• Title/Summary/Keyword: estimation method

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A Study on Estimation of End Bearing Capacity of a PHC-W Pile in Building Underground Additional Wall Using the PHC-W Earth Retaining Wall (PHC-W 흙막이 벽체를 이용한 건축물 지하증설벽체에서 PHC-W말뚝의 선단지지력 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chea Min;Yun, Daehee;Lee, Chang Uk;Johannes, Jeanette Odelia;Kim, Sung Su;Choi, Yongkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2019
  • With the recent concentration of urban populations, the constructions of large structures are increasing, along with the development of foundations for large structures. PHC Piles have been used in many structures ever since Japanese introduced the technology at the end of the 20th century. Recently, many studies on the use of the PHC Pile have been carried out as earth retaining using the merits of PHC piles. In this study, static axial compression tests were conducted on the PHC-W piles constructed as column-type in building underground additional wall using the PHC-W earth retaining wall. The end bearing capacity of pile was calculated using the axial load transfer measurement that was obtained from the static axial compression test result. Since end bearing capacity of the PHC-W pile embedded in weathered rock showed a different behaviour from the conventional PHC pile, the calculation method of end bearing capacity for column-type PHC-W piles would be proposed. The unit ultimate end bearing equation proposed for single and group PHC-W pile embedded in weathered rock is $q_b=13.3N_b$ and $q_b=6.8N_b$.

Estimation of Deformation Modulus of Basaltic Rock Masses in Northeastern and Northwestern Jeju Island (제주도 북동부 및 북서부 현무암반의 변형계수 추정)

  • Yang, Soon-Bo;Boo, Sang-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the in situ deformation moduli, which were measured by borehole loading tests at basaltic rock masses located in the northeastern onshore and offshore and the northwestern onshore of Jeju Island, were examined in relation to RQD and RMR. The measured deformation moduli were also compared with the estimated deformation moduli from conventional empirical formulas using RQD and RMR. In addition, the measured deformation moduli were analyzed with respect to both the velocity ratio ($V_P/V_S$) and dynamic Poisson's ratio, which were obtained from the elastic wave velocities measured by velocity logging tests. As results, with only RQD, it was inappropriate to evaluate the quality of the Jeju island basaltic rock masses, which are characterized by vesicular structures, to select a measurement method of in situ deformation moduli, and to estimate the deformation moduli. On the other hand, it was desirable to evaluate the quality of the Jeju Island basaltic rock masses, and to estimate the deformation moduli by using RMR. The conventional empirical formulas using RMR overestimated the deformation moduli of the Jeju Island basaltic rock masses. There was qualitative consistency in the relation between velocity ratio and deformation moduli. To estimate appropriately the deformation moduli of the Jeju Island basaltic rock masses, empirical formulas were proposed as the function of RMR and velocity ratio, respectively.

A Study on Dam Exterior Inspection and Cost Standards using Drones (드론을 활용한 댐 외관조사 및 대가기준에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Lee, Jai-Ho;Kim, Do-Seon;Lee, Suk-Bae
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.608-616
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Safety inspections by existing personnel have been limited in evaluation and data securing due to concerns about the safety of technicians or difficulty in accessing them, and are becoming a bigger problem as the number of maintenance targets increases due to the aging of facilities. As drone technology develops, it is possible to ensure the safety of personnel, secure visual data, and diagnose quickly, and use it is increasing as safety inspection of facilities by drones was introduced recently. In order to further enhance utilization, it is considered necessary to base a consideration standard for facility appearance investigation by drones, and in this paper, research was conducted on dams. Method: To calculate the quality, existing domestic safety inspection and drone-related consideration standards were investigated, and procedures related to safety inspection using drones were compared and analyzed to review work procedures and construction types. In addition, empirical data were collected through drone photography and elevation image production for the actual dam. Result: Work types for safety inspection of facilities using drones were derived, and empirical survey results were collected for two dams according to work types. The existing guidelines were applied for the adjustment ratios for each structural type and standard of the facility, and if a meteorological reference point survey was necessary, the unmanned aerial vehicle survey of the construction work standard was applied. Conclusion: The finer the GSD in appearance investigation using drones, the greater the number of photographs taken, and the concept of adjustment cost was applied as a correction to calculate the consideration standard. In addition, it was found that the problem of maximum GSD indicating limitations should be considered in order to maintain the safe distance.

Development of Low-Power IoT Sensor and Cloud-Based Data Fusion Displacement Estimation Method for Ambient Bridge Monitoring (상시 교량 모니터링을 위한 저전력 IoT 센서 및 클라우드 기반 데이터 융합 변위 측정 기법 개발)

  • Park, Jun-Young;Shin, Jun-Sik;Won, Jong-Bin;Park, Jong-Woong;Park, Min-Yong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2021
  • It is important to develop a digital SOC (Social Overhead Capital) maintenance system for preemptive maintenance in response to the rapid aging of social infrastructures. Abnormal signals induced from structures can be detected quickly and optimal decisions can be made promptly using IoT sensors deployed on the structures. In this study, a digital SOC monitoring system incorporating a multimetric IoT sensor was developed for long-term monitoring, for use in cloud-computing server for automated and powerful data analysis, and for establishing databases to perform : (1) multimetric sensing, (2) long-term operation, and (3) LTE-based direct communication. The developed sensor had three axes of acceleration, and five axes of strain sensing channels for multimetric sensing, and had an event-driven power management system that activated the sensors only when vibration exceeded a predetermined limit, or the timer was triggered. The power management system could reduce power consumption, and an additional solar panel charging could enable long-term operation. Data from the sensors were transmitted to the server in real-time via low-power LTE-CAT M1 communication, which does not require an additional gateway device. Furthermore, the cloud server was developed to receive multi-variable data from the sensor, and perform a displacement fusion algorithm to obtain reference-free structural displacement for ambient structural assessment. The proposed digital SOC system was experimentally validated on a steel railroad and concrete girder bridge.

Estimation of the Dimensions of Horticultural Products and the Mean Plant Height of Plug Seedlings Using Three-Dimensional Images (3차원 영상을 이용한 원예산물의 크기와 플러그묘의 평균초장 추정)

  • Jang, Dong Hwa;Kim, Hyeon Tae;Kim, Yong Hyeon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.358-365
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to estimate the dimensions of horticultural products and the mean plant height of plug seedlings using three-dimensional (3D) images. Two types of camera, a ToF camera and a stereo-vision camera, were used to acquire 3D images for horticultural products and plug seedlings. The errors calculated from the ToF images for dimensions of horticultural products and mean height of plug seedlings were lower than those predicted from stereo-vision images. A new indicator was defined for determining the mean plant height of plug seedlings. Except for watermelon with tap, the errors of circumference and height of horticultural products were 0.0-3.0% and 0.0-4.7%, respectively. Also, the error of mean plant height for plug seedlings was 0.0-5.5%. The results revealed that 3D images can be utilized to estimate accurately the dimensions of horticultural products and the plant height of plug seedlings. Moreover, our method is potentially applicable for segmenting objects and for removing outliers from the point cloud data based on the 3D images of horticultural crops.

Accuracy Assessment of Aerial Triangulation of Network RTK UAV (네트워크 RTK 무인기의 항공삼각측량 정확도 평가)

  • Han, Soohee;Hong, Chang-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.663-670
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    • 2020
  • In the present study, we assessed the accuracy of aerial triangulation using a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) capable of network RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) survey in a disaster situation that may occur in a semi-urban area mixed with buildings. For a reliable survey of check points, they were installed on the roofs of buildings, and static GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) survey was conducted for more than four hours. For objective accuracy assessment, coded aerial targets were installed on the check points to be automatically recognized by software. At the instance of image acquisition, the 3D coordinates of the UAV camera were measured using VRS (Virtual Reference Station) method, as a kind of network RTK survey, and the 3-axial angles were achieved using IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and gimbal rotation measurement. As a result of estimation and update of the interior and exterior orientation parameters using Agisoft Metashape, the 3D RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of aerial triangulation ranged from 0.153 m to 0.102 m according to the combination of the image overlap and the angle of the image acquisition. To get higher aerial triangulation accuracy, it was proved to be effective to incorporate oblique images, though it is common to increase the overlap of vertical images. Therefore, to conduct a UAV mapping in an urgent disaster site, it is necessary to acquire oblique images together rather than improving image overlap.

Development of Optimal Chlorination Model and Parameter Studies (최적 염소 소독 모형의 개발 및 파라미터 연구)

  • Kim, Joonhyun;Ahn, Sooyoung;Park, Minwoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.403-413
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    • 2020
  • A mathematical model comprised with eight simultaneous quasi-linear partial differential equations was suggested to provide optimal chlorination strategy. Upstream weighted finite element method was employed to construct multidimensional numerical code. The code was verified against measured concentrations in three type of reactors. Boundary conditions and reaction rate were calibrated for the sixteen cases of experimental results to regenerate the measured values. Eight reaction rate coefficients were estimated from the modeling result. The reaction rate coefficients were expressed in terms of pH and temperature. Automatic optimal algorithm was invented to estimate the reaction rate coefficients by minimizing the sum of squares of the numerical errors and combined with the model. In order to minimize the concentration of chlorine and pollutants at the final usage sites, a real-time predictive control system is imperative which can predict the water quality variables from the chlorine disinfection process at the water purification plant to the customer by means of a model and operate the disinfection process according to the influent water quality. This model can be used to build such a system in water treatment plants.

Pupil Data Measurement and Social Emotion Inference Technology by using Smart Glasses (스마트 글래스를 활용한 동공 데이터 수집과 사회 감성 추정 기술)

  • Lee, Dong Won;Mun, Sungchul;Park, Sangin;Kim, Hwan-jin;Whang, Mincheol
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.973-979
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to objectively and quantitatively determine the social emotion of empathy by collecting pupillary response. 52 subjects (26 men and 26 women) voluntarily participated in the experiment. After the measurement of the reference of 30 seconds, the experiment was divided into the task of imitation and spontaneously self-expression. The two subjects were interacted through facial expressions, and the pupil images were recorded. The pupil data was processed through binarization and circular edge detection algorithm, and outlier detection and removal technique was used to reject eye-blinking. The pupil size according to the empathy was confirmed for statistical significance with test of normality and independent sample t-test. Statistical analysis results, the pupil size was significantly different between empathy (M ± SD = 0.050 ± 1.817)) and non-empathy (M ± SD = 1.659 ± 1.514) condition (t(92) = -4.629, p = 0.000). The rule of empathy according to the pupil size was defined through discriminant analysis, and the rule was verified (Estimation accuracy: 75%) new 12 subjects (6 men and 6 women, mean age ± SD = 22.84 ± 1.57 years). The method proposed in this study is non-contact camera technology and is expected to be utilized in various virtual reality with smart glasses.

Evaluation of Runoff Prediction from a Coniferous Forest Watersheds and Runoff Estimation under Various Cover Degree Scenarios using GeoWEPP Watershed Model (GeoWEPP을 이용한 침엽수림 지역 유출특성 예측 및 다양한 식생 피도에 따른 유출량 평가)

  • Choi, Jaewan;Shin, Min Hwan;Cheon, Se Uk;Shin, Dongseok;Lee, Sung Jun;Moon, Sun Jung;Ryu, Ji Cheol;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.425-432
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    • 2011
  • To control non-point source pollution at a watershed scale, rainfall-runoff characteristics from forest watersheds should be investigated since the forest is the dominant land use in Korea. Long-term monitoring would be an ideal method. However, computer models have been utilized due to limitations in cost and labor in performing long-term monitoring at the watersheds. In this study, the Geo-spatial interface to the Water Erosion Prediction Project (GeoWEPP) model was evaluated for its runoff prediction from a coniferous forest dominant watersheds. The $R^2$ and the NSE for calibrated result comparisons were 0.77 and 0.63, validated result comparisons were 0.92, 0.89, respectively. These comparisons indicated that the GeoWEPP model can be used in evaluating rainfall-runoff characteristics. To estimate runoff changes from a coniferous forest watershed with various cover degree scenarios, ten cover degree scenarios (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%) were run using the calibrated GeoWEPP model. It was found that runoff increases with decrease in cover degree. Runoff volume was the highest ($206,218.66m^3$) at 10% cover degree, whereas the lowest ($134,074.58m^3$) at 100% cover degree due to changes in evapotranspiration under various cover degrees at the forest. As shown in this study, GeoWEPP model could be efficiently used to investigate runoff characteristics from the coniferous forest watershed and effects of various cover degree scenarios on runoff generation.

Rule-base Expert System for Privacy Violation Certainty Estimation (개인정보유출 확신도 도출을 위한 전문가시스템개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Alexander;Kim, Hyung-Jong;Hwang, Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2009
  • Logs from various security system can reveal the attack trials for accessing private data without authorization. The logs can be a kind of confidence deriving factors that a certain IP address is involved in the trial. This paper presents a rule-based expert system for derivation of privacy violation confidence using various security systems. Generally, security manager analyzes and synthesizes the log information from various security systems about a certain IP address to find the relevance with privacy violation cases. The security managers' knowledge handling various log information can be transformed into rules for automation of the log analysis and synthesis. Especially, the coverage of log analysis for personal information leakage is not too broad when we compare with the analysis of various intrusion trials. Thus, the number of rules that we should author is relatively small. In this paper, we have derived correlation among logs from IDS, Firewall and Webserver in the view point of privacy protection and implemented a rule-based expert system based on the derived correlation. Consequently, we defined a method for calculating the score which represents the relevance between IP address and privacy violation. The UI(User Interface) expert system has a capability of managing the rule set such as insertion, deletion and update.