• Title/Summary/Keyword: embedded sensor design

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Monitoring Systems for Embedded Equipment in Ubiquitous Environments

  • Bae, Ji-Hye;Kang, Hee-Kuk;Park, Yoon-Young;Park, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2006
  • Accurate and efficient monitoring of dynamically changing environments is one of the most important requirements for ubiquitous network environments. Ubiquitous computing provides intelligent environments which are aware of spatial conditions and can provide timely and useful information to users or devices. Also, the growth of embedded systems and wireless communication technology has made it possible for sensor network environments to develop on a large scale and at low-cost. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a monitoring system that collects, analyzes, and controls the status information of each sensor, following sensor data extracted from each sensor node. The monitoring system adopts Web technology for the implementation of a simple but efficient user interface that allows an operator to visualize any of the processes, elements, or related information in a convenient graphic form.

A Study on the Design of Embedded System-Based Wheel Drive Robots for Overcoming the Terrain (지형 극복을 위한 임베디드 시스템 기반 바퀴 구동형 로봇의 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min Gyu;Seon Ji Ho;Jeong Se Jin;Kim Sang Hoon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.559-567
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this paper is to design and implement a wheel-driven small intelligent robot with intelligent sensor signal processing and various driving methods to overcome non-flat terrain such as slopes and steps and avoid obstacles. An eccentric gear structure was proposed to overcome non-flat terrain, optimal sensor signal processing was applied to maintain real-time balance, and an omnidirectional driving method that enables obstacle recognition and escape from a narrow space using a LiDAR sensor was proposed and designed to overcome obstacles. An optimal embedded system was designed and constructed to implement and control the intelligent elements of the robot.

Network Camera for CMOS Camera Module Inspection (CMOS 카메라 모듈 검사를 위한 네트워크 카메라)

  • 신은철;최병욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.809-813
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we developed a network camera for CMOS camera module inspection. The design, implementation details including embedded linux porting and CPLD logics, and performance of network camera are described. The network camera consists of SoC(S3C4530A), CPLD and CMOS image sensor. In order to image data of CMOS image sensor we designed capture logics on CPLD by using VHDL program. Embedded Linux such as uClinux is performed on the network camera to utilize development environment and TCP/IP protocol specification. The application is based on socket communication between GUI on PC and Embedded Linux based network camera. When JPEG compression is applied, the transmission speed was improved enough for this system to be used for an alternative of expensive CCTV or remote monitoring system in a power plant and uninhabited places.

  • PDF

Robot Controller Design with Embedded RTOS (임베디드 RTOS 기반의 로봇 컨트롤러 설계)

  • Hong, Seon Hack;Youn, Jin Sub
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, We designed the robot controller with Linux OS, Cygwin under the Marvell Monahan PXA320 embedded platform. Cygwin is a collection of tools for using the Linux-like environment for commercially released x86 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows and is a DLL that acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality. TinyOS-2. x is a component based embedded OS by UC Berkeley and is an open-source OS designed for interfacing the sensor application with specific C-language. The results of experiment are described to show the improvement of sensor interfacing functionality under the PXA320 embedded RTOS platform.

Design and Implementation of Radar Signal Processing System for Vehicle Door Collision Prevention (차량 도어 충돌 방지용 레이다 신호처리 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Jeongwoo Han;Minsang Kim;Daehong Kim;Yunho Jung
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents the design and implementation results of a Raspberry-Pi-based embedded system with an FPGA accelerator that can detect and classify objects using an FMCW radar sensor for preventing door collision accidents in vehicles. The proposed system performs a radar sensor signal processing and a deep learning processing that classifies objects into bicycles, automobiles, and pedestrians. Since the CNN algorithm requires substantial computation and memory, it is not suitable for embedded systems. To address this, we implemented a lightweight deep learning model, BNN, optimized for embedded systems on an FPGA, and verified the results achieving a classification accuracy of 90.33% and an execution time of 20ms.

Design and Implementation of CoAP based Cloud-IoT Architecture (CoAP 기반 클라우드 환경 IoT 구조 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Young-Ki;Yang, Hyun-Sik;Kim, Young-Han
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2015
  • In the IoT(Internet of Things) environment, methods that user can access sensor node directly to collect sensing data or manage sensor in a gateway have a limitations. To solve this problem, cloud based sensor network architectures are proposed. In this paper, we proposed CoAP based IoT architecture that a lightweight gateway is used for data gathering instead of using a heavy traditional one and users can request sensing data through IoT applications running in the cloud environment and analyze signaling message cost. By doing so, our system can reduce message cost compared to the traditional gateway based system.

A Robust Transport Protocol Based on Intra-Cluster Node Density for Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 클러스터 내 노드 밀도 기반 트랜스포트 프로토콜)

  • Baek, Cheolheon;Moh, Sangman
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.381-390
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    • 2015
  • The efficient design of a transport protocol contributes to energy conservation as well as performance improvement in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, a node-density-aware transport protocol (NDTP) for intra-cluster transmissions in WSNs for monitoring physical attributes is proposed, which takes node density into account to mitigate congestion in intra-cluster transmissions. In the proposed NDTP, the maximum active time and queue length of cluster heads are restricted to reduce energy consumption. This is mainly because cluster heads do more works and consume more energy than normal sensor nodes. According to the performance evaluation results, the proposed NDTP outperforms the conventional protocol remarkably in terms of network lifetime, congestion frequency, and packet error rate.

Design of Ultrasonic Sensor Based Obstacle Recognition Mobile Robot (초음파 센서 기반 장애물 인지 이동 로봇 설계)

  • Moon, Inseok;Hong, Won-Kee;Ryu, Juang-Tak
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 2011
  • Intelligent robots are widely needed in various areas of industry from extremely dangerous environments to service tasks. For autonomous mobile robots, it is significant to move itself safely to a destination point, recognizing its surroundings. Advances in sensor technology and its applications are achieved in order to develop an intelligent robot. In this paper, a mobile robot with a path-finding algorithm is presented. The path-finding algorithm is the one that does not only find a path to designated destination and also recognizes obstacles on the way, calculating its distance. 10 ultrasonic sensor are mounted on the front and rear of the mobile robot to figure out its position. Specular reflection and wide viewing angle, which are inherent characteristics of ultrasonic waves, cause errors in measuring distance.

Development of Wire/Wireless Communication Modules using Environmental Sensor Modules for LNG Storage Tanks (LNG 저장탱크용 환경 센서 모듈을 이용한 유무선 통신 모듈 개발)

  • Park, Byong Jin;Kim, Min Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2022
  • Accidents are steadily occurring due to machine defects and carelessness during LNG storage operations. In previous studies, an environmental sensor module capable of measuring pressure, temperature, gas concentration, and flow to detect danger in advance was developed and the response speed according to the amount of leaked gas was measured. This paper proposes the development of a wired and wireless communication module that transmits data measured by the environmental sensor module to embedded devices connected to wired and wireless networks of SPI, UART, and LTE. First, a data communication module capable of interworking with an environmental sensor is designed. Design a protocol between devices in the Local Control Part and wired and wireless protocols in the Local Control Part and Remote Control Part. Ethernet, WiFi, and LTE communication modules were designed, and UART and SPI channels that can be linked with embedded controllers were designed. As a result, it was confirmed through a UI (User Interface) that each embedded device transmits data measured by the environmental sensor module while simultaneously communicating on a wired and wireless basis.

Concrete structural health monitoring using piezoceramic-based wireless sensor networks

  • Li, Peng;Gu, Haichang;Song, Gangbing;Zheng, Rong;Mo, Y.L.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.5_6
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    • pp.731-748
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    • 2010
  • Impact detection and health monitoring are very important tasks for civil infrastructures, such as bridges. Piezoceramic based transducers are widely researched for these tasks due to the piezoceramic material's inherent advantages of dual sensing and actuation ability, which enables the active sensing method for structural health monitoring with a network of piezoceramic transducers. Wireless sensor networks, which are easy for deployment, have great potential in health monitoring systems for large civil infrastructures to identify early-age damages. However, most commercial wireless sensor networks are general purpose and may not be optimized for a network of piezoceramic based transducers. Wireless networks of piezoceramic transducers for active sensing have special requirements, such as relatively high sampling rate (at a few-thousand Hz), incorporation of an amplifier for the piezoceramic element for actuation, and low energy consumption for actuation. In this paper, a wireless network is specially designed for piezoceramic transducers to implement impact detection and active sensing for structural health monitoring. A power efficient embedded system is designed to form the wireless sensor network that is capable of high sampling rate. A 32 bit RISC wireless microcontroller is chosen as the main processor. Detailed design of the hardware system and software system of the wireless sensor network is presented in this paper. To verify the functionality of the wireless sensor network, it is deployed on a two-story concrete frame with embedded piezoceramic transducers, and the active sensing property of piezoceramic material is used to detect the damage in the structure. Experimental results show that the wireless sensor network can effectively implement active sensing and impact detection with high sampling rate while maintaining low power consumption by performing offline data processing and minimizing wireless communication.