• 제목/요약/키워드: elemental components

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A case study of verifying a suicide by carbon monoxide intoxication committed by burning an ignition charcoal briquette (착화탄 연소에 의한 일산화탄소 중독사에서 자살입증에 관한 사례연구)

  • Sung, Tae-myung;Jo, Ju-ik;Ahn, Phil-sang
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.398-408
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    • 2015
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication, arising from CO from an ignited charcoal briquette (ICB), is a popular means of committing suicide in Korea. Most CO intoxications are related to suicide attempts; however, the possibility of a homicide disguised as a suicide cannot be ruled out. Therefore, forensic investigation of the deceased and the crime scene is crucial to confirm that the deceased committed suicide. Detection of the components of an ICB on the objects suspected of being contacted by the deceased, such as the hands, nostrils, and doorknobs, is essential for linking the crime scene to the victim in the case of suicides by ignited ICBs. The traces from an ICB were analyzed by investigating the morphological characteristics and obtaining elemental compositions. The ICBs were completely different from blackened wood, as detected by discriminant analysis with the elements of carbon and oxygen. We analyzed one case of CO intoxication to demonstrate an excellent procedure for verifying whether a suicide occurred with an ICB. We employed SEM-EDX for the analysis of an ICB, microscope-FT/IR and pyrolysis-GC/MS for a partly burnt resin-type substance, GC/MS for diphenhydramine (a sleeping drug), and GC/TCD for the CO-Hb level. We detected traces of an ICB on the hands, nostrils, and doorknobs, which were all discriminated into an ICB group. Detection of ICB traces from the nostrils could indicate that the deceased started the fire themselves to commit suicide. The partially burnt black material was analyzed as an acrylronitrilestyrene polymer, which is normally used to make bags for carrying or wrapping and could be assumed to have been used to transport the ICB. Diphenhydramine, a sleeping drug, was detected at a level of 2.3 mg/L in the blood, which was lower than that in fatal cases (8-31 mg/L; mean 16 mg/L). A CO-Hb level of 79% was found in the blood, which means that the cause of death was CO intoxication. The steps shown here could represent an ideal method for reaching a verdict of suicide by CO intoxication produced by burning an ICB in a sealed room or a car.

Analysis of Market and Technology Status of Major Agricultural Machinery (Tractor, Combine Harvester and Rice Transplanter) (핵심 농기계(트랙터, 콤바인 및 이앙기) 시장 및 기술 현황 분석)

  • Hong, Sungha;Choi, Kyu-hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2019
  • Alternatives for increasing the competitiveness of locally manufactured agricultural machinery in domestic and foreign markets has been proposed. This was done by analyzing the major agricultural machinery's price and market share as well as their performance and quality. In the Korean domestic market, the market share of Japanese agricultural machinery has been identified to be 14.5% for tractors, 31.1% for combine harvesters, and 35.8% for rice transplanters, and on track for further increase. Japanese manufacturers' domestic patent shares are 58.5% for tractors, 79.9% for combine harvesters, and 69.8% for rice transplanters, showing the dire need for Korean domestic firms to expand their technological rights. To strengthen the industrial competitiveness of agricultural machinery, therefore, researches that develop the fundamental and elemental technology to reduce the frequency of breakdown should be needed in the short term. To achieve this, it is imperative to establish technology roadmap, promote greater cooperation between academia and industry, and systematically increase research funding. In addition, as a long-term solution for enhancing the competitiveness, an establishment of Agricultural Equipment Technology Institute is strongly recommended to systematically support R&D for developing core technologies, particularly high-quality components that guarantee durability and quality.

Difference in Chemical Composition of PM2.5 and Investigation of its Causing Factors between 2013 and 2015 in Air Pollution Intensive Monitoring Stations (대기오염집중측정소별 2013~2015년 사이의 PM2.5 화학적 특성 차이 및 유발인자 조사)

  • Yu, Geun Hye;Park, Seung Shik;Ghim, Young Sung;Shin, Hye Jung;Lim, Cheol Soo;Ban, Soo Jin;Yu, Jeong Ah;Kang, Hyun Jung;Seo, Young Kyo;Kang, Kyeong Sik;Jo, Mi Ra;Jung, Sun A;Lee, Min Hee;Hwang, Tae Kyung;Kang, Byung Chul;Kim, Hyo Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.16-37
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    • 2018
  • In this study, difference in chemical composition of $PM_{2.5}$ observed between the year 2013 and 2015 at six air quality intensive monitoring stations (Bangryenogdo (BR), Seoul (SL), Daejeon (DJ), Gwangju (GJ), Ulsan (US), and Jeju (JJ)) was investigated and the possible factors causing their difference were also discussed. $PM_{2.5}$, organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC), and water-soluble ionic species concentrations were observed on a hourly basis in the six stations. The difference in chemical composition by regions was examined based on emissions of gaseous criteria pollutants (CO, $SO_2$, and $NO_2$), meteorological parameters (wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity), and origins and transport pathways of air masses. For the years 2013 and 2014, annual average $PM_{2.5}$ was in the order of SL ($${\sim_=}DJ$$)>GJ>BR>US>JJ, but the highest concentration in 2015 was found at DJ, following by GJ ($${\sim_=}SJ$$)>BR>US>JJ. Similar patterns were found in $SO{_4}^{2-}$, $NO_3{^-}$, and $NH_4{^+}$. Lower $PM_{2.5}$ at SL than at DJ and GJ was resulted from low concentrations of secondary ionic species. Annual average concentrations of OC and EC by regions had no big difference among the years, but their patterns were distinct from the $PM_{2.5}$, $SO{_4}^{2-}$, $NO_3{^-}$, and $NH_4{^+}$ concentrations by regions. 4-day air mass backward trajectory calculations indicated that in the event of daily average $PM_{2.5}$ exceeding the monthly average values, >70% of the air masses reaching the all stations were coming from northeastern Chinese polluted regions, indicating the long-range transportation (LTP) was an important contributor to $PM_{2.5}$ and its chemical composition at the stations. Lower concentrations of secondary ionic species and $PM_{2.5}$ at SL in 2015 than those at DJ and GJ sites were due to the decrease in impact by LTP from polluted Chinese regions, rather than the difference in local emissions of criteria gas pollutants ($SO_2$, $NO_2$, and $NH_3$) among the SL, DJ, and GJ sites. The difference in annual average $SO{_4}^{2-}$ by regions was resulted from combination of the difference in local $SO_2$ emissions and chemical conversion of $SO_2$ to $SO{_4}^{2-}$, and LTP from China. However, the $SO{_4}^{2-}$ at the sites were more influenced by LTP than the formation by chemical transformation of locally emitted $SO_2$. The $NO_3{^-}$ increase was closely associated with the increase in local emissions of nitrogen oxides at four urban sites except for the BR and JJ, as well as the LTP with a small contribution. Among the meterological parameters (wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity), the ambient temperature was most important factor to control the variation of $PM_{2.5}$ and its major chemical components concentrations. In other words, as the average temperature increases, the $PM_{2.5}$, OC, EC, and $NO_3{^-}$ concentrations showed a decreasing tendency, especially with a prominent feature in $NO_3{^-}$. Results from a case study that examined the $PM_{2.5}$ and its major chemical data observed between February 19 and March 2, 2014 at the all stations suggest that ambient $SO{_4}^{2-}$ and $NO_3{^-}$ concentrations are not necessarily proportional to the concentrations of their precursor emissions because the rates at which they form and their gas/particle partitioning may be controlled by factors (e.g., long range transportation) other than the concentration of the precursor gases.