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Genetic aberrations on the short arm of chromosome 8 (8p) in tongue carcinomas

  • Murano, Akiyuki;Ono, Kanae;Koike, Hirofumi;Endo, Yosuke;Shimada, Ken;Kawasaki, Kenshi;Nomura, Hitomi;Shiiba, Masashi;Uzawa, Katsuhiro;Tanzawa, Hideki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2012
  • Aberrations on the short arm of chromosome 8 (8p) are frequently observed in several human cancers. In this study, 20 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) specimens from the tongue were examined in order to evaluate the role of 8p in SCC of the tongue. Microsatellite analysis using 14 markers demonstrated two commonly deleted regions (CDRs) on 8p. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed frequent down-regulation of the FEZ1 gene, mapped to 8p22, and frequent over-expression of the cathepsin B gene, mapped to 8p-21-22. These results suggested that genetic aberrations are involved in the development of SCC of the tongue. However, no significant relationship was observed to be established between the genetic alterations and clinicopathological features. Thus, further investigation is necessary in order to clarify the clinical role of 8p in carcinoma of the tongue.

A literature study about the comparison of Oriental-Occidental medicine on the Atopic dermatitis (아토피 피부염의 東西醫學的 文獻 考察)

  • Park, Min-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Man;Hong, Cheol-Hee;Hwang, Chung-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.226-252
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    • 2002
  • The results of a literature study about the comparison of Oriental-Occidental medicine on the Atopic dennatitis were as follows. 1. In Oriental medicine, Atopic dermatitis belongs to the category of the Naesun(내선), Taeryumchang(胎斂瘡), Eczema(濕疹), Chimumchang(浸淫瘡). In Occidental medicine, the other names of Atopic dermatitis are allergic eczema, IgE dermatitis, flexual eczema etc. 2. In Oriental medicine, the definition of atopic dermatitis includes chang(瘡), sun(선), and pung(風). Occidental medicine, is one of the intrinsic eczema classifications. In fact eczema term circumscribes dermatitis in atopic patients. 3. In Oriental medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of Atopic dermatitis arose from the state of cogenital defect(稟賦不足), internal accumulation of damp and heat(濕熱內蘊) at first, and then invaded pathogenic wind, damp, heat factors again, and combined endo-exoteric pathogenic factors. So it appears in skin. In Occidental medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of Atopic dermatitis approaches in genetic, allergic and immunologic, pharmacophysioloic aspects. It is only a hypothesis but there is no known facts about radical aetiology. 4. In Oriental medicine, differentiation of syndromes classifies manifestation aspects, etiology and pathogenesis, and invasion period. In Occidental medicine, it divides into an invasion period, and clinical aspect etc. 5. In Oriental medicine, Internal theraphys of Atopic dermatitis are decoction of ingredients(湯劑), pills(丸), and tablet(片). So, it prescribes as treatments on the ground of differentition of syndrome. In Occidental medicine, there is no radical therapy because Atopic dispositions don't change. But steroid, antihistamine as symptomatic tre atments are generally used in Occidental medicine. 6. In Oriental medicine, external therapies are wet dressings(濕敷), lotion(洗劑), powder(散劑), adhesive plasters(膏劑), oil(油劑), smoking(烟薰法), warm over fire therapy(熱烘療法), acupunture and moxibustion therapy(鍼灸療法).

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Comparison of the centering ratio and canal curvature reduction according to the apical preparation size using various NiTi rotary instruments (근단부 성형 크기에 따른 다양한 전동 니켈티타늄 파일의 중심 변위율 및 만곡도 감소 비교)

  • Kwak, Sang-Won;Park, Jeong-Kil;Hur, Bock;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.47 no.7
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    • pp.435-443
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the centering ratio and reduction of canal curvature according to the preparation sizes of #30, #40 and #50 using three rotary NiTi instruments which have different shaft tapers. Seventy-two simulated root canals in clear resin blocks (Endo Training Bloc; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) were divided as following 3 groups according to the file system; the 24 canal blocks prepared with each of ProTaper Universal system (Group P), LightSpeed eXtra system (Group L), and K3 (Group K). The pre- and post-instrumented root canals were scanned and superimposed to evaluate and calculate the centering ratio and reduction of canal curvature. Mean scores of each group were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOV A and Duncan's multiple range test for post-hoc comparison. The results were as followings: 1. Group L showed better centering ratio, followed by K and P. And all experimental groups generally showed increasing tendency of centering ratio as the apical size was increasing from #30 to #50, except at 1 mm level of group P where showed reducing tendency of centering ratio. The smaller the ratio, the better the instrument remained centered in the canal. 2. Group P showed more decrease of canal curvature at all apical shaping size (p < 0.05). Under the conditions of this study, the shaft design could affect the quality of canal shaping and the smooth taperless flexible (LightSpeed) shaft design was capable of preparing canals with good morphological characteristics in curved canals.

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Influence of abiotic factors on seasonal incidence of pests of tasar Silkworm Antheraea mylitta D.

  • Siddaiah, Aruna A.;Prasad, Rajendra;Rai, Suresh;Dubey, Omprakash;Satpaty, Subrat;Sinha, Ravibhushan;Prsad, Suraj;Sahay, Alok
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2014
  • Rearing of tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury is mainly conducted in outdoor on Terminalia tomentosa W. & A. a nature grown primary host plant available in forest and also on raised primary host plant Terminalia arjuna Bedd. Temperature, relative humidity and rainfall are the main environmental factors for occurrence of pests (parasites and predators) of tasar silkworm during I, II and III crop rearing in the tropical tasar producing zones. The present study was aimed to study the influence of abiotic factors on prevalence of tasar silkworm pests. The study was conducted at different agro-climatic regions viz., Central Tasar Research &Training Institute, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Regional Extension Centre, Katghora, Chattisgarh and Regional Extension Centre, Hatgamaria during 2010-13 covering 3 seed crop and 6 commercial crops. Data on incidence of tropical tasar silkworm endo-parasitoids like Uzi Fly, Blepharipa zebina Walker and Ichneumon fly (Yellow Fly), Xathopimpla pedator, Fabricius and Predators such as Stink bug (Eocanthecona furcellata Wolf), Reduviid bug (Sycanus collaris Fabricius) and Wasp (Vespa orientalis Linnaeus) was recorded Weekly. The meteorological data was collected daily. Data was collected from 4 different agro-climatic zones of tasar growing areas. Analysis of the data revealed a significant negative correlation between abiotic factors and incidence of ichneumon fly and uzi fly. Based on the 3 years data on prevalence of pests region-wise pest calendars and prediction models were developed.

Oral Drugs for Treatment of Dyslipidemia and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (이상지질혈증 경구용 약제와 심혈관질환 예방효과)

  • Lee, Yun-Ah;Rho, JunSeung;Song, Sang-Wook;Jung, Su-Young;Kwon, Ji Young;Kang, Sung-Goo
    • Archives of Obesity and Metabolism
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2022
  • In 1971, Dr. Akira Endo succeeded in isolating a cholesterol synthesis inhibitor, compactin. Later, compactin was renamed mevastatin, meaning that it stops the synthesis of mevalonate, which is considered the first statin. However, mevastatin is not commercially released, whereas lovastatin, developed by Alfred Albert of Merk in 1979, was the first commercially developed statin. After the 4S study, the first largescale clinical trial with statins conducted in Scandinavia showed a dramatic secondary preventive effect against cardiovascular disease, and the effectiveness of statins in patients with dyslipidemia was repeatedly demonstrated. Subsequently, many oral drugs that affect blood lipid concentration; statins and ezetimibe aimed at reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL)) cholesterol; fibrates and omega 3 formulations aimed at reducing triglycerides were widely developed and used in Korea. In this article, we review the results of clinical studies on representative cardiovascular diseases for four types of oral drugs for dyslipidemia, which are currently the most commonly used in Korea.

Pancreatic duct lavage cytology combined with a cell-block method for patients with possible pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, including pancreatic carcinoma in situ

  • Hiroaki Kusunose;Shinsuke Koshita;Yoshihide Kanno;Takahisa Ogawa;Toshitaka Sakai;Keisuke Yonamine;Kazuaki Miyamoto;Fumisato Kozakai;Hideyuki Anan;Kazuki Endo;Haruka Okano;Masaya Oikawa;Takashi Tsuchiya;Takashi Sawai;Yutaka Noda;Kei Ito
    • Clinical Endoscopy
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.353-366
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    • 2023
  • Background/Aims: This study aimed to clarify the efficacy and safety of pancreatic duct lavage cytology combined with a cell-block method (PLC-CB) for possible pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs). Methods: This study included 41 patients with suspected PDACs who underwent PLC-CB mainly because they were unfit for undergoing endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration. A 6-Fr double lumen catheter was mainly used to perform PLC-CB. Final diagnoses were obtained from the findings of resected specimens or clinical outcomes during surveillance after PLC-CB. Results: Histocytological evaluations using PLC-CB were performed in 87.8% (36/41) of the patients. For 31 of the 36 patients, final diagnoses (invasive PDAC, 12; pancreatic carcinoma in situ, 5; benignancy, 14) were made, and the remaining five patients were excluded due to lack of surveillance periods after PLC-CB. For 31 patients, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of PLC-CB for detecting malignancy were 94.1%, 100%, and 96.8%, respectively. In addition, they were 87.5%, 100%, and 94.1%, respectively, in 17 patients without pancreatic masses detectable using endoscopic ultrasonography. Four patients developed postprocedural pancreatitis, which improved with conservative therapy. Conclusions: PLC-CB has an excellent ability to detect malignancies in patients with possible PDACs, including pancreatic carcinoma in situ.


  • Hwang, Soo-Youn;Oh, So-Ram;Lee, Yoon;Lim, Sang-Min;Kum, Kee-Yeon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.424-429
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed to assess the influence of different cross-sectional area on the cyclic fatigue fracture of Ni-Ti rotary files using a fatigue tester incorporating cyclical axial movement. Six brands of Ni-Ti rotary files (ISO 30 size with. 04 taper) of 10 each were tested: Alpha system (KOMET), HeroShaper (MicroMega), K3 (SybronEndo), Mtwo (VDW), NRT (Mani), and ProFile (Dentsply). A fatigue-tester (Denbotix) was designed to allow cyclic tension and compressive stress on the tip of the instrument. Each file was mounted on a torque controlled motor (Aseptico) using a 1:20 reduction contra-angle and was rotated at 300 rpm with a continuous, 6 mm axial oscillating motion inside an artificial steel canal. The canal had a $60^{\circ}$ angle and a 5 mm radius of curvature. Instrument fracture was visually detected and the time until fracture was recorded by a digital stop watch. The data were analyzed statistically. Fractographic analysis of all fractured surfaces was performed to determine the fracture modes using a scanning electron microscope. Cross-sectional area at 3 mm from the tip of 3 unused Ni-Ti instruments for each group was calculated using Image-Pro Plus (Imagej 1.34n, NIH). Results showed that NRT and ProFile had significantly longer time to fracture compared to the other groups (p < .05). The cross-sectional area was not significantly associated with fatigue resistance. Fractographycally, all fractured surfaces demonstrated a combination of ductile and brittle fracture. In conclusion, there was no significant relationship between fatigue resistance and the cross-sectional area of Ni-Ti instruments under experimental conditions.

Characterization of Transgenic Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Using a BL1 Gene Encoding Bromelain Isolated from Pneapple (제주산 파인애플 유래 Bromelain관련 유전자 (BL1)를 이용반 형질전환 상추의 특성)

  • Jung, Yu-Jin;Kim, Gi-Hyun;Choi, Jang-Sun;Lee, Soon-Youl;Nou, Il-Sup;Park, Jin-Heui;Kang, Kwon-Kyoo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2006
  • To clarify the roles of bromelain in plants, we isolated BL1 gene encoding bromelain from pineapple stem tissues and sequenced. The full length cDNA is 933 bp and encodes a polypeptide of 311 amino acid residues. The cDNA is most similar 94% at the amino acid level to bromelain previously isolated from pineapple (BAA21929). Explants of Lactuca sativa were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tume-faciences LBA 4404 strains containing nptII and BL1 gene for transformation. Through initial selection of regenerated explants by culturing on a kanamycin and carbenicillin containing MS medium, multiple shoots were obtained after 2 months of culture. For a complementary step of selection, putative transgenic shoots were transferred to 1/2 Ms basal medium supplemented with 100 mg/L kanamycin and 500 mg/L carbenicillin. The selected shoots were obtained T1 generation seeds with emasculation, and tested with PCR analysis using 35S promoter and BL1 specific primers whether BL1 gene was introduced to genome of the plants. These results confirmed that produced the specific PCR bands in the putative transgenic lines. Additionally the Northern blot and endo protease activity showed that transcripts of BL1 gene were detected in transgenic lines. Theses results suggest that BL1 gene be successfully integrated and transcripted in the transgenic lettuce plants.

Intestinal Immune Modulating Polysaccharides of Atractylodes lancea DC. Rhizomes

  • Yu, Kwang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.1-3
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    • 2000
  • A kind of traditional herbal prescription, Sip-Jeon-Dae-Bo-Tang (TJ-48), has been reported to improve the general condition of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and /or radiation therapy, and to accelerate hematopoietic recovery from bone marrow injury by mitomycin C. In the present studies, we found that hot-water extract from Atractylodes lancea DC. rhizomes contributed mainly to intestinal immune modulating activity of TJ-48 on Peyer's patch cells mediated-hematopoietic response. After the fractionation, ALR-5 II a-1-1, 5 II b-2-2 and 5 II c-3-1 were further purified from crude polysaccharide fraction. Chemical analyses of each fraction indicated that ALR-5 II a-1-1 mainly contained arabinogalactan fraction whereas ALR-5 II b-2-2 and 5 II c-3-1 mostly comprised pectic polysaccharide fractions as the active polysaccharide ingredients. In order to analyze the essential structure of the activity, ALR-5 II a-1-1 was treated by sequential enzymatic digestion using exo-${\alpha}$-L-arabinofuranosidase and exo-${\beta}$-D-(1\longrightarrow3)-galactanase. Based upon the results of chemical and MALDI-TOF-MS analyses and activity on the digested fractions, the galactosyl side chains consisting of 6-linked Galf and Galp over tetrasaccharide in ALR-5 II a-1-1 might be responsible for the potent intestinal immune modulating activity. To characterize moiety of ALR-5 II c-3-1 for the expression of activity, endo-${\alpha}$-D-(1\longrightarrow4)-polygal acturonase (GL-PGase) purified from dried leaves of Panax ginseng digested ALR-5 II c-3-1. The results of structural analyses and activity on the digested fractions showed that PG-2, which structurally resembles to rhamnogalacturonan II (RG II), and PG-3 (galacturono-oligosaccharides) contained potent intestinal immune modulating activity. Further purification of the other acidic fraction (ALR-5 II b-2-2) indicated that ALR-5 II b-2-2Bb showed that the most potent activity. ALR-5 II b-2-2Bb also contained the unusual component sugars characteristics in RG- II as well as PG-2 derived from ALR-5 II c-3-1, but it could not be digested with GL-PGase. The present studies of relationship between structures and intestinal immune modulating activity of the active polysaccharides purified from A. lancea DC. rhizomes suggested that neutral galactosyl chains consisting mainly of (1\longrightarrow6)-linked Galf and Galp, and RG- II -like moiety with unique component sugars, such as 2-Me-Xyl, 2-Me-Fuc, Api, AceA, Kdo and Dha should play an important role in the potent intestinal immune modulating action of A. lancea DC. rhizomes.

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Developmental Modulation of Specific Receptor for Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in the Rat Heart

  • Kim, Yoon-Ah;Kim, Soo-Mi;Kim, Suhn-Hee;Kim, Sung-Zoo
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2002
  • Although cardiac distribution of specific receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was mainly observed in the ventricular endocardium, the modulation of ANP receptors in relation to cardiac development is not defined. The present study was undertaken to investigate ANP receptor modulation in rat during development. In the developmental stages examined (fetus, after postnatal 3-days, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 8-week-old Sprague Dawley rats) specific ANP binding sites were localized in the right and left ventricular endo-cardia by quantitative in vitro receptor autoradiography using (equation omitted)-rat ANP as labeled ligand. The specific bindings to endocardium were much higher in the right than the left ventricle. The binding affinities of ANP were much higher in the right than the left ventricular endocardium. The difference of these binding affinities among various developmental stages was not observed in the right ventricle, whereas the binding affinity in left ventricle was gradually increased with aging and reached the peak value at 8 weeks. No significant difference in maximal binding capacities of endocardial bindings was observed in the right and left ventricular endocardia during developmental stages. Also, cGMP production via activation of particulate guanylyl cyclase-coupled receptor subtypes in the ventricular membranes was gradually decreased with close relationship to aging. Therefore, the present study show that the endocardial ANP receptor is modulated with close relationship to cardiac development in the left ventricle rather than the right ventricle, and may be involved in regulating myocardial contractility in left heart.