• Title/Summary/Keyword: dynamic tests

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Verification of Combined Sinusoidal Loads for Simulating Real Earthquakes (실지진 모사를 위한 조합형 정현하중의 적용성 검증)

  • Choi, Jae-soon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.811-819
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    • 2019
  • Since the Gyeongju earthquake in 2016 and the Pohang earthquake in 2017, the performance of various dynamic tests for seismic design has increased in Korea. However, sinusoidal load has been continuously used in the conventional laboratory tests to evaluate liquefaction potential and determine input-parameters in the numerical analysis. However, recent research results suggest that it is difficult to accurately simulate excess pore water changes of the ground under earthquake loads. In order to solve this problem, this study proposes a combined sinusoidal loading and examines its applicability to the cyclic shear and triaxial test. Also, its validity is examined through performing of shaking-table test and numerical analysis based on the effective stress model. As a result, it was found that the proposed combined sinusoidal loading can more accurately simulate the change of excess pore water pressure in saturated soils under real earthquake load than the sinusoidal load.

An Experimental Study on Aircraft Internal Store Separation Characteristics (항공기 내부무장 분리특성 분석을 위한 풍동시험연구)

  • An, Eunhye;Cho, Donghyun;Kim, Jongbum;Jang, Youngil;Jeong, KyeongJin;Kim, Sangjin;Lee, Hokeun;Reu, Taekyu;Chung, Hyoungseog
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates store separation characteristics of an unmanned aerial vehicle having generic stealth configuration over unsteady flow of an internal bay. Free-drop wind tunnel tests are conducted to simulate bomb releases from an internal weapons bay while high-speed camera images are taken. The images are analyzed to examine the effects of flow velocity, angle of attack, flap deflection and the ejector force application on the store separation trajectories. For the free-drop wind tunnel tests, Froude Scaling is applied to match the dynamic similarity for the bomb model, and the ejector force is simulated by using small pneumatic cylinders. The results indicate that the test bomb model safely separates from the internal bay at the given test conditions and configurations. It is also observed that the effects of the flow velocity and ejector force application have greater impacts on the separation trajectories than those of angle of attack and flap deflection.

Changes in Dynamic Characteristics of Monopile-Type Offshore Structures According to Tidal Environments and Boundary Conditions (다양한 조류 환경 및 경계 조건에 따른 모노파일형 해상구조물의 동특성 변화 분석)

  • Jung, Byung-Jin;Park, Jong-Woong;Yi, Jin-Hak;Park, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.261-267
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    • 2014
  • Because a change in the natural frequencies of a structure indicates structural health problems, monitoring the natural frequencies crucial. Long-term measurement for the Uldolmok tidal current power plant structure has shown that its natural frequencies fluctuate with a constant cycle twice a day. In this study, lab-scale tests to investigate the causes of these natural frequency fluctuations were carried out in a circulating water channel. Three independent variables in the tests that could affect the fluctuation of the natural frequencies were the water level, current velocity, and boundary condition between the specimen and the bottom of the circulating water channel. The experimental results were verified with numerical ones using ABAQUS. It was found that the fluctuation of the natural frequencies was governed by a decrease in stiffness due to the boundary condition much more than the effect of added mass. In addition, it was found that the natural frequency would decrease with an increase in the tidal current velocity because of its nonlinearity when the boundary condition was severely deteriorated due to damage.

Dynamic Characteristics of Gravity Quay Wall during Generation of Excess Pore Pressure in Backfill Soils (뒤채움지반에서의 과잉간극수압 발생이 중력식 안벽구조물의 동적특성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Hwang Jae-Ik;Kim Myoung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2005
  • In this research, shaking table tests for three types of gravity quay wall system were performed to analyze the influence of excess pore pressure in backfill soils on the natural frequency of gravity quay wall systems. The elastic modulus of backfill soils was also estimated from the back analyses using the results of the shaking table tests. From the test results, it was observed that as the magnitude of excess pore pressures increased, the natural frequency of the gravity quay wall system decreased and vice versa. The natural frequency was about 44Hz when no excess pore pressure was generated in backfill soils, and decreased to about 16Hz at the pore pressure ratio of 0.55. The elastic modulus of backfill soils reached the constant maximum value when the pore pressure ratio was less than 0.2, and abruptly decreased as the pore pressure ratio became larger than that. The elastic modulus of backfill soils decreased to $10\%$ of the maximum value when the pore pressure ratio was 0.55.

The Influences of Computer-Assisted Instruction Emphasizing the Particulate Nature of Matter and Problem-Solving Strategy on High School Students' Learning in Chemistry (물질의 입자성과 문제 해결 전략을 강조한 컴퓨터 보조 수업이 고등학생들의 화학 학습에 미치는 효과)

  • Noh, Tae-Hee;Kim, Chang-Min;Cha, Jeong-Ho;Jeon, Kyung-Moon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 1998
  • This study examined the influences of computer-assisted instruction(CAl) upon high school students' conceptual understanding, algorithmic problem solving ability, learning motivation, and attitudes toward chemistry instruction. CAl programs were designed to supply animated molecular motions for emphasizing the particulate dynamic nature of matter and immediate feedbacks according to students' response types at each stage of four stage problem-solving strategy(understanding, planning, solving, and reviewing). The CAl and control groups (2 classes) were selected from a girls high school in Seoul, and taught about gas law for four class hours. Data analysis indicated that the students at the CAl group scored significantly higher than those at the control group in the tests on conceptual understanding and algorithmic problem solving ability. In addition, the students at the CAl group performed significantly better in the tests on the learning motivation and attitudes toward chemistry instruction.

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A Study on Flexural and Shear Behavior of the Structure with Steel Plate Concrete to Reinforced Concrete Member's Connection (철근 콘크리트와 강판 콘크리트 간 이질접합부로 구성된 구조물의 휨 및 전단거동 특성 연구)

  • Hwang, Kyeong Min;Lee, Kyung Jin;Lee, Jong Bo;Won, Deok Hee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5A
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes the experimental study on the structural behavior of the joint plane between a RC(Reinforced Concrete) wall and a SC(Steel Plate Concrete) wall under out-of plane flexural loads and in-plane shear loads. The test specimens were produced with L and I shape to assess efficiently flexural and shear behavior of the structures. In order to consider dynamic loads such as earthquake, cyclic loading tests were carried out. As results of the out-of plane flexural tests, ductile failure mode of vertical bars was shown under a push load and the failure load was more than nominal strength of the specimen. And the latter test was performed to verify the variation which was composition presence of horizontal bars in the SC member. The test results showed that capacity of the specimens was more than their nominal strength regardless of composition presence of horizontal bars.

Modeling of the Powertrain System and the Vehicle Body for the Analysis of the Driving Comfortability (승차감 해석을 위한 동력전달계와 차량계의 모델링)

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Lee, Jang-Mu;Jo, Han-Sang;Gong, Jin-Hyeong;Park, Yeong-Il
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.4 s.175
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    • pp.926-936
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    • 2000
  • Actual and strict definition of the shift quality for the powertrain system equipped an automatic transmission must be understood through the acceleration change of the vehicle body, which the driver directly feels as a shift shock. For this reason, it is necessary to concurrently analyze the characteristics of the powertrain system and the vehicle body. This paper presents the mathematical model of the vehicle body, which is based on the equivalent lumped system, to append to the developed model of the powertrain system. The concept of tire slip is also introduced for the experimental relationship between tire/road and driving force. Using the developed dynamic simulation programs, shift transients characteristics are analyzed. Theoretical results are compared with experimental ones from real car tests in equal conditions in order to prove the validity of presented model. In these tests, the system to measure the vehicle acceleration is used with various speeds and engine throttle sensors. It is expected that the presented modeling techniques can provide good predictions of the vehicle driving comfortability.

Physical Weathering Characteristics of Mica-Schist in Sinbuk Area, Chuncheon, Korea (춘천시 신북지역에 분포하는 운모편암의 물리적 풍화특성)

  • Woo, Ik;Han, Byeong-Hyeon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.771-784
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    • 2007
  • This study shows the weathering characteristics of mica-schist affected by faulting and metamorphism through laboratory tests. Frozen-thaw test, which simulate the physical-chemical weathering processes in the laboratory, shows the important influence of foliation developed in mica-schist, resulting in $20{\sim}40%$ reduction of UCS according to weathering grade of rock. Slaking durability test was carried out for different weathering grade rock specimens and indicated that the specimens from fault area had a low durability index compared to other relatively fresh samples. XRD analysis allowed to estimate the dynamic evolution of mineral composition through wet-dry cycle in which the chlorite was the most important mineral leached out during slaking test. The creep test indicated that the main deformation produced along the foliation plane. The compacted clay minerals between discontinuity planes influence on the discontinuity shearing properties and result in a big difference between peak shear strength and residual strength. The results of laboratory tests on mica-schist show the possibility of a important deformation along the foliation plane or discontinuity.

A Study on the Optimum Amount of Contrast Media in Brain Angiography (뇌 혈관검사 시 적정 조영제량에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gyoo-Hyung;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the use of contrast agents has been increasing as a broader range of tests and dynamic tests have become common due to the development of equipment and imaging techniques such as Multi-Detector CT. However, the side effects of using contrast agents have been reduced by the development of non-ionic contrast agents, but they are still occurring often. The purpose of this study was to propose a method to minimize the side effect of contrast agent by using the amount of contrast agent injected to the brain angiography test to suppress excessive use of contrast agent and analyze the amount of contrast agent. Patients who were prescribed Brain Angiography due to cerebrovascular disease, According to the results of the comparison of the results obtained by dividing into 4 groups of 10ml each according to the amount of contrast medium injected with contrast agent according to the BMI of the patient, BA and SNR were not different between groups, and even if the amount of contrast injection was reduced, there was no problem in the evaluation of CT angiography through 3D reconstruction. This result shows that even if the contrast medium is injected into the blood vessels of the patient first and then the contrast medium is used as the physiological saline solution, the contrast medium is reduced by 40% it can be expected to minimize.

Seismic response of steel reinforced concrete spatial frame with irregular section columns under earthquake excitation

  • Xue, Jianyang;Zhou, Chaofeng;Liu, Zuqiang;Qi, Liangjie
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents some shaking table tests conducted on a 1/4-scaled model with 5-story steel reinforced concrete (SRC) spatial frame with irregular section columns under a series of base excitations with gradually increasing acceleration peaks. The test frame was subjected to a sequence of seismic simulation tests including 10 white noise vibrations and 51 seismic simulations. Each seismic simulation was associated with a different level of seismic disaster. Dynamic characteristic, strain response, acceleration response, displacement response, base shear and hysteretic behavior were analyzed. The test results demonstrate that at the end of the loading process, the failure mechanism of SRC frame with irregular section columns is the beam-hinged failure mechanism, which satisfies the seismic code of "strong column-weak beam". With the increase of acceleration peaks, accumulated damage of the frame increases gradually, which induces that the intrinsic frequency decreases whereas the damping ratio increases, and the peaks of acceleration and displacement occur later. During the loading process, torsion deformation appears and the base shear grows fast firstly and then slowly. The hysteretic curves are symmetric and plump, which shows a good capacity of energy dissipation. In summary, SRC frame with irregular section columns can satisfy the seismic requirements of "no collapse under seldom earthquake", which indicates that this structural system is suitable for the construction in the high seismic intensity zone.