Notoginseng leaf triterpenes ameliorates mitochondrial oxidative injury via the NAMPT-SIRT1/2/3 signaling pathways in cerebral ischemic model rats
- Journal of Ginseng Research
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- 제47권2호
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- pp.199-209
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- 2023
Background: Due to the interrupted blood supply in cerebral ischemic stroke (CIS), ischemic and hypoxia results in neuronal depolarization, insufficient NAD+, excessive levels of ROS, mitochondrial damages, and energy metabolism disorders, which triggers the ischemic cascades. Currently, improvement of mitochondrial functions and energy metabolism is as a vital therapeutic target and clinical strategy. Hence, it is greatly crucial to look for neuroprotective natural agents with mitochondria protection actions and explore the mediated targets for treating CIS. In the previous study, notoginseng leaf triterpenes (PNGL) from Panax notoginseng stems and leaves was demonstrated to have neuroprotective effects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. However, the potential mechanisms have been not completely elaborate. Methods: The model of middle cerebral artery occlusion and reperfusion (MCAO/R) was adopted to verify the neuroprotective effects and potential pharmacology mechanisms of PNGL in vivo. Antioxidant markers were evaluated by kit detection. Mitochondrial function was evaluated by ATP content measurement, ATPase, NAD and NADH kits. And the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and pathological staining (H&E and Nissl) were used to detect cerebral morphological changes and mitochondrial structural damages. Western blotting, ELISA and immunofluorescence assay were utilized to explore the mitochondrial protection effects and its related mechanisms in vivo. Results: In vivo, treatment with PNGL markedly reduced excessive oxidative stress, inhibited mitochondrial injury, alleviated energy metabolism dysfunction, decreased neuronal loss and apoptosis, and thus notedly raised neuronal survival under ischemia and hypoxia. Meanwhile, PNGL significantly increased the expression of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) in the ischemic regions, and regulated its related downstream SIRT1/2/3-MnSOD/PGC-1α pathways. Conclusion: The study finds that the mitochondrial protective effects of PNGL are associated with the NAMPT-SIRT1/2/3-MnSOD/PGC-1α signal pathways. PNGL, as a novel candidate drug, has great application prospects for preventing and treating ischemic stroke.
Public sewage treatment facilities are a necessary infrastructure for public health that treat sewage generated in cities and basin living areas and discharge it into rivers or seas. Recently, the role of public sewage treatment is receiving attention as a place of use of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), which analyzes human specific metabolic emissions or biomarkers present in sewage to investigate the environment to which the population is exposed in the water drain. WBE is mainly applied to investigate legal and water-law drug use or to predict and analyze the lifestyle of local residents. WBE has also been applied to predict and analyze the degree of infectious diseases that are prevalent worldwide, such as COVID-19. Since sewage flowing into public sewage treatment facilities includes living information of the population living in the drainage area, it is easy to collect basic data to predict the confirmation and spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a new role of public sewage treatment facilities as an infrastructure necessary for WBE that can obtain information on the confirmation and spread of infectious diseases other than the traditional role of public sewage treatment. In South Korea, the sewerage supply rate is about 95.5% and the number of public sewage treatment facility is 4,209. This means that the infrastructure of sewerage is fully established. However, to successfully drive for WBE , research on monitoring and big-data analysis is needed.
정부는 보건진료원으로 하여금 지역주민들에게 보다 더 의욕적으로 양질의 보건의료서비스를 제공하도록 하기 위하여 1992년 4월 1일부터 보건진료원을 별정직 공무원으로 정규직화 하였다. 본 연구는 보건진료원의 정규직화가 보건진료원의 업무활동과 보건진료소의 관리운영체계에 미친 영향을 분석하기 위해 경상남도와 경상북도의 보건진료소 중 집락추출법과 단순확률추출법으로 50개소를 뽑아 보건진료원을 대상으로 직접 면담조사하고 제반기록 및 보고서에서 필요한 자료를 발췌하였다. 조사기간은 1992년 1월 1일에서 3월 31일까지(정규직화 이전)와 1993년 1월 1일에서 3월 31일까지(정규직화 이후)였다. 보건진료원들의 96%가 정규직화를 원했는데 그 이유는 신분보장과 보수가 좋아지리라는 것이었다. 정규직화 후 보건진료원직을 자랑스럽게 생각한다는 사람이 24%에서 46%로 증가하였다. 신분보장에 대해서는 항상 불안하다는 사람이 30%에서 10%로 감소하였다. 정규직화 후 월평균 급여액은 802,600원에서 1,076,000원으로 34% 증가했으며 90%가 만족한다고 했다. 업무 내용별 자율성 인지정도는 업무계획, 업무수행, 진료소관리(재정)운영, 업무평가 영역에 대한 자율성 인지도가 정규직화 후에 증가되었다. 보건진료원의 활동내용 중 지역사회 자원파악, 지도작성상태, 지역사회조직 활용정도, 인구구조 파악정도와 가정건강기록부 작성은 정규직화 후에 특별한 변화는 없었다. 또한 집단보건교육, 개인보건교육, 학교보건교육의 실시도 정규직화 후에 변화가 없었다. 그러나 가정방문 실시현황은 1인당 월평균 13.6%회에서 정규직화 후에는 27.5%회로 늘었다. 모성보건 및 가족계획 사업 그리고 예방접종도 정규직화 후에 타기관에 의뢰하는 것이 더 늘었다. 통상질병관리 가운데 성인병관리는 3개월 동안 1개 진료소당 평균 고혈압환자는 12.7%명에서 11.6명으로, 암환자는 1.5명에서 1.2명으로, 당뇨병환자가 4.3명에서 3.4명으로 줄었다. 각종 기록부 비치상황은 장비대장, 약품관리 대장, 환자진료기록부는 100% 비치되었으나 기타 기록부는 그렇지 않았고 정규직화 후에도 변화는 없었다. 보건진료소가 보건소로부터 지원을 받는 내용은 약품 14.0%에서 30%로, 소모품 22.0%에서 52.0%로, 건물유지 및 보수가 54.0%에서 68% 로, 보건교육 자료가 34.0%에서 44.0%로 증가하였고, 장비는 58.0%에서 54.0%로 감소했다. 보건진료소의 월평균 수입은 진료수입이 약 22,000원 증가했고, 국비 또는 지방비 보조금이 4,800원에서 38,508%원으로 증가했으나 회비 및 기부금은 줄어 총수입은 약 50,000원 증가했다. 지출총액은 큰 변동이 없었다. 보건소로부터 3개월 동안 받은 지도감독 중 지시공문을 받은 진료소가 20%에서 38%로 늘었고, 방문지도는 79%에서 62%, 회의소집은 88%에서 74%로 감소하였다. 전화지도는 보건진료소당 평균 1.8회에서 2.1회로 늘었다(p<0.01). 면보건요원과의 협력관계가 있다고 한 보건진료원은 42%에서 36%로 감소하였다. 보건소장과의 관계가 좋다는 보건진료원이 46%에서 24%로 감소하였고, 보건행정계장과 관계가 좋다는 사림이 56%에서 36%로 감소하였다(p<0.05). 보건진료소 운영협의회 회장과의 관계가 좋다는 사람은 62%에서 38%로 감소되었고 보건진료소 운영협의회가 보건진료소에 별로 도움이 안된다와 전혀 도움이 되지 않는다는 사람이 정규직화 전과 후에 각각 92.0%, 82.0%였다. 운영협의회가 필요 없다는 사람은 정규직화 전에 4%에서 16%로 증가되었다(p<0.05). 보건진료원제도 발전을 위해 제안된 사항은 보건교육중심의 활동, 보건진료소운영의 자율성 보장 보건소에 경험이 풍부한 보건진료원을 두어 지도감독하게 할 것과 사용하는 약품의 종류를 늘려 줄 것 등이었다. 이상의 결과로 보하 정규직화 후 보건진료원의 역할, 기능 등의 업무활동의 변화는 거의 없었으나 신분보장과 봉급에 대한 만족도는 향상이 되었고 또한 자율성도 증가하였다. 보건소의 지원은 약간 늘었으며, 지도감독체제에서 지시 공문의 증가로 사무보고 업무가 많아지고, 근무 확인을 위한 전화감독은 늘었으나 업무치진을 위한 행정직 지도 또한 기술적 지도는 거의 없었다.
The purpose of this study was to develop a new nursing unit which can meet changing health care needs, enhance patients' satisfaction and nurses' job satisfaction, and finally guarantee quality nursing care with present manpower. For this, one medical unit was selected as a unit for quality care. And one medical unit which is similar in staffing and patients' characteristics was selected as a control unit. To assess present problems and identify the remedies to the problems a hospital-wide survey and a workshop were performed. According to the survey results, educational programs and improvement of the facilities and equipment supply system, managereal support for interdepartmental cooperation and intensification of bed-side nursing care were adopted as main principles for operating model unit, This model unit was operated for 3 months from Sep. 1, 1992 to Nov. 30, 1992. To evaluate the effectiveness of the model unit, derect/indirect nursing care hours, patients' satisfaction to nursing care, nurses' job satisfaction, and quality care index were measured. Direct/indirect nursing care hours were compared with that of the control unit, and patients' and nurses' satisfaction and quality care index were measured before and after operating model unit and compared with each other. The results of the study were as follows; 1. In the model unit mean direct nursing care hours per cach shift was 146.88 minutes and indirect nursing care hours was 354.72 minutes. The ratio of the direct nursing care hour to indirect nursing hour was 29.6 ; 70.4 and that of the control unit was 26.9 : 73.1. Direct nursing care hour in model unit was longer than that of the control unit. But, the difference was not significant. In subcategories of direct nursing care, the time spent in mobility and exercise, conservation of body temperature, hygiene, and communication and health education were longer than that of the con" trol unit. 2. Indirect nursing care hour in model unit was shorter than that of the control unit. But, the difference was not significant. In subcategories of indirect nursing care, the time spent in drug management and ward arrangement was shorter than that of the control unit. 3. Patients' satisfaction to nursing care was increased significantly after operating the model unit (T=-3.48, P=-0.002) and satisfaction to subcategories of physical comfort measure, psychological cate, and unit management components were significantly higher than before. 4. In the model unit, nurses' total job satisfaction was increased significantly after operating the model unit(Z=2.1004, P=.0357) and satisfaction to subcategory of satisfaction to administration was significantly higher than before (Z=-2.0732, P=.0382). 5. After operating the model unit, quality care index was increased from 89 to 93. With this results, it can be summarized that all the measures tried for quality care, such as educational programs, managereal support for interdepartmental cooperation, and improvement of the equipment and facility provision resulted in partial increase in direct nursing care hours, nurses satisfaction to their job and patients' satisfaction to nursing care. In can be postulated that managereal support and motivation without proper staff supplementation is not enough for increasing direct nursing care hours. And for the enhancement of the level in clinical nursing, and staff supplement must be considered sincerely and the measures for reducing indirect nursing care hours, such as computerization of nursing care activities, improvement of facilities and equipment and facilities supply system, must be instituted in addition.
It is well known that diabetes mellitus is associated with metabolic derangements, such as hyper-glycemia, ketosis, glycosuria, and also widespread alterations in the blood vessels, kidneys, eyes, peripheral nerves and heart. It is also recognized that healing of skin wound is delayed in diabetics. In bone, according to Aegerter, osteopenia develops in diabetes mellitus and it is chiefly ascribed to overutilization of protein. Shim claims that total blood flow to the entire skeletal system is approximately 4 to 8 percent of resting cardiac output and blood supply to the skeletal system would be decreased on account of secondary arteriosclerotic changes in the diabetics. An adequate blood supply is an essential factor in the healing process of fracture, and disturbed blood flow, either local or systemic, will invariably delay union of the fragments or the fragments from being fused. As the author has encountered several cases of diabetics in whom healing of fracture was delayed or incomplete, this experimental study was undertaken to elucidate the effects of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus on the healing process of fracture. In this experiment adult albino rabbits, weighing about 2 kg. were used and divided into 6 groups. The femur of each animal was fractured surgically, and then the healing process of fracture was periodically checked by radiography at an interval of one week for a period of 6 weeks. Thereafter, all the rabbits were killed to obtain tissue preparation of the femur. The experimental groups were as follows; 1) Control group: Six rabbits sustained a surgical fracture to the femur, without being given any other treatment or drug. 2) Alloxan-treated group: For inducing diabetes, alloxan was given intravenously to 17 rabbits in various dose as follows; to 7 of them 40 mg/kg, to 6 rabbits 80 mg/kg and to 4 rabbits 120 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. 3) Insulin-treated group: Protamine-zinc insulin was injected subcutaneously to each of 6 rabbits in a daily dose of 1 unit per kilogram of body weight. 4) Group treated with insulin after alloxan: Four rabbits were given 80 mg of alloxan once and than 1 unit of insulin per kilogram of body weight daily. Another 5 rabbits were injected 1 unit of insulin per kg of body weight daily following administration of alloxan in a dose of 120 mg/kg. 5) Homotransplantation group: Following intravenous injection of alloxan in a dose of 120 mg/kg, 10 rabbits underwent homotransplantation of a short bone segment to the femur. Five of them were subsequently given 1 unit/kg of insulin daily. 6) Sugar-treated group: six rabbits were fed
본 연구에서는 우리나라 집단급식소를 HACCP 지정유무 및 급식 유형별로 분류하여 위생관리 실태를 평가하여 유형별 문제점을 파악하고 개선방안을 제시하였다. 평가내용은 총 105개 항목, 9개의 영역으로 개인위생, 식재료의 공급, 식품의 저장, 생식품과 조리된 식품의 분리취급, 배식, 세척과 소독, 쓰레기처리, 방충
This paper constitutes a descriptive investigation and used a structured questionnaire to investigate nurses' and doctors' recognition of cancer patients. The subjects were extracted from the medical personnel working at the internal medicine, the surgery ward, the obstetrics and gynecology department, the pediatrics department, the cancer ward, and the emergency room of five general hospitals located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The research lasted from August, 2001 to September 2001. Total 137 nurses and 65 doctors were included and made out the questionnaires directly distributed by the investigator. The study tool was also developed by the investigator and consisted of such items as the demographic and social characteristics, the medical personnel's recognition degree of cancer and cancer patients, their recognition of the management of cancer patients, and their participation in a hospice. The results were analyzed using the SPSS Window program in terms of technological statistics, ranks, t-test, and ANOVA. The reliability was represented in Cronbach' α=.75. The nurses' and doctors' recognition degree of cancer and cancer patients had an overall average of 3.86 at the 5 point-scale. The items that received an average of 4.0 or more included 'Medical personnel should explain about the cancer cure plans to the cancer patient and his or her family', 'A patient whose case has been diagnosed as a terminal cancer should be notified of it, 'If I were a cancer patient, I would want to get informed of it,' and 'Cancer shall be conquered whenever it is'. In the meantime, the items that received an average of 3.0 or less was 'My relationship with the cancer patient's family has gotten worse since I announced his or her impending death.' And according to the general characteristics and the difference test, the recognition degree of cancer and cancer patient was high among the subgroups of nurses, females, married persons, who were in their 30s, who had a family member that was a cancer patient, and who received a hospice education. The biggest number of the nurses and doctors saw 'a gradual approach over several days'(68.8%) as a method to tell a cancer patient about his or her cancer diagnosis or impending death. Those who usually tell tragic news were the physician in charge(62.8%), the family members or relatives(32.1%) and the clergymen(3.8%) in the order. The greatest number of them recommended a cancer patient's home as the place where he or she should face death because they thought 'it would stabilize his or her mentality'(91.9%) while a number of them recommended the hospital because they 'should give the psychological satisfaction to the patient'(40%) or 'should try their best until the last moment of the patient's death'(30%). A majority of the medical personnel regarded 'smoking or drinking' and 'diet' as the causes of cancer. The biggest symptom of a cancer patient was 'pain' and the pain management of a cancer patient was mostly impeded by the 'excessive fear of drug addiction, tolerance to drugs and side effects of drugs' by medical personnel, the patient, and his or her family. The most frequently adopted treatment plan of a terminal cancer patient was 'to do whatever the patient or his or her family wants' to resort to a hospice' and 'to continue active treatment efforts' in the order. The biggest reasons why a terminal cancer patient went to see a doctor were 'pain alleviation' 'control of symptoms other than pain(intravenous supply)' and 'incapability of the patient's family' in the order. Terminal cancer patients placed their major concern in 'spiritual(religious) matter' 'emotional matters' their family' 'existence' and 'physical matters' in the order. 113(58.5%) of the whole medical personnel answered they 'would recommend' an alternative treatment to a terminal cancer patient mostly because they assumed it would 'stabilize the patient's mentality.' Meanwhile, 80(41.5%) of them chose 'not to recommend it mostly due to the unverified effects and high cost of it(78.7%). A majority of them, I. e. 190(94.1%) subjects said they 'would recommend' a hospice to a terminal cancer patient mostly because they thought it would help the patient to 'mentally prepare'(66.6%) Only 17.3% of them, however, had received a hospice education, most of which was done through the hospital duty education(41.4%) and volunteer training(34.5%). The follows are results of this study: 1. The nurses and the doctors turned out to be still passive and experience confusion in dealing with a cancer patient despite their great sense of responsibility for him or her. 2.Nurses and Doctors realize the need of a hospice, but an extremely small number of them participate in a hospice education or performance. Thus, a whole recognition of a hospice should be changed, for which purpose a hospice education for nurses and doctors should be provided. 3.Terminal cancer patients preferred their home to a hospital as the place to face their impending death because they felt it would bring 'mental stability.' And most of nurses and doctors think it would be unnecessary for them to be hospitalized just for control of their symptoms. Accordingly a terminal cancer patient can be cared at home, and a home hospice care needs to be activated.
Background : The stenosis of the coronary artery results in a decrease in the myocardial oxygen supply, ischemia and infarction. Jakamchotang as a drug of liquid is generally regarded to have the effect of arrythmia, palpitation from Heart disease and promoting the flow of Ki and Blood. Methods : The purpose of this experimental study is to find whether Jakamchotang is effective or not in curing ischemia in isolated perfused rat hearts and to measure the degree of its curing effect. In this study, under the Langendorff apparatus, ischemia was induced in isolated Sprague-Dawley rat hearts by ceasing the perfusion for 20 minites. Subjects were divided into a normal saline orally administered group(control group), an Jakamchotang orally 100mg administered group (sample A), an Jakamchotang orally 300mg administered group (sample B), and an Jakamchotang injection perfused group(sample C). The heart rates, left ventricular pressure, myocardial dilatation/contraction, cardiac perfusion flow and cardiac ezyme(LDH, CPK) of the four group were measured and compared in order to assess the influence of Jakamchotang on isolated perfused rat hearts recovering abillity from ischemia and infarction. results : 1. Heart rates were increased significantly in Jakamchotang orally 100mg administered group, Jakamchotang orally 300mg administered group and Jakamchotang injection perfused group on perfusion and reperfusion(p<0.01). 2. Left ventricular pressure were increased significantly in Jakamchotang orally 100mg administered group and 300mg administered and Jakamchotang injection perfused group(p<0.01) in comparison with control group on perfusion, but every group did not significant on reperfusion. 3. While there were no differances in each group's abillities of myocardial dilatation, the ability of myocardial constriction of Jakamchotang 100mg administered group only on perfusion was significantly greater than that of control group(p<0.05). 4. CBF was no significant on perfusion and reperfusion in comparison with control group(N.S.) 5. LDH was not significantly decreased on perfusion, but significactly decreased in Jakamchotang orally 100mg administered group, Jakamchotang orally 300mg administered group on reperfusion. 6. CPK was significantly decreased in Jakamchotang orally 100mg administered group, 300mg administered and Jakamchotang injection perfused group on perfusion(p<0.01), but was not significantly in Jakamchotang 300mg administered group only on reperfusion(P<0.05) Conclusion : According to the result above, Jakamchotang have an effect to recover in the isolated perfused rat hearts. Especially, the effect of Jakamchotang in orally adminstered group is greater than that of Jakamchotang injection perfused group on preischemia. The followings are the two important results of this study: First, the effect of Jakamchotang used traditionally on heart disease was proved statistcally under the Langendorff apparatus. Second, on the basis of this study, the effect of other type medications on myocardial ischemia can be evaluted in further studies.
포유동물과 마찬가지로 암탉은 태어날 병아리에게 계란을 통해서 면역항체를 이행시켜 해로운 병원균의 침입으로부터 병아리를 보호해준다 . 즉 어미 닭의 혈청으로부터 특정항체가 난황에 이행되고 이 면역항체를 IgY 라고 부르며 이것이 발육중인 태아와 갓 부화한 병아리의 면역항체가 되는 것이다. 상대적으로 면역능력이 낮은 갓 부화한 병아리는 병원균에 대한 방어능력을 계란을 통해 어미로부터 받은 항체를 통해 얻는다. 그 결과, 난황 내에는 많은 양의 IgY를 보유하게 되고 이 면역물질이 있으므로 말미암아 계란 내에 들어와 있는 병원균이냐 외부에서 들어오려는 병원균을 무력화시켜 아무 탈없이 병아리가 부화하게 된다 . 이처럼 산란계에 각종 병원균을 접종함으로서 면역항체 IgY 가 많이 들어 있는 계란을 생산할 수 있다. 난황 1 개에는 136~340 mg 의 IgY 가 들어있고 이는 난황
The wall shear stress in the vicinity of end-to end anastomoses under steady flow conditions was measured using a flush-mounted hot-film anemometer(FMHFA) probe. The experimental measurements were in good agreement with numerical results except in flow with low Reynolds numbers. The wall shear stress increased proximal to the anastomosis in flow from the Penrose tubing (simulating an artery) to the PTFE: graft. In flow from the PTFE graft to the Penrose tubing, low wall shear stress was observed distal to the anastomosis. Abnormal distributions of wall shear stress in the vicinity of the anastomosis, resulting from the compliance mismatch between the graft and the host artery, might be an important factor of ANFH formation and the graft failure. The present study suggests a correlation between regions of the low wall shear stress and the development of anastomotic neointimal fibrous hyperplasia(ANPH) in end-to-end anastomoses. 30523 T00401030523 ^x Air pressure decay(APD) rate and ultrafiltration rate(UFR) tests were performed on new and saline rinsed dialyzers as well as those roused in patients several times. C-DAK 4000 (Cordis Dow) and CF IS-11 (Baxter Travenol) reused dialyzers obtained from the dialysis clinic were used in the present study. The new dialyzers exhibited a relatively flat APD, whereas saline rinsed and reused dialyzers showed considerable amount of decay. C-DAH dialyzers had a larger APD(11.70