• 제목/요약/키워드: dynamics model

검색결과 5,169건 처리시간 0.024초

제주도 노루의 개체수 관리를 위한 확장적 피식-포식모형의 적용에 관한 연구 (Application of an Augmented Predator-Prey Model to the Population Dynamics of Roe Deer in Jeju)

  • 전대욱;김도훈
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.95-126
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims at developing a System Dynamics model with an augmented predator-prey interaction structure to deal with the population management of roe deer in Jeju, Korea. Although people still regard the creature as one of the important tourist attractions, there has been much debate on the issues of the appropriateness of the population size of roe deers because they have been stigmatized as crop damagers, and roadkill/poaching victims due to their natural habit to move around from the top mountain to the lowland of the island. The model is therefore to incorporate these migrating and grazing behaviors into an augmented Lotka-Volterra model coupling roe deer population in both parts of the island to that of predators and preys of the species. The authors also provide a comprehensive set of dynamic hypotheses and relevant CLD/SFD to understand the population dynamics of roe deer and co-evolving species and perform the steady-state analysis of the proposed equation system to verify the model behavior of the numerical example lastly presented in this paper.

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시스템다이내믹스를 활용한 도시개발밀도의 적정성 평가 모델 구축 연구 (Establishment of the Measurement Model about the Adequate Urban Development Density using System Dynamics)

  • 전유신;문태훈
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this dissertation is to build a development density control model and estimate optimum developmental density level for a sustainable urban growth management. To develop the model, system dynamics modeling approach was used. The model was developed to analyze how urban growth, transition, and decay occur depending on the interaction among population, houses, industry structure, land and urban infrastructure such as road, water supply, and sewage treatment facilities. The model was applied to Anyang city to estimate optimum density level. Extensive computer simulation was conducted to find out the maximum numbers of population, industry structure, houses, and cars that can be adequately sustained with the current Anyang city's infrastructure capacity. The computer simulation result shows that the city is overpopulated by some 90,000 people. It nab analyzed that 20% increase of existing capacity of urban infrastructure is necessary to support current population of Anyang city. To reduce the population to the adequate level whereby the current urban infrastructure can sustain, the current city regulation on floor area ratio needs be strengthened at least 20% to 35%.

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생태계 복원사업의 생태.경제 통합체계 동태분석(II) -임진강 참게 복원사업의 확장모형- (An Integrated Ecological-Economic System Dynamics Model Analysis on the Ecosystem Restoration Policy (II): Extensions and Relaxations of the Model of King Crabs in the Imjin River, Korea)

  • 정회성;전대욱
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.97-120
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    • 2006
  • This paper deals with the extension of and discussion on the System Dynamics model (Jeong & Jeon, 2005) of river crabs in Korea. The previous model has been elaborated to empirically search for the optimal restoration and harvest rates of crabs in the Imjin River, on the basis of theoretical models of population dynamics in the field of bio-mathematics and environmental economics. In this paper, the authors tries to couple a series of new feedback loops related to density restrictions and cannibalistic behaviors with a stage-structured model of the crab ecosystem, and also to endogenize the parameter of baby crabs' survival that is caused by water quality improvement and income increase. Through these extensions and relaxations, the authors are able to argue about the strategic decision of the optimal rates additional considerations as well as the properties of the integrated system that was not covered in the previous paper.

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공여된 신뢰와 기업회생 : 시스템 다이내믹스 기업회생 모형 연구 (The Prepaid Trust and Corporate Turnaround: A Study on the Corporate Turnaround via System Dynamics Approach)

  • 박헌준;김상준
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.131-163
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the effect that the prepaid trust has in saving the troubled business. Developing a formal system dynamics model, building on case studies of corporate turnaround, we developed a mathematical model on the relationship between the prepaid trust and corporate turnaround. The Model shows how the prepaid trust can shift an organizational system from fragile condition to resilient condition of a firm. This study elaborartes a new set of conditions under which organizations may turn around via prepaid trust of stakeholders.

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The Dynamics of Agricultural Commodities and Their Responses to Disruptions of Considerable Magnitude

  • Conrad Stephen H.
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2005
  • An agricultural commodity production cycle model consisting of corn, beef, and dairy sectors was constructed for the purpose of exploring the propagating effects of large-scale disruptive events. In an initial proof-of-concept exercise, we considered an agricultural disruption scenario in which foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is introduced into the U.S., causing a large-scale outbreak of the disease in both beef and dairy cattle. The magnitude of disruption to the beef and dairy sectors are presented under the existing W response policy and then improvements under two alternative policies are shown.

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신.재생에너지 시장 확장의 동태적 분석 (A Dynamic Analysis of The Deployment of Korean Renewable Energy Market)

  • 유재국;곽상만
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.95-116
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of renewable energy market in order to deploy more renewable energy in Korea on the basis of information asymmetry between suppliers and demanders. To attain this purpose we develop the model to analyze and simulate the renewable market using system dynamics. This model is developed not to forecast the accurate size of market but to learn more structure of market using our limited data, mental model and knowledge of market.

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  • Lee, Yongki
    • 대한수학회지
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.987-1004
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    • 2020
  • Motivated by the traffic flow model with Arrhenius looka-head relaxation dynamics introduced in [25], this paper proposes a traffic flow model with look ahead relaxation-behind intensification by inserting look behind intensification dynamics to the flux. Finite time shock formation conditions in the proposed model with various types of interaction potentials are identified. Several numerical experiments are performed in order to demonstrate the performance of the modified model. It is observed that, comparing to other well-known macroscopic traffic flow models, the model equipped with look ahead relaxation-behind intensification has both enhanced dispersive and smoothing effects.

A Stochastic Model for Order Book Dynamics: An Application to Korean Stock Index Futures

  • Lee, Yongjae;Kim, Woo Chang
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2013
  • This study presents an application of stochastic model for limit order book (LOB) dynamics to Korean Stock Index Futures (KOSPI 200 Futures). Since KOSPI 200 futures market is widely known as one of the most liquid markets in the world, direct application of an existing model is hardly possible. Therefore, we modified an existing model to successfully model and predict the dynamics of extremely liquid KOSPI 200 futures market.

시스템다이나믹스 방법론에 의한 국가경쟁력 요인분석 (Analysing the factors affecting national competitiveness using a System Dynamics Model)

  • 최영출
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.171-189
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    • 2006
  • This article aims to develop a model for analysing the relationships among the factors affecting the national competitiveness and to explore the future trend of Korea's national competitiveness using a system dynamics approach. For this purpose the article examines the national competitiveness indexes being published by the international institutions such as IMD and WEF. The article also demonstrates how national competitiveness may be strengthened and finally suggests that the national competitiveness should be studied systematically in the future.

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시스템 다이나믹스 기법을 활용한 국가 연구시설의 기여도 분석 (Assessment of National Contribution of Research Facilities via the System Dynamics Method)

  • 김지용;곽상만;최기련
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국시스템다이내믹스학회 2004년도 춘계 학술대회 발표논문집
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    • pp.109-128
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    • 2004
  • A system dynamics model is developed in order to evaluate the contribution level of the activities regarding HANARO, which is the research reactor in Korea. The system dynamics model has room to be improved, but it is logically sound enough to evaluate the general level of contributions and to develop strategies for the HANARO to be more contributable. Considering the uncertainty involved with the input variables, the contribution level is ranged from 3 times to about 30 times of the investment made on it. The evaluation results can be summarized as follows : (Table Omitted).

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