• Title/Summary/Keyword: equipment interface

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  • 김인준;최완식
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2003
  • Engineering qualification model payload for a communications and broadcasting satellite(CBS) was developed by ETRI from May, 2000 to April, 2003. For. the purpose of functional test and verification of the payload, a real-time hardware-in-the-loop(HITL) CBS simulator(CBSSIM) was also developed. We assumed that the spacecraft platform for the CBSSIM is a geostationary communication satellite using momentum bias three-axis stabilization control technique based on Koreasat. The payload hardware is combined with CBSSIM via Power, Command and Telemetry System(PCTS) of Electrical Ground Support Equipment(EGSE). CBSSIM is connected with PCTS by TCP/IP and the payload is combined with PCTS by MIL-STD-1553B protocol and DC harness. This simulator runs under the PC-based simulation environment with Windows 2000 operating system. The satellite commands from the operators are transferred to the payload or bus subsystem models through the real-time process block in the simulator. Design requirements of the CBSSIM are to operate in real-time and generate telemetry. CBSSIM provides various graphic monitoring interfaces and control functions and supports both pre-launch and after-launch of a communication satellite system. In this paper, the HITL simulator system including CBSSIM, communications payload and PCTS as the medium of interface between CBSSIM and communications payload will be described in aspects of the system architecture, spacecraft models, and simulator operation environment.

Prevention of P-i Interface Contamination Using In-situ Plasma Process in Single-chamber VHF-PECVD Process for a-Si:H Solar Cells

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Jeon, Jun-Hong;Choi, Jin-Young;Park, Won-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.204-205
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    • 2011
  • In thin film silicon solar cells, p-i-n structure is adopted instead of p/n junction structure as in wafer-based Si solar cells. PECVD is a most widely used thin film deposition process for a-Si:H or ${\mu}c$-Si:H solar cells. For best performance of thin film silicon solar cell, the dopant profiles at p/i and i/n interfaces need to be as sharp as possible. The sharpness of dopant profiles can easily achieved when using multi-chamber PECVD equipment, in which each layer is deposited in separate chamber. However, in a single-chamber PECVD system, doped and intrinsic layers are deposited in one plasma chamber, which inevitably impedes sharp dopant profiles at the interfaces due to the contamination from previous deposition process. The cross-contamination between layers is a serious drawback of a single-chamber PECVD system in spite of the advantage of lower initial investment cost for the equipment. In order to resolve the cross-contamination problem in single-chamber PECVD systems, flushing method of the chamber with NH3 gas or water vapor after doped layer deposition process has been used. In this study, a new plasma process to solve the cross-contamination problem in a single-chamber PECVD system was suggested. A single-chamber VHF-PECVD system was used for superstrate type p-i-n a-Si:H solar cell manufacturing on Asahi-type U FTO glass. A 80 MHz and 20 watts of pulsed RF power was applied to the parallel plate RF cathode at the frequency of 10 kHz and 80% duty ratio. A mixture gas of Ar, H2 and SiH4 was used for i-layer deposition and the deposition pressure was 0.4 Torr. For p and n layer deposition, B2H6 and PH3 was used as doping gas, respectively. The deposition temperature was $250^{\circ}C$ and the total p-i-n layer thickness was about $3500{\AA}$. In order to remove the deposited B inside of the vacuum chamber during p-layer deposition, a high pulsed RF power of about 80 W was applied right after p-layer deposition without SiH4 gas, which is followed by i-layer and n-layer deposition. Finally, Ag was deposited as top electrode. The best initial solar cell efficiency of 9.5 % for test cell area of 0.2 $cm^2$ could be achieved by applying the in-situ plasma cleaning method. The dependence on RF power and treatment time was investigated along with the SIMS analysis of the p-i interface for boron profiles.

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Smart Care System on a Small Boat for an Effective Emergency Service (효과적인 응급대응을 위한 소형선박의 위치기반 스마트케어시스템)

  • Shin, Dong-Young;Lee, Byung-Mun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2012
  • The existing ship monitoring system currently in use has a limitation, which is that it can only identify a boat's location for finding a safe harbor or give an answer to a rescue signal. In addition to this, it is very difficult to add an expensive, more effective monitoring system to small boats because of their small infrastructure in comparison with large boats. Therefore, this study suggests that a new model could be required to better cater to the needs of small boats. The 'Smart Care System', based on location, is better able to monitor the boat and the crew of small boats in comparison with the existing ship monitoring system. Using biomedical data transmission equipment, it is able to survey and send biomedical data so that it can continuously monitor the crew's health. The boat has an intelligent interface device, which has the functions of GPS and attitude sensors, and a web based management system. We have conducted three experiments for the assessment of this system. The experiment of biological data transmission had a success rate of 98 percent, and the tests conducted for recognizing emergency situations also had a 98 percent success rate. In conclusion we confirmed the efficiency of this system.

The Design and Implementation of a Network-based Stand-alone Motion System

  • Cho, Myoung-Chol;Jeon, Jae-Wook
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.865-870
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    • 2003
  • A motion controller has been used variously in industry such as semiconductor manufacture equipment, industrial robot, assembly/conveyor line applications and CNC equipment. There are several types of controller in motion control. One of these is a PC-based motion controller such as PCI or ISA, and another is stand-alone motion controller. The PC bus-based motion controller is popular because of improving bus architectures and GUI (Graphic User Interface) that offer convenience of use to user. There are some problems in this. The PC bus-based solution allows for only one of the form factors, so it has a poor flexibility. The overall system package size is bigger than other motion control system. And also, additional axes of control require additional slot, however the number of slots is limited. Furthermore, unwieldy and many wirings come to connect plants or I/O. The stand-alone motion controller has also this limit of axes of control and wiring problems. To resolve these problems, controller must have capability of operating as stand-alone devices that resides outside the computer and it needs network capability to communicate to each motion device. In this paper, a network-based stand-alone motion system is proposed. This system integrates PC and motion controller into one stand-alone motion system, and uses CAN (Controller Area Network) as network protocol. Single board computer that is type of 3.5" FDD form factor is used to reduce the system size and cost. It works with Windows XP Embedded as operating system. This motion system operates by itself or serves as master motion controller that communicates to slave motion controller. The Slave motion controllers can easily connect to master motion system through CAN-network.

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Picture archiving and communications systems development and performance results

  • Nam, Ji-Seung;Ralph Martinez
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1991.10b
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    • pp.1796-1800
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    • 1991
  • Picture Archiving and Communication Systems(PACS) provide an integration of digital imaging information in a hospital, which encompasses various imaging equipment, viewing workstations, database archive systems, and a high speed fiber optic network. One of the most important requirements for integration is the standardization of communication protocols to connect devices from different vendors. Since 1985, the ACR-NEMA standard provides a hardware interface, a set of software commands, and a consistent set of data formats for point-to-point interconnection of medical equipment. However, it has been shown to be inadequate for PACS networking environments, because of its point-to-point nature and its inflexibility to allow other services and protocols in the future. Based on previous experience of PACS developments in The University of Arizona, a new communication protocol for PACS networks has been suggested to the ACR-NEMA Working Group VI. The defined PACS protocol is intended to facilitate the development of PACS's capable of interfacing with other hospital information systems. Also, it is intended to allow the creation of diagnostic information data bases which can be interrogated by a variety of distributed devices. A particularly important goal is to support communications in a multivendor environment. The new protocol specifications are defined primarily as a combination of the International Organization for Standardization / Open Systems Interconnection (ISO/OSI) protocols and the data format portion of ACR-NEMA standard. This paper addresses the specification and implementation of the proposed PACS protocol into network node. The protocol specification, which covers Presentation, Session, Transport, and Network layers, is summarized briefly. The implementation has natural extentions to Global PACS environments. The protocol implementation is discussed based on our implementation efforts in the UNIX Operating System Environment. At the same time, results of performance evaluation are presented to demonstrate the implementation of defined protocol. The testing of performance analysis is performed on the PACS prototype node.

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A Study on Development of Component based Common Use Passenger Processing Systems for Incheon International Airport (컴포넌트 기반의 차세대 공용여객처리시스템 설계 및 구현 - 인천국제공항 사례 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2011
  • IATA is playing a central role in the process of changing the international technical standards of common-use system which supports the airport check-in and boarding business in conjunction with the airline systems from CUTE to CUPPS. IATA expects that if the airport common-use system is changed to CUPPS, the development and maintenance costs related to the airline's common-use system can be reduced by the implementation of the standard interface about check-in and boarding business-related equipment and the certification of airline applications. Incheon International Airport is in the face of stiff competition with major Northeast Asian Airports to attract more airlines. To be more competitive than other airports, switching over to CUPPS is vital for airline's cost-saving effect. This study builds on CUPPS international technical standards and suggests design and implementation plans of Incheon International Airport's component-based next-generation common use passenger processing systems to support the various functions of user's requirements.

Implementation of High Speed Image Data Transfer using XDMA

  • Gwon, Hyeok-Jin;Choi, Doo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we present an implementation of high speed image data transfer using XDMA for a video signal generation / acquisition device developed as a military test equipment. The technology proposed in this study obtains efficiency by replacing the method of copying data using the system buffer in the kernel area with the transmission and reception through the DMA engine in the FPGA. For this study, the device was developed as a PXIe platform in consideration of life cycle, and performance was maximized by using a low-cost FPGA considering mass productivity. The video I/O board implemented in this paper was tested by changing the AXI interface clock frequency and link speed through the existing memory copy method. In addition, the board was constructed using the DMA engine of the FPGA, and as a result, it was confirmed that the transfer speed was increased from 5~8Hz to 140Hz. The proposed method will contribute to strengthening defense capability by reducing the cost of device development using the PXIe platform and increasing the technology level.

An Efficient Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation Scheme for Proximity Service in Cellular Networks (셀룰러 망에서 Proximity Service를 위한 효율적인 셀 간 간섭 완화 방안)

  • Kim, Cha-Ju;Min, Sang-Won
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.100-113
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    • 2018
  • The Proximity Service, which is one of the most popular network capacity improvement methods, uses the frequency reuse in order to increase the frequency efficiency. As a result, inter-cell interference between cellular and proximity service users occurs at a cell edge. In this paper, we proposed a mitigation scheme for inter-cell interference, where we suggested a new function of and eNB with ProSe function exchanging information about ProSe parameters and ProSe user equipment with neighboring cells via the X2 interface. As the first step, the resource which did not cause the inter-cell interference problem were pre-allocated through the frequency sensing in the ProSe direct discovery. As the next step, the inter-cell interference problem was solved by reallocating appropriate resources based on the ProSe application code, the ProSe application QoS, the ProSe application ID and validity timer in ProSe direct communication.

Development of Integrated TCU for Multimedia Communication Devices Control (멀티미디어 통신기기 제어를 위한 통합 TCU 개발)

  • Lim, Yangmi;Kang, Namhi
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2014
  • Companies almost don't use an integrated control system using expensive network system in multimedia like TV and DID, despite IP-Broadcasting and communication equipment have expanded rapidly. The proposed integrated TCU(terminal control unit) is a control device that supports TV power On/Off check and remote control, power control reservation function, TV channel change, a variety of interface supports of input/output AC power & Lan port, RS-232C and IR using existing IP network after there is installed the Wake-on -Lan in the set-top box. The TCU can control and monitor 24 hours unlike existing low-cost control system RF method. In existing control equipment markets without expandability and low price, the TCU development including 24 hours monitoring and automatic control functions is expected to secure a wide range of companies.

An experimental study on the improvement of tunnel drainage system using a geogrid composite (지오그리드 복합 배수재를 이용한 터널 배수성능 개선에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Jun S.;Choi, Il-yoon;Lim, Jihoon;Yoon, Suk Chul
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2016
  • A new testing equipment is designed to investigate the characteristics of the drainage fabric which is used in the tunnel drain system. The equipment is possible to model the loading as well as boundary conditions of the shotcrete precisely and it follows the general guideline of ASTM D4716 so that the interface between shotcrete and concrete lining retains the real situation in the tunnel site. Using the real loading conditions and surface irregularities, the flow rate and its capacity of the regular fabric has been estimated. A composite drainage fabric having geogrid inside was also used to investigate the flow rate and its efficiency. The advantages of the composite fabric compared with the regular one have been demonstrated using the experimental data and brief outline of the future work is finally proposed.