• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental approach

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A simple approach to refraction statics with the Generalized Reciprocal Method and the Refraction Convolution Section (GRM과 RCS 방법을 이용한 굴절파 정적 시간차를 구하는 간단한 방법)

  • Palmer Derecke;Jones Leonie
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2005
  • We derive refraction statics for seismic data recorded in a hard rock terrain, in which there are large and rapid variations in the depth of weathering. The statics corrections range from less than 10 ms to more than 70 ms, often over distances as short as 12 receiver intervals. This study is another demonstration of the importance in obtaining accurate initial refraction models of the weathering in hard rock terrains in which automatic residual statics may fail. We show that the statics values computed with a simple model of the weathering using the Generalized Reciprocal Method (GRM) and the Refraction Convolution Section (RCS) are comparable in accuracy to those computed with a more complex model of the weathering, using least-mean-squares inversion with the conjugate gradient algorithm (Taner et al., 1998). The differences in statics values between the GRM model and that of Taner et al. (1998) systematically vary from an average of 2ms to 4ms over a distance of 8.8 km. The differences between these two refraction models and the final statics model, which includes the automatic residual values, are generally less than 5 ms. The residuals for the GRM model are frequently less than those for the model of Taner et al. (1998). The RCS statics are picked approximately 10 ms later, but their relative accuracy is comparable to that of the GRM statics. The residual statics values show a general correlation with the refraction statics values, and they can be reduced in magnitude by using a lower average seismic velocity in the weathering. These results suggest that inaccurate average seismic velocities in the weathered layer may often be a source of short-wavelength statics, rather than any shortcomings with the inversion algorithms in determining averaged delay times from the traveltimes.

Development of Culinary Tourism in European Countries

  • Boiko, Viktoriia;Liubynskyi, Oleksandr;Strikha, Liudmyla;Zarakhovskyi, Oleksandr Y.;Neilenko, Sergii
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2021
  • The scientific paper studies the impact of tourism and traveling on the economic level of development of countries at the macro level and its relationship with other sectors of the economy. Tourism is one of the budget-forming factors of every economy. This work describes the main trends in the development of tourism. It is determined that about one third of tourism revenues are generated by the food sector, i.e., the culinary niche of tourism. Culinary tourism is a new direction of tourism, but it is developing quite dynamically in the EU. Culinary is an important part of rural tourism in the EU and culinary tourism is actively promoted at fairs and festivals. In recent years rural tourism has been developing both at the international level and in Ukraine, primarily due to its features, which include the implementation of the principles of sustainable community development, preservation of local traditions and cultural values, gastronomic events to promote them. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the development of gastronomic tourism in the world, to analyze the actual condition of gastronomic tourism in the EU and Ukraine, identifying prospects and ways to develop regional gastronomic tourism. The methodological and informational basis of the work is analytical reports and researches related to the development of event tourism and statistics. Systematic and logistical approaches to the studied problems were used to achieve this goal. Various general scientific and special research methods were also used. Based on PESTLE analysis, key aspects of the external environment of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine are identified. We took into account the principles of sustainable development: political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. The main trends in the development of gastronomic tourism in the world are studied and it is found that the greatest development in the coming years will be the trend of combining gastronomic and event tourism on the basis of sustainable development. The main preconditions and possibilities of introduction of this holistic approach to the strategy of development of the tourist branch of Ukraine are determined. A model of sustainable value chain of gastronomic tourism in the region is formed and the main advantages of its implementation are identified: formation of a regional brand, preservation of culinary traditions, development of green farming, minimization of negative impact on the environment, sustainable development of communities.

Estimation of reflectivity-rainfall relationship parameters and uncertainty assessment for high resolution rainfall information (고해상도 강수정보 생산을 위한 레이더 반사도-강수량 관계식 매개변수 보정 및 불확실성 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Jeong;Kim, Jang-Gyeong;Kim, Jin-Guk;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.321-334
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    • 2021
  • A fixed reflectivity-rainfall relationship approach, such as the Marshall-Palmer relationship, for an entire year and different seasons, can be problematic in cases where the relationship varies spatially and temporally throughout a region. From this perspective, this study explores the use of long-term radar reflectivity for South Korea to obtain a nationwide calibrated Z-R relationship and the associated uncertainties within a Bayesian inference framework. A calibrated spatially structured pattern in the parameters exists, particularly for the wet season and parameter for the dry season. A pronounced region of high values during the wet and dry seasons may be partially associated with storm movements in that season. Overall, the radar rainfall fields based on the proposed modeling procedure are similar to the observed rainfall fields. In contrast, the radar rainfall fields obtained from the existing Marshall-Palmer relationship show a systematic underestimation. In the event of high impact weather, it is expected that the value of national radar resources can be improved by establishing an active watershed-level hydrological analysis system.

Comparative Analysis of Low Fertility Policy and the Public Perceptions using Text-Mining Methodology (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 저출산 정책과 대중인식 비교)

  • Bae, Giryeon;Moon, HyunJeong;Lee, Jaeil;Park, Mina;Park, Arum
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2021
  • As the low fertility intensifies in Korea, this study investigated fundamental differences between the government's low fertility policy and public perception of it. To this end, we selected four times 'Aging Society and Population Policy' documents and news comments for two weeks immediately after announcement of the third and fourth Policy as analysis targets. Then we conducted word frequency analysis, co-occurrence analysis and CONCOR analysis. As a result of analyses, first, direct childcare support during the first and second periods, and a social structural approach during third and fourth periods were noticeable. Second, it was revealed that both policies and comments aim for the work-family compatibility in 'parenting'. Lastly it was showed public interest in environment of raising children and the critical mind to effectiveness of the policy. This study is meaningful in that it confirmed the public perception using big data analysis, and it will help improve the direction for the future low fertility policy.

Appropriate level of alfalfa hay in diets for rearing Simmental crossbred calves in dryland China

  • Kobayashi, Nobuyuki;Hou, Fujiang;Tsunekawa, Atsushi;Chen, Xianjiang;Yan, Tianhai;Ichinohe, Toshiyoshi
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1881-1889
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    • 2018
  • Objective: In dryland areas of China, alfalfa hay (AH) is a possible substitute for concentrate feed for beef cattle. To evaluate the potential benefits of this substitution, we studied the effect of the ratio of AH intake to total dry matter (DM) intake on average daily body-weight gain (ADG), dietary energy utilization status, and economic benefit in Gansu province. Methods: In each of two feeding trials in 2016 (trial 1 [T1], July 3 to 17; trial 2 [T2], August 15 to September 23), crossbred male Simmental calves were allocated to low AH (LA), medium AH (MA), and high AH (HA) feeding groups (n = 4 per group). The target ADG was set as 1 kg for both trials. In a one-way-layout design based on conventional feeding practices in the province, calves received diets containing the different AH amounts, with a constant ratio of corn stover:total DM and decreasing rations of concentrate feed proportional to the increase in AH. Calves in T1 received AH at 15% (T1-LA), 23% (T1-MA), or 31% (T1-HA) of their dietary DM allowances; those in T2 received 9% (T2-LA), 24% (T2-MA), or 34% (T2-HA) AH. Results: Among the T1 groups, both ADG and economic benefit were highest in T1-LA; whereas in T2, they were higher in the T2-LA and T2-MA groups than in T2-HA. Energy digestibility did not significantly differ among the groups in either trial. The dietary AH inclusion ratios of 14% in the warm season and 8% to 21% in the cool season appeared to yield optimal ADG, metabolizable energy intake, and economic benefit. Conclusion: Low-level inclusion of AH, ranging from 8% to 21%, is a practical approach for beef cattle feeding. This modified feeding regimen likely will promote increased growth performance during the fattening stage of beef steers in dryland areas of Gansu province, China.

A Study on the Feasibility Evaluation of Overseas Wind Power Projects with RETScreen Software (RETScreen를 활용한 풍력발전사업의 투자 적절성 평가 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Su;Choi, Bong Seok;Lee, Hwa-Su;Jeon, Eui Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2013
  • Recently, foreign direct investment of Korea has increased significantly. Foreign direct investment is motivated by various reasons and renewable energy investments in foreign countries can be performed by many causes. Korean companies can enjoy the export of products, related EPC contracts, acquisition of the knowledge of the project management technique, pre-occupying effect of the market and profit itself. Wind power projects have biggest share in the investment amounts among the renewable energy business. So, in this study, one wind farm project was selected and supposed to be invested in China, USA, Germany and UK at the same time and the effect of electricity price, corporate income tax, inflation rate and interest rate of debt were analyzed. The result showed that investing in Germany is most profitable because of the highest electricity price and electricity price and debt interest rate are the most sensitive factors for IRR. This approach would be helpful to make decisions in investing foreign wind power projects.

A Study on IoT/LPWA-based Low Power Solar Panel Monitoring System for Smart City (스마트 시티용 IoT/LPWA 기반 저전력 태양광 패널 모니터링 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Trung, Pham Minh;Mariappan, Vinayagam;Cha, Jae Sang
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2019
  • The revolution of industry 4.0 is enabling us to build an intelligent connection society called smart cities. The use of renewable energy in particular solar energy is extremely important for modern society due to the growing power demand in smart cities, but its difficult to monitor and manage in each buildings since need to be deploy low energy sensors and information need to be transfer via wireless sensor network (WSN). The Internet of Things (IoT) / low-power wide-area (LPWA) is an emerging WSN technology, to collect and monitor data about environmental and physical electrical / electronics devices conditions in real time. However, providing power to IoT sensor end devices and other public electrical loads such as street lights, etc is an important challenging role because the sensor are usually battery powered and have a limited life time. In this paper, we proposes an efficient solar energy-based power management scheme for smart city based on IoT technology using LoRa wide-area network (LoRaWAN). This approach facilitates to maintain and prevent errors of solar panel based energy systems. The proposed solution maximizing output the power generated from solar panels system to distribute the power to the load and the grid. In this paper, we proved the efficiency of the proposed system with Simulink based system modeling and real-time emulation.

Influence of Abiotic Treatments on Isoflavone Accumulation in Soybean Seeds during Germination (물리적 요인이 콩 발아 중 isoflavone 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Min-Sik;Lee, Ju-Hee;Ma, Mu-Hyun;Kim, Seo-Young;Byun, Chea-Rim;Yi, Yoo-Jung;Lee, Ju-Won;Choi, Do-Jin;Kim, Hong-Sik;Kim, Yong-Ho
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2019
  • Isoflavones, a group of secondary metabolites present in plants and especially abundant in soybeans, are garnering increasing interest because of their medicinal properties. Numerous environmental factors influence isoflavone accumulation in plants. Successful attempts to increase isoflavone contents in soybean seeds have not been widely reported. In this report, we examined an effective method for producing a high amount of isoflavones during soybean seed germination, by treating the seed with 4 abiotic factors. Soybean seeds were exposed to ultrasound (50 Hz) and heat ($40^{\circ}C$) for 30minutes, then germinated for 5 days in darkness. Another sample was subjected to water deficit during germination in darkness, and the other sample was subjected to light conditions during the germination period. The results showed that the ultrasound treatment increased isoflavone content during soybean germination. Three days after germination, the ultrasound-treated seeds presented the highest isoflavone content (6,042.1 ug/g dry weight) compared to the other treatments, which was also 1.3-fold increases over the content of the raw seed's before germination. With respect to each type of isoflavone group, aglycone (partially genistein) content was markedly higher, whereas glucoside was lower than that of the untreated samples. In other experiment, total isoflavone content after heat, water deficit, and light treatments was 5,600.0, 4,740.1, and 5,631.4 ug/g, respectively. These present work suggests that ultrasound treatment is a novel approach for improving the production of isoflavones in soybean seeds during germination.

A New Approach to the Parameter Calibration of Two-Fluid Model (Two-Fluid 모형 파라미터 정산의 새로운 접근방안)

  • Kwon, Yeong-Beom;Lee, Jaehyeon;Kim, Sunho;Lee, Chungwon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2019
  • The two-fluid model proposed by Herman and Prigogine is useful for analyzing macroscopic traffic flow in a network. The two-fluid model is used for analyzing a network through the relationship between the ratio of stopped vehicles and the average moving speed of the network, and the two-fluid model has also been applied in the urban transportation network where many signalized or unsignalized intersections existed. In general, the average travel speed and moving speed of a network decrease, and the ratio of stopped vehicles and low speed vehicles in network increase as the traffic demand increases. This study proposed the two-fluid model considering congested and uncongested traffic situations. The critical velocity and the weight factor for congested situation are calibrated by minimizing the root mean square error (RMSE). The critical speed of the Seoul network was about 34 kph, and the weight factor of the congestion on the network was about 0.61. In the proposed model, $R^2$ increased from 0.78 to 0.99 when compared to the existing model, suggesting that the proposed model can be applied in evaluating network performances or traffic signal operations.

Vizrt Engine-Based Virtual Reality Graphics Algorithm A Study on the Basic Practical Training Method (Vizrt 엔진 기반 가상현실 그래픽 알고리즘과 기초 실습 교육 방식의 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2019
  • In the era of the fourth revolution, interest in content production using proven engines in the broadcasting sector, such as Vizrt, is growing. The new visual effects required in the 5G era are critical to content production training. Vizrt has a good production time utility and affordability for broadcast and media content. In this paper, we are going to use this to present a practical case of the theorem and application of the basic training course in the production of virtual content, and to present the basic training direction. In the introduction, the graphic algorithm analyzed and studied the characteristics and environmental factors of the Vizrt engine. In this paper, the production process was studied separately, and the work carried out through engine implementation was presented. The VS Studio Foundation was provided as a practical production case at each stage. The Vizrt engine operator process is important in graphic approach and application, and through the results of the lecture, the method of understanding and implementing algorithms for virtual reality perspective suitable for basic learning was studied. Based on practice, the research method of main theory was to create Vizrt contents specialized in 5G contents work in each sector and to implement graphic production in new areas from contents image. Through this study, we came to the conclusion of the basic training method through virtual reality content work based on Vizrt by practicing content creation according to the subject. It also proposes the effect of creating Vizrt content and the direction of building Vizrt basic training courses.