• Title/Summary/Keyword: engineering bedrock

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Optimal Pumping Rate of a Water Well at Imgokri, Sangju City (상주시 임곡리 굴착공의 적정양수량 결정)

  • Cho, Byong-Wook;Yun, Uk;Moon, Sang-Ho;Lee, Byeong-Dae;Cho, Soo-Young;Kim, YongCheol;Hwang, Seho;Shin, Jehyun;Ha, Kyoochul
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.255-265
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    • 2017
  • We have determined the optimal pumping rate of the PW-2 water well (depth=100 m) at Imgokri, Sangju City. Cutting analysis and geophysical logging data reveal water-producing horizons at 26.1-26.5, 28.0-30.0, 33, 58, and 71 m. For pumping rates of 40, 55, 70, 90, and $132m^3/d$ over 70 days, the estimated drawdown from the PW-2 well was 6.48, 11.56, 18.07, 28.99 and 60.26 m, respectively. During a constant-rate pumping test at a rate of $117m^3/d$, the cone of depression intersected an impermeable boundary after 120-150 min of pumping. Therefore, we consider the critical pumping rate for well PW-2 to be $90m^3/d$. After pumping at $90m^3/d$ for 70 days, the calculated drawdown was 28.82-31.27 m. We suggest an optimal pumping rate for well PW-2 of $70-90m^3/d$, as the optimal pumping rate should be similar to the critical pumping rate. Sharp increases in the slope of the time-drawdown relationship, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and oxidation-reduction potential during the constant-rate pumping test indicate the limited development of bedrock aquifers around PW-2.

Delineation of the Slip Weak Zone of Land Creeping with Integrated Geophysical Methods and Slope Stability Analysis (복합 지구물리탐사와 사면 안정해석 자료를 이용한 땅밀림 지역의 활동연약대 파악)

  • Lee, Sun-Joong;Kim, Ji-Soo;Kim, Kwan-Soo;Kwon, Il-Ryong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.289-302
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    • 2020
  • To determine the shallow subsurface structure and sliding surface of land creeping in 2016 at Hadong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, geophysical surveys (electric resistivity, and refraction seismic methods, borehole televiewer) and slope stability analysis were conducted. The subsurface structure delineated with borehole lithologies and seismic velocity structures provided the information that the sediment layer on the top of the slope was rather as thick as 20 m and the underlying weathered rock (anorthosite) was thinner than 1 m. Based on the tension cracks observed during the geological mapping, televiewer scanning was performed at the borehole BH-2 and detected the intensive fracture zones at the ground-water level, associated with the slip weak zones mapped in dipole-dipole electrical resistivity section. Downslope sliding and slightly upward pushing at the apex of high resistive bedrock explains the curved slip plane of the land creeping. Such a convex structure might play a role of natural toe abutment for preventing the downward development of slip weak zones. In slope stability analysis, the safety factors of the slip weak zone are calculated with varying the groundwater levels for dry and rainy seasons and the downslope is founded to be unstable with safety factor of 0.89 due to fully saturated material in rainy season.

Effect of the Nonlinearity of the Soft Soil on the Elastic and Inelastic Seismic Response Spectra (연약지반의 비선형성이 탄성 및 비탄성 지진응답스펙트럼에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2005
  • Inelastic seismic analysis is necessary for the seismic design due to the nonlinear behavior of a structure-soil system, and the importance of the performance based design considering the soil-structure interaction is recognized for the reasonable seismic design. In this study, elastic and inelastic seismic response analyses of a single degree of freedom system on the soft soil layer were peformed considering the nonlinearity of the soil for the 11 weak or moderate, and 5 strong earthquakes scaled to the nominal peak acceleration of 0.075g, 0.15g, 0.2g and 0.3g. Seismic response analyses for the structure-soil system were peformed in one step applying the earthquake motions to the bedrock In the frequency domain, using a pseudo 3-D dynamic analysis software. Study results indicate that it is necessary to consider the nonlinear soil-structure interaction effects and to perform the performance based seismic design for the various soil layers rather than to follow the routine procedures specified in the seismic design codes. Nonlinearity of the soft soil excited with the weak earthquakes also affected significantly to the elastic and inelastic responses due to the nonlinear soil amplification of the earthquake motions, and it was pronounced especially for the elastic ones.

Reduction Factor for the Site Coefficient of a Building built on a Poor-backfilled Embedded Foundation (뒷채움이 부실한 묻힌기초 위에 세워진 건축물의 지반증폭계수에 대한 저감계수)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, the reduction factors to calculate the site coefficients of an embedded foundation are estimated, considering the effect of a poor backfill for the seismic design of a building built on an embedded foundation. This is determined by utilizing in-house finite element software, P3DASS, which has the capability of horizontal pseudo 3D seismic analysis with nonlinear soil. The 30m thick soil on stiff rock was assumed to be homogeneous, elastic, viscous and isotropic, and equivalent circular rigid foundations with radii of 10-70m were assumed to be embedded 0, 10, 20, and 30 m in the soil. Seismic analyses were performed with 7 bedrock earthquake records de-convoluted from the outcrop records; the scaling of the peak ground accelerations were to 0.1 g. The study results show that the site coefficients of a poor-backfilled foundation are gradually reduced as the foundation embedment ratio increases, except in the case of a small foundation embedded deeply in the weak soft soil. In addition, it was found that the deviation of the site coefficients due to the foundation size was not significant. Therefore, the typical reduction factors of an embedded foundation with poor backfill are proposed in terms of the shear wave velocity and site class. This is in order to find the site coefficients of an embedded foundation by multiplying the reduction factor by a site coefficient of a surface foundation specified in the design code. They can then be interpolated to determine the intermediate shear wave velocity.

Determination of Mean Shear Wave Velocity to the Depth of 30m Based on Shallow Shear Wave Velocity Profile (얕은 심도 전단파속도 분포를 이용한 30m 심도 평균 전단파속도의 결정)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Chung, Choong-Ki;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1 s.53
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2007
  • The mean shear wave velocity to the depth of 30 m (Vs30) derived from the western Vs is the current site classification criterion for determining the design seismic ground motion taking into account the site amplification potential. In order to evaluate the Vs30 at a site, a shear wave velocity (Vs) Profile extending to at least 30 m in depth must be acquired from in-situ seismic test. In many cases, however, the resultant depth of the Vs profile may not extend to 30 m, owing to the unfavorable field condition and the limitation of adopted testing techniques. In this study, the Vs30 and the mean shear wave velocity to a depth shallower, than 30 m (VsDs) were computed from the Vs profiles more than 30 m in depth obtained by performing various seismic tests at total 72 sites in Korea, and a correlation between Vs30 and VsDs was drawn based on the computed mean Vs data. In addition, a method for extrapolating the Vs profile from shallow depth to 30 m was developed by building a shape curve based on the average data of all Vs profiles. For evaluating the Vs30 from the shallow Vs profiles, both the methods using VsDs and shape curve result in less bias than the simplest method of extending the lowermost Vs equally to 30 m in depth, and are usefully applicable particularly in the cases of the Vs profiles extending to at least 10 m in depth.

Seismic Response Analyses of the Structure-Soil System for the Evaluation of the Limits of the Site Coefficients (지반계수의 한계값 평가를 위한 구조물-지반체계에 대한 지진응답해석)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1 s.53
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2007
  • Site coefficients in IBC and KBC codes have some limits to predict the rational seismic responses of a structure, because they take into account only the effect of the soil amplification without the effects of the structure-soil interaction. In this study, upper and lower limits of the site coefficients are estimated through the pseudo 3-D elastic seismic response analyses of structures built on the linear or nonlinear soil layers taking Into account the effects of the structure-soil interaction. Soil characteristics of site classes of A, B and C were assumed to be linear, and those of site classes of D and E were done to be nonlinear and the Ramberg-Osgood model was used to evaluate shear modulus and damping ratio of a soil layer depending on the shear wave velocity of the soil layer, Seismic analyses were performed with 12 weak or moderate earthquake records scaled the peak acceleration to 0.1g or 0.2g and deconvoluted as earthquake records at the bedrock located at 30m deep under the outcrop. With the study results of the elastic seismic response analyses of structures, new standard response spectrum and upper and lower limits of the site coefficients of $F_{a}\;and\;F_{v}$ at the short period range and the period of 1 second are suggested including the effects of the structure-soil interaction, and new site coefficients for the KBC code are also suggested.

Reduction Factor of the Site Coefficient due to the Foundation Embedment in the Soft Soil Layer for the Seismic Analysis of a Building (건축물의 지진해석을 위한 연약지반에 묻힌 기초로 인한 지반증폭계수에 대한 저감계수)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the reduction factor of the code-defined site coefficient due to the embedment of a foundation was estimated for the seismic analysis of a building built on a soft soil site. This was done by utilizing the in-house finite element software P3DASS, which has the capability of pseudo 3D seismic analysis with nonlinear soil layers. A 30m thick soft soil site laid on the rock was assumed to be homogeneous, elastic, viscous and isotropic, and equivalent circular rigid foundations with radii of 10-70m were considered to be embedded at 0, 10, 20 and 30m in the soil layer. Seismic analyses were performed with 7 bedrock earthquake records deconvoluted from the outcrop records of which the effective ground acceleration was scaled to 0.1g. The study results showed that the site coefficients are gradually reduced except in the case of a small foundation embedded deeply in the weak soil layer, and it was estimated that the deviation of the site coefficients due to the foundation size was not significant. The standard reduction factor due to the foundation embedment were calculated adding the standard deviation to the average of 5 reduction factors calculated for 5 different foundation radii. Standard reduction factors for the site amplification factor were proposed for the practical amplification and the codes of KBC, etc., in accordance with the average shear wave velocity of the site, and the site class.

A Complementary Analysis for the Structural Safety Evaluation of the Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Canister for the Canadian Deuterium and Uranium Reactor (중수로(CANDU)용 고준위폐기물 처분용기의 구조적 안전성 평가 보완 해석)

  • Kwon, Young-Joo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.381-390
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a complementary analysis for the structural safety evaluation of the spent nuclear fuel disposal canister developed for the Canadian Deuterium and Uranium(CANDU) reactor for about 10,000 years long term deposition at a 500m deep granitic bedrock repository has been performed. However this developed structural model of the spent nuclear fuel disposal canister which has 33 spent nuclear fuel baskets and whose diameter is 122cm is too heavy to handle without any structural safety problem. Hence a lighter structural model of the spent nuclear fuel disposal canister which is easy to handle has been required to develop very much. There are two methods to reduce the weight of the CANDU canister model. The one is to alleviate severe design conditions such as external loads and safety factor. The other is to optimize the cross section shape of the canister by reducing the spent nuclear fuel basket number. Hence, in this paper a complementary analysis to alleviate such severe design conditions is carried out and simultaneously structural analyses to optimize the cross section shape of the canister by reducing the spent nuclear fuel basket number below 33 are carried out by varying the external load and the canister diameter for the reduction of the canister weight. The complementary analysis results show that the diameter of canister can be shortened below 122cm to reduce the weight of the spent nuclear fuel disposal canister.

Physical Properties of and Joint Distribution Within the Cheongju Granitic Mass, as Assessed from Drill-core and Geophysical Well-logging Data (시추 및 물리검층자료의 상관해석을 통한 청주화강암체의 물성 정보 및 절리 분포)

  • Lee, Sun-Jung;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Jang, Hyung-Su;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2011
  • To clarify the distribution of joints and fracture zones in the Cheongju granitic mass, we analyzed drill-core and geophysical well-logging data obtained at two boreholes located 30 m from each other. Lithological properties were investigated from the drill-core data and the samples were classified based on the rock mass rating (RMR) and on rock quality designation (RQD). Subsurface discontinuities within soft and hard rocks were examined by geophysical well-logging and cross-hole seismic tomography. The velocity structures constructed from seismic tomography are well correlated with the profile of bedrock depth, previously mapped from a seismic refraction survey. Dynamic elastic moduli, obtained from full waveform sonic and ${\gamma}-{\gamma}$ logging, were interrelated with P-wave velocities to investigate the dynamic properties of the rock mass. Compared with the correlation graph between elastic moduli and velocities for hard rock at borehole BH-1, the correlation points for BH-2 data showed a wide scatter. These scattered points reflect the greater abundance of joints and fractures near borehole BH-2. This interpretation is supported by observations by acoustic televiewer (ATV) and optical televiewer (OTV) image loggings.

Application of Seismic Tomography to the Inverstigation of Underground Structure in Gupo Train Accident Area (구포 기차 전복사고 지역의 지반상태 파악을 위한 탄성파 토모그래피 응용)

  • 김중열;장현삼;김유성;현혜자;김기석
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1995
  • A train overturn accident occurred on March 1993 in the Gupo area, northern part of Pusan, unfortunately had taken a heavy toll of lives and caused a great loss of property as well. The reasons for the subsidence of the basement under the railroads, which presumed to be the main cause of the accident, have been investigated from many different angles, including conventional geotechnical investigation methods. The deduced nuin reasons of the subsidence were: 1. blasting for tunnel excavation (NATM) at about 39 meter under the railroads, and 2. unexpected change of bedrock conditions along the direction of tunnel. But this accident was derived nrranlv from the lack of geological and geotechnical information under railroad area because it was impossible to drill beneath the railroads. This paper introduces a new geophysical survey techniqueseisrnic geotomography, and shows some results of the method applying to investigate the underground structure of the accident area. This method not only overcomes the unfavourable environment which many conventional investigation methods cannot face, but produces an image of underground structure with high resolution. Furthermore, the outputs from geotomogaphic analysis could provide very valuable in-situ basic parameters (like seismic velocities, elastic moduli, etc.) which is essential to the design and construction.

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