• Title/Summary/Keyword: economic effects of university

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An Analysis on the Economic Effects of the Medical and Measuring Instrument Industry (한국 의료 및 측정기기산업의 투자파급효과 분석)

  • Suh, Jeong-Kyo
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2012
  • In these days, the interest on medical industry is increasing around the world. This paper attempts to estimate the economic effects of the medical and measuring instrument industry through the Input-Output Analysis. Especially, 78*78 Sector Tables were used as the first analysis tool. So then, 79*79 Sector Tables adjusted were used for that industry. The main analysis tools of this study are comparing and analyzing backward and forward linkage effect, the induced effect of the self industry and other industries and the induced coefficients such as products, value-added, employee's pay, sales surplus, employment. According to the result of analysis, the medical and measuring instrument industry has great economic impacts which affects the major macroeconomic factors such as production and backward linkage effect. And the induced effects of the self medical and measuring instrument industry are significant compared to other industries in aspects of production, employee's pay and sales surplus.

A Study on Economic benefits for Water Control Device Installed with a Flush Valve on a Toilet (세척밸브 급수제어장치 설치에 따른 경제적 효과 분석)

  • Park, Kang-Hyun;Kim, Su-Min
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.656-661
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    • 2011
  • The amount of water resources that can be used tend to be decreased gradually. In contrast, the rapidly increasing water consumption is a problem that need to be addressed. Renovation and equipment replacement to improve energy efficiency and to reduce expenditure for building usage is required. But the excessive initial investment cost and the prolonged of pay back period may be uneconomical choice. Water usage for cleaning the toilet bowl accounts for 27%of the total water usage. Water-saving valve that can select the amount of water for cleaning toilet bowl can be reduced expenditure. After installing water-saving valve, analysed the economic effects. Water-saving valves compared with flush valves, and researched the amount of water usage. Then analyzed for the economic effects. Water-saving valve was used 5.6 ${\ell}$/time for cleaning toilet bowl. In contrast, flush valve was consumed 8.4 ${\ell}$/time. Water-saving valve's water-saving rate was 33.3%. The initial payback period for Water-saving valve was 459.5 days. By a small investment in water saving valve, the economic benefits can be obtained.

Economic Effects Analysis on Ubiquitous Industry

  • Baik, Kwang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.281-285
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    • 2005
  • In this work, we have investigated the national economic effects of the ubiquitous industry(UI) for a u-Korea(ubiquitous Korea) project. Since the UI are now playing the more and more important role in Korean economy, it will be very appropriate to provide the policy makers with the accurate and reliable information regarding the role of UI in the national economy. This paper employs input-output analysis to examine the impacts of UI while carefully taking into account the unique situations of Korea. The meaningful results have been obtained by utilizing the rich experiences of the UI. To be more specific, the economic effects of UI on the production-inducing, added value-inducing, export & import-inducing and employments have been addressed in the work.

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An Exploratory Research on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Effects on Economic Integration

  • JUMASSEITOVA, Assel K.;POTLURI, Rajasekhara Mouly
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.661-670
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    • 2020
  • This paper investigates the influence of the economic integration exemplified by the Eurasian Economic Union on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Kazakhstan corporate sector. Using data collected from 204 small-, medium-, and large-sized Kazakh companies, the researchers analyzed the collected data with percentile. Findings of this study show that small- and medium-sized enterprises, especially in the tertiary sector of the Kazakh economy, are not that much affected by regional integration, whereas large firms have been significantly impacted. The originality of the paper is threefold. First, the research explores the entrepreneurial ecosystems in its focus on geographic location or digital technologies that came across mainly from the ICT space. This is becoming pervasive across mechanical systems, communications, infrastructure, and the built-up environment. Second, the originality of the paper lies in focusing on the entrepreneurial ecosystems' influence on the business processes by clearly understanding the regional, national, and international trends in different markets. Third, the paper is first of its kind to contribute an updated perspective on the entrepreneurial ecosystem's influence on economic integration to the policymakers of Kazakhstan. Policymakers will gain expertise on how to manage network effects while planning investment projects, as well as transactions, modes, and fixed nodes, acquisition, and greenfield investments.

Trade in Cultural Goods: A Case of the Korean Wave in Asia

  • Park, Young Seaon
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2014
  • This paper studies the effects of economic development and cultural proximity as common determinants of trade in cultural goods in a dynamic preference selection model. For the empirical analysis, this paper utilizes the gravity framework with importer fixed effects and Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimators. This paper applies the model to Korean export of broadcasting contents to Asian countries. The relative economic development of the export country and the market size of the import country are important determinants of cultural trade, the results of which are generally consistent with traditional goods trade. However, the distance variable does not show much significance, reflecting the unique characteristics of trade in cultural goods.

Research Trends in Economic Effects of Information Security Certification: Focused on the ISMS (Information Security Management System) (보안인증의 경제적 효과에 대한 연구동향 분석: ISMS(정보보호관리체계)를 중심으로)

  • Kong, Hee-Kyung;Jun, Hyo-Jung;Lee, Song-Ha;Kang, Min-Seong;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.821-835
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the domestic and international research trends to analyze the economic effects of various information security certification systems. Results of the study can suggest future research topics for researchers, and help make rational decision-making on introducing information security management systems for practitioners.

The Interactive Relationship between Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' Clusters and Regional Economic Growth

  • Rong, Wang;Li, Xu
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This paper aims to explain the interactive relationship between small and medium-sized enterprises' clusters and regional economic growth, with Jiangsu Province as an illustrative example. It focuses on studying the promotional effects, if any, of small and medium-sized enterprises' cluster-development on regional economic growth, and vice-versa. Research design, data, and methodology - Data were collected from the Jiangsu Statistical Yearbook and the China Industrial Economic Statistical Yearbook, by selecting 26 industries as the research subjects. The sample interval selection is 1981-2012. The data were analyzed with the dynamic panel system using stata 12.0. Results - 1) The small and medium-sized enterprises' cluster degree and Jiangsu's economic growth have a long-term stable equilibrium relationship. 2) In the short term, they have a dynamic adjustment 3) The enterprises' cluster degree leads to regional economic growth in Jiangsu, but not vice-versa. Conclusions - Small and medium-sized enterprises' clusters have an important promotional effect on Jiangsu's economic growth, especially industries with high degree of agglomeration. Therefore, the formation of these clusters can significantly improve economic growth.

Family Economic Distress, Paternal Depression, Marital Relationship, Controlling Parenting Style, and Behavioral Problems in Young Children (가정의 경제적 불안, 아버지의 우울감, 부부관계 및 강압적 양육방식과 유아의 문제행동)

  • Kim, Mi-Jeong;Kim, Yeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of family economic distress, paternal depression, marital relationship, and controlling parenting style on behavioral problems in young children and to present a program for their reduction. The participants of this study were 344 fathers, whose young children were attending kindergartens located in Cheongju city. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and Pearson's productive correlation, t and F-tests via the SPSS 12.0 program, with the path model analyzed using the AMOS 7.0 program. There were six paths where family economic distress, mediated by paternal depression, marital relationship, controlling parenting style, had effects on the behavioral problems in young children. However, the path where family economic distress had an indirect effect on the behavioral problems in young children via paternal depression and marital relationship appeared to be the most influential. Also, paternal depression appeared to have the most impact on young children's behavioral problems.

The Impact of Product Distribution and Information Technology on Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence in Korea

  • Lee, Jung Wan
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2014
  • The paper deals with the impact of the product distribution and information technology sectors on energy resource use, carbon emissions and economic growth by examining the long-run equilibrium relationships and Granger causal relationships among these variables in South Korea. The quarterly time series data from the first quarter of 1970 to the third quarter of 2010 (163 observations) are collected and retrieved from the Bank of Korea database. The paper examines the long-run equilibrium relationships using cointegration techniques and Granger causality using vector error correction models. Test results indicate a long-run equilibrium relationship exists among these variables. In testing directional causality, both the product distribution and the information technology sectors show direct effects on economic growth but only marginal effects on carbon emissions.

Economic Effects of Subsidiary Services in Hospitals (병원급 의료기관 의료부대사업의 경제적 파급효과)

  • Lee, Ye Seol;Lee, Sang Gyu;Kwon, Sung Tak;Kim, Tae Hyun
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2016
  • This study is conducted to estimate economic ripple effects of subsidiary services of hospitals. Using the Input/Output Analysis, this study analyzes production inducement effect, added value inducement effect, and labor inducement effect. Also, it assesses potential economic effects of the subsidiary services of which the scope is expanded as the government's proposed in 2014. Data regarding hospital subsidiary services and economic effects are obtained from the hospitals' financial statements on the National Tax Services and the Bank of Korea. The major results of this study are summarized as follows; subsidiary service profits of hospitals are 466 billion won and rent profits of hospitals are 152 billion won. Of these, the rate of subsidiary service profits in tertiary hospitals is about 66% of total subsidiary service profits. Producement inducement effect of subsidiary services of hospitals is higher than that of total industry, service industry and medical service industry. Added value inducement effect of subsidiary services of hospitals is higher than that of total industry, manufacturing industry, service industry and medical service industry. Job position inducement effect of subsidiary service in hospitals is higher than that of total industry, service industry and medical service industry. Also, employment inducement effect of subsidiary service in hospitals is higher than that of total industry and medical service industry. The results may suggest that subsidiary services revenue in medical institutions contribute to improving operating profits. Facing with intense market competition and pressures to control health care costs, hospitals may need to determine whether subsidiary services help boost their profitability and improve customer satisfaction.