• Title/Summary/Keyword: doctor of pharmacy

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A Statistical Study on the Contents of Theses of Oriental Medicine (한의학(韓醫學) 학위논문(學位論文)의 내용(內容)에 대(對)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Park, Jong-Woon;Park, Chan-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.7
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    • pp.161-197
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    • 1994
  • I hereby have gained the following results by investigation and classification according to the contents of Masterial theses of 1015 volumes and Doctorial theses of 288 volumes, which have collected at their central libriaries, of theses which have published, until 1991, at Oriental Medical College of Kyunghee Univ., Kyungsan Univ., Dongguk Univ. and Taejon Univ. 1. The laboratory theses are more plentiful in number than those of literatural or clinical ones, especially more outstanding trends in the case of doctors. 2. In clinical theses, clinical obserbation was high frequnt in master and accupunture in doctor. 3. In laboratory theses, the usage of pharmacy was more frequnt than that of accupuntures or moxibutions. 4. In laboratory theses, it was more plentiful the case of being taken ill before experiment. 5. In experimental method, the drugs were more used complexed or complexed extract, in the case of accupunture, the methods were more adopted by general accup. and aqureaccupunture. 6. In laboritory theses, theses was abundant of no description of normal, control and laboratory groop. 7. It was the great number wi thin a day in the laboratory terms, the rats were most adopted as the objects of lab., in the number of lab method, doctor's was more plentiful than master's. 8. In literatural theses, there was expressed high frequnt trends of study of china, in era, Chosun dynasty in korea and Jin-Han in china. 9. The theory and books were mainly adopted as objects of theses study in the field of literature. 10. In another theses, there was many investigation of contents and drug and sign of illness were main object of study. 11. Laboratory theses had totally more reference and quotation than those of other theses. According to the above results, the number of laboratory theses are superior than clincal and literature theses, other study or statistical theses. But unfortunately they were not enough the transmission of meaning of theses and contribution of learning, beacuse how to do theses was not uni form and description was not evident. So afterward I think it is needed more careful attention and study in the method of theses works.

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The Oriental medical study for Constitutions and Anticancer effect on Cancer therapy (암치료에 있어서 체질과 항암효과에 관한 한의학적 연구)

  • Sung, Hyun-Jea;Shin, Hyun-Kyu;Park, Kap-Joo;Kang, Bong-Joo;Eun, Young-Ah;Kim, Eun-Hae;Choung, Se-Young
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.85-104
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    • 1997
  • As one of the chemical and experimental study on cancer treatment in Korea oriental medicine, we investigated the clinical characteristics on the treatment of cancer patients in oriental medical hospital. Furthermore, we carried out the cytotoxicity test of extracts of herbal medicine. The results are as follows: About Clinical Aspects of the Orient낄 Medical Cancer Treatment- (1) Clinical experience is that 420 Oriental medical hospitals were surveyed. Number of cancer patiens treated by one oriental medical doctor was under 10(about 60%)or from 10 to 20(about 30%). (2) Diagnostic Procedure Is that more than 80% of cancer patients were diagnosed by medical doctor of western hospital. (3) Therapeutic Method is that combination of oriental and western medical treatment was used in oriental medical hospital. (4) Relationship between cancer and constitutions is that to the relationship between cancer and constitutions, about 75% responded and most were considered to be Um. About Experimental Study- Toevaluate the direct cytotoxicity of hot water and methanol extracts of 34 oriental medical prescriptions on stomach cancer cell, SRB assay was carried out. (1) The $IC_{50}$ value of water extract of Samsoum was $19{\mu}g/ml$ and that of methanol extract was $15{\mu}g/ml$ so that we confirmed Samsoum has a strong direct cytotoxicity. (2) The $IC_{50}$ values of water extract of Coptidis Rhizoma, methanol extract of Caesalpiniae Lignum and Draba Semen were $10{\mu}g/ml$, $9{\mu}g/ml$ and $12.5{\mu}g/ml$ respectively, so that we confirmed Coptidis Rhizoma, Caesalpiniae Lignum and Drabs Semen have a strong direct cytototoxicity. (3) The $IC_{50}$ lalue of combinatory prescription of Rhei Rhizoma, Forsythie Fructus and Caesalpiniae Lignum was about $40{\mu}g/ml$.

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Impact of the Purchasing Price Reimbursement System for Insurance Drugs upon the Health Insurer's Financial Situation (실거래가상환제의 건강보험재정에 대한 영향)

  • Jeong, Hyoung-Sun;Lee, Eui Kyung;Kim, Eun Jung;Ryu, Gun-Chun;Song, Yang Min;Kim, Sun-Ju
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.40-59
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this paper is to examine what impact the newly introduced Purchasing Price Reimbursement System, where insurance drugs are reimbursed at the prices as they were purchased by medical care providers under the maximum allowable cap, has upon the health insurer's financing situation. The impact of the Purchasing Price Reimbursement System is considered to be confined mainly to the inpatient department among three drug reimbursement fields such as inpatient department, out-patient department and pharmacy. Hypothesis was set and tested in this study for each of three components of inpatient drug reimbursement in health insurance, i.e. average price level, composition of drugs and their overall volume. Drug price level calculated in this study from 403 selected reimbursement drugs according to the Laspayres methodology revealed faster decline under the new Purchasing Price Reimbursement System than previously by $1.53\%$ on the annual average basis. However, additional 1.4 percent financial burden in the ratio of the total inpatient reimbursement was owed by the health insurer. This was analysed to be a combined result of both 2.0-3.1 percent of reduced reimbursement due to drug price decline and 3.4-4.5 percent of additional reimbursement due to drug volume increase. These results suggest that recalling the Purchasing Price Reimbursement System would not have so much impact upon the health insurer's financial situation given that the current compulsory separation between doctor's prescribing and pharmacist's dispensing is irrevocable.

KAP Study on Oriental Traditional Doctor, Hospital and Medicine in Korea (최근 일부 한국이의 한의사.한방의료기관 및 한의학 관련 인식 태도 및 의료행위에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sun-Dong;Park Kyong-Sik
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 1997
  • The degree of KAP study on oriental traditional medicine was examined with some korean from July 1st to August 30th in 1996. The result of the study for predicting health and ill patterns runs as fellows. 1) It is too weak to understand and adertise oriental traditional medicine doctors and the curable disease; moreover cured diseases rather preponderate. 2) Although most patients go to oriental traditional medical clinic for the purpose of medical herbs in package and acupuncture, they think the medical fee a high expensive. 3) The 77.9% of respondents recognize oriental traditional medical doctors as a profession and others think them only abundant workers; therefore it is rather low to think oriental traditional doctors a profession. 4) Most respondents ink that oriental traditional medicine should improved in the inside; such as the expensive fee, scientific reinforcement of theory, lack of univerality, improvement and enlargement of insurance, unkindness, shortage of publicity, dropped equipment, system of medical specialist, lack of integration with western medicine, exact diagnosis and confidence of remedy and low efficacy, etc. 5) The struggle against the government (1995-1996 about herbal prescription right by western pharmacy) has taken the change of affirmative recognition. 6) The degree that acknowleges of oriental traditional medicine through these basic contents is average 61.65 mark. To be brief, although the step of recognition and attitude of oriental me야cine is very affirmative aspect, actually considerable difficult factors is in the last chosen step.

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Privacy Model based on RBAC for U-Healthcare Service Environment (u-헬스케어 환경에서 환자의 무결성을 보장하는 RFID 보안 프로토콜)

  • Rhee, Bong-Keun;Jeong, Yoon-Su;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2012
  • Nowadays u-healthcare which is very sensitive to the character of user's information among other ubiquitous computing field is popular in medical field. u-healthcare deals extremely personal information including personal health/medical information so it is exposed to various weaknees and threats in the part of security and privacy. In this paper, RFID based patient's information protecting protocol that prevents to damage the information using his or her mobile unit illegally by others is proposed. The protocol separates the authority of hospital(doctor, nurse, pharmacy) to access to patient's information by level of access authority of hospital which is registered to management server and makes the hospital do the minimum task. Specially, the management server which plays the role of gateway makes access permission key periodically not to be accessed by others about unauthorized information except authorized information and improves patient's certification and management.

Implementation of the Electronic Prescription Security System Using by an If Card (IC 카드에 의한 원외 전자처방전 보안을 위한 시스템 구축)

  • Kang, Se-Na;Lee, Ki-Han
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.3
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2003
  • Nowadays, a patient's private medical data which is exposed to the outside world has a severe effect on not only the patient's private life but also his/her social activities and environment. So, it is important to securely protect the patient's private medical data from the illegal manipulation. This paper studies the method to store the electronic prescription information in an IC card. For that, an access control for users, such as a doctor, a nurse, a medical institute member, a pharmacy, a pharmacist, or a patient, is proposed to access the data stored in an IC card. The certificate is issued using the Crypto API of a certificate management model supported by Windows 2000. The public/private key is created by the Cryptographic Service Provider program, and the electronic prescription is signed using the digital signature. The proposed system, therefore, can improve the quality of medical services by securing the safety and integrity of the electronic prescription, stored in an IC card.

A Study of the Relationship to the Student's Health Behavior, Belief, Value and Health Service Utilization -With Emphasis on Family Structure and Other Variables- (학생(學生)의 건강행위(健康行爲), 신념(信念), 가치(價値) 및 보건의료(保建醫療) 이용(利用)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구 -가족(家族)의 형태(形態) 및 제특성(諸特性)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Chung, Yeon Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.9-44
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    • 1993
  • An explorative and descriptive study in order to determine the effect of family structure and other socio-demographic variables on health behavior, belief, locus, and value and utilization of public health service was carried out. Data were collected from 1,653 subjects randomly sampled in three areas, Seoul, Kyunggi province, and Cheju province. From Seoul 849 subjects were selected, 397 subjects Kyunggi, and 407 subjects from Cheju, respectively. Self-reporting questionaires were administered during the period from March to June, 1992. The major findings were as follows: 1) The subjects visited herb-doctor's at irregular intervals mainly to have tonic medicine prepared. They preferred herb-doctor's rather than with doctors at clinics and hospitals. Statistically significant difference was found among the regions studied (p<0.05). 2) The reason for visiting hospitals was primarily for treatment of diseases. They preferred hospital because they felt that the hospitals offer much highly reliable treatment services as well as medical accessibility. For the purpose of hospital utilization, statistically significant differences existed among sex, educational level, family type and region. However, no significance was found among sex, educational level, and region (p<0.05). 3) The subjects utilized general hospitals mainly for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. They preferred general hospitals because of their much better facilities and reliability. Statistical significance was found among sex, educational level, and region (p<0.05). 4) The subjects visited dentist at irregular intervals basis. They visited once half a year or three to four months. their purpose of visit was mainly for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Statistical significance differences were found among educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 5) Whenever their illnesses were mild and the pharmacies was located in nearby they visited to pharmacies. They visited once a month and patient medicines. Statistically significant differences were found among sex, educational level and region (p<0.05). 6) The subjects believed that herb medicine was quite efficacious for treatment of some diseases, particularly by information handed down through time-honored tradition and experience. However, they recognized that the efficacy of folk medicine can vary with type and severity of diseases. Statistical significance was among sex, educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 7) The reason why subjects believed that pray and superstition are effective for treatment of certain type of diseases, particularly in neuropathy, was the belief in God's almighty. Statistically significant differences were found among sex, educational level, regions and economic standard (p<0.05). 8) Most of subjects under same condition preferred western medicine because they believed that it is more scientific and prompts in showing therapeutic effect. Statistical significance was not found in the choice of type of public health service among, regions. But significant differences were found among sex, educational level and region (p<0.05). 9) The subjects looked for pharmacy if they thought the symptom was mild. However, they visited hospitals for chronic disease and general hospitals for emergency treatment. Statistical significances were found among educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 10) Although most of students wanted to have a healthy life as for the component of health standard and value, they think that they are not healthy (p<0.05). As for the health behavior, significant difference was found in the proportion of smoking and drinking between educational level and region (p<0.05). The health locus was affected by educational level, and health behavior was influenced by region, sex and educational level. The utilization of type of public health service was influenced by family type and region, and health belief by region and educational level, and the health values by region and economic standard respectively, most of correlation showed statistical significance. Among them, the highest correlation was seen between locus of control and external/internal locus of control, which is quite obvious. The correlation between health belief and behavior was the next highest, but still low (0.343). All the other variables are low but significant except only a few of those. These findings indicate that health education should be incorporated into the curriculum so as to develop desirable health habit, and ability of self-control in accordance with their growth stages. A systematic and scientific understanding on the herb/folk medicine is needed, and greater reliability of the utilization of public health services are is still required. Health policy for equal distribution of health service throughout the country along the hierarchical health service system and complementary mutual assistance and cooperation among various health organizations are also required.

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Factors affecting the Organizational Commitment of Industrial Accident Hospital Employees by Job Category (병원 구성원들의 직종별 조직몰입의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Bang, Yong-Joo;Ha, Ho-Wook;Sohn, Tae-Yong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.24-56
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of socio-demographic, organizational culture, organizational conflict and organizational commitment, and to examine the interrelation of influential factors in the organizational commitment. The data for this study were collected through a self-administrated survey with a structured questionnaire to 1,027 subjects from several medical doctor staff members, nursing staff members, administration staff members, pharmacist, and technical expert of eleven hospitals. The data were collected by self-reporting questionnaire from July 29 to September 7, 2002. In this analysis frequency test, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression were used. The main results of this research is as following; 1. According to socio-demographic characteristics the respondents' level of the organizational commitment was higher in a administration staff members than others, for males than females, and for employees aged more than forty, as working for longer time, and as higher level of the working position. 2. According to the organizational culture characteristics the progressive culture, affiliative culture, and task-focused culture among many types of organizational culture were moderately and positively correlated with the level of the organizational commitment while the hierarchical culture was negatively correlated. 3. According to the organizational conflict characteristics as the respondents who got less conflict experience in the organization, their level of the organizational commitment was higher. And, technical conflict experiences were expressed greater than hierarchical conflict experiences. 4. According to the job satisfaction characteristics as his or her satisfaction that is about the promotion, working itself, salary, and fellowship in the organizational was higher, the level of the organizational commitment was higher. The most important factor of the satisfactions was the fellowship among the respondents while the level of job satisfaction for the promotion and salary was average. 5. Overall, according to the result of Multiple Regression as older age and longer working hours, the level of the organizational commitment was higher and as a higher level of the satisfaction for the promotion, working itself, salary, and fellowship in the organization, it caused more effective factors for the organizational commitment. 6. According to the result of Multiple Regression for the doctor staff members in special hospitals rather than general hospitals the hierarchical culture and task focused culture was positively correlated with the satisfaction of working itself while hierarchical conflict factors in the organizational conflict characteristics was negatively correlated with the organizational commitment. For the nursing staff members the affiliative culture and the job satisfaction for the promotion, working itself, salary, and fellowship were positively correlated with the organizational commitment. For the administration staff members as the job satisfaction for the fellowship was positively correlated with the organizational commitment. For medical and pharmacy staff members as more working experience, correlation with the organizational commitment was positive. Besides, as he or she has a high perception of the affiliative culture, it caused statistically more effective factors for the organizational commitment. For the skill and technicians, male worker expressed greater organizational commitment in the organization than female worker. And also older age along with higher education also showed higher organizational commitment. Moreover, the job satisfaction for the fellowship was positively correlated with the organizational commitment. This study identified the major effective factors of the organizational commitment and analyzed the differences among the job category. In that respect, it is significant for the study to be able to provide a reference for managing hospital of industrial accident and organizational development. However, this study has a problem, which is not to identify a valuable model for examining the relationship between organizational factors such as organizational culture, conflict, satisfaction, and commitment. Therefore, further study is needed and strengthened in the field of organizational commitment for hospital for industrial accident.

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A Study on Rhymes of Herbal Medicine in Yosandangsinjipeuibangkeumnangjibo during Late Joseon Period (조선후기 의서 『낙산당신집의방금낭지보(樂山堂新集醫方錦囊至寶)』 수재(收載) 약성가(藥性歌)에 대한 연구)

  • KEUM, Yujeong;YOO, Misun;EOM, Dongmyung;SONG, Jichung
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2019
  • The medical book Yosandangsinjipeuibangkeumnangjibo (『樂山堂新集醫方錦囊至寶』, below as Yosandang, 『樂山堂』) is housed in the Handok museum of Medicine and Pharmacy. At the end of the Yosandang, written in manuscript, contains a rhymes of herbal medicine (藥性歌). The rhymes of herbal medicine is a record of song form about herbal medicine. Song-forms were widely used because they were easy to sing and memorize. In particular, there are many records of song forms in Korean medical books, which have been used in various fields such as herbal medicines, acupuncture points, and diagnosis. Although Yosandang is not a widely known medical book, it is meaningful in that it shows a cross section of late Joseon Korean medicine. So, this paper considers rhymes of herbal medicine in Yosandang. Yosandang is a medical book of the late Joseon period written by doctor Byun Gwangwon in 1806. This book consists of 6 books and 14 volumes, 13 of which are rhymes of herbal medicine. The rhymes of herbal medicine in Yosandang is 7 words-2 phrases form for the first time in Korea. This is almost 80 years earlier than the same form of Bangyakhabpyeon (『方藥合編』). The first part of rhymes of herbal medicine in Yosandang is considered to refer to the rhymes of herbal medicine in Jejungsinpyeon (『濟衆新編』), and the last part seems to be based on the contents of Donguibogam (『東醫寶鑑』). In other words, rhymes of herbal medicine in Yosandang could be considered as the result of trying to contain herbal medicine knowledge as a new 7 words-2 phrases form based on the Jejungsinpyeon (『濟衆新編』) and Donguibogam (『東醫寶鑑』). Unlike the previous rhymes of herbal medicine made during the compilation of medical books led by the late Joseon government, the rhymes of herbal medicine in Yosandang is a new type of rhymes created based on individual efforts in the early 19th century. It has a medicine historical significance in that it can show some aspects of Korean medicine in the late Joseon period.

A Study of Task and Approach for the Insurance Fee Application of Packed Medical Herbs (첩약의 보험급여 적용을 위한 과제 및 접근방안에 대한 연구)

  • Park Yong-Sin;Cho Byung-Hee;Kim Ho;Lee Si-Baek
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2003
  • We met results like the followings through the literatures and questionnaires about the tasks and solutions about the insurance fee of packed medical herbs. 1) It's turned out that 74.8% of herb doctors agrees to the insurance fee of packed medical herbs. However, in comparison with the same survey of the herb doctor association the percentage of general approval went somewhat lower, and especially the percentage of 'positive approval' became notably lower$(43.7%{\rightarrow}26.5%)$ and the percentage of 'active objection' raised about 2 times$(6.8%{\rightarrow}12.9%)$. Inquiring into the approval reasons on the insurance fee application of packed medical herbs some heads such as 'development toward treatment medical science' and 'decrease of publics burden' were higher than the one of 'management income and expenditure.' 2) As a result of the research, 36.0% of the patients and 42.8% of the residents recognized that the pay range of Chinese herb health insurance is narrow. They recognized that less people have the experiences of Chinese medical hospital use and internal application of the packed medical herbs as they are older, men rather than women. 85.4% of the patients and 74.9% of the residents agreed on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs. It's shown that they agree on the Chinese medical hospital use more as the economic standard is lower, on the insurance pay as they have ever taken the packed medical herbs. In the aspect of increase of insurance fee, 66.7% of the patients and 44.3% of the residents agreed on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs, and 18.1% and 36.1% disagreed on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs. The main objective reason why they disagree on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs was 'because the insurance fee goes up higher,' which answered 95.2% of the patients and 78.8% of the residents. 7.22% of the patients and 1.80% of the residents answered that they can pay more insurance fee in case of the insurance pay of packed medical herbs. However, in the priority order of the insurance pay, it hold the 5th position between 2 target research groups which was less than medical examination, charges for hospital accommodation and taking MRI. 3) According to the result of analysis about the cost of packed medical herbs, current practice price is 115,000 won and the average prime cost of a packed medical herb is 73,000 to 106,000 won. It's examined that the herb doctors regard that 95,000 won will be reasonable when the packed medical herb is payed in insurance. However, it was found out that the public generally thinks that the price would be appropriate on the level of 30,000 to 40,000 won and the percentage of the answers of 20,000 won to 30,000 was fairly high. 4) the central system of a prescription should be change into the central system of demonstration and the sick and wounded. 5) To solve this problem, the government should regulate it to pass by the circulation gradation of [importer, $peasantry{\rightarrow}manufacturer{\rightarrow}wholesaler{\rightarrow}distributor$(Chinese medical hospital, pharmacy dispensary of Chinese medicine)]And it should intervene into the quality and the circulation steps of Chinese medicine through 'the office or organization which is in charge of certification of Chinese medicine' and 'the office or organization which is in charge of the circulation of Chinese medicine.' And some actions such as simple severance, lavation, drying should be included into the conception of manufacture and the boundary between food and medical supplies should be made at a manufactory. And the regulation of standardized goods at one's own house should be improved so that, the peasantry can sell the materials of Chinese medicine only to the manufacturer. 6) In company with the insurance pay of packed medical herbs, the study about the separation of dispensary from medical practice in the Chinese medicine should be accomplished.

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