• Title/Summary/Keyword: empirical factor analysis

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An Analysis of the Moderating Effects of User Ability on the Acceptance of an Internet Shopping Mall (인터넷 쇼핑몰 수용에 있어 사용자 능력의 조절효과 분석)

  • Suh, Kun-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.27-55
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    • 2008
  • Due to the increasing and intensifying competition in the Internet shopping market, it has been recognized as very important to develop an effective policy and strategy for acquiring loyal customers. For this reason, web site designers need to know if a new Internet shopping mall(ISM) will be accepted. Researchers have been working on identifying factors for explaining and predicting user acceptance of an ISM. Some studies, however, revealed inconsistent findings on the antecedents of user acceptance of a website. Lack of consideration for individual differences in user ability is believed to be one of the key reasons for the mixed findings. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and several studies have suggested that individual differences in ability plays an moderating role on the relationship between the antecedents and user acceptance. Despite the critical role of user ability, little research has examined the role of user ability in the Internet shopping mall context. The purpose of this study is to develop a user acceptance model that consider the moderating role of user ability in the context of Internet shopping. This study was initiated to see the ability of the technology acceptance model(TAM) to explain the acceptance of a specific ISM. According to TAM. which is one of the most influential models for explaining user acceptance of IT, an intention to use IT is determined by usefulness and ease of use. Given that interaction between user and website takes place through web interface, the decisions to accept and continue using an ISM depend on these beliefs. However, TAM neglects to consider the fact that many users would not stick to an ISM until they trust it although they may think it useful and easy to use. The importance of trust for user acceptance of ISM has been raised by the relational views. The relational view emphasizes the trust-building process between the user and ISM, and user's trust on the website is a major determinant of user acceptance. The proposed model extends and integrates the TAM and relational views on user acceptance of ISM by incorporating usefulness, ease of use, and trust. User acceptance is defined as a user's intention to reuse a specific ISM. And user ability is introduced into the model as moderating variable. Here, the user ability is defined as a degree of experiences, knowledge and skills regarding Internet shopping sites. The research model proposes that the ease of use, usefulness and trust of ISM are key determinants of user acceptance. In addition, this paper hypothesizes that the effects of the antecedents(i.e., ease of use, usefulness, and trust) on user acceptance may differ among users. In particular, this paper proposes a moderating effect of a user's ability on the relationship between antecedents with user's intention to reuse. The research model with eleven hypotheses was derived and tested through a survey that involved 470 university students. For each research variable, this paper used measurement items recognized for reliability and widely used in previous research. We slightly modified some items proper to the research context. The reliability and validity of the research variables were tested using the Crobnach's alpha and internal consistency reliability (ICR) values, standard factor loadings of the confirmative factor analysis, and average variance extracted (AVE) values. A LISREL method was used to test the suitability of the research model and its relating six hypotheses. Key findings of the results are summarized in the following. First, TAM's two constructs, ease of use and usefulness directly affect user acceptance. In addition, ease of use indirectly influences user acceptance by affecting trust. This implies that users tend to trust a shopping site and visit repeatedly when they perceive a specific ISM easy to use. Accordingly, designing a shopping site that allows users to navigate with heuristic and minimal clicks for finding information and products within the site is important for improving the site's trust and acceptance. Usefulness, however, was not found to influence trust. Second, among the three belief constructs(ease of use, usefulness, and trust), trust was empirically supported as the most important determinants of user acceptance. This implies that users require trustworthiness from an Internet shopping site to be repeat visitors of an ISM. Providing a sense of safety and eliminating the anxiety of online shoppers in relation to privacy, security, delivery, and product returns are critically important conditions for acquiring repeat visitors. Hence, in addition to usefulness and ease of use as in TAM, trust should be a fundamental determinants of user acceptance in the context of internet shopping. Third, the user's ability on using an Internet shopping site played a moderating role. For users with low ability, ease of use was found to be a more important factors in deciding to reuse the shopping mall, whereas usefulness and trust had more effects on users with high ability. Applying the EML theory to these findings, we can suggest that experienced and knowledgeable ISM users tend to elaborate on such usefulness aspects as efficient and effective shopping performance and trust factors as ability, benevolence, integrity, and predictability of a shopping site before they become repeat visitors of the site. In contrast, novice users tend to rely on the low elaborating features, such as the perceived ease of use. The existence of moderating effects suggests the fact that different individuals evaluate an ISM from different perspectives. The expert users are more interested in the outcome of the visit(usefulness) and trustworthiness(trust) than those novice visitors. The latter evaluate the ISM in a more superficial manner focusing on the novelty of the site and on other instrumental beliefs(ease of use). This is consistent with the insights proposed by the Heuristic-Systematic model. According to the Heuristic-Systematic model. a users act on the principle of minimum effort. Thus, the user considers an ISM heuristically, focusing on those aspects that are easy to process and evaluate(ease of use). When the user has sufficient experience and skills, the user will change to systematic processing, where they will evaluate more complex aspects of the site(its usefulness and trustworthiness). This implies that an ISM has to provide a minimum level of ease of use to make it possible for a user to evaluate its usefulness and trustworthiness. Ease of use is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the acceptance and use of an ISM. Overall, the empirical results generally support the proposed model and identify the moderating effect of the effects of user ability. More detailed interpretations and implications of the findings are discussed. The limitations of this study are also discussed to provide directions for future research.

A Study on the Relationship between Business Plan Components and Corporate Performance (사업계획서의 구성요소와 기업성과와의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Koh, In-Kon;Lee, Sang-Seok;Kim, Dae-Ho
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.45-75
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    • 2006
  • How much influence does a business plan have on a corporate performance? Whilst previous studies and literatures all assert a strong correlation between the two, very few have actually conducted practical analyses to support that. This study takes an empirical approach in its analysis of Korea' s small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with the view to finding an answer to the question. A business plan' s components, which have to date been suggested only in theory and in concept, have been selected through the study of literatures and preliminary examination. The selected components were then narrowed down into five factors of productivity, implementation, operational direction, product/service and customer accessibility by applying factor analysis. With which items to measure corporate performance is also an important question as results differ depending on which measurement items were used. For the purpose of this study, corporate performance was classified into effectiveness, adaptability and efficiency to measure how greatly each is influenced by the components of a business plan. Results show that effectiveness and adaptability have a positive (+) influence on corporate performance. The regression model seems to explain effectiveness particularly well. However, different directions of influences were showed in explain power of the research model were not high. And it can be interpreted that implementation of the plan is as important as the establishment of it. Thus a good corporate performance is to be had only under an excellent plan and following an excellent implementation. In most of the companies surveyed, business plans were established regularly led by the intense involvement of the CEO. Such plans were then used in internal operations, such as guiding operational direction and measuring corporate performance. Unlike general expectations, relatively few companies used them in financing from external sources such as banks or venture capitals. These findings are different from previous studies conducted in this field. Also, as market uncertainty was pointed out as the biggest obstacle to business planning. a manager must pay more attention to acquiring external information and knowledge so as to minimize it.

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Roles of Perceived Use Control consisting of Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Controllability in IT acceptance (정보기술 수용에서 사용용이성과 통제가능성을 하위 차원으로 하는 지각된 사용통제의 역할)

  • Lee, Woong-Kyu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2008
  • According to technology acceptance model(TAN) which is one of the most important research models for explaining IT users' behavior, on intention of using IT is determined by usefulness and ease of use of it. However, TAM wouldn't explain the performance of using IT while it has been considered as a very good model for prediction of the intention. Many people would not be confirmed in the performance of using IT until they can control it at their will, although they think it useful and easy to use. In other words, in addition to usefulness and ease of use as in TAM, controllability is also should be a factor to determine acceptance of IT. Especially, there is a very close relationship between controllability and ease of use, both of which explain the other sides of control over the performance of using IT, so called perceived behavioral control(PBC) in social psychology. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between ease of use and controllability, and analyse the effects of both two beliefs over performance and intention in using IT. For this purpose, we review the issues related with PBC in information systems studies as well as social psychology, Based on a review of PBC, we suggest a research model which includes the relationship between control and performance in using IT, and prove its validity empirically. Since it was introduced as qa variable for explaining volitional control for actions in theory of planned behavior(TPB), there have been confusion about concept of PBC in spite of its important role in predicting so many kinds of actions. Some studies define PBC as self-efficacy that means actor's perception of difficulty or ease of actions, while others as controllability. However, this confusion dose not imply conceptual contradiction but a double-faced feature of PBC since the performance of actions is related with both self-efficacy and controllability. In other words, these two concepts are discriminated and correlated with each other. Therefore, PBC should be considered as a composite concept consisting of self-efficacy and controllability, Use of IT has been also one of important areas for predictions by PBC. Most of them have been studied by analysis of comparison in prediction power between TAM and TPB or modification of TAM by inclusion of PBC as another belief as like usefulness and ease of use. Interestingly, unlike the other applications in social psychology, it is hard to find such confusion in the concept of PBC in the studies for use of IT. In most of studies, controllability is adapted as PBC since the concept of self-efficacy is included in ease of use explicitly. Based on these discussions, we can suggest perceived use control(PUC) which is defined as perception of control over the performance of using IT and composed of controllability and ease of use as sub-concepts. We suggest a research model explaining acceptance of IT which includes the relationships of PUC with attitude and performance of using IT. For empirical test of our research model, two user groups are selected for surveying questionnaires. In the first group, there are freshmen who take a basic course for Microsoft Excel, and the second group consists of senior students who take a course for analysis of management information by Excel. Most of measurements are adapted ones that have been validated in the other studies, while performance is real score of mid-term in each class. In result, four hypotheses related with PUC are supported statistically with very low significance level. Main contribution of this study is suggestion of PUC through theoretical review of PBC. Specifically, a hierarchical model of PUC are derived from very rigorous studies in the relationship between self-efficacy and controllability with a view of PBC in social psychology. The relationship between PUC and performance is another main contribution.

A Study on the Relationship Between the Performance of Venture Business and CEO's Characteristics (벤처기업 경영자 특성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구;대덕연구개발특구를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Bo-Hyun;Park, Joon-Byoung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2007
  • Current researches have been proceed on CEO's Characteristics of venture business because the CEO has considered as one of the important factors for the success of venture business. But prior research on the performance of venture business has produced inconsistently in terms of CEO's characteristics. The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive model for the relation between the performance and a type of CEO's characteristics by a growth process of venture business, which is the main subject of analysis in venture business. Also, this study analyzes various CEO's characteristics and the effects for performance of venture business which are in the Daedeok valley. To achieve the purpose of this research, an empirical study by using research model and hypotheses including the general characteristics of venture business and CEO's demographic characteristics has been presented as a research method for relation analysis. The principal findings of the research and its significance are summarized as follows: First, it was found that there is a significant different in the performance of CEO's behavioral characteristics by the scale, type and growing step of organization for venture business. Second, it was found that there is not a significant between an academic career, management experience, foundation experience for business and related working experience of venture CEO and the performance, but there os a partially significant difference in CEO's behavioral characteristics. Third, it was found that there is a partially significant difference between CEO's behavioral characteristics of venture business and the performance by the general characteristics of organization for venture business and demographic characteristics. In conclusion, in spite of the insufficient research for venture business in Daedeok, the implications of theses findings and contributions made by this research is to confirm the characteristics factor of CEO for venture business and general characteristics of organization for venture business by multidisciplinary side. In addition, the findings provide the basis for the analyzing of managerial strong point and weak point referred to supporting system for venture business. Finally, the findings of this study suggest that the results should be a useful data for groping a solution for upbringing plans in terms of a long-term point of view.

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The Effects of Female Wage on Fertility in Korea (여성의 임금수준이 출산율에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Jungho
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.105-138
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    • 2009
  • Although the decline in fertility rate is generally observed along the history of economic development throughout the world, the continuing decline hitting below the replacement level in Korea over the recent years gathered serious social concerns on the ground that it accelerates the process of population aging. The total fertility rate in Koreareached 2.08 in 1983, and gradually fell to the levels of 1.08 in 2005 and 1.26 in 2007. The policy debate over the role of the government has been focused mainly on the level of theoretical discussion without substantial basis on firm empirical evidence and the determinants of fertility. The objective of the paper is to empirically investigate the fertility effect of the female wage, which is understood as one of the most important determinants of fertility in Koreasince 1980 focusing on one aspect of fertility, namely birth spacing. Using the Korean National Fertility Survey conducted in 2006, I estimate a duration model of first and second births taking into account individual heterogeneity, which turned out to be an important factor to control for. Compared with previous studies in the literature on the Korean fertility, the study has an advantage of using the complete pregnancy history of women in a more representative sample. Unlike the previous studies, the analysis also deals with the endogeneity of marriage by treating a certain age, rather than age at marriage, as the time in which a woman becomes exposed to the risk of pregnancy. The study shares the common problem in the literature on birth spacing of lacking relevant wage information for respondents in a retrospective survey. I estimate the wage series as a function of the basic characteristics using the annual Wage Structure Survey from 1980 to 2005, which is considered as a nationally representative sample for wage information of employees. The results suggest that the increase in female wage by 10 percent leads to a decrease in second birth hazard by 0.56~0.92 percentage points and that the increase in spouse's wage by the equal amount is accompanied by the increase in second birth hazard by 0.36~1.13 percentage points. These estimates are more precisely estimated and of smaller magnitude than those presented by the previous studies. The results are robust to the different specifications of the wage equation. The simulation analysis based on the predicted values shows that about 17% of the change in the second birth hazard over the period 1980 to 2005 was due to the change in the female wage. Although there is some limitation in data, the results can be viewed as one estimate of the role of female wage on the recent fertility decline in Korea. The question raised by the paper is not a normative one of whether a government should promote childbearing but a positive one thatexplains fertility decline. Therefore, if there is a wide consensus on promoting childbearing, the finding suggests that the policies designed to reduce the opportunity cost of women in the labor market would be effective. The recent movement of implementing a wide range of family-friendly policies including child care support, maternity leave, parental leave and tax benefit in developed countries should be understood in this context.

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The Effects of Learning Transfer on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in Enterprise e-Learning - Focused on Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Work Environment - (지각된 유용성과 사용용이성이 기업 이러닝 교육의 학습전이에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -자기효능감과 업무환경의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Dae-Bum;Gu, Ja-Won
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2018
  • This research performed the empirical test for the effects of learning transfer on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy and work environment using 390 employees who have experienced e-learning in domestic and foreign companies. Analyzed the mediating effects of self-efficacy and work environment in addition to direct effect of each factor on learning transfer. The results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use of e-learning learner had a positive(+) effect on self-efficacy and a positive influence on supervisor and peer support and organizational climate. Self-efficacy showed a positive effect on learning transfer, and supervisor support, peer support and organizational climate had a positive influence on learning transfer as well. Perceived usefulness also had a positive effect on learning transfer. However, perceived ease-of-use had no significant effect on learning transfer. As a result of the mediating effect analysis, self-efficacy and work environment were analyzed to have mediating effects between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning transfer. The implications of this study are as follows. First, this study designed a new research model that reflects factors influencing the effect of learning transfer on acceptance of e-learning that is common in corporate education. It has derived a research model of perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use, which were used as mediating variables for external characteristics factors, as independent variables, using self-efficacy and work environment as mediating variables, which were studied as external factors. Second, most of the studies on technology acceptance model and learning transfer are conducted in a single country. The reliability was enhanced by testing the study models using different samples from 26 countries. Third, perceived usefulness and ease-of-use in existing studies have been considered as key determinants of acceptance intention and learning transfer. This study explored the mediating effects of learner and environmental factors on the accepted information technology and strengthened and supplemented the path of learning transfer of perceived usefulness and ease-of-use. In addition, based on the sample analysis of various countries used in this study, it is expected that future international comparative studies will be possible.

Estimation of Microclimate by Site Types in Natural Deciduous Forest and Relation between Periodic Annual Increment of Diameter and the Microclimatic Estimates - A Case Study on the National Forest in Pyungchung, Kangwon Province - (천연 활엽수림의 입지 유형별 미기후 추정과 직경생장과의 관계 - 강원도 평창 지역 국유림을 중심으로 -)

  • 신만용;정상영;이돈구
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to estimate microclimate of natural deciduous forest in national forest of Pyungchang, Kangwon province and to investigate the effects of the microclimatic conditions on the periodic annual increment of diameter by site types. In this study, site was first classified by nine types considering both elevation (higher than 1,000 m, 700∼1,000 m, and lower than 700 m) and topographical conditions (ridge, slope and valley). For each of site types, diameter growth was measured by using increment borer and periodic annual increment of diameter was then analyzed. A topoclimatological technique, for estimating microclimatic conditions, which make use of empirical relationships between the topographical factor and the climatic normals in the study area was applied to produce monthly mean, maximum and minimum temperatures, relative humidity, precipitation and hours of sunshine. From these monthly estimtes, 17 weather variables such as warmth index, coldness index, index of aridity etc. which affect the diameter growth were computed for each of site types. The periodic annual increment of diameter was then correlated with and regressed on the 17 weather variables to examine effects of microclimatic conditions on the diameter growth by site types. From the correlation analysis, it was found that the diameter growth by site types was positively correlated with all of 17 weather variables except the warmth index. Especially, the conditions such as high relative humidity and large amount of sunshine hours provide favorable environment for the growth of diameter. On the other hand, it was also found that diameter growth was negatively iufluenced by warmth index. According to the regression analysis, the periodic annual increment of diameter could be well predicted by index of aridity and mean relative humidity for the growing season.

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The Influence of Senior Entrepreneurship Competency and Start-up Support Policy on Entrepreneurship Intention: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Mentoring (시니어 창업자 역량과 창업지원정책이 창업의지에 미치는 영향: 멘토링의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young Tae;Heo, Chul Moo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2021
  • With the recent increase in senior retirement, and senior start-ups are becoming more active due to high interest in start-ups. Research on young entrepreneurship, including college students, is being actively conducted, but most of the preceding research on senior entrepreneurship was conducted mainly on personal characteristics and social environment, and there were not many empirical studies on the influencing factors of entrepreneurship support policies. In this study, research and discussion on the entrepreneurial support policy and entrepreneurial competence as the influencing factors of senior entrepreneurship. As the independent variable of this study, the founder's competency was adopted as two factors: technical competence and creative competency, and the entrepreneurial support policy was divided into education support and funding support. Mentoring was set as a controlling variable and entrepreneurial intention was set as a dependent variable. A total of 232 questionnaires collected from seniors in their 40s or older were empirically analyzed. To verify the hypothesis of the study, SPSS 23 was used for exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis, and Process 3.4 was used for moderation effect. As a result of the study, it was found that the factors of technical competence, creative competence, educational support, and funding all have a significant influence on the will of entrepreneurship. It was found that creative competency(𝛽=.318), funding support(𝛽=.188), educational support(𝛽=.152), and technical competence(𝛽=.139), in this order, influenced the entrepreneurial intention. It was verified that the moderating effect of mentoring was significant between technical competence, creative competence, and entrepreneurial intention, but the moderating effect of mentoring between educational support, funding and entrepreneurial intention was not. The implications of this study will contribute to the research of senior start-up support policies, institutional supplementation, and differentiated start-up support programs by studying the factors of senior start-up capabilities and start-up support policies. It is also believed that it will contribute to the search for ways to increase creative capabilities that have a high influence on the willingness to start a business and the expansion of mentoring functions.

An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Supply Chain Management Systems Success from Vendor's Perspective (참여자관점에서 공급사슬관리 시스템의 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Kang, Sung-Bae;Moon, Tae-Soo;Chung, Yoon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.139-166
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    • 2010
  • The supply chain management (SCM) systems have emerged as strong managerial tools for manufacturing firms in enhancing competitive strength. Despite of large investments in the SCM systems, many companies are not fully realizing the promised benefits from the systems. A review of literature on adoption, implementation and success factor of IOS (inter-organization systems), EDI (electronic data interchange) systems, shows that this issue has been examined from multiple theoretic perspectives. And many researchers have attempted to identify the factors which influence the success of system implementation. However, the existing studies have two drawbacks in revealing the determinants of systems implementation success. First, previous researches raise questions as to the appropriateness of research subjects selected. Most SCM systems are operating in the form of private industrial networks, where the participants of the systems consist of two distinct groups: focus companies and vendors. The focus companies are the primary actors in developing and operating the systems, while vendors are passive participants which are connected to the system in order to supply raw materials and parts to the focus companies. Under the circumstance, there are three ways in selecting the research subjects; focus companies only, vendors only, or two parties grouped together. It is hard to find researches that use the focus companies exclusively as the subjects probably due to the insufficient sample size for statistic analysis. Most researches have been conducted using the data collected from both groups. We argue that the SCM success factors cannot be correctly indentified in this case. The focus companies and the vendors are in different positions in many areas regarding the system implementation: firm size, managerial resources, bargaining power, organizational maturity, and etc. There are no obvious reasons to believe that the success factors of the two groups are identical. Grouping the two groups also raises questions on measuring the system success. The benefits from utilizing the systems may not be commonly distributed to the two groups. One group's benefits might be realized at the expenses of the other group considering the situation where vendors participating in SCM systems are under continuous pressures from the focus companies with respect to prices, quality, and delivery time. Therefore, by combining the system outcomes of both groups we cannot measure the system benefits obtained by each group correctly. Second, the measures of system success adopted in the previous researches have shortcoming in measuring the SCM success. User satisfaction, system utilization, and user attitudes toward the systems are most commonly used success measures in the existing studies. These measures have been developed as proxy variables in the studies of decision support systems (DSS) where the contribution of the systems to the organization performance is very difficult to measure. Unlike the DSS, the SCM systems have more specific goals, such as cost saving, inventory reduction, quality improvement, rapid time, and higher customer service. We maintain that more specific measures can be developed instead of proxy variables in order to measure the system benefits correctly. The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of SCM systems success in the perspective of vendor companies. In developing the research model, we have focused on selecting the success factors appropriate for the vendors through reviewing past researches and on developing more accurate success measures. The variables can be classified into following: technological, organizational, and environmental factors on the basis of TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) framework. The model consists of three independent variables (competition intensity, top management support, and information system maturity), one mediating variable (collaboration), one moderating variable (government support), and a dependent variable (system success). The systems success measures have been developed to reflect the operational benefits of the SCM systems; improvement in planning and analysis capabilities, faster throughput, cost reduction, task integration, and improved product and customer service. The model has been validated using the survey data collected from 122 vendors participating in the SCM systems in Korea. To test for mediation, one should estimate the hierarchical regression analysis on the collaboration. And moderating effect analysis should estimate the moderated multiple regression, examines the effect of the government support. The result shows that information system maturity and top management support are the most important determinants of SCM system success. Supply chain technologies that standardize data formats and enhance information sharing may be adopted by supply chain leader organization because of the influence of focal company in the private industrial networks in order to streamline transactions and improve inter-organization communication. Specially, the need to develop and sustain an information system maturity will provide the focus and purpose to successfully overcome information system obstacles and resistance to innovation diffusion within the supply chain network organization. The support of top management will help focus efforts toward the realization of inter-organizational benefits and lend credibility to functional managers responsible for its implementation. The active involvement, vision, and direction of high level executives provide the impetus needed to sustain the implementation of SCM. The quality of collaboration relationships also is positively related to outcome variable. Collaboration variable is found to have a mediation effect between on influencing factors and implementation success. Higher levels of inter-organizational collaboration behaviors such as shared planning and flexibility in coordinating activities were found to be strongly linked to the vendors trust in the supply chain network. Government support moderates the effect of the IS maturity, competitive intensity, top management support on collaboration and implementation success of SCM. In general, the vendor companies face substantially greater risks in SCM implementation than the larger companies do because of severe constraints on financial and human resources and limited education on SCM systems. Besides resources, Vendors generally lack computer experience and do not have sufficient internal SCM expertise. For these reasons, government supports may establish requirements for firms doing business with the government or provide incentives to adopt, implementation SCM or practices. Government support provides significant improvements in implementation success of SCM when IS maturity, competitive intensity, top management support and collaboration are low. The environmental characteristic of competition intensity has no direct effect on vendor perspective of SCM system success. But, vendors facing above average competition intensity will have a greater need for changing technology. This suggests that companies trying to implement SCM systems should set up compatible supply chain networks and a high-quality collaboration relationship for implementation and performance.

Consumer's Negative Brand Rumor Acceptance and Rumor Diffusion (소비자의 부정적 브랜드 루머의 수용과 확산)

  • Lee, Won-jun;Lee, Han-Suk
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2012
  • Brand has received much attention from considerable marketing research. When consumers consume product or services, they are exposed to a lot of brand related stimuli. These contain brand personality, brand experience, brand identity, brand communications and so on. A special kind of new crisis occasionally confronting companies' brand management today is the brand related rumor. An important influence on consumers' purchase decision making is the word-of-mouth spread by other consumers and most decisions are influenced by other's recommendations. In light of this influence, firms have reasonable reason to study and understand consumer-to-consumer communication such as brand rumor. The importance of brand rumor to marketers is increasing as the number of internet user and SNS(social network service) site grows. Due to the development of internet technology, people can spread rumors without the limitation of time, space and place. However relatively few studies have been published in marketing journals and little is known about brand rumors in the marketplace. The study of rumor has a long history in all major social science. But very few studies have dealt with the antecedents and consequences of any kind of brand rumor. Rumor has been generally described as a story or statement in general circulation without proper confirmation or certainty as to fact. And it also can be defined as an unconfirmed proposition, passed along from people to people. Rosnow(1991) claimed that rumors were transmitted because people needed to explain ambiguous and uncertain events and talking about them reduced associated anxiety. Especially negative rumors are believed to have the potential to devastate a company's reputation and relations with customers. From the perspective of marketer, negative rumors are considered harmful and extremely difficult to control in general. It is becoming a threat to a company's sustainability and sometimes leads to negative brand image and loss of customers. Thus there is a growing concern that these negative rumors can damage brands' reputations and lead them to financial disaster too. In this study we aimed to distinguish antecedents of brand rumor transmission and investigate the effects of brand rumor characteristics on rumor spread intention. We also found key components in personal acceptance of brand rumor. In contextualist perspective, we tried to unify the traditional psychological and sociological views. In this unified research approach we defined brand rumor's characteristics based on five major variables that had been found to influence the process of rumor spread intention. The five factors of usefulness, source credibility, message credibility, worry, and vividness, encompass multi level elements of brand rumor. We also selected product involvement as a control variable. To perform the empirical research, imaginary Korean 'Kimch' brand and related contamination rumor was created and proposed. Questionnaires were collected from 178 Korean samples. Data were collected from college students who have been experienced the focal product. College students were regarded as good subjects because they have a tendency to express their opinions in detail. PLS(partial least square) method was adopted to analyze the relations between variables in the equation model. The most widely adopted causal modeling method is LISREL. However it is poorly suited to deal with relatively small data samples and can yield not proper solutions in some cases. PLS has been developed to avoid some of these limitations and provide more reliable results. To test the reliability using SPSS 16 s/w, Cronbach alpha was examined and all the values were appropriate showing alpha values between .802 and .953. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted successfully. And structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the research model using smartPLS(ver. 2.0) s/w. Overall, R2 of adoption of rumor is .476 and R2 of intention of rumor transmission is .218. The overall model showed a satisfactory fit. The empirical results can be summarized as follows. According to the results, the variables of brand rumor characteristic such as source credibility, message credibility, worry, and vividness affect argument strength of rumor. And argument strength of rumor also affects rumor intention. On the other hand, the relationship between perceived usefulness and argument strength of rumor is not significant. The moderating effect of product involvement on the relations between argument strength of rumor and rumor W.O.M intention is not supported neither. Consequently this study suggests some managerial and academic implications. We consider some implications for corporate crisis management planning, PR and brand management. This results show marketers that rumor is a critical factor for managing strong brand assets. Also for researchers, brand rumor should become an important thesis of their interests to understand the relationship between consumer and brand. Recently many brand managers and marketers have focused on the short-term view. They just focused on strengthen the positive brand image. According to this study we suggested that effective brand management requires managing negative brand rumors with a long-term view of marketing decisions.

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