• Title/Summary/Keyword: duration ratio

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Equivalent damping ratio based on earthquake characteristics of a SDOF structure with an MR damper (지진특성에 따른 MR 감쇠기가 설치된 단자유도 구조물의 등가감쇠비)

  • Moon, Byoung-Wook;Park, Ji-Hun;Lee, Sung-Kyung;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.459-464
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    • 2007
  • Seismic control performance of MR dampers, which have severe nonlinearity, differs with respect to the dynamic characteristics of an earthquake such as magnitude, frequency and duration. In this study, the effects of excitation characteristics on the equivalent linear system of a building structure with the MR damper are investigated through numerical analysis for artificial ground motions generated from different response spectrums. The equivalent damping ratio of the structure with the MR damper is calculated using Newmark and Hall's equations for ground motion amplification factors. It is found that the equivalent damping ratio of the structure with the MR damper is dependent on the ratio of the maximum friction force of the MR damper over excitation magnitude. Frequency contents of the earthquake ground motion affects the equivalent damping ratio of long-period structures considerably. Also, additional damping effect caused by interaction between the viscousity and friction of the MR damper is observed. Finally, response reduction factors for equivalent linear systems are proposed in order to improve accuracy in the prediction of the actual nonlinear response.

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Equivalent damping ratio based on the earthquake response of a SDOF structure with a MR damper (MR 감쇠기가 설치된 단자유도 구조물의 지진응답에 기초한 등가감쇠비)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Moon, Byoung-Wook;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.879-885
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    • 2006
  • Seismic control performance of MR dampers, which have severe nonlinearity, differs with respect to the dynamic characteristics of an earthquake such as magnitude, frequency and duration. In this study, the effects of excitation characteristics on the equivalent linear system of a building structure with the MR damper are investigated through numerical analysis for artificial ground motions generated from different response spectrums. The equivalent damping ratio of the structure with the MR damper is calculated using Newmark and Hall's equations for ground motion amplification factors. It is found that the equivalent damping ratio of the structure with the MR damper is dependent on the ratio of the maximum friction force of the MR damper over excitation magnitude. frequency contents of the earthquake ground motion affects the equivalent damping ratio of long-period structures considerably. Also, additional damping effect caused by interaction between the viscousity and friction of the MR damper is observed. Finally, response reduction factors for equivalent linear systems are proposed in order to improve accuracy in the prediction of the actual nonlinear response.

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Equivalent Damping Ratio Based on Earthquake Characteristics of a SDOF Structure with an MR Damper (지진특성에 따른 MR감쇠기가 설치된 단자유도 구조물의 등가감쇠비)

  • Moon, Byoung-Wook;Park, Ji-Hun;Lee, Sung-Kyung;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2008
  • Seismic control performance of MR dampers, which have severe nonlinearity, varies with respect to the dynamic characteristics of an earthquake such as magnitude, frequency and duration. In this study, the effects of excitation characteristics on the equivalent linear system of a building structure with the MR damper are investigated through numerical analysis for artificial ground motions generated from different response spectrums. The equivalent damping ratio of the structure with the MR damper is calculated using Newmark and Hall's equations for ground motion amplification factors. It is found that the equivalent damping ratio of the structure with the MR damper is dependent on the ratio of the maximum friction force of the MR damper over excitation magnitude. Frequency contents of the earthquake ground motion affects the equivalent damping ratio of long-period structures considerably. Also, additional damping effect caused by interaction between the viscousity and friction of the MR damper is observed. Finally. response reduction factors for equivalent linear systems are proposed in order to improve accuracy in the prediction of the actual nonlinear response.

Inter-carrier Interference of Multicarrier-CDMA System in Time Selective Fading Channel (시간선택적 페이딩 환경에서 멀티캐리어-CDMA 시스템의 서브캐리어간 간섭)

  • 김명진;김성필;하경민
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 2000
  • In MC-CDMA systems effects of delay spread of the channel are reduced with increased symbol duration by simultaneously transmitting data symbols on the parallel subcarriers. However, the increased symbol duration causes the system to be more vulnerable to time selective fading. In other words, although MC-CDMA systems are robust against frequency selective fading in a multipath environment, they are sensitive to Doppler spread and hence inter-carrier interference is increased. In this paper, we investigate the effects of time selective fading characteristics of the mobile channel from the viewpoint of desired signal power to inter-carrier interference power ratio at the combiner output of the MC-CDMA receiver.

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A study on the combustion characteristics according to evaporation rate of gasoline (가솔린 연료의 기화율 변화에 따른 연소 특성에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Lee, K.H.;Lee, C.S.;Shin, K.S.;Cho, H.M.
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1996
  • The present study systematically investigates the effect of evaporation rate on the combustion characteristics and the flame stabilization in a gasoline engine. A constant volume combustion chamber was used to elucidate a basic combustion characteristics and the premixer was installed to control temperature and equivalence ratio. And the maximum pressure, combustion duration and flame propagation according to the evaporation rate were measured to determine the optimal temperature range for evaparating a gasoline fuel. These experimental results indicate that the combustion characteristics such as combustion chamber pressure and combustion duration were deteriorated by decreasing surrounding temperature of fuel injected. It was also found that the overall gasification process for gasoline fuel was strongly influenced by a combustion chamber temperature rather than a premixer temperature.

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An Acoustical Study of English Word Stress Produced by Americans and Koreans

  • Yang, Byung-Gon
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2002
  • Acoustical correlates of stress can be classified as duration, intensity and fundamental frequency. This study examined the acoustical differences in the first two syllables of stressed English words produced by ten American and Korean speakers. The Korean subjects scored very high on the TOEFL. They read at a normal speed a fable from which the acoustical parameters of eight words were analyzed. In order to make the data comparison meaningful, each parameter was collected at 100 dynamic time points proportional to the total duration of the two syllables. Then the ratio of the parameter sum of the first rime to that of the second rime was calculated to determine the relative prominence of the syllables. Results showed that the durations of the first two syllables were almost comparable between the Americans and Koreans. However, statistically significant differences showed up in the diphthong pronunciations and in the words with the second syllable stressed. Also, remarkably high r-squared values were found between pairs of the three acoustical parameters, which suggests that either one or a combination of two or more parameters may account for the prominence of a syllable within a word.

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A clinical evaluation of spontaneous pneumothorax (특발성 기흉에 대한 임상적 연구)

  • 정덕용
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.511-515
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    • 1984
  • In this study, 213 cases of the spontaneous pneumothorax experienced at the department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital during from April, 1977, till Dec, 1983 were reviewed. 1.Sex ratio of the studied patients was 7.19;1 showing high incidence male patients. The incidence according to the age group showed that 20.2%, 18.3% of the patients belong to the age group 6th, 5th decade respectively. 2.The etiologic factors were as follows, tuberculous origin in 50.2%, unknown origin in 28.2%, COPD in 3.3%, bullae in 8.5%. The site was right in 47.9% and left in 44.1%, bilateral in 8%. 3.The clinical symptoms were frequently dyspnea in 35%, chest pain in 27.5%. 4.The employed method of treatment were as follow, bed rest with oxygen inhalation in 1.9%, closed thoracostomy in 95.8%, open thoracotomy in 7.98%, which bullectomy was performed in 12 cases and pneumonectomy in 3 cases and lobectomy in 1 case and decortication with simple closure of bleb was performed in remaining 1 case. 5.The duration of closed thoracostomy was longer in tuberculosis, which average duration was 11.28 days. 6.The overall recurrent rate was 12.3%.

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Study on the Formation Mechanism of Hard Chrome Surface Morphology by Atomic Force Microscopy

  • Lee, B.K.;Park, Y.;Kim, Man;S.C. Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.35-35
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    • 2002
  • Atomic force microscopy was applied to study the formation and growth mechanism of thin chrome layers prepared under various pulse plating conditions. The chrome was electro-deposited from an electrolyte bath containing 250 gl-l of chromic acid, 25 gl-l of sulfuric acid using direct current density of $1.6{\;}mA.$\textrm{mm}^{-2} and pulse currents with on-off time from 5 to 900 ms. The higher current density enhanced nucleation rate which resulted in refining grain size. The chrome growth kinetics determining nodule size and shape significantly depends on the duration of on-time rather than duration of off-time and on/off time ratio.

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A Study on the Optimum Design Flowrate for Tunnel-Type Small Hydro Power Plants

  • Lee, Chul-Hyung;Park, Wan-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Hydrosciences
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    • v.3
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 1992
  • This study represents the methodology for feasibility analysis of small hydro power SHP plant. Cumulative density function of Weibull distribution and Thiessen method were adopted to decide flow duration curve at SHP candidate site. The perfomance prediction model and construction cost estimation model for tunnel-type SHP plant were developed. Eight tunnel -type SHP candidate sites existing on Han-river were selected and surveyed for actual site reconnaissance. The performance characteristics and economical feasibility for these sites were analyzed by using developed models. As a result, it was found that the optimum design flowrate with the lowest unit generation cost for tunel-type SHP candidate site were the flowrate concerming with between 20% and 30% of time ratio on the flow duration curve. Additionally, primary design specifications such as design flowrate, effective head, capacity, annual averageload factor, annual electricity production were estimated and discussed for eight surveyed SHP candidate sites.

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The Effects of High Torque Starters on the Starting Characteristics of a Micro-hybrid Engine (고토크 스타터에 의한 마이크로 하이브리드 엔진의 시동특성 개선 효과)

  • Kim, S.S.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.12-15
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    • 2010
  • It is requested to shorten the starting duration for idle stop function equipped cars without harmful effects on the environment. Higher cranking speeds can be achieved with high torque starter. The object of this study is to develope the high torque starter and evaluate its effect on the exhaust emissions. The test was conducted on a 1.5 L, 4-cylinder, 16 valve, multipoint-port-fuel-injection gasoline engine. Engine out emissions such as HC, CO, $CO_2$, and the excess air ratios, lambda were measured using MEXA-554JK. The result showed that a high torque starter, HTS-II shortened the starting duration and reduced engine out emissions of HC, CO and improved starting performance with larger excess air ratio than that of the original starter, Org. S and a high torque starter, HTS-I.