• 제목/요약/키워드: durational difference

검색결과 16건 처리시간 0.02초

Compensation in VC and Word

  • Yun, Il-Sung
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2010
  • Korean and three other languages (English, Arabic, and Japanese) were compared with regard to the compensatory movements in a VC (Vowel and Consonant) sequence and word. For this, Korean data were collected from an experiment and the other languages' data from literature. All the test words of the languages had the same syllabic contexture, i.e., /CVCV(r)/, where C was an oral stop and intervocalic consonants were either bilabial or alveolar stops. The present study found that (1) Korean is most striking in the durational variations of segments (vowel and the following hetero-syllabic consonant); (2) unlike the three languages that show a constant sum of VC, Korean yields a three-way distinction in the length of VC according the type (lax unaspirated vs. tense unaspirated vs. tense aspirated) of the following stop consonant; (3) a durational constancy is maintained up to the word level in the three languages, but Korean word duration varies as a function of the feature tenseness of the intervocalic consonants; (4) consonant duration is proven to differentiate Korean the most from the other languages. It is suggested that the durational difference between a lax consonant and its tense cognate(s) and the degree of compensation between V and C are determined by the phonology in each language.

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원어민과 비원어민의 영어 전설 고모음 /i, ɪ/ 발화에 나타나는 운율 강화 현상 (Effects of Prosodic Strengthening on the Production of English High Front Vowels /i, ɪ/ by Native vs. Non-Native Speakers)

  • 김사향;허유나;조태홍
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated how acoustic characteristics (i.e., duration, F1, F2) of English high front vowels /i, ɪ/ are modulated by boundary- and prominence-induced strengthening in native vs. non-native (Korean) speech production. The study also examined how the durational difference in vowels due to the voicing of a following consonant (i.e., voiced vs. voiceless) is modified by prosodic strengthening in two different (native vs. non-native) speaker groups. Five native speakers of Canadian English and eight Korean learners of English (intermediate-advanced level) produced 8 minimal pairs with the CVC sequence (e.g., 'beat'-'bit') in varying prosodic contexts. Native speakers distinguished the two vowels in terms of duration, F1, and F2, whereas non-native speakers only showed durational differences. The two groups were similar in that they maximally distinguished the two vowels when the vowels were accented (F2, duration), while neither group showed boundary-induced strengthening in any of the three measurements. The durational differences due to the voicing of the following consonant were also maximized when accented. The results are discussed further in terms of phonetics-prosody interface in L2 production.

Durational Interaction of Stops and Vowels in English and Korean Child-Directed Speech

  • Choi, Han-Sook
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2012
  • The current study observes the durational interaction of tautosyllabic consonants and vowels in the word-initial position of English and Korean child-directed speech (CDS). The effect of phonological laryngeal contrasts in stops on the following vowel duration, and the effect of the intrinsic vowel duration on the release duration of preceding stops in addition to the acoustic realization of the contrastive segments are explored in different prosodic contexts - phrase-initial/medial, focal accented/non-focused - in a marked speech style of CDS. A trade-off relationship between Voice Onset Time (VOT), as consonant release duration, and voicing phonation time, as vowel duration, reported from adult-to-adult speech, and patterns of durational variability are investigated in CDS of two languages with different linguistic rhythms, under systematically controlled prosodic contexts. Speech data were collected from four native English mothers and four native Korean mothers who were talking to their one-word staged infants. In addition to the acoustic measurements, the transformed delta measure is employed as a variability index of individual tokens. Results confirm the durational correlation between prevocalic consonants and following vowels. The interaction is revealed in a compensatory pattern such as longer VOTs followed by shorter vowel durations in both languages. An asymmetry is found in CV interaction in that the effect of consonant on vowel duration is greater than the VOT differences induced by the vowel. Prosodic effects are found such that the acoustic difference is enhanced between the contrastive segments under focal accent, supporting the paradigmatic strengthening effect. Positional variation, however, does not show any systematic effects on the variations of the measured acoustic quantities. Overall vowel duration and syllable duration are longer in English tokens but involve less variability across the prosodic variations. The constancy of syllable duration, therefore, is not found to be more strongly sustained in Korean CDS. The stylistic variation is discussed in relation to the listener under linguistic development in CDS.

영시 정형률의 음보 유형별 음향 분석을 통한 등시성연구 (Isochronism of Feet in English Fixed Meter on Durational Measurement in Reading)

  • 신동일
    • 대한음성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한음성학회 2004년도 춘계 학술대회 발표논문집
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    • pp.257-260
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to define the isochronism of English feet. 275 feet, which consist of 66 lines of 13 poems written by 12 modem poets(The Poet Speaks, 1982), were used for analysis of durational measurement. To assess the average value of a foot, the study is, first, to set up a way of measuring the duration of each foot on its types in English meter. Secondly, with the measurement of the average duration of feet in modern poets' English poetries through Praat (version 4.119, 2003), it clarifies the foot isochronism in the fixed meter. With the two ways of measuring the isochronism, it clarifies the fact the foot isochronism permits the difference scope of the perceptive gap of 555.4-974.5msec. per foot in case of iambic meters in English poetry.

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Geminate and singleton contrast in English affixed words

  • Yu, Hye Jeong
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents two experiments examining different gemination behavior of English affixes. Experiment 1 focused on geminates through affixation with im-, un-, -ness, and -ly. The English group articulated geminates with longer absolute and relative durations than singletons for im-, un-, and -ness, but there was no difference for -ly. This suggests that -ly words are more likely to be perceived as whole words, and that -ly is less decomposable. Furthermore, un- geminates exhibited longer absolute and preceding vowel durations than im- geminates, suggesting that im- is more decomposable than un-. However, the Korean group produced geminates with longer absolute and relative durations than singletons for all im-, un-, -ness, and -ly, and produced comparable absolute durations of im- and un- geminates. Experiment 2 investigated different gemination behaviors of locative and negative im- prefixes. The English group showed durational contrast between geminates and singletons only for negative im-, indicating that locative im- is not easily separated from stem. However, the Korean group produced longer absolute and relative durations for geminates than for singletons for both locative and negative im-. According to the findings of Experiments 1 and 2, affix decomposability is less likely to influence Korean speakers' English affix gemination, and spellings may have a greater influence.

한국어 분류에 관한 음향음성학적 연구 (An acoustic study of word-timing with references to Korean)

  • 김대원
    • 한국음향학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국음향학회 1994년도 제11회 음성통신 및 신호처리 워크샵 논문집 (SCAS 11권 1호)
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    • pp.323-327
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    • 1994
  • There have been three contrastive claims over the classification of Korean. To answer the classification question, timing variables which would determine the durations of syllable, word and foot were investigated with various words either in isolation or in sentence contexts using Soundcoup/16 on Macintosh P.C., and a total of 284 utterances, obtained from six Korean speakers, were used. It was found 1) that the durational pattern for words tended to maintain in utterances, regardless of position , subjects and dialects 2) that the syllable duration was determined both by the types of phoneme and by the number of phonemes, the word duration both by the syllable complexity and by the number of syllables, and the foot duration by the word complexity, 3) that there was a constractive relationship between foot length in syllables and foot duration and 4) that the foot duration varied generally with word complexity if the same word did not occur both in the first foot and in the second foot. On the basis of these, it was concluded that Korean is a word timed language where, all else being equal, including tempo, emphasis, etc., the inherent durational pattern for words tends to maintain in utterances. The main difference between stress timing, syllable timing and word timing were also discussed.

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Focus and Prosodic Structure

  • Oh, Mi-Ra
    • 음성과학
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2001
  • The effects of focus on prosodic phrasing, F0, and duration are investigated paying attention not only to the target of focus but also to the constituents that are outside the domain of focus in Korean. We find that the constituents preceding and following the focused word tend to be dephrased. Dephrasing does not always cover up to the Intonation Phrase boundary contrary to Jun's (1993) claim. Dephrasing caused by focus determines F0 and durational difference between focused and neutral sentences. Syntactic constituency is also shown to playa role in prosodic phrasing.

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한국어 평마찰음 /s/ 연장음에 대한 비유창성 양상 연구 (Korean listeners' mode of perceiving the durational variations of /s/ as prolongations)

  • 박진;고복순;박소현
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 한국어 화자의 말소리 연장에 대한 비유창성 양상(즉, 단속적 vs. 연속적)을 알아보기 위해 진행되었다. 총 35명의 성인(남자 17명, 여자 18명)이 한국어 평마찰음 /s/를 원래 길이에서 20 ms씩 980 ms까지 연장 변조한 총 50개의 자극이 들어 있는 문장을 듣고, 비유창성 정도에 대해 1에서 100점(100에 가까울수록 매우 비유창함) 척도로 평가하였다. 연장음 길이에 따른 비유창함 정도의 지각 양상을 알아보기 위해 곡선추정회귀분석을 실시하였으며, 수정된 R 제곱값(adjusted R2)이 가장 높은 수치의 모형을 선정하였다. 각 연장음에서의 비유창함 정도에 대해 남녀 간 차이를 알아보기 위해 일변량분석[one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)]을 실시하였다. 또한 혼합분산분석(mixed ANOVA)을 통해 전체 연장음 구간을 10분위(decile)로 나누어 각 분위와 남녀 간의 효과, 그리고 두 변수 간 상호작용 유무를 알아보았다. 연구 결과, 연장음의 길이와 비유창함 정도 점수 간의 관계는 S자형 모형의 연속적인 지각 특성을 보였다. 비유창함 정도 지각에 있어 각 연장음에서 유의한 남녀 간 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 분위 분석결과, 연장음 길이가 짧아 상대적으로 유창하게 들리는 구간(1분위)에서는 남녀 간 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 하지만 연장음 길이가 길어 상대적으로 비유창하게 들리는 구간(10분위)에서는 남자가 여자보다 더 비유창하게 지각하였다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 이전 연구들과 비교를 통한 논의와 함께 말더듬 평가와 관련해 임상적 제언도 기술하였다.

The Role of L1 Phonological Feature in the L2 Perception and Production of Vowel Length Contrast in English

  • Chang, Woo-Hyeok
    • 음성과학
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2008
  • The main goal of this study is to examine if there is a difference in the utilization of a vowel length cue between Korean and Japanese L2 learners of English in their perception and production of postvocalic coda contrast in English. Given that Japanese subjects' performances on the identification and production tasks were much better than Korean subjects' performance, we may support the prediction based on the Feature Hypothesis which maintains that L1 phonological features can facilitate the perception of L2 acoustic cue. Since vowel length contrast is a phonological feature in Japanese but not in Korean, the tasks, which assess L2 leaners' ability to discriminate vowel length contrast in English, are much easier for the Japanese group than for the Korean group. Although the Japanese subjects demonstrated a better performance than the Korean subjects, the performance of the Japanese group was worse than that of the English control group. This finding implies that L2 learners, even Japanese learners, should be taught that the durational difference of the preceding vowels is the most important cue to differentiate postvocalic contrastive codas in English.

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한국어 비음(nasal sound)의 지속시간에 관한 실험음성학적 연구 - 낱말내에서 음절말과 음절초로 연속결합하는 경우와 관련하여 - (An Experimental Phonetic Study on the Duration of the Korean Nasal Sound - With Reference to the Successive Coupling from Syllable final to Initial in a Word -)

  • 성철재
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2000
  • 낱말 내에서 선행음절말-후속음절초로 연이어 나타나는 일종의 쌍자음(geminate)의 지속시간 차이를 고찰하고자 한다. (ㅁ-ㅁ) 연쇄와 (ㄴ-ㄴ) 연쇄를 중심으로 논의하였다. 한 낱말 내에서 선행하는 양순 비음 (ㅁ)과 이를 뒤따르는 양순 비음(ㅁ) 사이에 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없다고 볼 수 있으나, 선행하는 자음의 지속시간이 약간 짧아지는 경향이 관찰되었다. 치조비음 (ㄴㄴ) 연쇄의 경우, 전반적으로, 한 낱말 내에서 선행하는 치조 비음과 이를 뒤따르는 치조 비음 사이에는 통계적으로 차이가 있으며, 선행하는 자음의 지속시간이 좀 더 길어지는 경향이 있다고 정리할 수 있다.

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