolved ${\psi}$, and particulate organic carbon. Total ${\psi}$ activities in the water column showed deficiency and excess relative to those of ${\psi}$ depending on the water depth. Deficiency of total ${\psi}$ in the euphotic zone showed mirror images both with chlorophyll-a and fluorescence, and was consistent with the loss of nitrate, which indicated the effect of biological activity. In addition, deficiency of total ${\psi}$ from deep water was associated with the increase of total dissolvable Fe/Mn concentration. Excess total ${\psi}$ activity presented below the euphotic zone might be related to particulate ${\psi}$ concentrated in this water depth. Mean export flux of ${\psi}$ estimated using the steady state model was $867{\pm}246dpmm^{-2}day^{-1}$. Mean export flux of particulate organic carbon, which were estimated by the product of total ${\psi}$ flux and ratio of POC/${\psi}$ ($7.08{\pm}4.27{\mu}molCdpm^{-1}$) in the sinking particles, was $5.9{\pm}3.9mmolCm^{-2}day^{-1}$. These fluxes were similar levels to those in the Weddell Sea during February and March 2008. Export ratios (ThE) relative to the primary production in the euphotic zone were in the range of 3-54% (av. 28%).

Estimation of Rice and Soybean Growth Stage Using a Microwave Scatterometer (마이크로파 산란계를 이용한 벼, 콩 생육단계 추정)

  • Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young;Lee, Hoon-Yol;Lee, Jae-Eun;Lee, Kyung-Do
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2012
  • Microwave radar can penetrate cloud cover regardless of weather conditions and can be used day and night. Especially a A ground-based polarimetric scatterometer operating at multiple frequencies can continuously monitor the crop conditions. We analyzed scattering characteristics of rice and soybean using pauli decomposition method. Surface scattering (${\alpha}$) is the dominant component over the entire stages for all bands and pauli decomposition value was the highest for L-band. Double bounce scattering (${\beta}$) and volume scattering (${\gamma}$) were approximately equal for C-band and volume scattering was higher than double bounce scattering for X-band in rice field. In soybean, double bounce scattering becomes higher than volume scattering during the R2 stage (DOY 224) and there was a significant difference between the two components after the R4 stage (DOY 242) for L-band. The maximum growth stage of soybean can also be detected using L-band double bounce scattering. The peak of double bounce effect coincides with the peak of growth biophysical variables on DOY 271. We found that pauli decomposition can provide insight on the relative magnitude of different scattering mechanisms during the rice and soybean growth cycle.

Is Skeletonized Internal Mammary Artery Harvesting better than Pedicled Harvesting in Respect of the Sternal Blood Flow\ulcorner: An Estimation Using Bone Scan (내유동맥의 골격화 채취는 흉골로의 혈류 감소 측면에서 과연 유리한가 \ulcorner: 골주사를 이용한 평가)

  • 손국희;김영삼;김정택;윤용한;김광호;최원식;백완기
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.511-516
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    • 2004
  • Background: One of the theoretical advantages of skeletonized internal mammary artery harvesting in coronary artery bypass surgery is to minimize the interruption of the sternal blood flow inevitably accompanied by internal mammary harvesting. A study using bone scan is designed to determine the effects of internal mammary artery harvesting technique on the sternal blood flow. Material and Method: From April 2002 to March 2003, 27 patients out of 48 patients who underwent the isolated coronary bypass surgery were enrolled into the study. The enrolled patients underwent bone scan in the preoperative period and postoperative period respectively. Bilateral internal mammary artery was used in 8 patients (BIMA group) and single left internal mammary artery in 19 patients (LIMA group). The patients in LIMA group were divided into two groups: LlMA_skel group, in whom left internal mammary artery was harvested in skeletonized fashion (n=12), and LlMA_ped group, in whom left internal mammary artery was harvested in pedicled fashion (n=7). After the bone scan, the region of interest (ROI) was created on the left of the sternum and the mirror image with the same pixel numbers was placed on the right half of the sternum. The mean counts per pixel on the left side of the sternum was compared with those on the right side and expressed as left to right ratio (L/R ratio). Result: In LIMA group, the L/R ratio decreased from 94.6$\pm$4.1% to 87.9$\pm$6.9% (p=0.003) after the operation as compared to BIMA group, in which no change of the L/R ratio was observed. The changed of the L/R ratio in LlMA_skel group and LlMA_ped group were from 95.3$\pm$4.2% to 88.3$\pm$7.7% and from 93.4$\pm$3.9% to 87.4$\pm$5.8% respectively. The % changes in L/R ratio were -7.44 $\pm$7.08 in LIMA_skel group and -6.17$\pm$9.08 in LiMA_ped group, which did not reach the statistical difference. Conclusion: Ipsilateral sternal blood flow is interrupted by internal mammary artery harvesting as evidenced by the decrease in L/R ratio after left internal mammary artery harvesting irrespective of the harvesting techniques. Skeletonized harvesting did not show superiority in respect to sternal blood flow as compared to pedicled harvesting.

Economic Loss Estimation of Mt. Baekdu Eruption Scenarios (백두산 화산 분화 시나리오에 따른 경제적 손실 평가)

  • Yu, Soonyoung;Lee, Yun-Jung;Yoon, Seong-Min;Choi, Ki-Hong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.205-217
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    • 2014
  • As Mt. Backdu is expected to erupt, the social and economic impacts of the eruption on the Korean peninsula as well as on the world become a research topic of interest. If the volcano erupts, South Korea can be directly impacted by volcanic ash, which will bring out secondary damages in various ways. Given that the direct damage is a basis to estimate indirect and secondary damages, this paper was to review a method to estimate direct damages, called catastrophe risk models, and estimate the direct damages of available eruption scenarios of Mt. Baekdu. Based on the results, the damages by volcanic ash will occur mostly around Gangwon province if the Mt. Backdu erupts. Thus the inventory lists and their damage functions of Gangwon provinces were collected. In particular agricultural and forestry products were surveyed based on the land use. Direct damages were estimated using volcanic ash distribution of eruption scenarios, inventory information and their damage functions. In result, a scenario in winter caused the damage of 299.8 billion KRW (20.4% of total agricultural production in 2010) and 28.9 billion KRW (9.0% of total forestry production in 2010) in agriculture and forestry, respectively. The damages in agriculture was larger, and it is due to the damage functions which show the agricultural products are more vulnerable to volcanic ash than forestry products. Also the agricultural production (1,471.7 billion KRW in 2010) are more than 4.5 times the forestry production (322.3 billion KRW in 2010) in Gangwon province. Inje and Gangnung had the most damages in the scenario in winter. Inje had the most damage due to the thick ash deposit (8.5 mm in average) despite the low production. On the other hand, Goseong had a low damage compared to the ash thickness larger than 20mm, owing to the low production. The direct damage estimated through this process can be used to estimate indirect damages.

Clinical Estimation of Corrected State with Change in Vertex Distance (정점간거리 변화에 따른 교정상태의 임상 평가)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Lee, Hak-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to estimate the changes of corrected diopter and corrected visual acuity with the change in vertex distance. Also we aimed to provide basic data for refraction test. Methods: Using the trial lens, we measured the corrected diopter and corrected visual acuity after performing binocular balance test. We measured the changes of corrected diopter and corrected visual acuity in change of vertex distance. We analyzed statistical significance and relations between vertex distance and corrected diopter and corrected visual acuity. Results: There was no difference in corrected diopter with the change of vertex distance within -1.00D, but the corrected diopter increased with it over - 1.25D. In particular, the change of diopter was largest when the vertex distance increased 15 mm. At over 11.00D, there was large changes of diopter with the changes of vertex distance at 5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm. On correlation analysis between the vertex distance and the corrected diopter, there was strong correlation (r=0.999 at 5 mm increase of vertex distance, r=0.982 at 10 mm increase and r=0.957 at 15 mm increase) and also there was significant (p<0.01). At the change of visual acuity in increased of vertex distance, the range of a decrease in visual acuity was large when the changes of vertex distance was largest. On correlation analysis between the vertex distance and the corrected visual acuity, there was strong correlation (r=0.969 at 5 mm increase of vertex distance, r=0.985 at 10 mm increase and r=0.994 at 15 mm increase) and also there was significant (p<0.01). Conclusions: The vertex distance was very important at the refraction test and at wearing spectacle. On correlation analysis between the vertex distance and the corrected diopter, and the corrected visual acuity, there was strong correlation and statistically significant. Therefore, the vertex distance should be kept at the refraction using trial lens, and the best fitting was made not to slipping forward, and so we suggested regular refitting of spectacle and the managing method of spectacle were educated to the spectacle wearers.

Evaluation of Sperm Penetration Ability according to Various Morphological Characteristics of Spermatozoa (정자의 여러가지 형태학적 특징에 따른 정자 침투능의 평가)

  • Kim, J.H.;Jung, K.W.;Lew, Y.O.;Kwon, D.J.;Lim, Y.T.;Kim, J.H.;Nha, D.J.;Lee, J.W.
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 1994
  • Morphological estimation of human spermatozoa is complicated by the fact that there is great natural variation in shape. This natural variation in shapes makes it difficult to say which forms are associated with infertility and which are normal variations. Possibly post coital test or in vitro cervical mucus penetration tests will help to clarify this question by showing which sperm are capable of penetration. The purpose of this investigation was performed to assess distribution of various morphological abnormalities according to the ability of sperm to penetrate cervical mucus. The sperm-mucus penetration using hen's egg white as substituting mucus for human cervical mucus was done in 45 fertile men with normal semen analysis and 122 infertile men with abnormal seminal parameters more than one. The female partners of 122 infertile couples showed normal results in the female fundamental test for fertility. Conventional semen analysis was evaluated according to the WHO standard normal(l980). The detailed classification of the abnormal sperm was made according to David et al(l975). The vitality of the sperm samples determined by eosin yellow-nigrosin stainig according to the method of Eliasson(l977). Results were as follw; 1. The patients had significantly lower total sperm count, motility (%), normal morphology (%), viability and total functional sperm fractions(TFSF) than fertile donors. 2. The mean value of sperm penetration distance of the patients(28.69${\pm}$11.02mm) showed significantly lower than fertile donors(37.33${\pm}$5.49mm). And 43/45 fertile donors(95.5%) as well as 57/122 patients(46.7%) had over 30mm in sperm penetration distance respectively. While 2/45 fertile donors(4.5 %) and 65/122 patient(53.3%) had under 30mm in sperm penetration distance respectively. 3. The morphological abnormalities in fertile donors were significantly lower 23.04${\pm}$5.83% (head = 12.89${\pm}$4.98, neck=6.11${\pm}$3.83%, and tail=3.43${\pm}$2.65%), compared to 36.03${\pm}$14. 40% in patients(head = 15.98 8.60%, neck 11.20${\pm}$6.56% and tail=8.70${\pm}$6.55%). Also, 3 types of sperm abnormalities including head, neck and tail were significantly lower in patient than fertile donors, respectively. Both the patients and fertile donors showed higher distribution of sperm with abnormal head than abnormal neck and tail. 4. The mean morphological abnormalities(SP>30mm) of the patients(30.68 11.64%; head = 15.95${\pm}$9.35%, neck=8.14${\pm}$4.21 %, tail=6.56${\pm}$5.64%) were significantly lower compared to patients(40.72${\pm}$15.01 %; head=16.02${\pm}$7.69%, neck 13.89${\pm}$7.82%, tail=1O.58${\pm}$6.75%) under 30mm in sperm penetration distance. Also, both groups over 30mm and under 30mm in sperm penetration showed distance higher distribution of sperm with abnormal head than abnormal neck and tail. The morphological abnormalities of head did not show significant difference but abnormal neck and tail were significant difference between the over 30mm and under 30mm group in sperm penetration distance.

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Estimation of the Possible Age for Using Various Types of Inhaler by In-Check Inspiratory Flow Meter(TM) (In-Check Inspiratory Flow Meter(TM)를 사용하여 추정한 다양한 흡입기구의 사용 가능한 연령)

  • Jung, Kyung Hyun;Kim, Sun Ye;Lee, Jun Ho;Kim, Kye Sung;Jang, Yook;Han, Man Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : It is important to select and use kinds of Inhaler appropriate to the age of the patient and severity of symptoms. Several kinds of Inhaler have been developed and recommended according to each inhaler's resistance and usage method. We evaluated the usable age of 4 inhalers (turbulent flow inhalers, multi unit dose inhalers, breath actuated MDI, and autohalers) by measuring peak inspiratory flow(PIF) using $In-Check^{(TM)}$ Inspiratory Flow Meter. Methods : Ninety three patients aged from 3 to 7 years(mean $57{\pm}12.9$ mo.) who had admitted to CHA hospital from July 2000 to April 2001 were enrolled. Study patients were divided into 4 groups according to age : 3-4 years of age(group A, n=31), 4-5 years of age(group B, n=32), 5-6 years of age(group C, n=18), and 6-7 years of age(group D, n=12). Results : Out of total 93 patients, 23(71%), 27(84%), 17(94%) patients of each group A, B, C and all 12 patients of group D could use the 4 types of inhaler through adequated education. In all four groups, height, body weight and age were significantly correlated(P<0.05). Usable age, height and weight of children who can use turbulent flow inhaler(TFI) were each 8 year 7 month old, 144 cm, 32.0 kg, and those of multi unit dose inhaler(MUD) were 2 year 10 month old, 92 cm, 12.0 kg. Also that of breath-actuated MDI were 1 yr 8 months, 83 cm, 8.5 kg and that of autohaler were 2 yr 8 months, 91 cm, 11.0 kg Conclusion : We concluded that the ability to use inhalers correlated with height, weight and age of the patients. Multi unit dose inhalers, Breath actuated MDI and Autohaler are useful after 3 years of age through adequate education.

Estimation and Methods Estimating Daily Food Consumption of Agrammus agrammus (노래미, Agrammus agrammus의 일간섭식량 추정법과 추정)

  • KIM Chong-Kwan;KANG Yong-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 1992
  • This study was covered the amount of food consumed per day as well as methods estimating the daily food consumption per fish of Agrammus agrammus in natural population to understand flow of food organisms among trophic levels in bio-community of the coastal waters, Shinsudo, Samchonpo. The estimating formulas were induced from the mathematical models that representing the diurnal fluctuation of the stomach fullness of the fish. The daily food consumption could be estimated by both feeding rates and gastric evacuation rates, but it was more reasonable method that based on gastric evacuation rates than feeding rates. The daily food consumption in wet weight per fish by gastric evacuation rates were 1.9856g/day, 3.4725g/day, 4.4418g/day, 5.8168g/day, and 7.2113g/day in the order of age groups from 0 to 4. The daily rations as percentage of body weight were $9.35\%,\;6.65\%,\;5.76\%,\;4.72\%\;and\;5.31\%$ in the order of ages. The daily food consumption was proportional to the body weight of fish, but the daily food consumption per specific body weight was reciprocal to the body weight. Annual food consumption in wet weight. per fish by gastric evacuation rates were 529.98g from the age of 0.25 to 1.0, 1,269.28g from the age of 1.0 to 2.0, 1,622.76g from the age of 2.0 to 3.0, 2,125.57g from the age of 3.0 to 4.0, 1,316.09g from the age of 4.0 to 4.5 The amount of food consumed per fish during 4.25 years, from the age of 0.25 to 4.5, was 6,863.68g in wet weight. the relationships between the daily food consumption(Dr) by gastric evacuation rates and the total length(L, cm) or the body weight(W, g) were as follows: $$Dr=0.036L^{1.702}$$ $$Dr=0.254W^{0.664}$$

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PM2.5 Simulations for the Seoul Metropolitan Area: (II) Estimation of Self-Contributions and Emission-to-PM2.5 Conversion Rates for Each Source Category (수도권 초미세먼지 농도모사 : (II) 오염원별, 배출물질별 자체 기여도 및 전환율 산정)

  • Kim, Soontae;Bae, Changhan;Yoo, Chul;Kim, Byeong-Uk;Kim, Hyun Cheol;Moon, Nankyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.377-392
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    • 2017
  • A set of BFM (Brute Force Method) simulations with the CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) model were conducted in order to estimate self-contributions and conversion rates of PPM (Primary $PM_{2.5}$), $NO_x$, $SO_2$, $NH_3$, and VOC emissions to $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations over the SMA (Seoul Metropolitan Area). CAPSS (Clean Air Policy Support System) 2013 EI (emissions inventory) from the NIER (National Institute of Environmental Research) was used for the base and sensitivity simulations. SCCs (Source Classification Codes) in the EI were utilized to group the emissions into area, mobile, and point source categories. PPM and $PM_{2.5}$ precursor emissions from each source category were reduced by 50%. In turn, air quality was simulated with CMAQ during January, April, July, and October in 2014 for the BFM runs. In this study, seasonal variations of SMA $PM_{2.5}$ self-sensitivities to PPM, $SO_2$, and $NH_3$ emissions can be observed even when the seasonal emission rates are almost identical. For example, when the mobile PPM emissions from the SMA were 634 TPM (Tons Per Month) and 603 TPM in January and July, self-contributions of the emissions to monthly mean $PM_{2.5}$ were $2.7{\mu}g/m^3$ and $1.3{\mu}g/m^3$ for the months, respectively. Similarly, while $NH_3$ emissions from area sources were 4,169 TPM and 3,951 TPM in January and July, the self-contributions to monthly mean $PM_{2.5}$ for the months were $2.0{\mu}g/m^3$ and $4.4{\mu}g/m^3$, respectively. Meanwhile, emission-to-$PM_{2.5}$ conversion rates of precursors vary among source categories. For instance, the annual mean conversion rates of the SMA mobile, area, and point sources were 19.3, 10.8, and $6.6{\mu}g/m^3/10^6TPY$ for $SO_2$ emissions while those rates for PPM emissions were 268.6, 207.7, and 181.5 (${\mu}g/m^3/10^6TPY$), respectively, over the region. The results demonstrate that SMA $PM_{2.5}$ responses to the same amount of reduction in precursor emissions differ for source categories and in time (e.g. seasons), which is important when the cost-benefit analysis is conducted during air quality improvement planning. On the other hand, annual mean $PM_{2.5}$ sensitivities to the SMA $NO_x$ emissions remains still negative even after a 50% reduction in emission category which implies that more aggressive $NO_x$ reductions are required for the SMA to overcome '$NO_x$ disbenefit' under the base condition.