• Title/Summary/Keyword: economic analysis of flood control

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Remote Sensing Monitoring and Loss Estimated System of Flood Disaster based on GIS

  • Wenqiu, Wei
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2002
  • Remote Sensing Monitoring and Loss Estimated System of Flood Disaster based on GIS is an integrated system comprised flood disaster information receiving and collection, flood disaster simulation, and flood disaster estimation. When the system receives and collects remote sensing monitoring and conventional investigation information, the distributional features of flood disaster on space and time is obtained by means of image processing and information fusion. The economic loss of flood disaster can be classified into two pus: direct economic loss and indirect economic loss. The estimation of direct economic loss applies macroscopic economic analysis methods, i.e. applying Product (Industry and Agriculture Gross Product or Gross Domestic Product - GDP) or Unit Synthetic Economic Loss Index, direct economic loss can be estimated. Estimating indirect economic loss applies reduction coefficient methods with direct economic loss. The system can real-timely ascertains flood disaster and estimates flood Loss, so that the science basis fur decision-making of flood control and relieving disaster may be provided.

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Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis (Ⅰ): Principle and Procedure (다차원 홍수피해산정방법(Ⅰ): 원리 및 절차)

  • Choi, Seung-An;Yi, Choong-Sung;Shim, Myung-Pil;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.1 s.162
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the flood damages including losses of human lifes and property have been rapidly increased according to extreme floods. And we know that the flood control project is needed for diminishing flood damages. However, we have had the lacks in a reasonable methodology for the economic analysis of food control project. This study aims to improve the existing economic analysis method for flood control project. So, first of all, we understand the problems of existing economic analysis and investigate the methodologies of foreign countries. Based on that, the Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis(MD-FDA) is developed in this study. The survey of properties on the floodplain is conducted, then the damage rate obtained by evaluating the monetary values of surveyed property is applied, and the expected flood damage is calculated. Also by considering damage area in the floodplain as well as spatial distribution of inundated depth using GIS, the flood damages are evaluated more accurately than existing method. From the study, we know that the MD-FDA can improve the problems of existing method and evaluate the reasonable flood damages by using updated nation리 statistics.

GIS Based Distributed Flood Damage Assessment (GIS기반의 분포형 홍수피해산정 기법)

  • Yi, Choong Sung;Choi, Seung An;Shim, Myung Pil;Kim, Hung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3B
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2006
  • Typically, we needs enormous national budget for the flood control project and so the project usually has big influence on the national economy. Therefore, the reliable estimation of flood damage is the key issue for the economic analysis of the flood control project. This study aims to provide a GIS based technique for distributed flood damage estimation. We consider two aspects of engineering and economic sides, which are the inundation analysis and MD-FDA (Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis), for the flood damage assessment. We propose the analysis framework and data processing using GIS for assessing flood damages. The proposed methodology is applied to the flood control channel project for flood disaster prevention in Mokgamcheon/Dorimcheon streams and this study presents the detailed GIS database and the assessment results of flood damages. This study may have the worth in improving practical usability of MD-FDA and also providing research direction for combining economic side with the engineering aspect. Also this distributed technique will help decision-making in evaluating the feasibility of flood damage reduction programs for structural and nonstructural measures.

Economic Assessment for Flood Control Infrastructure under Climate Change : A Case Study of Imjin River Basin (기후변화를 고려한 홍수방재시설물의 경제성분석 : 임진강 유역사례)

  • Kim, Kyeongseok;Oh, Seungik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2017
  • In Imjin River basin, three floods occurred between 1996 and 1999, causing many casualties and economic losses of 900 billion won. In Korea, flood damage is expected to increase in the future due to climate change. This study used the climate scenarios to estimate future flood damage costs and suggested a real options-based economic assessment method. Using proposed method, the flood control infrastructures in Imjin River basin were selected as a case study site to analyze the economic feasibility of the investment. Using RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) climate scenarios, the future flood damage costs were estimated through simulated rainfall data. This study analyzed the flood reduction benefits through investment in the flood control infrastructures. The volatility of flood damage reduction benefits were estimated assuming that the RCP8.5 and RCP4.5 climate scenarios would be realized in the future. In 2071, the project option value would be determined by applying an extension option to invest in an upgrading that would allow the project to adapt to the flood of the 200-year return period. The results of the option values show that the two investment scenarios are economically feasible and the project under RCP8.5 climate scenario has more flood damage reduction benefits than RCP4.5. This study will help government decision makers to consider the uncertainty of climate change in the economic assessment of flood control infrastructures using real options analysis. We also proposed a method to quantify climate risk factors into economic values by using rainfall data provided by climate scenarios.

The Study On Economic Effect for the Construction Project -Emphasized on Flood Control Project- (건설사업의 경제성 조사연구 -치수사업 중심으로-)

  • 김용석
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.2749-2760
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    • 1972
  • The aim of this study is to decide the effective scale of investment and regional of flood control project in chronical inundation area of Moo-Han River vicinity by selecting objective regions of Seong-Jang, Yae-San, Oh-Ka and Shin-Ahm areas. In order to accomplish, the writer conducted research on the extent of damages, assets and hydrographic patterns of flood in the areas as described in foregoing chapters, and further analized the research in the method of survey and investment efficiency evaluation for flood control directed by the Ministry of Construction. According to the above analysis, the writer concluded as follows: The investment efficiency is different depend upon regional character. However, it is found that economic efficiency is high throughout in probility year 70. Therefore, the writer consider the scale of economic investment should be same as that of probability year 70 amounted \610,904,000 and regional priority are as following table. Considering the time length, objective areas of study and difficulties encounted during research,, this study is belioved to be insufficient. Accordingly, it is hoped that this study is continued to complete problems undone and is contributive to rationalize the flood control project in this areas.

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Analysis of Economic Effectiveness for Flood Control of Dam (댐의 홍수조절에 의한 경제적 효과분석)

  • Choi, Seung-An;Yi, Choong-Sung;Shim, Myung-Pil;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.383-396
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    • 2007
  • The studies on efficiency of flood control reservoir has been introduced into four categories including direct flood control contribution by reservoir, flow-duration change and environmental-ecological change in downstream of dam and flood damage estimation of flood plain. In spite of all the previous approaches, the quantification of the effect of reservoir on the flood control in planning stage is quite complex due to lack of a standard for quantifying feasibility of project. In this study, we develop a methodology that can clearly and accurately quantify the flood damage reduction together with the existing flood level reduction at downstream. The proposed approach uses three appraisal standards of flood control: 'potential safety', 'relative risk' and 'absolute risk' according to the risk by stage. The developed methodology was applied to the Namhan river basin with the storm event of July, 2006. The result shows the damage reduction of 4,189 billion won was estimated. The economic benefits for the flood control effect by dam will greatly contribute to the public understanding of the importance and the effect of the flood control by dam.

Application of Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis for Urban Flood Damage (다차원 홍수피해산정방법을 이용한 도시지역의 홍수피해액 산정)

  • Lee, Keon Haeng;Choi, Seung An;Kim, Hung Soo;Shim, Myung Pil
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.4B
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    • pp.363-369
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    • 2006
  • A simple and an improved methods for the economic analysis of the flood control project has been in previous studies in Korea. In 2004, the Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis (MD-FDA) was developed and now it is widely used for the economic analysis of flood control project. However, the MD-FDA was developed for general damage assessment and analysis without consideration of specific regional characteristics such as urban and rural areas. To compensate the MD-FDA for the application in urban area, a part of damage estimation components is modified and a component for the flood damage estimation is suggested. The component we suggest is for the consideration of the capability of stormwater pump stations in the study area. When flood is occurred in the urban area, the damage potential is larger than the rural area because of the concentration of human lives and properties. So, many stormwater pump stations are located in the urban area and the inundation depth is estimated by considering the capabilities of pump stations. We also compensate the damage components such as the damages of industrial area, and public facilities for the flood damage estimation of the urban area. The results by the compensated MD-FDA for the urban area application with those by original MD-FDA are compared. As a result the B/C ratio showed 6.75 and 5.51 respectively for the modified and original MD-FDA. This difference might be largely affected by the damage rate of the public facilities.

The Analysis of Routes and Construction Technologies in the Korean Grand Waterway (경부운하의 노선분석과 건설기술)

  • Jeong, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2008
  • In this paper is described "the water resources policy, a new paradigm of water resources control. the characteristic of rainfall in Korea and the compatibility of a new water routes opening in natural river". Also the construction of the Korean grand waterway in the view of disaster prevention, flood control, irrigation and environment-friendly transportation is needed eventually. And I detail a routes of Korean grand waterway, using of a flood gate, supply of irrigation water. cruse duration, activating under developed region and economic efficiency.

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Study on River Management Plan Considering Ecological Preservation and Flood Control of Riverine Wetland (하도습지의 생태보전 및 치수를 고려한 하천관리 방안 연구)

  • Ann, Byoung-Yun;Kim, Taek-Min;Hong, Seung-Jin;Kim, Gil-Ho;Kim, Soo-Jun;Kim, Jae-Geun;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.463-476
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    • 2014
  • The riverine wetlands located in the riverside bring about social conflicts through confrontation between flood control value through flood control project and ecological preservation value of riverine wetland. In this study, we identified the importance of both values through analysis of economic feasibility of flood control and ecological values of riverine wetland, and tried to suggest management plans for riverine wetland considering both of flood control safety and ecological preservation through these results. For this, we calculated the expected annual flood damage of Imjin River using the multi-dimensional flood damage analysis(MD-FDA), and calculated the total value of riverine wetland using the contingent valuation method(CVM) to estimate preservation value of riverine wetland. The result of the analysis shows that the Imjin River needs flood control project and the ecological preservation of riverine wetland is also important. Therefore, the establishment of the management plan for protecting riverine wetland is also needed. As a result, the Imjin riverine wetland was classified as the area where sedimentation continues to take place, and the flood water level to rise. On the basis of the analyzed results, it is judged that the Imjin River needs flood control for public safety and ecological consideration for ecosystem preservation in the river improvement project. So, the stepwise river improvement is desirable to protect riverine wetland and minimize ecosystem disturbance. The results is expected to be made good use as the basic study for establishment of institutional river management plans considering flood control project and riverine wetland preservation in the future.

Determination of Flood Reduction Alternatives for responding to climate change in Gyeongan Watershed (기후변화 대응을 위한 경안천 유역의 홍수저감 대안 선정)

  • Han, Daegun;Choi, Changhyun;Kim, Duckhwan;Jung, Jaewon;Kim, Jungwook;Kim, Soo Jun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.154-165
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the frequency of extreme rainfall event has increased due to climate change and impermeable area also has increased due to rapid urbanization. Therefore, we ought to prepare countermeasures for flood reduction to reduce the damage. To consider climate change, the frequency based rainfall was calculated according to the aimed period(reference : 1971~2010, Target period I : 2011~2040, Target period II : 2041~2070, Target period III : 2071~2100) and the flood discharge was also calculated by climate change using HEC-HMS model. Also, the flood elevation was calculated by each alternative through HEC-RAS model, setting 5 sizes of drainage pumps and reservoirs respectively. The flood map was constructed using topographical data and flood elevation, and the economic analysis was conducted for reduction of flood damage using Multi dimension - Flood Damage Analysis, MD-FDA. As a result of the analysis on the flood control effect, a head of drainage pump was reduced by 0.06m up to 0.44m while it was reduced by 0.01m up to 1.86m in the case of a detention pond. The flooded area shrunk by up to 32.64% from 0.3% and inundation depth also dropped. As a result of a comparison of the Benefit/Cost index estimated by the economic analysis, detention pond E in period I and pump D in period II and III were deemed appropriate as an alternative for climate change. The results are expected to be used as good practices when implementing the flood control works considering climate change.