• 제목/요약/키워드: embryonic swine kidney cells

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.015초

돼지 태아 신장세포에 있어 parvovirus KBSH의 DNA 복제과정에 관하여 (The Replication of Parvovirus KBSH DNA in the Embryonic Swine Kidney Cells)

  • 이성욱;김연수;강현삼
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 1987
  • 활발히 생장하고 있는 돼지 태아 선상세포에서. 정상적인 human 세포 배양으로부터 분리된 single-stranded DNA parvovirus KBSH 의 초기 증식 특성을 알아보기 위해, 합성되는 virus의 hemagglutinating(HA) antigen 양과 virus의 d double-stranded replicative form(RF) DNA 합성 속도를 조사하였다virus의 RFDNA 합성이 시작되는 감염 후 15-16 시간 때와 거의 동시에 virus에 감엽된 숙주셔1포의 DNA 합성 속도가 감소하기 시작하였으며, virus의 RF DNA 합성속도 가 최대에 년한 후 간소하시 시작하는 감염 후 24시간 때부터 virus의 HA antigen이 배지상으로 방출되기 시작하였다. 그러고 virus의 RF DNA 복체에는 virus에 감염된 세포에서 감염 후 10-14시간 때에 형성되는 만액섣들이 관여함을 말았다.

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Functional characterization of $P_{2X}/P_{2Y}$ receptor in isolated swine renal artery

  • Kim, Joo-heon;Jeon, Je-cheol;Lee, Sang-kil;Lee, Su-jin;Lee, Younggeon;Won, Jinyoung;Kang, Jae seon;Hong, Yonggeun
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.371-378
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    • 2007
  • To understand the role of $PM_{2X}/P_{2Y}$ receptor in cortex region of kidney and renal artery, molecular and functional analysis of $PM_{2X}/P_{2Y}$ receptor by pharmacophysiological skill in conventional swine tissues were performed. In functional analysis of $P_{2Y}$ receptor for vascular relaxation, 2-methylthio adenosine triphosphate, a strong agonist of $P_{2Y}$ receptor, induced relaxation of noradrenaline (NA)-precontracted renal artery in a dose-dependent manner. Strikingly, relaxative effect of ATP, 2-msATP, agonists of $P_{2Y}$ receptor, abolished by treatment of reactive blue 2, a putative $P_{2Y}$ receptor antagonist. In contrast, no significant differences of gene encoding $PM_{2X}/P_{2Y}$ and protein expression in immortalized suprachiasmatic nucleus from brain, primary isolated vascular smooth muscle cells from renal artery of pigs and HEK293 from human embryonic kidney under with/without adenosine triphosphate were observed. Taken together, the relationship between molecular and functional characteristic of $PM_{2X}/P_{2Y}$ receptors in conventional pig should be considered that they are another important factor which regulate the kidney function in swine. Based on this study, we propose the purinergic receptor as well as adrenergic and cholinergic receptors is an essential component of the renal homeostasis.