• Title/Summary/Keyword: elite selection

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Selection of RAPD marker to discriminate the bolting-resistant varieties and commercial dried medicinal materials of Angelica species (당귀 내추대성 품종 및 건재약재 판별을 위한 RAPD marker 선발)

  • Bang, Kyong-Hwan;Yu, Hong-Seob;Koo, Dal-Hoe;Cho, Joon-Hyeong;Park, Hee-Woon;Seong, Nak-Sul;Park, Sang-Il;Kim, Hong-Sig
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2002
  • In DNA level, genetic study of Angelica species was firstly conducted to discriminate the bolting-resistant or low bolting variety, so called as Manchu, from other Korea collected lines and also this technuque was applied to identify the origin of commercial dried materials obtained from current oriental medicinal market. By RAPD analysis with 72 primers including sixty of 10-mers and twelve of 20-mers, respectively, three primers, which were related to the bolting resistant traits of Angelica gigas, were identified. Comparing the RAPD bands, URP04 primer showed the 1.7 kb specific band, which seemed to be related to delaying bolting traits, since it was observed only in Jinbu elite lines but not in others. On the other hand, since 1.2 kb band amplified by OPD11 was observed in other collected lines but not in Manchu var. and Jinbu line, this primer also could be considered as a selection marker for identifying bolting resistant or delaying bolting traits. In the same manner, since OPP09 did not show 1 kb major band but produced 0.8 kb and 1.2 kb bands in Manchu var., these three bands amplified by the primer could be considered one of the important key specifying Manchu var. related with the trait of Angelica gigas. OPC02 primer showed the same band patterns in all Korean collected lines, but not in other foreign introduced lines, such as A. sinensis from China, and A. acutiloba from Japan. Since these four RAPD primers, OPD11, OPP09, URP04, and OPC02 showed the specific polymorphisms in Angelica species, thus, these were useful to discriminate the three Angelica species, A. gigas, A. sinensis, and A. acutiloba.

Identification of DNA Markers Related to Resistance to Herbicide Containing Mesotrione in Tongil Type Rice (통일형 벼에서 메소트리온계 제초제 저항성 연관 DNA marker 탐색)

  • Lee, Ji-Yoon;Cho, Jun-Hyeon;Lee, Jong-Hee;Cho, Su-Min;Kwon, Young-Ho;Park, Dong-Soo;Song, You-Chun;Ko, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.387-395
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to identify DNA markers related to resistance to herbicide containing mesotrione in Tongil type rice. Two Tongil type elite lines; Milyang154 and Suweon382, showed resistance to mesotrione, whereas the others were susceptible at 20 days after mesotrione application, and severe growth inhibition was observed in the remaining 13 lines. As a result of analysis of mesotrione resistance using 190 $F_2$ populations derived from a cross of Hanareum2 (susceptible) and Milyang154 (resistant), the mesotrione resistance locus was shown to be a single dominant gene with a 3:1 segregation ratio ($X^2=1.19$, P=0.31). To identify a DNA marker closely linked to the mesotrione resistance gene, bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was adopted. The DNA marker RM3501 was identified on chromosome 2 with a recombinant value of 0.53 to the mesotrione resistance gene. Mst1(t) was located between SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers RM3501 and RM324 with a physical map distance of 10.2 Mb-11.4 Mb on chromosome 2. The band pattern of agarose gel electrophoresis of the SSR marker RM3501 showed the same segregation pattern with respect to mesotrione treatment in 20 Tongil type varieties and a $BC_2F_2$ segregation population derived from a cross between Unkwang (resistant) and Hanareum2 (susceptible). Thus, the RM3501 DNA marker could be used in breeding programs for Marker Assisted Selection in mesotrione resistant rice breeding.

Annual Analysis of the Agronomic Traits of Global Wheat Germplasms in the Korean Environment (국내환경에서 밀 유전자원의 연차간 농업특성 분석)

  • Son, Jae-Han;Yang, Jinwoo;Kang, Chon-Sik;Kim, Kyeong-Hoon;Kim, Kyeong-Min;Jeong, Han-Yong;Park, Jinhee;Son, Ji-Young;Park, Tae-il;Choi, Changhyun
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    • v.66 no.2
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2021
  • Securing a range of wheat resources is of particular importance with respect to wheat breeding, as it provides a broad genetic foundation. Although wheat breeders have used different wheat germplasms as material resources in current breeding systems, the traits of most germplasms collected from foreign countries differ from the unique traits that have evolved in the Korean environment. In this study, conducted over a 2-year period (2018 and 2019), we therefore evaluated the agricultural traits 1,967 wheat germplasms collected not only in Korea but also worldwide. During the period from sowing to February, the average temperature in 2019 was greater than 1℃, whereas from March to June, the average temperature was approximately 0.9℃ higher in 2018. Compared with the growth recorded in 2018, the stem length in 2019 increased by approximately 20 cm in 2019, and there were notable differences heading date and maturation between 2018 and 2019. In 2019, the heading dates of 973 and 713 wheat resources were earlier and later than those in 2018, respectively. Moreover, stem length was found to be highly correlated with the heading date and maturation. In Korea, where the rainy season and tine of rice transplantation overlap with the time of wheat harvest, early flowering time with high grain yield has been the most important selection target with respect to wheat breeding. We anticipate that the findings of this study will provide would use a foundation for the selection of elite materials and the development of resource core-sets for Korean wheat breeding programs.

Selection of Salt-Tolerant Silage Rice Through in vitro Screening and Saltol QTL Analysis (기내 선발과 Saltol QTL 분석을 통한 내염성 증진 사료용 벼 선발)

  • Cho, Chuloh;Kim, Kyung Hwa;Ahn, Eok-Keun;Park, Hyangmi;Choi, Man-Soo;Chun, Jaebuhm;Seo, Mi-Suk;Jin, Mina;Kim, Dool-Yi
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 2020
  • Salinity is one of the major abiotic stressors that inhibits the growth, yield, and productivity of crop plants. Therefore, it is necessary to develop crops with increased salt tolerance for cultivation in saline soils such as is found in reclaimed land. The objective of this study was to develop a salt-tolerant silage rice line that grows on reclaimed land. In order to develop this salt-tolerant silage rice, we transferred Saltol, a major QTL associated with salt tolerance, from IR64-Saltol, a salt-tolerant indica variety, into Mogyang, a susceptible elite japonica variety. To determine the effect of salt stress, Mogyang and IR64-Saltol cultivars were grown on a medium containing various concentrations of NaCl in in vitro conditions. Shoot length was found to decrease with increasing salt concentrations, and root growth was almost arrested at NaCl concentrations over 50 mM in the Mogyang cultivar. Based on these preliminary results, we screened five salt-tolerant lines showing superior growth under salt stress conditions. Polymerase chain reaction and sequencing results showed that the introgression types of Saltol QTL were derived from the IR64-Saltol cultivar in almost all selected lines. Based on the observed growth and physiological characteristics, the new Saltol introgression lines showed higher salt tolerance compared to the Mogyang parental cultivar. The salt-tolerant lines identified in this study could be used as a genetic resource to improve rice salt tolerance.

Development of Disease-resistant Japonica Rice Varieties and Effects of Pyramiding Resistance Genes (내병성 자포니카 벼 계통 육성과 저항성 유전자 집적효과)

  • Kim, Woo-Jae;Baek, Man-Kee;Park, Hyeon-Su;Lee, Geon-Mi;Lee, Chang-Min;Kim, Seok-Man;Cho, Young-Chan;Seo, Jeong-Phil;Jeong, O-Young
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.314-326
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    • 2020
  • This study was carried out to develop a resistant variety against the K3a race of bacterial blight, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, through expansion and pyramiding of resistance genes. To develop an elite bacterial blight-resistant cultivar, the breeding process and bacterial blight resistance reactions in advanced backcross lines (ABLs) were analyzed. ABLs21 which contain Xa3 and Xa21, were developed by double backcrossing japonica cultivar Hwanggeumnuri, which has bacterial blight resistant Xa3 gene, and indica variety IRBB21, which havs Xa21 gene, followed by disease resistance bioassay and marker-assisted selection. The resistance genes of ABLs21 were amplified by PCR with the molecular markers 9643.T4 (Xa3) and U1/I1 (Xa21). Hwanggeumnuri and IRBB3 showed resistance reactions against K1, K2, and K3 races, and a susceptible reaction against K3a, K4, and K5 races. IRBB21 showed resistance reactions against K2, K3, K3a, K4 and K5 races, and a susceptible reaction against K1 race. Hwanggeumnuri showed susceptible reactions at the seedling, tillering and adult stages (all stages), whereas ABL21-1 showed moderate resistance at the tillering stage. ABL21-1 showed stable resistance against 18 isolates of K3a race, and the lesion length was shorter than that of the donor parents. In cluster analysis, the HB4032 isolate showed the highest pathogenicity among the 18 isolates. The molecular marker polymorphisms and average substituted chromosome segment lengths of ABLs21 were 63.2 % and 86.1 cM, respectively. Insertion of the donor chromosomal segments occurred in the predicted region of the Xa21 gene of ABLs21.

Assessment of Substantial Equivalence and Environmental Risk for Event Selection of Genetically Modified Chrysanthemum (국화의 GM 이벤트 선발을 위한 실질적 동등성 및 환경위해성 평가)

  • Lim, Jin Hee;Shim, Myung Syun;Oh, Kwan Hun;Seo, Ji Yeon;Lee, Su Young;Park, Sang Kun;Shin, Hak Ki;Cho, Myoung Rae
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.517-524
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    • 2014
  • As an assessment of substantial equivalence and environmental risks of branchless chrysanthemum GM lines (LeLS69, LeLS76, LeLS80) developed in Korea, we investigated their degree of branchlessness and developmental characteristics including growth and flowering, as well as the stability of populations of insect pests and soil microbes. The GM lines were compared with a control variety, 'Jinba'. LeLS80 showed the highest level of branchlessness among the three GM lines, whereas abnormal axillary buds developed in lines LeLS76 and LeLS69. There were no significant differences between the growth characteristics of 'Jinba' and the GM lines. The branchlessness LeLS80 was increased during the summer season, suggesting that it is a useful germplasm for developing elite branchless cultivars. These GM lines showed no significant differences in the occurrence of five insect pests including aphids, mites, leaf miners, thrips, and whiteflies. Similarly, for soil microbes including bacteria and actinomycetes, there were no significant differences between 'Jinba' and the GM lines. However, there was a higher occurrence of fungi in the GM lines compared to 'Jinba'. Our findings suggest that 'Jinba' and the GM lines are substantially equivalent, although further monitoring studies are needed to confirm this.

Susceptibility of Two Potato Cultivars to Various Environmental Stresses (다양한 환경스트레스에 대한 감자 2품종의 감수성 분석)

  • Tang, Li;Kwon, Suk-Yoon;Sung, Chang-K;Kwak, Sang-Soo;Lee, Haeng-Soon
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.405-410
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    • 2003
  • Environmental stress is the major limiting factor in plant productivity. In order to evaluate the stress tolerance of potato plants, leaf discs of two potato cultivars, Atlantic and Superior, were subjected to various stress conditions of high temperature, methyl viologen, H2O2, or $H_2O$$_2$. When potato leaf discs were exposed to high temperature at 37$^{\circ}C$ for 84 hr, Atlantic plants, a cultivar with high sensitivity to heat stress, showed about 20% higher membrane damage than Superior plants. When exposed to 2$\mu$M methyl violgen (MV), a superoxide generating non-selective herbicide, for 36 hr, Atlantic plants also showed about 38% higher membrane damage than Superior plants, and were more susceptible up to 10$\mu$M MV concentration tested. On treatment with 0.75M NaCl, Atlantic plants also had about 45% less chlorophyll contents in leaf discs than Superior plants. There was, however, no difference in chlorophyll content of two cultivars at higher NaCl concentrations. The effect of $H_2O$$_2$ on the two cultivars was mixed. At low $H_2O$$_2$ concentration (25 mM) , Superior plants were more susceptible to $H_2O$$_2$stress after 36 hr. However, at high $H_2O$$_2$ concentration (100 mM), Atlantic plants exhibited higher susceptibility after 36 hr. The results indicate that in vitro leaf discs reflecting the whole plants in this study will be useful for selection and characterization of elite transgenic potato plants with enhanced tolerance to environmental stress.

Evaluation of Potato Genetic Resources and Development of Potato Varieties with Diverse colors (감자 유전자원 평가 및 다양한 컬러 감자 품종 개발)

  • 임학태;이규화;구동만;양덕춘;전익조
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.264-274
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    • 2003
  • Many potato genetic resources have been collected and improved for their diverse traits over the years using breeding program in KPGR. To select potential varieties for table and processing in Korea, 58 elite potato breeding lines and several 'Valley' varieties were cultivated and harvested at Korea Alpine area in 2001. The cultivated lines and varieties were evaluated using their cultural adaptability in the environment and tuber characteristics, such as the depth of tuber eye, tuber shape, skin color, flesh color, scab resistance, yield, and the resistance of hollow heart and internal brown spot disease. Additionally, in the selection of potential processing varieties, reducing sugar content (sum of glucose and fructose concentration) of tubers is critically considered, because it mainly influence on the chip color of processing potato tuber. For table stock varieties with white skin color, 'Early Valley', 'Summer Valley', 'Winter Valley', and 'Taebok Valley' were selected. In the aspect of diverse potato tuber color, several varieties were selected such as 'Golden Valley' for its yellow fresh and skin color, 'Gogu Valley', 'Juice Valley', and 'Rose Valley' for their red skin color, and 'Purple Valley' for its purple skin. Compared with world wide known processing cultivar 'Atlantic', 24 lines (or varieties) were selected for the potential potato processing industry due to their low reducing sugar contents (below 0.3%), high yield (above 4.0 ton/ha), and unique chip colors. Selected white chipping varieties were 'Taedong Valley', 'Kangshim Valley', and 'Kangwon Valley', which have 0.23%, 0.27%, and 0.29% of reducing sugar contents, respectively. 'Bora Valley', having deep purple color in both skin and fresh, was selected for purple chip variety and has 0.26% of reducing sugar content. Light yellow chip varieties (lines) were 'Rose Valley' and Valley 54, having 0.19% and 0.269% of reducing sugar content, respectively. For French frying potatoes, 'Stick Valley' of 0.22% and Valley 72 of 0.151% in reducing sugars were selected. All of these selected lines and 'Valley' varieties can be used as parents to improve potato genetic resources and to develop better varieties with unique traits and colors.

Variation in Pod Shattering in a RIL Population and Selection for Pod Shattering Tolerance in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] (콩 RIL 집단의 내탈립성 변이 탐색 및 유망계통 선발)

  • Seo, Jeong Hyun;Kang, Beom Kyu;Kim, Hyun Tae;Kim, Hong Sik;Choi, Man Soo;Oh, Jae Hyeon;Shin, Sang Ouk;Baek, In Youl;Kwak, Do Yeon
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.414-421
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    • 2019
  • Pod shattering during the maturing stage causes a serious yield loss in soybean. It is the main limiting factor of soybean cultivation and mechanization. It is important to develop varieties suitable for mechanical harvesting and to develop energy-efficient agricultural machinery to save labor and costs. 'Daewonkong,' developed by the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 1997, is an elite cultivar that occupies more than 80% of the soybean cultivation area in Korea because of its strong tolerance to pod shattering. The objectives of this study were to investigate the variation in pod shattering degree in a RIL population developed from a 'Daewonkong' parent and to select promising lines with pod shattering tolerance. 'Daewonkong' demonstrated a high level of tolerance to pod shattering compared to the 'Tawonkong' and 'Saeolkong' varieties, with no shattered pods after 72 hours of drying. Screening of pod shattering showed a clear distinction between the tolerant and susceptible varieties. Also, the distribution of shattering pod ratio in the two populations showed a similar pattern for three years. The promising lines with pod shattering tolerance included 27 lines in the 'Daewonkong'×'Tawonkong' population and 21 lines in the 'Daewonkong'×'Saeolkong' population. The promising lines are expected to be widely used as breeding parents for creating soybean cultivars with pod shattering tolerance.

Development of highly uniform variety for processing using SSR markers in radish (Raphanus sativus L) (분자표지를 활용한 고품질 가공용 고순도 무 품종 육성)

  • Jung, Un-Hwa;Oh, Jong-Hyuck;Kim, Young-Gyu;Ahn, Chun-Hee;Lee, Kwang-Sik;Choi, Su-Ryun;Lim, Yong-Pyo;Park, Su-Hyoung;Choi, Ki-Young;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2014
  • Using commercial radish varieties for processing, about 30% of radish was discarded due to the root shape and low purity. To raise the processing ability, we tried to develop a new variety producing H-shaped root. As another characteristic required in variety for processing is high purity, we tried to raise purity using simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers for testing seed purity in every segregating generation. To develop Male-sterile (MS) seeding parent, we crossed commercial variety of 'Gwan dong spring' and 'Gyeo ryong spring'. One elite inbred was selected as recurrent parent for the MS plant. The major horticultural traits of selected inbred line were disease resistance, late bolting, heat resistance and bright green root top color. To develop pollen parent, we crossed commercial variety of 'Tae sang king' and 'Seoul spring'. We used individual selection method to develop H-shaped hard root and disease resistant inbred. In each segregating generation, we selected one plant based on phenotype and the uniformity of selected plant was tested by SSR markers using self-pollinated seeds. In the first segregating generation, 64.6% of sib plants shared the same band in PCR amplification using ACMP-490 primer and 66.7% using cnu-316 primer. The uniformity of segregating generations using ACMP-490 and cnu-316 raised in second generation to 68.8%, 70.8%, respectively; in third generation to 93.8%, 100%; in fourth generation to 93.8%, 100%; in fifth generation to 95.8%, 100%; in sixth generation to 100%, 100%. A novel cross was made using selected MS parent and pollen parent. When we checker the horticultural traits using autumn cultivation, the novel cross variety produced H-shaped root comparing other commercial varieties and produced highly uniform radish. Thus we registered this novel cross variety as 'YR ORE' at 2013 (Registration No. 4550).