• Title/Summary/Keyword: distributed watershed model

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Mitigation Effect of Watershed Land Use due to Riparian Vegetation on Stream Water Quality (수변림으로 인한 유역 토지이용이 하천 수질에 미치는 관계 완화효과 연구)

  • Hyeonil Kwon;Jong-Won Lee;Sang Woo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.320-329
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    • 2022
  • Urban areas in watersheds increase the impervious surface, and agricultural areas deteriorate the water quality of rivers due to the use of fertilizers. As such, anthropogenic land use affects the type, intensity and quantity of land use and is closely related to the amount of substances and nutrients discharged to nearby streams. Riparian vegetation reduce the concentration of pollutants entering the watershed and mitigate the negative impacts of land use on rivers. This study analyzes the data through correlation analysis and regression analysis through point data measured twice a year in spring and autumn in 21 selected damaged tributary rivers within the Han River area, and then uses a structural equation model to determine the area land use. In the negative impact on water quality, the mitigation effect of riparian vegetation was estimated. As a result of the correlation analysis, the correlation between the agricultural area and water quality was stronger than that of the urban area, and the area ratio of riparian vegetation showed a negative correlation with water quality. As a result of the regression analysis, it was found that agricultural areas had a negative effect on water quality in all models, but the results were not statistically significant in the case of urban areas. As a result of the model estimated through the structural equation, BOD, COD, TN, and TP showed a mitigation effect due to the accumulation effect of river water quality through riparian vegetation in agricultural areas, but the effect of riparian vegetation through riparian vegetation was found in urban areas. There was no These results were interpreted as having a fairly low distribution rate in urban areas, and in the case of the study area, there was no impact due to riparian forests due to the form of scattered and distributed settlements rather than high-density urbanized areas. The results of this study were judged to be unreasonable to generalize by analyzing the rivers where most of the agricultural areas are distributed, and a follow-up to establish a structural equation model by expanding the watershed variables in urban areas and encompassing the variables of various factors affecting water quality research is required.

Effects of Subwatershed Delineation on SWAT Estimation (소유역구분이 SWAT 예측치에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Heo, Seong-Gu;Kim, Gi-Seong;An, Jae-Hun;Im, Gyeong-Jae;Choe, Jung-Dae
    • KCID journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.262-273
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    • 2006
  • The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model has been widely used in hydrology and sediment simulation worldwide. In most cases, the SWAT model is first calibrated with adjustments in model parameters, and then the validation is performed. However, very little study regarding the effects on SWAT estimation of subwatershed delineation was performed. Thus, the SWAT model was applied to the Doam-dam watershed with various threshold values in subwatershed delineation in this study to examine the effects on the number of subwatershed delineated on SWAT estimation. It was found the flow effect of subwatershed delineation is negligible. However there were huge variations in SWAT estimated sediment, T-N, and T-P values with the use of various threshold value in watershed delineation. Sometimes these variations due to watershed delineation are beyond the effects of parameter adjustment in model calibration and validation. The SWAT is a semi-distributed modeling system, thus, the subwatershed characteristics are assumed to be the same for all Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU) within that subwatershed. This assumption leads to variations in the SWAT estimated sediment and nutrient output values. Therefore, it is strongly recommended the SWAT users need to use the HUR specific slope length and slope value in model runs, instead of using the slope and the corresponding slope length of the subawatershed to exclude the effects of the number of subwatershed delineated on the SWAT estimation.

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HSPF Modeling for Identifying Runoff Reduction Effect of Nonpoint Source Pollution by Rice Straw Mulching on Upland Crops (볏짚 피복에 의한 밭 비점원오염 저감효과 분석을 위한 HSPF 모델링)

  • Jung, Chung-Gil;Park, Jong-Yoon;Lee, Hyung-Jin;Choi, Joong-Dae;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • This study is to assess the reduction of non-point source pollution loads for rice straw surface covering of upland crop cultivation at a watershed scale. For Byulmi-cheon watershed ($1.21km^2$) located in the upstream of Gyeongancheon, the HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran), a physically based distributed hydrological model was applied. Before evaluation, the model was calibrated and validated using 9 rainfall events. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) for streamflow was 0.62~0.78 and the NSE for water quality (Sediment, T-N, and T-P) were 0.68, 0.60, and 0.58 respectively. From the field experiment of 16 rainfall events, the rice straw covering reduced surface runoff average 10 % compared to normal surface condition. By handling infiltration parameter (INFILT) in the model, the value of 16.0 mm/hr was found to reduce about 10 % reduction of surface runoff. For this condition, the reduction effect of Sediment, T-N, and T-P loads were 87.2, 28.5, and 85.1 % respectively. The rice straw surface covering was effective for removing surface runoff dependent loads such as Sediment and T-P.


  • Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2001
  • A grid-based KIneMatic wave soil-water EROsion and deposition Model(KIMEROM) that predicts temporal variation and spatial distribution of sediment transport in a watershed was developed. This model uses ASCII-formatted map data supported from the regular gridded map of GRASS (U.S. Army CERL, 1993)-GIS(Geographic Information Systems), and generates the distributed results by ASCII-formatted map data. For hydrologic process, the kinematic wave equation and Darcy equation were used to simulated surface and subsurface flow, respectively (Kim, 1998; Kim et al., 1998). For soil erosion process, the physically-based soil erosion concept by Rose and Hairsine (1988) was used to simulate soil-water erosion and deposition. The model adopts single overland flowpath algorithm and simulates surface and subsurface water depth, and sediment concentration at each grid element for a given time increment. The model was tested to a 162.3 $\textrm{km}^2$ watershed located in the tideland reclaimed ares of South Korea. After the hydrologic calibration for two storm events in 1999, the results of sediment transport were presented for the same storm events. The results of temporal variation and spatial distribution of overland flow and sediment areas are shown using GRASS.

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Grid-Based Soil-Water Erosion and Deposition Modeling sing GIS and RS

  • Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2001
  • A grid-based KIneMatic wave soil-water EROsion and deposition Model (KIMEROM) that predicts temporal variation and spatial distribution of sediment transport in a watershed was developed. This model uses ASCII-formatted map data supported from the regular gridded map of GRASS (U.S. Army CERL, 1993)-GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and generates the distributed results by ASCIIl-formatted map data. For hydrologic process, the kinematic wave equation and Darcy equation were used to simulate surface and subsurface flow, respectively (Kim, 1798; Kim et al., 1993). For soil erosion process, the physically-based soil erosion concept by Rose and Hairsine (1988) was used to simulate soil-water erosion and deposition. The model adopts sing1e overland flowpath algorithm and simulates surface and subsurface water depth, and sediment concentration at each grid element (or a given time increment. The model was tested to a 162.3 km$^2$ watershed located in the tideland reclaimed area of South Korea. After the hydrologic calibration for two storm events in 1999, the results of sediment transport were presented for the same storm events. The results of temporal variation and spatial distribution of overland flow and sediment areas are shown using GRASS.

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Simulation of Moving Storm in a Watershed Using A Distributed Model -Model Development- (분포형 모델을 이용한 유역내 이동강우(MOVING STORM)의 유출해석(1) -모델의 개발-)

  • Choe, Gye-Won;Lee, Hui-Seong;An, Sang-Jin
    • Water for future
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1992
  • In this paper for simulating spatially and temporally varied moving storm in a watershed a distributed model was developed. The model is conducted by two major flow simulations which overland flow simulation and channel network flow simulation. Two dimensional continuity equation and momentum equation of kinematic approximation are used in the overland flow simulation. On the other hand, in the channel networks simulation two types of governing equations which are one dimensional continuity and momentum equations between two adjacent sections in a channel, and continuity and energy equations at a channel junction are applied. The finite element formulations were used in the overland flow simulation and the implicit finite difference formulations were used in the channel network simulation. The finite element formulations for the overland flow are analyzed by the Gauss elimination method and the finite difference formulations for the channel network flow are analyzed by the double sweep method having advantages of computational speed and reduced computer storages. Several recurrent coefficient equations for channel network simulation are suggested in the paper.

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Hydrological Analysis in Soyanggang-dam Watershed Using SLURP Model (SLURP 모형을 이용한 유출수문분석 - 소양강댐 유역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lim, Hyuk-Jin;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Jang, Cheol-Hee;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.631-641
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is to test the applicability of SLURP (Semi-distributed Land Use-based Runoff Process) on Soyanggang-dam watershed. SLURP model is a conceptual semi-distributed form model that can be used to examine irrigation plan and the effects of proposed changes in water management within a basin or to see what effects external factors such as climate change or changing land cover might have on various water users. Topographical parameters were derived from DEM using TOPAZ and SLURPAZ. Monthly NDVIs were calculated from multi-temporal NOAA/AVHRR images during four years (1998 ∼ 2001). Weather elements (dew-point temperature, solar radiation, maximum/minimum temperature and relative humidify) were obtained from five meteorological stations within and near the study area. To simulate daily hydrograph during 1998 ∼ 2001, the model parameters of each land cover class were optimized by sensitivity analysis and SCE-UA method. Test result of SLURP was summarized by various statistics method (WMO volume error, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, mean error and coefficient of variation).

Discussion for the Effectiveness of Radar Data through Distributed Storm Runoff Modeling (분포형 홍수유출 모델링을 통한 레이더 강우자료의 효과분석)

  • Ahn, So Ra;Jang, Cheol Hee;Kim, Sang Ho;Han, Myoung Sun;Kim, Jin Hoon;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2013
  • This study is to evaluate the use of dual-polarization radar data for storm runoff modeling in Namgang dam (2,293 $km^2$) watershed using KIMSTORM (Grid-based KIneMatic wave STOrm Runoff Model). The Bisl dual-polarization radar data for 3 typhoons (Khanun, Bolaven, Sanba) and 1 heavy rain event in 2012 were obtained from Han River Flood Control Office. Even the radar data were overall less than the ground data in areal average, the spatio-temporal pattern between the two data was good showing the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) and bias with 0.97 and 0.84 respectively. For the case of heavy rain, the radar data caught the rain passing through the ground stations. The KIMSTORM was set to $500{\times}500$ m resolution and a total of 21,372 cells (156 rows${\times}$137 columns) for the watershed. Using 28 ground rainfall data, the model was calibrated using discharge data at 5 stations with $R^2$, Nash and Sutcliffe Model Efficiency (ME) and Volume Conservation Index (VCI) with 0.85, 0.78 and 1.09 respectively. The calibration results by radar rainfall showed $R^2$, ME and VCI were 0.85, 0.79, and 1.04 respectively. The VCI by radar data was enhanced by 5 %.

Application of Inundation Simulation Model using GIS (GIS를 이용한 침수모의모형의 적용)

  • Kim, Sang-Min;Park, Seung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.314-318
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    • 2001
  • The analysis of the spatial extent of flood inundation is important for flood mitigation. Geographic Information System (GIS) has advantage of analyzing spatial distributed data. Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analsysis System(HEC-RAS) with HEC-GeoRAS was used to analyze flood inundation. HEC-GeoRAS, which is an ArcView GIS extension designed to process geospatial data for HEC-RAS, is a useful tool for storing, managing, analyzing, and displaying spatially distributed data. Rational formula and 24-hr duration probability precipitation data of Suwon meteorological station were used to estimate the flood runoff. And water profiles were calculated using the HEC-RAS model with HEC-GeoRAS. The flooded region is 8.24ha when 50-yr probability precipitation was applied and 8.8ha when 100-yr was applied to Bahlan study watershed which is located in Whasung county, Kyunggi province, having an area of $29.79km^{2}$.

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Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Evaluation of a Distributed Model for Rainfall-Runoff-Soil Erosion-Sediment Transport Modeling in the Naesung Stream Watershed (내성천 유역의 강우-유출-토양침식-유사이송 모의를 위한 분포형 모형의 민감도 분석 및 매개변수 평가)

  • Jeong, Won Jun;Ji, Un
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.12
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    • pp.1121-1134
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    • 2014
  • The distributed watershed model of rainfall-runoff-soil erosion-sedimen transport was constructed for the Naesung Stream Watershed with high potentiality and risk of sediments produced by soil erosion. The sensitivity analyses of roughness coefficient and hydraulic conductivity which affected the modeling results of runoff and sediment concentration were performed in this study. As a result, the change of the roughness coefficient for the forest area from 0.4 to 0.45 did not affect the change in runoff and stream discharge and the average value and range of sediment concentration were also insignificantly increased with few difference. As a result of the sensitivity analysis of the hydraulic conductivity, the total amount of runoff and maximum runoff were gradually increased as the hydraulic conductivity was reduced. In the case of sediment concentration modeling, the average and the range of sediment concentration for all stations were increased as the hydraulic conductivity was decreased. For the Hyangseok Station, in case of the hydraulic conductivity reduced by 50%, the simulation result of sediment concentration was most similar to the estimated value by the sediment rating curve.